
Comments by ReadyToMonger (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    VIP and Cascadas Slight Bump in Price
    What are the STDs looking like in these spots? Any concerns.
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    2 months ago
    what do younger customers want?
    @Dolfan, I agree, I noticed it too, they like the fat hippo cellulite style girls. I think its because they listen to rap and watch it so much it influences their minds to seek out big booty bonquisha. Nothing good about fat cellulite and fat stomach looking like the hippo Gloria from the movie Madagascar. (Serious...look it up thats what They look like.) Imagine the yeast in the folds of all that sickening fat....uugggghhh!🤮
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    what do younger customers want?
    Sounds like truth offended you. You look too skinny as in like a board. I like skinny dancers who weigh less than 135lbs but have shape to them like curves around waist and shapely natural breasts, you dont really have any shape. Seems like your whole personality hinges on your hair. I know a lot of people o here will try to gas you up and tell you how great you look , but I am just telling you the reality, whether you accept it or not is up to you, but it doesnt change what is.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Eyes kind of far apart, fake tits are not good. (Why these women keep on getting them is beyond delusional). I would let her give head though, if I was in a drought I would smash, but normally have to pass just due to the tits and eyes.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Need San Diego tips for high mileage clubs
    I went toward tail end of dayshift and it was worth it, so decided to stay after night shift went in. The tits were nice only complaint is dancers and their dumbass tattoos looking like sailors. Just avoid those and you will be good.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Need San Diego tips for high mileage clubs
    Pacers on Midway is a a good high mileage club. A couple hot girls when I went about 2 months ago. If you want the most mileage go in dayshift (which is typical of most clubs) you will get the most mileage then.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Dancers schedules
    It wouldnt work out becauase these dancers are all paranoid that customers will stalk them (they all think they are celebrities or something). Best to just get her phone number, if she gives it to you and answers text in a timely manner then she is reliable and good to go as a regular. If she ghosts you or takes too long to answer then next time you are in the club spreading money around then ghost her and dont give her shit. She has to know that associating with you is beneficial to her , but its an exchange and you need "benefits" too. Basically in the form of a BJ or her feet in the air.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    what do younger customers want?
    Well, the hair is not doing you any favors. Too skinny and not much shape. If thats what you want to do personally then its all good, but for certain businesses it just isnt acceptable no matter what anyone says. Its like someone with a long beard or mullet trying to be taken serious in a business environment. For personal life its fine but in the real world people form opinions and there are decisions made based on those opinions and also based on revenue. I'm just telling the reality, many clubs get labeled ghetto and never recover. Owners and GMs are hesitant to hire certain people for that reason, same with tattooed girls. Its just a business decision. Nothing more , nothing less, but people try to make it out to be something else. Its like hiring fat girls, maybe they dont have anything personally against fat girls, but its just not what draws in the money and younger guys tend to not go into strip clubs with disposable money. Mainly stage sitters and maybe they get a dance or 2. If a club gets known for being ghetto or having girls with tatoos everywhere the clubs image is ruined and they cant be seen as upscale. People can respond and get mad or deny this, but they just anrent being honest or real. I am being 100% honest here.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Best clubs for extras in San Antonio Texas
    Forgot to say, doesnt need to be anything more than a BJ.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    (D)MV-based explorer
    How much do you give out on tip walks?
    I get laid by civi's but they just dont do it for me. I prefer to pay and skip the formalities and time waste. I guess you prefer to waste your time forming "relationships" with strippers so you dont have to pay and they "trust" you. LMAO! Dont be mad because I have the means to pay and not have to waste my time.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    (D)MV-based explorer
    How much do you give out on tip walks?
    Wallanon you are the person who mentioned me in this post, I couldnt give less of a shit about you. Seems like you tried to pick a fight with me and when Istruck back you are now trying to play like it was me. Typical gaslight. So just dont mention me in posts and you wont get a response, that simple. Like I said I ended up getting ITC anyway so it makes no difference, guys like me will always find a way to win and get what we want. Dont be mad because you have to go into clubs over and over 20 times just to even get OTC / ITC discussion going. Mewanwhile guys like me might strike out but next trip is a score.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    (D)MV-based explorer
    How much do you give out on tip walks?
    Yeah I struck out that tme for OTC at the club, but returned about 8 days later and was able to get ITC for way less. At least I have $2k to toss around. You probably go with a $100 bill and ask for $1's so you can look like a baller on a $100.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Asian clubs are good, but hard to come by.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    If I know a club is a black club I wont go because I know I will see fat cellulite and smell weed. Basically ghetto and all you see is twerking, plus they all have wigs and are probably bald headed under with eyelashes that look like large pretruding spiders. I have been in Latina clubs and no issues. They look good, nice to talk to and arent pushy, hey make you want to spend and it doesnt feel like a sales pitch. I wont go into clubs with too many whites either because they tend to not have any breasts (or fake ones) and look lanky and cant dance. They are also very annoying and talk about their parents too much. I dont want to hear about your damn family. Im in there to look at tits and try to pay for some head at minimum.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Depends on how her pussy looked and if she could give head.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    What would be the most times you had OTC with one stripper, approximately.
    3X Maximum... After that they tend to try to get in your business and get clingy and then drama starts. I never let them now where I live or what car I drive etc. Its always meet up at hotel. Its unfortunate because one was hot as hell, but if you dont stop seeing them they start acting like you are in a relationship. Then after you have to not go to the club she works for maybe 2 months.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    trying to get her attention while she is on stage?
    Its simple, just give her four $5 bills and tell her you are interested and you will be sitting over there (then point to where you are sitting. When she gets off the stage she will come, if she doesnt then other dancers saw you tip (believe that because they watch each other) and you will have some approach you shortly after. Then make your choice and try to get head at least.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    (D)MV-based explorer
    How much do you give out on tip walks?
    If she looks like she is the type to do extras then I will tip $20 to get her attention and then after she will come over to me at which point I have the leverage. Once she comes over I will get a dance or 2 just to see how much she lets me touch, if she is ok and also touches me then I make her an offer. Its take it or leave it, if she leaves it then on to the next prospect, she will get jealous that the other is going to make bank if they agree.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Pregnant Strippers
    The thing about pregnant dancers is they probably have a brillo headed baby in the oven and are trying to sucker you to pay for it all until she can get on welfare. Meanwhile the guy who came in her gets off scott free without having to pay for any child support.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Yeah its closed
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    2001 Odyssey - Tampa
    Yes I have been up in the ship. All I can say is if there are extras depends on how much money you are willing to spend. I got head in there, I tried to get her to spread her legs, but she wanted more than what I was willing to spend.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Cash Is King
    Unfortunately too many people are brainwashed and think they need Zelle, CashApp, Venmo etc. (older people do it so they ca feel relevant to younger people. Younger people think it makes them "technology gurus" I've had dancers want me to CashApp them. I just ignore them and move on. Even at hotels they are going cashless because they want to be able to track every damn transaction you do then send it to data processing centers and now they are using AI to cross reference your transactions an tie it all to your SS#. When you sign up for any store loyalty or any "loyalty" program or give your information it may not sound like its a big deal, but all that data is aggregated piece by piece like a puzzle (One loyalty program here, a membership there, a car dealership visit, a credit application here, airline reards there, a hotel stay here etc.) to form a financial profile on you. If you think they are forming that profile on you to benefit you then you are mistaken. Use Cash, if they dont accept it then don't do business with them. Stop feeding into the system, by using crads and payment processors you are pretty uch giving them rope they will later use to hang you.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Back From SC (Struck out for OTC) Any Wisdom From Seasoned Mongers
    I get it, many people are saying to basically go in over and over again. Then waste time forming some kind of rapport with the dancer you want to do OTC with. Just think of how over 3 -5 visits (possibly more) how much money (more importantly time) you are going to blow just chit chatting and messing around. What that sounds like is you are suggesting to basically form a relationship with the dancer. That completely defeats the purpose of paying OTC. For that I can just get a regular girlfriend and likely 2-3 dates in her pants come off (free). Plus at any time when the dancer thinks that you will ask for OTC she can ghost your ass and say she doesnt want to talk anymore and your time and money are long gone and you got NOTHING for it. (ust another sucker she milked) The point of paying is so you can skip all the games and BS.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Back From SC (Struck out for OTC) Any Wisdom From Seasoned Mongers
    @Call.Me.Ishmael Thanks for the reply. I was hoping there was a shortcut to the OTC, I guess I just got lucky before, I was hoping for the same or similar result. I will adjust approach and see what happens.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Back From SC (Struck out for OTC) Any Wisdom From Seasoned Mongers
    You claiming "Throw a tantrum" and then you attack spelling. That is what trolls do. They create some kind of agitation in the discussions (like you did) then when the person reacts to it (and rightfully so) you point to the reaction as something "bad". No one was talking about your original advice you cunt, I was referring to you claiming I am either a troll or an idiot, so you get the same energy back that you gave out. That is a typical gaslighting troll. If you dont agree with something you gaslight or attack spelling. Its called a "typo". We arent in a grammar contest or spelling bee so deal with it cunt. LMAO!