avatar for ReadyToMonger

Comments by ReadyToMonger (page 3)

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5 months ago
avatar for guy2222
Biggest Simp stories in the Strip Club
I have a couple, but here's one. It was a couple years ago I went to a strip club with a co worker. He got talked in to VIP within 20 min of being there. an hour and half later I went to see what the fuck he was up to since I was ready to go, him and the dancer were just watching a movie on her phone. (top on, bottoms on) No one was even up in VIP area or even by the entrance. I later asked him in the car if he fucked her or got head, he said "it wasnt like that, we just watched a movie and hung out and that she was really nice" I asked him what he spent he spent $1200 with drinks and VIP fees and tipped her more at the end. Ths shit was just crazy. When I dropped him off I was thinking he was going to tip me for dricing him. I had second hand shame when he told me what he spent for nothing to happen. Also I felt by him sitting in my car he disgraced teh passenger seat.
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5 months ago
avatar for misterorange
Kamala, you're FIRED!
Kimberly Cheatle Congressional Testimony
Its all just a bullshit show for the plebeians. They are all in on the whole damn money grab scheme, but they have to put on a show for the stupid ass public so the public can think the politicians are "Working for them". When the fuck is the last time you have seen a politician who wasnt a goddamn millionaire? Why do you think they get into politics? Its not to give a shit about the common serf. Its so they can steal as much fucking money from the poeple as possible. Just like they keep sending money overseas and it likely comes back to the through their bullshit charities and NGO's. Bottom line is these politicians are motherfucking trash and they never had a day of real work in their life. They run around flapping their mouths and riding in chauffeured sedans and private jets acting important while grfting ans using the poeples money to do it. Ironically the same people they steal from cant even afford food or housing anymore.
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5 months ago
avatar for whodey
Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
R.I.P Bob Newhart
RIP and condolences to his family.
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5 months ago
avatar for ReadyToMonger
SOPHIA LEONE Porn Star (I guess she passed away RIP)
The porn sites have become liek ads, they use them in order to get hype for a girl or whoever and then they book appearances, do escorting on the side etc. The free porn crap is a way to introduce guys to teh talent then they go from there and weed out the less desireable ones and promote and spend on the stars and get bookings etc.
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5 months ago
avatar for ReadyToMonger
SOPHIA LEONE Porn Star (I guess she passed away RIP)
Its the OnlyFans hoes and the simps that feed them who are making strip clubs go empty. Notice how younger guys are not going to clubs or when they do they act awkward as hell and try to be friends with the girls instead of sucking their tits. Whats ironic is the OnlyFans hoes have oversaturated themselves to where the vast majority arent making anything. I think porn industry also suffers because there are too many simps and incels. Understand most of these younger guys and hoes still live with mommy at the age of 25. They never grew up and they act accordingly. Really pitiful what society has devolved to.
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5 months ago
avatar for KUBARK51
Got A Phone Number
Well nevermind...seems you have your answer. You should have asked her to a hotel and at least gotten some pussy out of it. Harder for her to pull shit at a hotel.
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5 months ago
avatar for KUBARK51
Got A Phone Number
If I were you I wouldnt dismiss her 100%. If anything take her out to dinner or something normal. If she doesnt ask for money to go ut then she may be interested in you beyond just a customer. At end of the date maybe try to kiss her and see if she pulls back or her reaction. That will tell you all you need to know. If in doubt go for a second date. By then you will know 100%. I wouldnt pass her up though, she could be legit and if you pass you could be thinking about it 20 years frm now as a "I should've".
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5 months ago
avatar for bruceleeroy
TJ Parking
Why the fuck would you drive down there? https://fox5sandiego.com/news/border-report/tijuana-tops-600-homicides-in-less-than-4-months/
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5 months ago
avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
Southern Libertine
Florida Clubs with Latinas or High Mileage
Cubans arent really that good looking . I hav efound that Venezuelan and Colombian women are the best in bed. I particularly enjoy the Columbian womens oral skills. I have had a 25 year ol who I met at a club that was her first week at the club and she was from a small town in Mexico and I took her out and we fucked the same night. She had a great pussy, nice tanned skin, pussy was a nice color, not like white hoes who have that red grocery store meat colored pussy. I licked her pussy good and she knew how to ride and deep throat. I met with her maybe 5 times after that, I stopped seeing her because the last time she was begging me to cum inside her and I think she wanted me to get her pregnant, I declined since I love money more than pussy. She moved and married and had a kid with some guy who fell for the ol' "Cum in me" trick. Now h has to pay for her min 18 years. I know Cubans like to say they are Latina, but Cubans are more like Caribbean mulattos. They just dont like to admit it.
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5 months ago
avatar for dickdecker
Wood ya.....
Ive had a mechanical 9/10 escort and I didnt give a shit if she was mechanical. All I cared about was she sucked the head good and put those feet up in the air. If it was an enthusiastic 5/10 I dont think I could even get hard over it.
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5 months ago
avatar for CDLINDA
Of course women liked him because they knew he wasnt out to get pussy.
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5 months ago
avatar for pharmacat
Dances at Palazio
If you arent going VIP on your first time then why waste time? VIP is where the extras happen (no matter the bullshit people tell you how there arent extras in teh VIP) Those people dont have the funds to find out so they try to rationalize not paying VIP. Floor dances might just be ok for maybe 2 songs just to see if the girl is down for extras in VIP. Anything passed 2 songs is a waste.
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5 months ago
avatar for Muddy
You know what a lot of these towns the local strip club really is
What is strange at these small shithole town clusb too is that they tend to be cliquish and really standoffish toward people they view as "outsiders" that they havent seen at the club before instead of appreciating the fact that someone is willing to spend some money in their shitholes. They also seem very posessive of the girls. I even noticed how the bouncers seem to take on this "big brother" role and act extremely protective if you try to touch or anything. They make their damn job their life., Its odd as hell. I got dances and the bouncer was staring directly at me the whole time. In big cities the managers dont give 2 fucks and just want the money, same with bouncers, they just want the tips the girls give them and dont give a fuck. In big cities I have even tipped a VIP bouncer to act like he was blind for 10 minutes while I got head. He just waited by the entrance of VIP and didnt say shit. When I walked out he even told me thanks for the tip.
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5 months ago
avatar for Muddy
You know what a lot of these towns the local strip club really is
Yes what muddy said, many people in those towns are just bored. Whats more pathetic is in these types of places the strippers go in to the club they work at on their days off and drink and hang out gossiping with co workers that they just saw the day before while half naked. I mean what the hell can you talk about with someone you work with and see every damn day? Its not like they dont know what you did the other day. Same thing happens with gyms in these shitty towns like that. The local losers hang out there for hours on end doing jackshit. I had to stay in a small town like that for 2 weeks for work and went to a gym, there were so many peopel crowded into that little shitty gym you couldnt even use a machine. So I came back 4 hours later thinking that it would have died don a bit and upwards of probably 70% of people who I saw earlier were still in there just talking and gossipping.
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5 months ago
avatar for Givemegothgirls
Milf lover and newbie nerd
Pros and cons of the Cuban invasion?
A lot of the white girls I see now seem to be hooked up with a tyrone and have a kid with them. So they tend to work so tyrone can sit at home, smoke weed and hang with his boys. Meanwhile using the white girls dancer money to front and act like they are CEO's , music producers and other stuff tehy hear in rap songs in order to convince the next white girl to have a baby by them and then the cycle repeats. Just look at the way they dance, just booty shaking and most white girls now have that fat cellulite ass and hippo body like a fatso.
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5 months ago
avatar for Givemegothgirls
Milf lover and newbie nerd
Pros and cons of the Cuban invasion?
So the Cubans and Latinas work harder at the clubs. It’s like any other industry where you see the hard work taking place by Latin ethnic groups because they are money motivated. Most of the white girls I see at the clubs are likely just there to go against and spite mommy and daddy (particularly daddy, which is where the stereotype "Daddy issues" with strippers came from) The white girls aren’t there for money, their parents give them credit cards and pay for their apartment and finance them a new car and pay for their insurance etc. Meanwhile begging their rebelious daughters to go to college (Which makes the daughter want to act out more). A lot of dancers with ethnic backgrounds have to work hard to get what they have because they come from harsher backgrounds, but their parents are caring, but just don’t have the credit that most whites live off of, so they have to get the money any way they can. White girls make it a lifestyle where they go into the clubs on their days off, they drink, they smoke they basically do anything to make daddy mad. Meanwhile Cubans and Latinas tend to see it as a job and means to an end and nothing more. So they likely all hear from each other how much can be earned and then take over the clubs.
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5 months ago
avatar for funonthaside
Summertime...The Season of Temptations
Summer or winter, only difference it makes is that usually more women willing to do extras during the winter months and they are short on money due to holiday spending so the opportunity for OTC full or a quick ITC BJ is very high.
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5 months ago
avatar for devl_dawgg
Good thing about the soapy massage places is you dont have to get any drinks if you dont want to. Some of the bars on Walking street can get pushy and usualy there is 3 or 5 drink min that girls have to get before they can even pay the bar fine to go. Also the massage place has the benefit of they shower before and after and so do you so its rather clean in comparison.
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5 months ago
avatar for devl_dawgg
Another thing is try a soapy massage. You can find the services on Second Road which isnt that far from Walking Street. It will cost about 65USD for proper Soapy Massage but well worth it and you dont have to worry much about being scammed by bar girls. The girls also tend to be better looking. Even if the place doesnt offer full service, if you ask the masseuse for their number they will usually agree to meet you after their work. There is one called Rasputin that has Eastern European girls in case you want a change of flavor. Also decent is Honey 2. Just go on Second Road and there will be some there, but the 2 I mentioned have the best looking women for sure. Rasputin may be closer to 160USD for the Easern Europeans, but we are talking women who look like actual models easily 8 out of 10 on looks if not 10/10. They also have Thai women there for around $70 but they can be a little more depending on their looks.
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5 months ago
avatar for devl_dawgg
Pattaya is way cheap right now because the economy sucks and also its low season on top of that. For nightlife you wont beat Walking Street. Just start at Beach Road and walk all the way down. Likely you wont have to go all the way down the road because you will likely find something entertaining before that. Or maybe you just want to walk down , see the options and then on the walk back choose your venue that you will hang out at. Either way anyone will tell you Walking Street is where you want to be at night. Plus its rather safe, the clubs and bars dont want any shit or trouble so no one would put up with any kind of crap. Just careful for typical pickpocket stuff, but the owners of bars and clubs dont put up with much due to them not wanting to scare tourists awy. Any assaults or violence (if it takes place, thats a big IF and usually doesnt) is usually locals fighting each other for whatever reason. Attacks on tourists are usually met with harsh hand since that is where the money comes from.
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5 months ago
avatar for ReadyToMonger
Best clubs for extras in San Antonio Texas
Restrictions are a prime opportunity for OTC.
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5 months ago
avatar for ReadyToMonger
Best clubs for extras in San Antonio Texas
Griibz, the restrictions are exactly what makes it good. The girls know money is tight because restrictions so when you go and have money they are more willing to go the extra mile to get it.
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5 months ago
avatar for apieceofsausage
what do younger customers want?
No one cares about "knocking anyone down a peg" seems liek you are self conscious and think everything is an attack on you. If you think you are something special then go ahead...keep thinking that, but dont come on here wondering why younger guys arent into you then when somone points out why you get butt hurt.
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5 months ago
avatar for Gribbz
One night in dallas
Monday is good at any club because its slow. If you want extras then it will be easier than a weekend when all the girls are full of bravado. By Moday the reality of a slow week usually sets in.
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5 months ago
avatar for devl_dawgg
Best to check out some YT videos like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVEZvhRQdBc you will get a better sense of what's going on from watching than from a forum.