You know what a lot of these towns the local strip club really is
the most interesting thing going on. Like pretty much objectively so, not even as strip club fan. Some of these smaller towns, where the main thing about the town is being a rest stop and maybe they got a walmart, I mean even if you weren't in to strip clubs at all and you wanted to do something after 6pm, that's the ONLY thing going on.
I wonder how many people are at some of these sc's just on account of there just ain't jack shit else to do. Maybe they just want somebody to talk to/get the hell out of the house. And even on the other side, maybe some of these chicks aren't even about stripper life but it's just the only job available. Kiki is already holding down the overnight shift at 7/11, we gotta just wait for that to open up.
last commentidk I was in Abilene, Texas and it got me thinking. How many folks just get into this hobby because they are just bored as all fuck.
Yes what muddy said, many people in those towns are just bored.
Whats more pathetic is in these types of places the strippers go in to the club they work at on their days off and drink and hang out gossiping with co workers that they just saw the day before while half naked.
I mean what the hell can you talk about with someone you work with and see every damn day? Its not like they dont know what you did the other day.
Same thing happens with gyms in these shitty towns like that. The local losers hang out there for hours on end doing jackshit.
I had to stay in a small town like that for 2 weeks for work and went to a gym, there were so many peopel crowded into that little shitty gym you couldnt even use a machine. So I came back 4 hours later thinking that it would have died don a bit and upwards of probably 70% of people who I saw earlier were still in there just talking and gossipping.
What is strange at these small shithole town clusb too is that they tend to be cliquish and really standoffish toward people they view as "outsiders" that they havent seen at the club before instead of appreciating the fact that someone is willing to spend some money in their shitholes.
They also seem very posessive of the girls. I even noticed how the bouncers seem to take on this "big brother" role and act extremely protective if you try to touch or anything. They make their damn job their life., Its odd as hell. I got dances and the bouncer was staring directly at me the whole time.
In big cities the managers dont give 2 fucks and just want the money, same with bouncers, they just want the tips the girls give them and dont give a fuck. In big cities I have even tipped a VIP bouncer to act like he was blind for 10 minutes while I got head. He just waited by the entrance of VIP and didnt say shit. When I walked out he even told me thanks for the tip.
"I wonder how many people are at some of these sc's just on account of there just ain't jack shit else to do"
That probably includes a lot of the out of towners who aren't looking for local landmarks when they can see hot chicks instead.
Speaking from experience, I would go to a local strip club that opened up on the outskirts of suburban Phx nearly 30 years ago that at that time was out in the middle of nowhere. I was bored and so was the other folks. Getting laid in your youth when there isn’t much else going on is a huge perk, and it never cost me much $$ either, just something to do. Now that urban expansion happens that club is surrounded by housing and other developments, plenty of other things to do, but it is fun thinking how that club was the main source of entertainment.
" They make their damn job their life., Its odd as hell." reminds me of the Ron White story about being thrown out of club in NYC. He described something along the lines of (paraphrased): "one of these guys where bouncing was his life. He hung out with other bouncers and talked about bouncing. He would go home at night, watch "Roadhouse", and fondle himself."
A club back in Chicago used to have this little philipino or some south Asian fucker as a bouncer. He wasn't even five feet tall, but had everyone convinced that he was a 99th degree black belt in six different martial arts. I was at a movie theater and the couple in front of me wouldn't stop talking and people started shushing them. I was one and I was right behind them. The boyfriend turned around and threatened me, so I threw a haymaker and we started scrapping. Lights come on, security drags us out, and it's this little fucker. I laughed my ass off. Whenever I went back to that club, he would look away and avoid me. I wasn't going to take his job by outing his secret as a powerless dwarf. I wonder how many other bouncers also faked their way into their jobs.
You mean like what, if they ran out of cows to tip over?
I can only image what the girls look like in a small town strip club. Probably like the typical Wal Mart customer. I’m thinking fat, pale white girl with a nose ring and random low-budget tattoos.
Doesn't the Midwest have a lot of small town bars that also happen to have strippers in the back? Especially if they are at a crossroads of two highways?
In my experience, small town strip clubs can have miserably ugly "Wal-Mart waddler" girls or attractive "Daisy Duke" girls. Depends on the club.
I pretty much got into this hobby out of a kind of boredom. I needed the bright blinky lights. Maybe it's ADHD or a similar brain condition, basically it's dopamine-seeking and a demand for excess stimulation. I can't survive on just a little stimulation, I have to go get excess of it until something "clicks." I guess I could have gotten into rave-dancing at warehouse clubs, it's somehow similar, you immerse yourself in an enveloping sound-wall and an enveloping lights-barrage until you zone out and your head goes to a different space. I really miss that, the clubs don't do it for me any more. Most have less loud music, less appealing music without tunes (it's all rap, now; rap can't immerse you like something synthesizer / melodic can), not as much of a whiz-bang lights show. I like being in the dark like a sensory-deprivation tank, but with all the excess lighting tricks and sound noises barraging me.
So, as Muddy said, people get into it out of a kind of boredom. It's all about over-stimulation. Same with the girls -- who really needs to see forty-eight tits when he can see just two, as long as the first two are nice? But somehow for some reason even if the first two are nice, nevertheless I need to see the forty-six remainder anyway.
"The boyfriend turned around and threatened me, so I threw a haymaker and we started scrapping. Lights come on, security drags us out, and it's this little fucker. I laughed my ass off. Whenever I went back to that club, he would look away and avoid me. I wasn't going to take his job by outing his secret as a powerless dwarf."
So did he become a powerless dwarf before or after he took your best cheap shot and was still able to fight you? Or did you swing and miss? If you were behind him, doesn't that give the high ground and better odds at striking your midgety foe? I'm not doubting your combat prowess...just trying to sort out the retelling.
The other day I went to a couple of smaller clubs in a smaller town, and it wasn't that bad. But I've definitely been in clubs where I needed to get past the "stranger danger" vibe.
I think back on my early strip club days, some of which happened in small town strip clubs, and yeah, most of the people there were probably there because there was nothing else to do in those towns. I remember being told once that a local church minister was at the club. He probably hated it there as much as any of the locals.