
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 42)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Affirmative Action
    CJ Kent, white privilege is a nonsensical concept to talk about and is akin to only focusing on white thieves or white murderers even if other races are committing those crimes boy. The examples used to demonstrate white privilege, only further prove that privilege exists in every form, boy. Just like there are white shopkeepers who are more suspicious of non white races, there are also latino, black, asian, middle eastern shopkeepers who are suspicious of other races besides their own. A hiring manager favoring someone from their own race isn’t something unique to white hiring managers, so it makes no sense to claim there is white privilege but no such thing as black privilege or asian privilege or male/female privilege boy.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    All About the Extras
    Dance Prices
    Making a certain amount during Friday Saturday nights, doesnt average out to other shifts. Even if you average those numbers it simply doesnt average out to 40 hours. Those are special hours on friday and saturday nights.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    All About the Extras
    Dance Prices
    $75 an hour over 40 weeks every week? You would have to pull $3000 in the 40 hours during that week. Lets say its 8 hours evening/night shifts every day of the week, 42 hours total.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    According to a story on Apple News every living ex President except for Trump
    Regarding families being held accountable for crimes, it would definitely follow the logic used to argue cops are bad just because they work the same job or in the same department as unethical cops. The next logical step would be people claiming entire classrooms or professors are responsible for school shootings, entire nba teams are responsible for violence and racism, every driver on the road is a corrupt drugged or drunk driver, every fast food worker is a criminal thief, etc. Regarding slave ownership, the hodgetwins, and some online sources claim it was only the wealthy elite who owned slaves? Like 1% of the white population was actually able to afford slaves? Regarding Trump and racism, he wasn’t technically racist in the literal sense of the word, but he did make generalized negative statement’s specifically about Mexicans and Muslims. He stated when Mexico sends people here they arent sending their best. I believe he also said there’s a Muslim problem , and called for a complete and total shutdown on Muslims entering the United States. So technically its not racism since Mexican is a nationality and Islam is a religion, however its still a similar category to racism, since it’s making broad judgements on someones nationality, or calling for action on someone on the basis of their religious affiliation (which would be unconstitutional). However at the same time, it didn’t seem that Trump actually attempted to implement a Muslim ban or a Mexican ban. So it’s unknown if he didn’t attempt to implement those things because he didn’t think they could be implemented legally, or he just didn’t care or didnt actually want to implement those things. So at this point you don’t know if Trump is anti Mexican or anti Islam, but you do know he said those things at least in part, to appeal to people who are anti Islam or anti Mexican or both. Insulting Muslims or Asians isnt a major political risk since they’re only like 1% of the population or less. Insulting Mexicans is somewhat risky, but still nowhere near as risky as insulting Latinos or Blacks as a whole. As far as why he didn’t insult Jews, since they are also a small group % wise, it’s probably due to Israel and AIPAC or to appeal to certain Christians. So as far as Trump being racist or anti certain religious groups or nationalities or races, it’s still up in the air. But there are at least some voters of his who are racist or bigoted or strongly against certain religious groups or nationalities or races and thats who Trump was trying to appeal to. You could say the same about Biden with the additional factor of him being too unaware to even know what he’s doing. We don’t know if Biden genuinely supports racist groups like BLM or if he just verbally supports them for votes. Or he may just be completely unaware and doing whatever his handlers are telling him to say and do. Also some claim Trump is racist against blacks because of the central park five incident. That is completely laughable. He possibly could be racist internally against anybody but that incident isnt any sort of evidence of racism. That news article was during the time they were arrested. And trump had comments like that they should be hung or imprisoned or something.because he and many people believed they were rapists. It’s laughable to accuse someone of racism just because they want a thief or rapist or murderer or scammer to be punished. Additionally from my understanding the central park 5 were all involved in touching the woman or attacking her, there was just a technicality found where only one of them actually penetrated her while one of the other guys grabbed her boobs or something? So yeah maybe its not literally or legally defined as rape but it is clearly still reprehensible especially since I believe one guy was raping her and the other guy was grabbing her bare boobs at the same time. Some of the BLM activists are actually going around claiming they’re all innocent, very strange behavior.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    All About the Extras
    Dance Prices
    Can they really average $75 an hour though, for 40 hours a week? I thought its more like, they can make $500-$1000 in 4-6 hours on friday and Saturday nights, but would get inconsistent monies on other days or times. So the per hour rate would be very good on a Friday or Saturday night, but it wouldnt be feasible to have 40 hours of the high pay.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    ATF/CF Walking Away
    If they’re ghetto and trashy theyre more likely to screw you over and more likely to become violent. I would rather help support a rich high class escort commanding $500+ an hour, or a millionaire pornstar or insta model than some poor trash who’ll be willing to screw me over as soon as the going gets tough.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    ATF/CF Walking Away
    Some dancers have a rule of not staying in touch with clients who arent giving them money or arent an active customer. In those cases you wouldn’t be able to have the pleasant scenario GMD described.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Interesting Encounter
    It could be lying and she just didnt want to do it. Hard to tell. Youd have to ask about otc to find out if it was really about getting fired. Why is nipple stimulation a turn on for guys? It shouldn’t cause arousal?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Business over Pleasure
    You also had escorts and hoes and massage parlots for many years, and now onlyfans girls and the seeking site and pornstars or insta models who tour the country. There’s a major scamming problem in the industry, and you also have rappers promoting behavior like blowing hundreds in stage tips. Arent the popular clubs in atlanta or nyc renowned for being horrible for extras or even basic lapdances. Those licensing laws shouldn’t exist to begin with.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    White dolemite youtuber
    It was the same deal when this white dolemite guy went up to people flirting with their girlfriends in front of them or offering his phone number. Many became violent
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    a year ago
    White dolemite youtuber
    Martin got owned badly by zimmerman; an out of shape middle aged latino man who some media outlets laughably referred to as white. I wonder why that case even went to trial considering martin was a certified zoo animal? He just somehow escaped his cage which can happen from time to time
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    White dolemite youtuber
    Sounds like violent zoo animals to me. You learn not to provoke the bear or toy with it- but that does that say about the bear compared to man? How did you get away with breaking a guy’s jaw? I guarantee the people doing this are poor and ghetto or independently wealthy from some kind of self employment. Anyone armed can be as disrespectful as they want especially in a place like florida. Zoo animals aren’t supposed to have rights to begin with
  • article comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    2020 Convention Season in Louisville
    45 minutes $160, and 60 minutes $220 doesnt make sense. You’re generally supposed to get a better value the more you spend or the more time you buy. I dont see why they would price an hour at $220
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Rhode Island
    For your consideration... Mikayla Demaiter
    ^what happened mate? Some of these ig stars have millions of followers
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Rhode Island
    For your consideration... Bae
    Tattoos are all fine but her face doesnt look good. Looks very asian. Asian with dyed blonde hair. Under eye circles. I wouldn’t get any dances
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Escort concerns and signs of being pimped
    The ones with pimps, or boyfriends/boyfriend pimps are more likely to not want to cum with clients is that what you’ve found?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    White dolemite youtuber
    I thought florida would be different than what you’re describing. In fact that michael drejka guy almost got off, it was a technicality that allowed him to get charged. You wont see actual white privilege in most places. Nearly Half of the white population thinks whites are racist by default
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    All About the Extras
    How do you all deal with Annoying Strippers?
    Wow, Dugan gave a big free of charge schooling as usual! And CMI i wish I could have seen you getting rattled around by those dancers in the battle of wits.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    White dolemite youtuber
    If youre in public you have to be careful using the term “boy”. You might be referring to your kids or friends or someone elses boys but if a zoo animal around the corner hears it, it could ambush you in response! As far as the “fucked around, found out”, IMO the person attacking someone over an insult is doing that more so than the person being attacked. In this case it was just an unarmed youtube prankster, but someone whos actually violent could have just shot the person attacking. I’m sure theres been numerous cases where someone talked trash, got attacked, then used a weapon in response. The “fighting words” doctrine is unclear, maybe if you actually use the N word you can legally be attacked in response? I doubt it would apply to someone saying the word “boy” in a southern accent.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    White dolemite youtuber
    Of course it’s disrespectful or offensive or derogatory. The more concerning part is the violence in response to those kinds of words. Its often also someone very poor or lower middle class, or very rich who’ll respond in that manner. You wont see someone working at a finance or tech firm going around attacking someone over being insulted. You’re not really supposed to be living in a country like the US if a derogatory word turns you into an animal.
  • article comment
    a year ago
    Rhode Island
    An Argument Against Naming Dancers in Reviews
    I agree with the general premise of not naming dancers in connection to explicit acts. However regarding the stalking, obsessive/violent behaviors and such, it’s important to consider why thats occurring on a large scale. The sex work industry, due to its illegal and semi legal nature, has a major scamming problem. Just like the drug trade industry, and even the auto repair industry (particularly in states where safety inspections are required). Are all these violent stalker customers that way just because they see a hot dancer they like and she rejected their advances? That seems silly; theres hot girls everywhere and people have been rejected everywhere. Escorts, strippers, even onlyfans girls have a major scamming and theft problem in their industry, which encourages violence, and the semi legal or illegal nature of the industry can also encourage violence. Agreed as far as simply being expensive not being akin to being a ROB. However if someone is claiming they get lots of sales at a certain price, yet don’t, or claim their very expensive price is the norm and is a market rate, that can be venturing into ROB territory. A reddit thread had commenters claiming 2k+ OTC is the norm in their area, which seems impossible.
  • article comment
    a year ago
    Rhode Island
    Navigating Strip Clubs ... Things that Work for Me
    Good article. Do you mean white as in middle eastern/Arab? Otherwise how did you get the name Ishmael? Ive never seen a white dude with that name, only middle eastern people.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    White dolemite youtuber
    Couldnt they have undercover cops doing stuff like this to arrest people? I have heard that story of the guy getting shot but didnt read the specifics on what he was saying or doing Brandishing a weapon is a different scenario and much more justifiable imo
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Rhode Island
    For your consideration... Mikayla Demaiter
    Looks better than most.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    When should a stripper retire from stripping?
    If theyre no longer willing or able to provide lapdances or unable make enough money from selling them. If a club is officially offering lapdances but you get an air dancer then she should just retire imo. Regarding amputees they can look normal and there are probably a good amount of hot ones? But when it comes to people with dwarfism i havent seen any hot ones i think whichever hormones are involved in dwarfism also cause their face to develop differently than normal…