
QQ: are physical descriptions of dancers in reviews a no-no or encouraged?

avatar for Dominic77
Cleveland, Ohio

In a review I'm drafting, for a dancer that I think gave above and beyond club norms for contact during a lap dance, should I describe her? I know names are a no-no, unless a ROB. Is that club intel for fellow club hounds? Or could I potentially cause her drama if someone could ID her from my description?



last comment
avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

probably non descriptive might be safer. butt also not as fun.

avatar for Warrior15
6 yrs ago

Do you have any nude photos you could share ?

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

Use common sense

avatar for vajmon
6 yrs ago

IMHO physical descriptions of dancers are the most important part of a review. If I don't know what the ladies look like (young, old, fat, fit, tattoos, etc) how do I know if I want to go there or not.

avatar for TFP
6 yrs ago

If the description is a dead give away then don't do it. Describe the dance if you want but don't identify her.

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago

@justme, I think that's what PMs are used for? I dunno. Not as fun, I agree.

@warrior, um, OK, (no homo) are you asking for pics of me or the dancer? I don't have the latter. So, um, yeah.

@flagooner, that's what I thought. And I know what to do.

@vajmon, I'll describe the ladies, absolutely. I just won't match the description of the above and beyond high mileage girl (waay above club norms). I just read my review, and I think my description of her physical appearance was too detailed. So I got worried. D.R. cattiness, et al.

Thx, guys!

avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
6 yrs ago

Names are fine. Physical descriptions are more than fine. Explicit descriptions of acts performed not so fine. Without names and descriptions, might as well be one of the dozens of generic club reviews we now get to vote on every day.


avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 yrs ago

^ This

As long as the girl can't get in trouble, there's nothing wrong with giving specific details about a woman's appearance. You're not using her real name (or apparently even her stage name in this case) and you're not going to get a very clear picture of a girl just from a short written description, so describe away. Now if she could get in trouble and your description can clearly out her, then a little discretion in either description (acts or physical appearance or both) could be called for.

avatar for DandyDan
6 yrs ago

I have learned to use a basic description, like if she's blonde or tall or big tits or old but I don't put down a name or get into a more detailed description. Too much info can make things too complicated for me and my stripper.

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

I think it’s been said above - provide a basic description. That’s all that’s needed.

In my opinion - if you describe a girl too much - it will cause more trouble than good. The more specific you are - the easier it would be for management to identify the dancer (which probably isn’t good). It can also give the socially inept mongers enough info to go directly to a dancer and ask for the same treatment that she gave to Dominic77 from tuscl.

avatar for max_starr
6 yrs ago

I for one am not sharing the pics of dancers that I have .... mine.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

If she did things that she'd get in trouble w/ management for, then be generic - a club "may have rules" but it's a different story if they are actively enforced - if management actively enforces the rules vs looking the other way, then better to not be too-specific,

You can also describe a dancer w/o necessarily giving her away - e.g. "she was just my type, blond and slender" - vs "she had a tattoo of a red-rose on her right-hip"

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