QQ: are physical descriptions of dancers in reviews a no-no or encouraged?

In a review I'm drafting, for a dancer that I think gave above and beyond club norms for contact during a lap dance, should I describe her? I know names are a no-no, unless a ROB. Is that club intel for fellow club hounds? Or could I potentially cause her drama if someone could ID her from my description?
last comment@warrior, um, OK, (no homo) are you asking for pics of me or the dancer? I don't have the latter. So, um, yeah.
@flagooner, that's what I thought. And I know what to do.
@vajmon, I'll describe the ladies, absolutely. I just won't match the description of the above and beyond high mileage girl (waay above club norms). I just read my review, and I think my description of her physical appearance was too detailed. So I got worried. D.R. cattiness, et al.
Thx, guys!
As long as the girl can't get in trouble, there's nothing wrong with giving specific details about a woman's appearance. You're not using her real name (or apparently even her stage name in this case) and you're not going to get a very clear picture of a girl just from a short written description, so describe away. Now if she could get in trouble and your description can clearly out her, then a little discretion in either description (acts or physical appearance or both) could be called for.
In my opinion - if you describe a girl too much - it will cause more trouble than good. The more specific you are - the easier it would be for management to identify the dancer (which probably isn’t good). It can also give the socially inept mongers enough info to go directly to a dancer and ask for the same treatment that she gave to Dominic77 from tuscl.
You can also describe a dancer w/o necessarily giving her away - e.g. "she was just my type, blond and slender" - vs "she had a tattoo of a red-rose on her right-hip"