
Civil unrest over Covid lockdown in Lansing

avatar for Lone_Wolf

Protesters blocking traffic.

Subra - I think this was expected



last comment
avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

Good looking crowd y'all got there

avatar for Lone_Wolf
4 yrs ago

Lol. Go to Michigan it's like teleporting back to the 1980's

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

Those are probably redneck rightwing militias they have in that area

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

It was nice to see Americans protesting instead of progressives.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Democrats are trying to figure out how it can be a protest since no one was stabbed; no stores were looted; nothing was burned and there was peaceful assembly.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
4 yrs ago

I'm glad they are protesting and hope it spreads. We need to keep the pressure on the gov to come up with some type of game plan.

Fuck, we'd still be in Vietnam if the hippies didn't protest.

avatar for Subraman
4 yrs ago

"Those are probably redneck rightwing militias they have in that area"

Looked like it. The gun and Confederate flags set lol. Between you and I, those are my peeps, but we have different perspectives on this one. LW, it was definitely expected... eventually. Not when you guys predicted it 4 weeks ago, but yes, if things aren't lifted, those incorrect predictions will definitely work themselves around to be correct. Doesn't take a genius to figure the furthest right and restless young people first. Still, with national support at 70%, we're talking at a relatively small minority... for now. The longer it goes on, the more people start squirming, which is why squandering these last few weeks instead of preparing for test&trace, etc., was such a disservice to the American people.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ funny I don’t remember the hippies being such a fat, armed bunch but who knows maybe these are yippies. 😊

avatar for RandomMember
4 yrs ago

Thanks for another (unintentional) laugh, @LoneWolf. That picture could win a Pulitzer. If I had to imagine the Trump whack-job resistance to the lockdown it would look just like that: a bunch of fat, impotent-looking, middle-aged, white guys toting assault rifles. lol!

avatar for rickdugan
4 yrs ago

===> "I'm glad they are protesting and hope it spreads. We need to keep the pressure on the gov to come up with some type of game plan."

IMO the longer this goes on, the more that this will spread. People will only tolerate being forcibly made helpless for so long and I agree that this is good. Some Governors need to be reminded that civil liberties still matter, even during a health scare.

Look at places like NY and MD, where they are now mandating face masks in public, among other things. What's next? Look at CA, where the governor laid out a ridiculous and unrealistic laundry list of conditions needed to open, including many that smacked of ongoing state monitoring and/or control.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died over the centuries to earn and protect our liberties. It is scary when one health scare makes so many behave like sheep and eagerly offer them up in exchange for a little more safety. Thank goodness for our Constitution and for people willing to light the spark when government starts going too far. Thank goodness also for a President and certain state Governors who chose to exercise more thoughtful restraint in their responses to COVID-19.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
4 yrs ago

Protest breaking out in NC too.


avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ There were certainly representatives in that crowd wearing face masks, a bit too small in my opinion but still LOL

avatar for sinclair
4 yrs ago

Gretchen Half-Whitmer is putting Michigan in the win column for Trump.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Progressives are the opposite side of the coin from the people they hate; like looking in a mirror; its you; just opposite.

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

i like protestors,,,an american right... we have a rights but in 90% of other countries in the world they would be shot ....no human right ..,if it was in china....the tanks would roll over them

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 yrs ago

This is the 300k+ Facebook group that organized that bullshit. I am so ashamed of and embarrassed for my home state.

Group is called Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine.


avatar for jackslash
4 yrs ago

The Darwin Award winners of Michigan.

avatar for rickdugan
4 yrs ago

Wiffle, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming that you don't know why people are objecting. here is an article that discusses the new executive order.


Simply put, she's gone too far and part of it is more political than necessary. You can only push people so far before they push back.

avatar for TFP
4 yrs ago

@bdirect OMG you just reminded me of a memory I will never forget! I was watching some video of a Chinese protest on the news back in about 1990. One protester laid down in the path of a tank like the the tank operator was gonna stop. Man that tank kept up at the same slow but steady speed and then right when it was about two feet away he jumped up hella fast and got out of the way. My dad and I were laughing for like 30 minutes straight over the clip. Shit would have ran his ass smooth the fuck over and probably would have kept on going like nothing.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Already seeing articles in fake news mainstream press about how we'll be subjected to rolling lockdowns until 2022. Anyone wondering when the printing of fake moeny to pay for all of this will cause the entire house of cards to crash down? Uncle Joe Biden the groping Grandpa will save us though........

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Do a search on Lansing protest. NBC and their ilk show the same pictures of a small group of scary guys with guns and swastikas. However, there are other images that show the larger group is a cross section of Americans. No guns. Minorities. Men and women of all ages.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

In Raleigh, NC the police have been told to arrest anyone protesting. Just to be clear, they are not violating any social distancing requirements. It is their opposition to the government that is their only crime.

avatar for Cristobal
4 yrs ago

Not sure which is worse:

The title of this discussion: "Civil Unrest Over Covid Lockdown In Lansing" or the title of the article ""Protesters in Lansing, Michigan are out in full force after Gov. Whitmer extended and expanded strict social distancing rules"

There were protesters mostly (lamely) honking the car horns and a few protesters walking around shouting something, looked like a typical business day with people honking there horns while grinding along home in traffic.

There was no Civil unrest or protesters out in full force, more media (and TUSCL) exaggeration.

avatar for JAprufrock
4 yrs ago

More power to them! Hopefully they'll continue until they catch COVID-19.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

Well - supposedly Michigan is one of the worst hit states - I assume maybe most of it in Detroit but IDK

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 yrs ago

Nah, they're mad because they can't garden. Seriously. As soon as gardening stuff was closed off in the stores there, people began to bitch. She's doing it for the greater good. My friends at grocery stores said people were loitering and not actually shopping.

avatar for Electronman
4 yrs ago

If anyone is advocating for Michigan or any other state to eliminate its social distancing efforts and reopen businesses then that person needs to step up and say two things: 1) I value "business as usual" more than human lives (including the lives of my family and loved ones) and 2) I'll accept responsibility for any uptick in COVID infections and deaths that emerge with less restrictive measures.

Alternatively, if the protesters and the right wing politicians who are making lots of noise about restrictions can offer a set of guidelines that will simultaneously protect human lives and allow businesses to reopen, then do it! I have not heard a well-reasoned plan to reopen the economy while still protecting against the spread of COVID. i think the saying is: "Lead, follow or get out of the way."

That said, a more nuanced set of guidelines would be well advised in Michigan and other states. The goal is to reduce the transmission of the virus. Metro Detroit has been hit hard (the vast majority of COVID deaths and infection in Michigan are located in the three county area surrounding Detroit). That area would be a candidate for more extreme social distancing and containment policies than other more rural areas of Michigan. Also, a number of businesses should be reopened but with guidelines on how to operate in a manner that limits the spread of COVID-19. The same goes for activities (e.g., boating and golfing) that should be allowed to occur as long a social distancing guidelines are honored. One size does NOT fit all.

These are tough decisions with serious consequences on either side of each and every decision. While I don't agree with Whitmer on everything, at least she is communicating effectively (health and public safety are the driving values) and she is making her best effort to protect the health of the state residents. She is a refreshing contrast to the ineptitude and self serving pony show by Trump and his band of sycophants (Anthony Fauci, excluded).

The return to life as normal? Don't count on that before we 1) develop a more robust testing capacity to screen for infections (some of which are asymptomatic), 2) develop and disseminate a vaccine and 3) develop more effective treatments. This could take a while!

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

She's doing it for the greater good, just like Mussolini got the trains to run on time. Hope you government drones understand that this is the beginning of a permanent loss of rights and not the end. Tip of the iceberg future slaves.

avatar for rickdugan
4 yrs ago

===> "Nah, they're mad because they can't garden. Seriously. As soon as gardening stuff was closed off in the stores there, people began to bitch. She's doing it for the greater good."

This notion that you can go into Walmart and buy groceries, but can't grab a bag of mulch or a bath towel while you're there, is ridiculous.

She's not doing it for the greater good. She's doing it because there is a sense among some blue state liberals that it is unfair that big box stores can continue to sell this stuff while smaller Mom and Pop stores have to stay closed. A few other areas also enacted this crap for exactly the same reason, figuring that increased suffering among the greater population was preferable to letting big box stores "get one over" on their smaller competitors.

Well, I hope she enjoyed her little social experiment moment, because the people of Michigan are not going to forget this in November.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Its nothing more than petty, stupid, liberals with too much power. Thios way they can cover up the fact that the hardest hit areas are run by Democrats or Rinos.

avatar for DrStab
4 yrs ago

Events like this illustrate why Michigan will always be a third-world state — and I live there! Dumb-ass Trumpsters, country idiots, and left wing snowflakes everywhere.

avatar for Longball300
4 yrs ago

She went overboard in my opinion. To tell people they have to stay home and can't paint the spare bedroom while they are there is idiotic. Stores in Ohio are having no issues with this. Limiting the number of people in the store if necessary (have only seen one line at Costco), encouraging distancing and face masks, hand sanitizer everywhere..... was in Lowe's yesterday, no problem; Grand total of 30 people in the store. I've moved on from painting to my first laminate flooring install. Does she expect a sane person to sit around all day watching Netflix?

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

Stands to reason people getting upset we now are finding out that Ivanka, Jared and their children attended a family Seder in the Bedminster NJ club yet everyone else in NJ and DC are on lockdown

avatar for Lone_Wolf
4 yrs ago

Ha! I wonder how they will spin that. They always think of something

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ just watch for a mark94 or RickiBoi talking point they’ll tell you it’s not true and fake news

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

UK is extending coronavirus lockdown measures by at least three weeks

avatar for bkkruined
4 yrs ago

Well, I'm not in Michigan... And have only listened to national news... And generally support the whole stay at home rules... But what they discussed on the new sounded, well, dumb.

dunno how accurate this dude was, but stated you could go to home depot and buy sheetrock, but not paint? Sounds dumb.

And gardening? um, FOOD SUPPLY???? because some people do grow vegetables!!!!

But then I tried to stop by home depot yesterday (toilet is leaking) and, there's like 100 people standing in line to get in. So, yay, they are enforcing social distancing!!! Boo... There's no way that many freaking people all had some emergency repair. They're all out there trying to find some bullshit excuse to get themselves out of the house. Should just go take a walk, have a circle jerk in movie theater parking lot. dumbasses.

That most of the "protesters" stayed in their cars and practiced social distances, the governer should really listen and respond with something. But those jackasses in the picture shoulder to shoulder with assault rifles? Well, I read yesterday that stats for pre existing conditions show obesity as the highest risk... They probably won't be protesting this long term.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

These protests aren't spontaneous, they are political in nature, and being organized by various right wing groups.

avatar for rickdugan
4 yrs ago

^ Almost no protest is spontaneous. There is always a guiding hand behind them. But to get good attendance there still needs to be enough people who agree that it is worth doing.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ Or misinformed enough to follow the lemmings over the cliff

avatar for rickdugan
4 yrs ago

^ Ah, that's right 25, I forgot that you were smarter than everyone else, better able to determine whether their civil liberties are worth defending than they are themselves. Thanks for the reminder. 😉

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ Actually that was you RickiBoi the smartest idiot in the joint

You seem to forget that everyone has civil liberties, just because you disagree doesn't give you more rights than everyone. It's the right of everyone else to go about their business without a bunch of aggrieved losers, blocking their way and causing a ruckus at a time of great peril.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ BTW how do you feel about Jared, Ivanka, kids, and family having a Seder at the Bedminster, N.J. club at a time when ordinary citizens are not able to do the same, or is the Trump extended family entitled to more privileges than us ordinary mortals ?

avatar for JamesSD
4 yrs ago

They need to just get in line with the California model. Home Depot is open. You can buy whatever at Walmart and Target. It's spring, people are fixing up their yards. Target and Walmart have curbside pickup.

I'm a big fan of social distancing, but the European model of locking everyone up doesn't make sense to me.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Yeah fuck people having a religious ceremony; the Democrat Mayor of Chicago had to get a haircut cuz she's so fucking important and needs to look good. saw her pic and wondered why she didn't choose a paper bag over her head to improve her looks. yeah the right wing can't organize proptests but we pay fucking thuigs, oops community advocates welfare so they can loot, burn and riot when they protest. Organized by the same people who brought us Bernie "I never had a piece of legislation passed in my life" Sanders, with nitiowts called Democrats in attendance. Progressives are looking to blame normal people for the fact that 90% of the places with corona are controlled by Democrats. Love seeing Americans protesting in Michigan.

avatar for bkkruined
4 yrs ago

"homes being broken into in Brooklyn"


Really, just sit back and think about that statement...

As if something like that has never happened before!!!

I mean, it's BROOKLYN!!!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

"No sleep till Brooklyn"

avatar for wallanon
4 yrs ago

"I sing in revelry

I got my own conspiracies

What hides in shadows? Oh yeah

Junkies on a high

Get back, lay down, go low

Subdivision smile

Drink it in, dumb it down, suck it up

As we watch the world burn..."

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

These idiots are marching disease vectors not freedom fighters . Sheesh what a bunch of useless morons.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Yes Democrats are useless morons. Only seven sexual assault allegations against Biden and it takes the NYT 19 days to mention it. Real news source lol.

avatar for rickdugan
4 yrs ago

25, marching disease vectors? Don't be such a pussy, lol.

Also, putting aside the stupidity of blaming a protest for keeping people from their business during a lockdown in the capital district, lmao, are you now saying that nobody has a right to protest at any time? That's a radical position to take and rather contrary to our First Amendment rights, which I've linked below for your continuing education.


avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Government banning protests resulted in the boston massacre and the American Revolution.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

The first amendment has limits. You always hear you’re not allowed to yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater because it will endanger others. You may disagree as to whether the protest endangered people to spread the virus, but those protests are not 💯 protected.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

I’ve come to the conclusion that some of you are severely lying, if not to yourselves about your propensity for stupidity or to others as in bragging about flouting the rules during an epidemic.

Dugan everyone is a pussy compared to your idiotic selfish behavior but you son show by your own actions that you have little regard for the welfare of your wife and children.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
4 yrs ago

@25 For me it is skepticism. What did the experts say about Vietnam, cold war, Iraq, y2k, AIDS...etc etc

Whatever we think our reality is right now during a panic will look totally different a year from now.

I am reluctant to give away massive freedom under the guise of saving lives.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ be as skeptical as you like, meanwhile there is an emergency that we need to get through ,

There will be plenty of time to hold people to account, now is not that time.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
4 yrs ago

Have to disagree with you. Freedom is rarely given back once lost.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ What freedom is being lost you Trump folks are always coming up with straw men ?

This is a stupid argument if I’m wrong you’re still fine if you wrong I might be dead.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
4 yrs ago

@25 - if you don't see the loss of freedom to travel, shop, congregate etc....I worry about you ability to be objective. Not everything is red or blue.

Look at the freedom we have up for the war on drugs yet drugs are easier to get than ever.

It about setting a precedent. The amount of freedom that could be taken away from us under the guise of saving lives is endless.

Your car emits pollution. Pollution kills millions. You should only be allowed to drive to work and the store.

avatar for rickdugan
4 yrs ago

LW, don't expect to change 25's mind. As we've cataloged over many months on this site, 25 has spent a lifetime showing no loyalty or regard to anyone or anything but himself and his immediate wants. You're not going to change an old dog now, especially a feeble and scared one.

avatar for Musterd21
4 yrs ago


avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ There always were constraints on freedom , let’s look at this from a different perspective your freedom to swing your arms ends before the tip of my nose and always will

You’re never going to have absolutely no constraints on you even free speech is not an absolute right to incite others to commit illegal actions

And as far as your car is concerned there is regulations regarding what you can drive where you can drive it, and how much pollution will be allowed to emit

As far as drugs are available there’s more freedom than there was marijuana is legal in many locations

The way I see it we have more freedoms and choices available than in the good old days, it just seems to me that we got a bunch that aren’t keeping up with the times so they’re falling behind and you have politicians that are skilled at exploiting that

You are free to use technology to congregate there’s no one stopping you from being in touch with any one you’d like

Shopping anything you desire is available through technology as well

Travel will be back when enough people think it’s safe until that happens you’re stuck in your spot, but I’m much more confident than you that this will end and you’ll be on your way again.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Our rights do not come from government. Our rights are inherent and limited only to the extent that people voluntarily surrender them in the interest of civil harmony. The government cannot restrict our rights without the consent of the people.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

"... Our rights do not come from government ..."

In theory - yes

avatar for wallanon
4 yrs ago

"Look at the freedom we have up for the war on drugs yet drugs are easier to get than ever."

The war on drugs was a slogan.

avatar for dirtyburt
4 yrs ago

Remember the constitution is designed to limit the powers of government, not the people.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

California has created a task force for reopening the economy. They have a grand vision for sustainability, diversity, and all that other good stuff. Meanwhile, Texas is just opening shit up.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Government serves the people, not the other way around. When you are inducted into the military you do not swear fealty to the Government, the Commander in Chief or any political party. You swear to defend the CONSTITUTION

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago


Is this fake news also ?

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

^ For you, it’s always about Trump. Businesses across the world are laying off employees. It would be news if his companies weren’t laying off employees.

avatar for JamesSD
4 yrs ago

Because I love freedom and the Constitution I will vote out the current President and anyone who supports him.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

For you it’s always about Trump<

He makes it about himself every time he opens his mouth, if I were Joe Biden I’d be invoking the equal time rule about those so called press conferences where he blatantly tries to make each and every afternoon a campaign rally

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

Many anti-Trumpers think Trump is the devil, as if most politicians were saints - IMO the biggest reason Trump is in office is b/c of the sad-state of the political-establishment - I'll take Trump and his many-faults over the avg self-serving two-faced politician that often doesn't get shit done but often personally better themselves while in office.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

There are a thousand people working nonstop in the Whitehouse trying to stop CoVid.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is hiding in his basement while Nancy Pelosi eats luxury ice cream in her SF mansion.

Small businesses need SBA loans to survive but Pelosi won’t let the House even consider it.

avatar for Dominic77
4 yrs ago

There have been lines at the gun stores around here, at that start of the COVID-19 lockdown when the shortages started and even recently. So I do wonder about the civil unrest as this lockdown keeps going on. The health department and the politicians doing this had been hope they are right and it was worth it.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

Look at the sign this moron is holding:


avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

I saw it on TV and looked it up online - IDK what VOX is

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