Kimberly Cheatle Congressional Testimony

She's scheduled to testify before the House Oversight Committee on Monday.
Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased that there is at least some attempt at accountability, but seriously, has anyone ever seen one of these Congressional inquiries result in something other than a bunch of bullshit half-answers? I don't recall, can't comment on active investigations, have to get back to you on that... etc., etc.
At the very most, the subject of the hearing might feel some degree of discomfort, but more likely just gets pissed off at the inconvenience of having to spend the day somewhere they'd rather not be.
Regardless, it will be interesting to see if she gives even one single answer that sounds genuine. I mean, what can she possibly say to defend the abject failure that happened? I'm no security expert, but even a layman knows damn well that an elevated position with a direct line of sight to the podium is the most basic and probably the most important security concern there is. Unanswered staffing requests, funding issues, somebody else was responsible for that building... those are nonsense excuses. Bottom line, if there's a threat you can't cover, the protected person doesn't go on stage. Period.
I've tried to imagine something comparable to this fuck-up that might help put it in perspective. All I can think of is a fire truck rolling right past a house with flames shooting out the windows, and they start spraying the hoses half a block away into a vacant lot.
The only way this hearing can have any value would be if she says there is no rational explanation for what happened, and therefore I'm firing everyone who planned the event, and every level of leadership above them, and after that resigns her own position. But I wouldn't bet on it.
last commentOk ok... before all the comments start, should have gone in Political Forum. My bad.
Congressional Republicans' hearings are impotent. How many times did they call Zuck in just to wag their fingers and give him a strong talking-to? They should be investigating hardcore, and calling for heads.
Its all just a bullshit show for the plebeians.
They are all in on the whole damn money grab scheme, but they have to put on a show for the stupid ass public so the public can think the politicians are "Working for them".
When the fuck is the last time you have seen a politician who wasnt a goddamn millionaire? Why do you think they get into politics? Its not to give a shit about the common serf. Its so they can steal as much fucking money from the poeple as possible. Just like they keep sending money overseas and it likely comes back to the through their bullshit charities and NGO's.
Bottom line is these politicians are motherfucking trash and they never had a day of real work in their life. They run around flapping their mouths and riding in chauffeured sedans and private jets acting important while grfting ans using the poeples money to do it. Ironically the same people they steal from cant even afford food or housing anymore.
Yeah I'm not too impressed with "testimony before congressional inquiry panel" style. They don't tend to get much done except perform their talking points and then demand the witness do better next time.
Does anyone on this TUSCL board have actual security and policing background? It seems to me, but I'm extremely uninformed, it seems to me that this was a serious screw-up. They seem to have left entirely unsecured, an elevated building, 150 yards from the podium, and ignored a disheveled young male in battle garb walking around looking for a good place to shoot from?
I don't think the politicians are "motherfucking trash," a lot of them have come from a background in something apropos (community service or business, f.e., of one sort or another) and started out with a genuine desire to "fix things" and do what's best. Lots of local-level and state-level politicians whom I know really view their political service as a necessary headache -- they're like, "well, damn, the good people of Bumblefuck and Tweezernips need my help, and if I don't do it, then that asshole lunatic Mergus McTweedy is going to get reelected because he's running unopposed and he'll just screw things up even worse. I could go home to a nice quiet retirement off my fifty million I made in business, but instead I gunna occupy a four-year span of my life with committee work and ground-breaking ceremonies and excruciatingly detailed accounting spreadsheets for the Federal Elections Commission oversight."
What happens after all that good intention, though, is that they get there and can't work within the established, entrenched systems. There's no way to cut through. They don't have the authority to simply overturn required procedures.
At least, that's my perception. We're too big and have been around too long and even the good people admit that the juggernaut is VERY hard to redirect.
Cheatle has already tried to throwing local cops under a bus. The roof's pitch was too dangerous. We are spread too thin. We are still waiting, 60 years later, for the JFK Warren Commission Report to be made public. Epstein "magically" whacked himself in a high security Federal prison, and how many of his "clients" have really been taken to task. No one was fired after the AFG horrible bugout that killed 13 of our soldiers and how many hundreds of locals?
This will be be like AFG and JFK - NOTHING will come of it.
And yes, this "Congressional Hearings" are just pablum.
The whole thing is crazy. Just gross incompetence. Somebody has to get fired.
Yeah....well I bet if this was your ass you wouldnt even get questioned your ass would just go straight to prison.
Its all just a bullshit show for public consumption. They all play nice with each other behind the scenes to fatten their wallets and set their families up for wealth on your dollar like parasites. Nothing more.
The disgraceful run from Kabul resulted in ZERO accountabilities. The Benghazi Terror Attacks resulted in zero accountabilities. Never expect the Democrat party or establishment Republicans to hold their "fellow elites" responsible. Another reason we need outsiders like Donald Trump.
Take a billion or so we spend financing foreign wars and put it into the Secret Service
^^ That alone is not enough. There must be the right leadership in place.