Affirmative Action

avatar for rickmacrodong
It has apparently been ended by the Supreme Court, but are there loopholes to get around it? I believe in the past the Supreme Court banned racial quotas in college admissions, however they still found a way to get around it.

Colleges were still able to use affirmative action, just without quotas on paper. They could simply claim to look at “other factors” besides GPA or extracurricular activities and thats how they could still racially discriminate in admissions.

It’s odd many of the supporters of this law would be opposed if it were to apply to something like the music industry, sports industry, finance, tech or entertainment industry? There are numerous industries where the racial makeup isn’t aligned with the racial proportions of the general population.

Do you suspect zoo animals could become unhinged after this ruling?


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avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
The universities can still recruit under classes of race and background, they just can’t admit based upon those categories.
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
Such rulings have the sole impact of making people feeling better. Ultimately, as was stated by OP, they will find a way to accomplish what they want.

Many businesses are now engaged in affirmative action, albeit under the veil of "inclusion and diversity". So now it's apparently okay to discriminate, as long as you're discriminating against while males.

And one proposed suggested update to Mate27's post...."they just can’t ADMIT/DOCUMENT that they admit based upon those categories."
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Certain STEM majors are very unrepresented by some minority groups. I still like to keep up on course offerings and changing curriculums in my college major so I enjoy looking at websites of some of the top grad schools.

It’s entertaining to look at Stanford, Berkeley or Cal Tech. This is copied right off the Stanford department website -

“We have committed to a holistic admission strategy, accounting for known biases, combining scientific merit with life experience/personality traits”

Basically they are saying to some groups - “we know you don’t really qualify for admission but we will make up some BS criteria to get you in”

If I was a minority (except Asians apparently) I’d be pissed off at the progressives who are basically telling me I’m not smart enough to qualify on my own merits so we need to give you some made up bonus points.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
@ Moneyman00

I will play along and comment on your discussion.

“Let me be clear, by the way.





~ Louis Székely
~ White Privileged stand-up comedian
~ Born Sep 12, 1967 Washington, D.C., U.S.

You just can’t ignore the privilege…

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
CJ Kent, white privilege is a nonsensical concept to talk about and is akin to only focusing on white thieves or white murderers even if other races are committing those crimes boy.

The examples used to demonstrate white privilege, only further prove that privilege exists in every form, boy. Just like there are white shopkeepers who are more suspicious of non white races, there are also latino, black, asian, middle eastern shopkeepers who are suspicious of other races besides their own.

A hiring manager favoring someone from their own race isn’t something unique to white hiring managers, so it makes no sense to claim there is white privilege but no such thing as black privilege or asian privilege or male/female privilege boy.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
Being white in America (UNDENIABLE)

“I'm white...which, thank God for that shit, boy.

That is a huge leg up.

Are you kidding me? Oh, God, I love being white. I really do. Seriously, if you're not white, you're missing out.

Because this shit is thoroughly good.

Let me be clear, by the way.

I'm not saying that white people are better.

I'm saying that being white is clearly better.

Who could even argue?

If it was an option, I would re-up every year.

"Oh, yeah, I'll take 'white' again, absolutely. I've been enjoying that. I'm gonna stick with white, thank you."

Here's how great it is to be white: I can get in a time machine and go to any time, and it would be fucking awesome when I get there!

That is exclusively a white privilege.

Black people can't fuck with time machines! A black guy in a time machine's like, "Hey, anything before 1980, no thank you. I don't want to go."

But I can go to any time! The year 2. I don't even know what's happening then, but I know when I get there...

"Welcome, we have a table right here for you, sir."

"Thank you. Oh, it's lovely here in the year 2."

I can go to any time--in the past.

I don't want to go to the future and find out what happens to white people because we're gonna pay hard for this shit, you got to know that.

We're not going to just fall from number one to two.

They're gonna hold us down and fuck us in the ass forever.

And we totally deserve it. But for now, wheeeeeeee!

Now, if you're white and you don't admit that it's great, you're an asshole.

It is great. And I'm a man.

How many advantages could one person have? I'm a white man.

You can't even hurt my feelings! What can you really call a white man that really digs deep?

"Hey, cracker."

"Uh. Ruined my day. Boy shouldn't have called me a cracker. Bringing me back to owning land and people, what a drag."”

~ Louis Székely
~ White Privileged stand-up comedian
~ Born Sep 12, 1967 Washington, D.C., U.S.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
CJ you love being white. That's great. Do you love being a fucking dipshit?
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
More than 150 years after the “end of slavery” in America, today’s racial wealth, educational, physical and mental health gap is the legacy of very different racial economic conditions after emancipation.

“Seriously, I think we may need to have the civil war again...

I am not sure they got it...

I feel that is like beating a drunk in an alley, and they wake up and say “I am ready come back...”

~ Kathleen Madigan
~ Born: September 30, 1965 Florissant, MO
~ “Civil War Again”
~ Bothering Jesus is Billboards #1 comedy album in the world,
~ Published on Mar 1, 2018

An enduring gap that shows no sign of resolving...
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I am curious about something the OP keeps making references to, why would zoo animals care about affirmative action is that some derogatory reference to someone or what ?
Jes curious
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
The worst part here is I basically agree with cj but he’s such an annoying twat about saying anything on this board I’m questioning my own politics. If you think black Americans have an even playing field, ask a black guy. I bet he won’t agree with you.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Black Americans have a disadvantage in some industries, yet an advantage in others. They have an advantage when it comes to dealing with other black people. Treating people of your own race better is something that goes back to tribal times, its not something exclusively done by white people as some pretend.

The “examples” of white privilege are nonsense examples like a white shopkeeper or a white cop behaving friendly with a white person. Yet you can find the same examples of black people treating other black people better, or even some white people treating blacks better than they treat whites and vice versa.

The stereotype of black people is theyre stupid and athletic, so that could lead to them being underrated when it comes to politics or the tech industry yet, could lead to being overrated when it comes to the sports industry. For asian people it would be the exact opposite of that.

Nobody really is under an even playing field its all relative and depends on the context you’re referring to.

CJ Kent the problem with your so called comparison is in order for it to be a valid comparison you would need to compare black people in the US in the 1800s to white people in an African majority black country in the 1800s. I have no idea why you’re comparing black slaves in the 1800s in the US to white people in the 1800s in the US.

If youre trying to claim white people back then treated other white people better, it means absolutely nothing because its been established that black people also treat other black people better and in fact it is something every race engages in. If you go to an Indian restaurant or a mexican restaurant and you speak their languages youll very possibly be treated better than someone who only speaks english, because you can build rapport easier with them via language.

Or it could simply be you’re both the same race so you connect easier. To say this is an exclusively white concept and package it as white privilege is laughable. Why dont people complaining about white privilege also call out black, asian, latino privilege? It seems like theyre hinting at something, which is they believe some races are better than others. In fact some even believe zoo animals are better and have more rights than humans.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
“The United States was, and still is, a settler-colonial society, the most brutal form of imperialism.”

“Americans” (whites) got a richer, free life by virtue of decimating the indigenous population and massive slavery of another segment of the society”

And “the party” continues today with bitterly exploited labor, overseas conquests, and profit from wars.

Just overlook those small historic facts and details and then there’s a certain “truth” to our ideals; liberty, opportunity and equality...

It is undeniable that the USA. is the most powerful state on earth today, but few Americans think through what this implies.

For one thing, it means murderous military intervention in the affairs of other countries.

“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few...”

~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg
~ Born: 3rd January 2003 , Sweden
~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^^ I think this fuckin douchebag has a lot of us on ignore because he never responds to insults. Lol
avatar for dannyboy3
2 years ago
First off, quoting and autistic high school dropout whose parents used her to get rich is just as compelling as quoting a 5th rate comedian.

Yes, it is easier to be white, on the whole, but there are numerous exceptions. Getting into Harvard, which the lawsuit was about is an example. Asians needed 400! More points on the SAT than blacks to have the same chance of getting admitted. In higher education it is an open secret that a white male will never get the job if there is a minority candidate who ranks even close. Recently, the large city "soros" DAs will give blacks a lighter sentence. And Washington state is pushing a law that assumes racism in any job complaint.

So no, it isn't even. The disparity is real, but almost all of it is cultural. When you control for socioeconomic status and parents in the home, there is almost no difference in behavior, outcomes etc.

The problem is no one in this country wants to tell blacks that they need to own their portion of the problem, which is a racist mindset and makes them perpetual victims and not effective agents in and of themselves.

Due to space I'll not even go into how actual crime statistics and basic pattern recognition cause a lot of the stereotyping or how affirmative action has created an assumption of incompetence for minority hires
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
I'm not sad seeing a flawed program gone and would prefer class stressed over race.

In practice a lot of AA admissions go to upper middle class black kids who don't need a hand up.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
^^i believe thats what justice thomas and justice sotomayor discussed. Sotomayor was saying she loves affirmative action for helping her out with her career. Thomas said affirmative action made his yale degree worthless.

Also i heard even companies, especially companies with government contracts were also following affirmative action type policies in their hiring standards?

In fact I know one of the more well known consulting firms, was directly recruiting new hires from the hispanic student association on that college campus. They actually listed a special job opening specifically for people part of the hispanic students association.

This is the funny thing, even though the group was technically called that, anyone of any race could join it. So two guys who joined that company got that job through that hispanic student opening, and they werent even hispanic! I dont know if they lied and pretended to be hispanic or if they just had to be part of the hispanic association and that’s all the firm cared about.

Additionally some of these African countries are completely middle eastern and white skinned even with blue eyes yet could mark African on the college admission’s checkbox and get the benefits for that. Technically you could even be white from south africa and still get those benefits. Or just pretend to be originally from Africa and mark it. So it seems like the program wasnt even doing what the people who made it wanted it to do, originally it was meant to try to undo some of the impacts of slavery. They should have specifically asked people if they are African with dark skin, dark eyes and dark curly hair. Or possibly excluded the middle eastern countries from qualifying.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
This is not really about the white majority versus the black minority. People who think that are still mentally stuck in 1980. Here in the new multiracial America, it's about the different minorities squabbling with each other. In this particular case it's Asians and blacks. This is going to be our future, all the different racial groups fighting with each other all the time. You can only have social harmony in countries with a dominant group who share a common culture. Our future will be one of increasing animosity between all the different minorities that will make up the country and it will end with the decline and possible breakup of the country.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
As far back as the 70’s, my school, a Big 10 university, created a program, that still exists today, for underrepresented students. The mission statement claims it assists students from families with no college experience. Meaning it should also apply to white students whose parents never went to college.

But in practice, for 40 years, the program is mostly all black students with a small handful of Hispanics. No whites. No Asians.

There were kids in my freshman dorm who were a part of the program. They were stigmatized and profiled. How does that help matters? There were special math and English classes that no student outside of the program could take.

So a white kid from a poor rural school could be just as in need of a remedial math class as the urban black kid but he was prohibited from taking it. Isn’t that blatant racism?
avatar for NinaBambina
2 years ago
White women are helped more by Affirmative Action than blacks or any other minority group, so I don't give a shit that it's gone.

I highly doubt zoo animals are going to become unhinged, as Affirmative Action has literally zero to do with animals, it was created for humans, and if you didn't know that prior to your comments then you have no reason to utter another sentence about Affirmative Action because you have no knowledge on what it is or who it was implemented for.
avatar for mickey48066
2 years ago
^ nina, you do realize the OP wasn't referring to actual zoo animals but rather blacks who have been sold the perpetual victim narrative by the race merchants. They will supposedly act out because removal of AA suggests that blacks can achieve own their own ability rather than only achieve when exceptions are granted.

Just looking around twitter and interesting to see many of the unhinged comments are from the white libs who bemoan the removal of AA because they believe without AA, there's no way blacks can make it. Rather insulting to be viewed so poorly by the white libs.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Im not sure if thats true of white women being helped more. Everything i read about it mentioned that it basically set lower testing standards and admission requirements for latino and black students and higher ones for asians.

In a normal free market economy you would be selected based on your capabilities but AA basically wanted to compare applicants to their peers. Asians scored the highest on gpa and exams so they had to score extraordinarily high to get in compared to other races
avatar for NinaBambina
2 years ago
"nina, you do realize the OP wasn't referring to actual zoo animals but rather blacks who have been sold the perpetual victim narrative by the race merchants."

Yes, and I chose to reject that narrative.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

“The concept of affirmative action originated in 1961 when President John F Kennedy issued an executive order directing government agencies to ensure that all Americans get an equal opportunity in employment.

President Lyndon Johnson took it one step further in 1965, barring public and private organizations that had a federal contract from discriminating based on race, color, religion and national origin.

The prohibition was added to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In 1969, President Richard Nixon’s assistant labor secretary, Arthur Fletcher, who would eventually be known as the “father of affirmative action”, pushed for requiring employers to set “goals and timetables” to hire more Black workers.

That effort, known as the Revised Philadelphia Plan, would later influence how many schools approached their own race-conscious admissions programs.

The Revised Philadelphia Plan required federal contractors to meet certain goals for the hiring of minority employees by specific dates in order to combat institutionalized discrimination on the part of specific skilled building trades unions.”

The sentence:
“in order to combat institutionalized discrimination”

Should read:
“in order to combat institutionalized RACISM”

You all are welcome.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
A zoo animal is just anyone who is violent or a thief or being or behaving like a zoo animal. It wouldn’t apply to a specific race, but you could argue a lot of BLM members are zoo animals. Just like there are african or asian or americans lions its the same concept
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Nina, since you stated that black men are more muscular and athletic than other races, do you also believe Asian and White people are smarter and quicker thinking than black people? I believe you stated something to that effect a while back, on a different thread regarding affirmative action and why it shouldn’t apply to the nba or nfl.

If people who are lagging behind in test scores or intelligence are allowed to get into elite schools and employers on lower test scores, then the same should apply to every industry including athletics or the entertainment industry.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
If the blacks and whites ever got together politically, the Democrats would be FINISHED! That's why they fuckin HATE every black conservative. It's too bad so many blacks put their trust in an exploiter like Sharpton, a house Negro like Obama, and the white devil Biden.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
I repeat:

“Seriously, I think we may need to have the civil war again...

I am not sure they got it...

I feel that is like beating a drunk in an alley, and they wake up and say “I am ready come back...”

~ Kathleen Madigan
~ Born: September 30, 1965 Florissant, MO
~ “Civil War Again”
~ Bothering Jesus is Billboards #1 comedy album in the world,
~ Published on Mar 1, 2018
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
There are people (you people know who you are) who, for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand and accept the undeniable truth…

Who don’t care about truth or reality, but only their ignorant beliefs and illusions…

Who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t, and they know it…

I will say it again:

avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^^ CJ, a dozen of us ran a train on your sister last night. Damn she's an UGLY bitch but the body's pretty good.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
“Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is,
and you must bend to its power or live a lie.”

~ Miyamoto Musashi
~ Native name 宮本武蔵
~ Japanese swordsman, philosopher, strategist, writer and rōnin
~ Born c. 1584 Harima Province or Mimasaka Province, Japan
~ Died 13 June 1645 Higo Province, Japan

avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Affirmative Action was one of the most abhorrent pieces of racist legislation ever written. It's existence was an insult to the men that fought and died to abolish slavery before, during, and after the civil way, those who opposed Jim Crow, and those who suffered during the Civil Rights era of the mid-twentieth century.

Striking down Affirmative Action was a just and necessary step in ensuring that all Americans are granted fair and equal access in our nation.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
...and misterorange- remember that love is only a light switch away

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Theres debate over whether the civil war was about slavery- the victors wrote the history books and it seems unbelievable that the north would wage war just to prevent the south from using slaves. I believe the north started the war in response to the south wanting to secede- which means they wanted the tax dollars. There’s numerous American companies using slave labor even today, and its all legal.

The civil rights act seems to be federal over reach- the government isnt supposed to discriminate but private businesses and citizens are supposed to be able to. In the modern US, individuals can still discriminate but businesses generally can’t, even if they are completely private and small. Although businesses can still legally refuse to serve anyone they please- they’ll get in trouble if they openly admit to removing someone because of their religion or race or gender- unless someone invents a religion that is racist or sexist then they can invoke freedom of religion.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
It’s been noted in all the history books I had growing up from elementary, primary to post secondary schooling that the civil war was about economics, and slavery was simply an aside to what the main topic was at war.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
I will write it again:

There are people (you know who you are)…

Who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t, and they know it…

avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Let’s end this discussion now - if you aren’t willing to pay a black dancer $400 more for a dance than an Asian or White dancer then you can’t be for Affirmative Action in college admissions either
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
CJ Kunt projecting his thoughts again.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
“There is beauty in truth, even if it's painful.

Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak.

But lies only strengthen our defects.

They don't teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything.

Nor do they develop one's character, one's mind, one's heart or one's soul.”

— José N. Harris
avatar for dha
2 years ago
I wonder who has more privileges in Africa and black neighborhoods, businesses, and socila click?

Get real. There is no such thing as white privilege. It's just normal and will never change.

If black's feel under-privileged in this country, they have the freedom to go where they like it better. America will not change for ANY particular racial or ethnic group.

It is what it is. And, there is always the option to leave if you don't like it.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
FYI: How America has changed “Affirmative Action”

“In the course of American history, racial minorities have been discriminated against by society.

Affirmative action was implemented in order to compensate for this historical discrimination and make society fairer.

America has always emphasized equality, becoming especially noticeable in the Reconstruction Era, when people realized that former slaves would still be discriminated against by whites.

However, attempts to help the recently freed slaves, like the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which made all freed slaves citizens, were met with strong opposition from Southerners and President Johnson.

Later, as the civil rights movement developed, the US started taking more steps to move towards equality.

In FDR’s New Deal programs, the clause "no discrimination shall be made on account of race, color or creed” appeared often.

Truman desegregated the US armed forces.

Executive Order 10925, issued by JFK, states that “The [government] contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin.”

One of the largest steps forward was the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made discrimination in public accomodations illegal.

Current affirmative action does not even help the people at the bottom of society. It benefits the rich as they have access to more resources, like private tutoring, schools with dedicated teachers, and better funded schools, while poor families continue to be discriminated against.

This just widens the gap between these two classes, and the situation will worsen over time…”
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
I am going to have to repeat:

“Seriously, I think we may need to have the civil war again...

I am not sure they got it...

I feel that is like beating a drunk in an alley, and they wake up and say “I am ready come back...”

~ Kathleen Madigan
~ Born: September 30, 1965 Florissant, MO
~ “Civil War Again”
~ Bothering Jesus is Billboards #1 comedy album in the world,
~ Published on Mar 1, 2018

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Dha i would say that white privilege exists but it’s actually just racial privilege. The examples given for white privilege are basically a random white shopkeeper treating a white person better than someone else. If you go to an indian store, or an asian store, you can observe the exact same thing occurring with indians or asians or numerous other races.

White privilege is a weird thing some people like to focus on, its the same group of people who also claim only white people can be racist or that you can only be racist toward minority races.

The explanation given for that is that racism requires power. so if you then use their own definition and point out to them that it means poor white people can’t be racist and rich black people can be racist, theyll start foaming at the mouth and turn into a rabid zoo animal. If you say it in person they might even attack you.

In some cases they will use the argument that only a majority race can be racist against a minority race, that the reverse cannot occur. So once again if you then ask them okay so does that mean in africa with majority black countries, the black majority there are racist and the white minority cannot be racist there? And once again you get implosions, frustrations and excuses.

So really what theyre getting at is they just dont like white people, IMO a lot of darker skinned people are just jealous of lighter skin and actually even if you look into the african and indian communities where dark skin is common, they actually value light skin even there. Even the indians and Africans seek out other lighter skinned people in their race. Some if them even bleach their skin or get surgeries.

Its a really twisted, strange modern day mentality; a politically correct way to be racist. They dont want to come out and with honesty say they dont like a certain race, so instead theyll look for loopholes like claiming to believe in equality while also claiming nonsense like only powerful people can be racist, only white people can be racist, only white privilege exists, only majority race can be racist etc. they dont even believe those thing’s consistently because if you then bring up an example of a poor white person or a powerful black person, somehow its still not possible for the minority to be racist or the poor white person to not be racist.

So despite all the proclamations of racism requires power, or racism requires majority race, they still wont believe those things if the majority race switches to a different one. Another subtle and insidious tactic used is obviously when they say that victims of murder or homelessness or police violence should only be protested for, remembered, and donated to if they are of a specific race.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
“In the course of American history, racial minorities have been discriminated against by society”

On one hand, that’s a true statement. But it fails to explain how many first generation Asian - whose parents often may not even speak English - come to America and are wildly academically successful. So much so, they are discriminated against when it comes to college admissions.

Could the disparity be explained by family and cultural values rather than discrimination and white privileged?
avatar for mickey48066
2 years ago
^ good point regarding immigrants from Asian countries when compared to the blacks. The disparity is absolutely a byproduct of how one conducts themselves and raises their children.

Asians and blacks might both be minority groups but one is overwhelmingly a productive contributor while one is largely an anchor.

It's no mystery that all these black women get impregnated by black male zoo animals because more kids means a bigger government check for hair, nails, handbags, etc. They have no interest in raising responsible, productive citizens.

Since the black kids aren't raised properly and given the proper attention by the worthless pieces of shit that created them, they feel left behind. That makes it very convenient to play the perpetual victim card.

Then they grow older and repeat the same cycle like their worthless parents.

Asian parents on the other hand teach their children to be respectful, work hard, etc. They don't have kids just to get a bigger check. Quite the difference. No wonder why they don't see themselves as perpetual victims, that card is reserved only for the laziest and most worthless demographic.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Is it really fathers abandoning that causes those issues. I think its simply the latino and black gang cultures, and idealization of the gangster lifestyle in music. There are very few asian or indian or white gangsters to idealize
And yes the cultures- the asians are often encouraged to be computer nerds while the black people are encouraged to be rappers or athletes.
Its much harder to make it as an athlete or musician- its not like being a computer geek where the top end are executive level and there are also entry and mid levels where you make decent 6 figure incomes.

with athletes youre either a millionaire or making basically no money from it.
Although it could change in the future via YouTube and instagram allowing for income and sponsorships
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

White privilege is the societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in all societies in the world today.

White privilege has its origins in European colonialism and imperialism and the Atlantic slave trade.

The greatest example of White Privilege exists in the United States, were past imperialist policies continue to have this effect; ethnic rivalry, racism, segregation, the uneven distribution of resources, human-rights violations, and lack of good governance.

White privilege denial is in itself a type of racial thinking, one that rejects the idea that there are unearned advantages of being white.

You can deny all the undeniable truth and facts, and that will not change the reality of White privilege in the USA and the world.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
So what is it when you deny black privilege or asian or latino privilege? If every race has its racial privileges in different situations and contexts, and you choose to only call out white privilege, that is racist just like when some people only call out murderers of one race or only assist victims of one race. Its not that white privilege doesnt exist its that every race is doing the exact same thing.
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
Discrimination is discrimination, regardless of who benefits or who is punished.

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