R.I.P Bob Newhart

avatar for whodey
Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers

Bob Newhart, the beloved stand-up performer whose droll, deadpan humor showcased on two critically acclaimed CBS sitcoms vaulted him into the ranks of history’s greatest comedians, died Thursday morning. He was 94.

The Chicago legend, who won Grammy Awards for album of the year and best new artist for his 1960 breakthrough record, The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart, died at his Los Angeles home after a series of short illnesses, his longtime publicist, Jerry Digney, announced.



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avatar for Sir Frederick
Sir Frederick
7 mos ago

Bob's legacy as a comedian will continue to live on for eternity. His style of comedy was a joy to watch. His deadpan face as he delivered joke after joke had me rolling in laughter. He was (and still is) a very gifted comedian who excelled at his craft. Hard to believe he was an accountant before turning his comedic charm into a sensation. An incredible human being who treated his audiences, both on stage & television, like were an extension of his family. Bob has now joined his wife of 60 years once again; this time in Heaven🙏. May Bob rest in peace as we continue to enjoy his humor via "oldies networks" on our televisions📺.

avatar for Studme53
7 mos ago

He had at least 2 good TV shows I watched. Great, understated comedic timing.

avatar for motorhead
7 mos ago

Great shows

The Bob Newhart show in the 70’s where he played a Chicago psychologist was great but the 90’s Newhart set at the Vermont Inn was an all time classic

His genius was allowing his supporting cast on both shows to be laugh out loud funny

avatar for ReadyToMonger
7 mos ago

RIP and condolences to his family.

avatar for Mark974
7 mos ago

Loved both of his shows. And having Suzanne Pleshette (she passed in 2008) as his wife in the first series gave me, as a teenager in high school, hope that as a non-jock the possibly having a lovely wife of my own someday.

RIP Mr Newheart, you always made us laugh.......

avatar for Studme53
7 mos ago

^ good call on Suzanne Pleshette

avatar for minnow
7 mos ago

+1 on above posts. I liked how he played "Major Major" in the movie "Catch 22"

avatar for misterorange
7 mos ago

Papa Elf !

avatar for ATACdawg
7 mos ago

"Hi. I'm Larry. This is my brother Daryl. This is my other brother Daryl."

Funniest routine ever, and it never got old.

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