According to a story on Apple News every living ex President except for Trump

avatar for twentyfive
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Is descended from slave owners, as are about a fifth of our elected representatives. This is an interesting story, don’t know if it means much but it sure is fascinating.…


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avatar for caseyx
2 years ago
It means nothing. None of these people owned slaves. Their parents never owned slaves. This is just some idiots looking to keep stirring the racial pot.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Means nothing. Should we assume the families of everyone who commits a crime are also garbage?
avatar for iknowbetter
2 years ago
Stupid political rhetoric. Reuters is a reputable news outlet but they should be ashamed of themselves for succumbing to such woke ideology. So I guess Obama is a racist?
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Reuters hasn't been reputable or a news outlet for years.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
I guess I'm supposed to assume Trump isn't racist now
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Trump's not a racist. Never was. What-specifically- has he done thats racist?

Obama is a racist. He has been blasting White people and America forl decades. He has written that he hates White people. He has declared that America is too rich, too powerful, too culturally influential.

Reuters is mainstream garbage. What kind of woke loser reads Apple News? Oh wait, we have that answer, too...
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
What a bunch of snowflakes, no one’s claiming this article means a fucking thing, not even the author.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
I merely pointed out what it somewhat implied. There is no definitive proof Trump is a racist. That being said, I am not a fan of him
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Oh by the way I did think the Muslim ban was a bit extreme...can you imagine how many were offended by that?! Last I checked roughly a third of the world population identifies as Muslim. Sure there are radicals that are barbaric and dangerous but they probably account for only 1%. I concede it might have been a decision made with good intentions but I'm certain a lot of people didn't perceive it as such

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Ask somebody who is descended from slaves, you might get a different answer.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Wrong again, spacialj. Change your handle to SpecialEd, because only a retard believes the "Muslim Ban" or "Don't Say Gay" labels. Trump never banned Muslims. Never. Did not happen. From Wikipedia:

Executive Order 13769 lowered the number of refugees to be admitted into the United States in 2017 to 50,000, suspended the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) for 120 days, suspended the entry of Syrian refugees indefinitely, directed some cabinet secretaries to suspend entry of those whose countries do not meet adjudication standards under U.S. immigration law for 90 days, and included exceptions on a case-by-case basis. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) listed these countries as Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen. Iraq was also included until it was dropped following sharp criticism from the Iraqi government and promises of improved vetting of Iraqi citizens in collaboration with the Iraqi government.[3][4] More than 700 travelers were detained, and up to 60,000 visas were "provisionally revoked".[5]

This was all part of his plan to reduce Muslim Terror in America, something he successfully did to repair another abysmal Obama failure.

I win. Libs lose again. Fuck right off.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Don't be a dick because someone disagrees with you about something grow the fuck up man!

avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
"BUILD THE WALL" to protect USA from all the terrorists/racists. Remember that one? What all the shithole countries as he called them in Africa? You're nothing but a keyboard warrior PUSSY go suck some cock loser! I'd beat the shit out of you
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Sort of interesting, but will agree it means very little.

Apple News has a somewhat click-bait feel to it, so I'm not a fan. Reuters is a respected news company that doesn't generally buy in to conspiracy theories, hence the understandable attempts to discredit it from the far right.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
It means it's probably a lot easier to become President if your family was here 200 years ago than more recent arrivals.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Reuters is respected by those who want to hear opinions and not news.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
"Don't be a dick because someone disagrees with you about something grow the fuck up man!"

I'm being a dick because you're posting FAKE NEWS that makes you feel good about your uninformed opinions and incorrect assumptions. Try being an adult, doing the research, doing the work, challenging yourself, and accept when the facts are against you and your position is unsustainably wrong. We already have too many dithering old fools on this site who make up the truth as they go along. Don't be them.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
“ I'm being a dick because you're posting”
Open admission of a snowflake that can’t stand to hear that anyone has a valid opinion that contradicts yours.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
""BUILD THE WALL' to protect USA from all the terrorists/racists. Remember that one? "
I do, and the facts are that it worked. Muslim terror in America has ended. It was every day under Obama, but ended under Trump. Illegal immigration was also at an all time low. Those are the facts.

"What all the shithole countries as he called them in Africa?"

Yes, they are shithole countries. Brutal dictatorships, ragingly corrupt parliaments, and lawless anarchy are your three choices of government there. Rampant poaching and wanton destruction of natural treasures are continent wide. Malaria, hemorrhagic fevers, AIDS, horrifying parasites and countless dread diseases are commonplace. Genocide, tribal warfare, child rape, and genital mutilation are cultural norms. Yes, those are shithole countries.

"You're nothing but a keyboard warrior PUSSY go suck some cock loser! I'd beat the shit out of you"

OH. MY. GOD. Thank you. That made me laugh out loud for real. Those last lines are describing yourself to a "T". You've summed up your life in two grammatically incorrect sentences. You're spewing invective and making physical threats (which is a federal crime, by the way), behind the safe anonymity of a keyboard. I am giving you facts and data which rebuke your faulty opinions and defend my educated and accurate analysis. When I disagree with (and destroy) your fragile snowflake worldview, you descend into vulgar threats and violence. Typical liberal

Gammanu95: 2 SpecialJ: 0
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Uh-oh, I triggered twentyfive. He either still hasn't learned to read or is purposefully misquoting me. Typical. No facts or data from that lib, either.

Gammanu95: 999 ^999 Twentyfive:-73
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Your ignorance is epic
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Woodrow Wilson is often considered “the Father of Modern Liberalism” yet he was also one of the most outwardly racist presidents in the modern (20th century) era.

He was the last president born to a household that used the services of slaves.

I just wanted to point out that many liberals today think all people on the right are racist and people on the left are not - but you cannot paint a picture with broad strokes
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Regarding families being held accountable for crimes, it would definitely follow the logic used to argue cops are bad just because they work the same job or in the same department as unethical cops.

The next logical step would be people claiming entire classrooms or professors are responsible for school shootings, entire nba teams are responsible for violence and racism, every driver on the road is a corrupt drugged or drunk driver, every fast food worker is a criminal thief, etc.

Regarding slave ownership, the hodgetwins, and some online sources claim it was only the wealthy elite who owned slaves? Like 1% of the white population was actually able to afford slaves?

Regarding Trump and racism, he wasn’t technically racist in the literal sense of the word, but he did make generalized negative statement’s specifically about Mexicans and Muslims. He stated when Mexico sends people here they arent sending their best. I believe he also said there’s a Muslim problem , and called for a complete and total shutdown on Muslims entering the United States. So technically its not racism since Mexican is a nationality and Islam is a religion, however its still a similar category to racism, since it’s making broad judgements on someones nationality, or calling for action on someone on the basis of their religious affiliation (which would be unconstitutional).

However at the same time, it didn’t seem that Trump actually attempted to implement a Muslim ban or a Mexican ban. So it’s unknown if he didn’t attempt to implement those things because he didn’t think they could be implemented legally, or he just didn’t care or didnt actually want to implement those things. So at this point you don’t know if Trump is anti Mexican or anti Islam, but you do know he said those things at least in part, to appeal to people who are anti Islam or anti Mexican or both.

Insulting Muslims or Asians isnt a major political risk since they’re only like 1% of the population or less. Insulting Mexicans is somewhat risky, but still nowhere near as risky as insulting Latinos or Blacks as a whole. As far as why he didn’t insult Jews, since they are also a small group % wise, it’s probably due to Israel and AIPAC or to appeal to certain Christians.

So as far as Trump being racist or anti certain religious groups or nationalities or races, it’s still up in the air. But there are at least some voters of his who are racist or bigoted or strongly against certain religious groups or nationalities or races and thats who Trump was trying to appeal to.

You could say the same about Biden with the additional factor of him being too unaware to even know what he’s doing. We don’t know if Biden genuinely supports racist groups like BLM or if he just verbally supports them for votes. Or he may just be completely unaware and doing whatever his handlers are telling him to say and do.

Also some claim Trump is racist against blacks because of the central park five incident. That is completely laughable. He possibly could be racist internally against anybody but that incident isnt any sort of evidence of racism. That news article was during the time they were arrested. And trump had comments like that they should be hung or imprisoned or something.because he and many people believed they were rapists.

It’s laughable to accuse someone of racism just because they want a thief or rapist or murderer or scammer to be punished. Additionally from my understanding the central park 5 were all involved in touching the woman or attacking her, there was just a technicality found where only one of them actually penetrated her while one of the other guys grabbed her boobs or something? So yeah maybe its not literally or legally defined as rape but it is clearly still reprehensible especially since I believe one guy was raping her and the other guy was grabbing her bare boobs at the same time. Some of the BLM activists are actually going around claiming they’re all innocent, very strange behavior.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Build the wall to protect America from all the rapists and murderers. Shilthole countries like Haiti and parts of Africa, those are His words Not mine. And if you read my original statement about the ban I gave him the benefit of the doubt regarding intentions. Name One good trait of Trump. Just one. And explain to me why he has Boxes of classified information in his Own house. I honestly believe he is the Worst president in modern history. I identified as Republican back in the Reagan Era, but it simply isn't the party it once was.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
I agree there are problems in this country regarding terrorism, both domestic and foreign. There is also issues regarding immigration. But to stereotype people based on race, religion, sex orientation is Wrong.

Gun laws are bad too.i have an acquaintance that recently got denied purchase of a gun because they had a Marijuana license that was given to them by a Licensed doctor. Kind of silly if you ask me. You may also be aware you can carry a gun in Florida Without a permit.....what's the point of that, are you just goto thrown at someone?!
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Yes I shouldn't have responded so aggressively....but you could have been much less offensive with your response
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Less offensive? Life is too short to suffer fools. That means you. Proportionate responses are for democrats.

Twentyfive, I saw your weak little jabs. I'll break it down for you. I can't be dragged down to your level. You are so far beneath me that I can barely see you. I understand why I live rent-free in your head and occupy most of your waking thoughts, you are obscenely jealous and hateful.

Simply put: I'm better than that, better than you, I'm not going anywhere, and your are going to have to accept that.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Yet you keep responding to me, you should change your user name may I suggest “Trigger”
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Feel feel question my or anyone else's very well could be the smartest person in the doesn't justify insulting others.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ I don’t think there would be a room anywhere on earth where that poseur would be the smartest person in the room
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
I meant "feel free" for those who insist on correcting me for any grammatical errors.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I'm going to continue correcting your lies and stupidity because facts matter. My obligation is to the truth and greater good. It's not about you, nor do I care that it bothers you do much and that you take everything so personally.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Lol OK I see you are too immature to admit any of this is partly on you, like I said go ahead and call me stupid, and keep supporting a person with no conscience who very well could have jeopardized this whole country with his incompetence.....its speaks volumes regarding your own moral integrity. Shut your mouth for once and don't be so opinionated and a lot more people might be willing to listen to your insanely unfounded rhetoric.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
“Life is too short to suffer fools”

Sure gamma. You don’t suffer fools. But you do come on a titty board every day ready to do battle about your dippy political positions with people you can’t convince of a single thing. And then bang on and on about it, keeping score with juvenile bs like “Gammanu95: 999 ^999 Twentyfive:-73”.

Seems like you are actually addicted to fighting with the people you see as “fools”.

Don’t you have a hobby? Say going to strip clubs or something?

avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Oh no, no the left-wingers are all triggered and attacking me, whatever shall I do?

drewcareypnw, the guy who pays strippers hundreds of dollars for OTC handjobs.

Specialj, he makes up his own facts and can't read a dictionary. Novelty doesn't last because that's the actual definition of the word.

No, you guys aren't worthy sparring partners, neither. You guys are above 25IQ and wld4cocks, but beneath the guy who wants to sleep with a tranny (ilbbaicl).
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Roy Rogers named his horse "Trigger", we will just name you "Backwards Trigger" after the part of the horse's anatomy that most resembles you.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
AS sad as this sounds I sort of miss the days of insane shit like this on the board. Recently the discussions have seemed more like a great lunch of skim milk, yogurt and some granola.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
^ I almost miss icey. I said ALMOST, not actually. 🤡
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Verbally expressing dislike for Trump doesn't correlate to being liberal,, yet it was the catalyst for this debate....half of his own party turned against him a Long time ago.

avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
You're only smart as who associate with, why waste your time on a stupid fool like me?!
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Gammanu I voted Trump and likely am further right than you in all respects, but I wonder about this term you keep using “Muslim terror” its never been used in mainstream media even by right wingers the terms I have heard have been Islamic terrorism or some say Islamic extremism or radical Islamic terrorism. Also even though Trump did many good things i dont see how he did much of anything with Islamic extremists other than killing that Iranian general, and the side effect of him starting less wars in the middle east leading to less overall angry people in the middle east. I dont think his immigration policies had anything to do with it. Also it is unconstitutional to prohibit people from entering the country due to their nationality or religious beliefs. If there is a true legitimate threat of immigrants being violent then obviously a smart country would shut down immigration entirely, because if there truly was a threat via immigration,
Obviously people of a certain nationality or religion could simply lie about being of that religion or nationality. So the immigration policy of excluding a specific nationality or religion becomes pointless.

Also its up in the air if trump is anti Mexican or anti Islam since we dont know if he said those things for marketing purposes or genuinely believes them, but the statements themselves are clearly anti Islam and anti Mexican and unconstitutional. The government isn’t supposed to discriminate against a nationality or religion and in fact even people themselves can only discriminate as far as refusing to do business with them or talking to them even citizens wouldnt be able to legally or morally just kick people out of the country because of their religion or nationality.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Dudes bickering and name calling online isn't "insane shit". It's just dudes bickering and name calling. And God knows I've gotten into plenty of my own "sunk-cost" debates on here. But I can recognize that the site is much better now.

Good riddance to both Icee and desertscrub, and thank God the San Jose Public Library updated its Wi-Fi filters.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
What's really troubling to me is the divisiveness in our country....we all have our own strengths and weaknesses, successes and is about compromise..when both sides refuse to budge, at the end of the day nothing is accomplished
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Regarding the main article about Trump being the only non slave owner descendant, this would likely be further fuel boosting him as the outsider candidate and someone separate from the elites and mainstream politicians.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
>I'm being a dick because you're posting FAKE NEWS that makes you feel good about your uninformed opinions and incorrect assumptions. Try being an adult, doing the research, doing the work, challenging yourself, and accept when the facts are against you and your position is unsustainably wrong. We already have too many dithering old fools on this site who make up the truth as they go along. Don't be them.

LOL this is absolutely wild. Gammanu lecturing someone about what he himself needs to do, after his lies about hacks into Hillary Clinton's server were thoroughly discredited:
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Gammanu I voted Trump and likely am further right than you in all respects,
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ LOLOLOL Neither of you is right both bigoted poseurs, who think Trump had any ideology other than enriching himself, what you both are is two fools cut from the same cloth, neither of you would last two seconds in a legitimate debate, hey moneyman calling people boy and referring to folks as zoo animals, is the same as your boy gammanu calling me and Nina, porch monkeys and calling Nina an ignorant slut
Wow just Wow
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
What is a porch monkey? Is it used for a certain race? Nothing wrong with the boy term and zoo animals is just people who behave like animals. There were some valid reasons to vote trump over biden mate.
By further right i meant more to the right beliefs wise
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
How do you know I wouldn’t last in a debate? In a debate on which topic? I would be up for a debate
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
What further proof does anyone need that twentyfive is a demented old twat, pathological liar, or most likely both, than for him to make the ludicrous and easily disprovable claim that he voted MAGA in 2016 and 2020?

Congratulations, you just burned to ash whatever shred of credibility you might have had left.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
^Gamma why don’t you speak for yourself instead of presuming to speak for others. 25’s credibility remains the same for me. Just fine. So does yours: low.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^^Asshat I never claimed to vote Maga ever, I have voted for Republicans in the past and likely will again in the future but never, ever will I, or would I vote for Trump, or any of his acolytes .
Yep Gammanut is pretty low on credibility and obviously gets piss poor scores on reading comprehension, the only place he gets an above average grade would be in bigotry and stupidity.
Why don’t you stick with the racial slurs that’s the only area of competence you qualify.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
What about desantis 25? Ron and rand paul?
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
Is it so surprising that slave owners raped their slaves? You don't get to choose your parents, and having been descended from slavers and slaves is no reflection on you. Nor is only being descended from European slavers and feudalists.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Twentyfive: " I voted Trump and likely am further right than you in all respects"

Also twentyfive: "^^Asshat I never claimed to vote Maga ever, I have voted for Republicans in the past and likely will again in the future but never, ever will I, or would I vote for Trump, or any of his acolytes ."

Demented old twat with zero credibility.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
You know how twentyfive defines a racist? Anyone who beats him in an argument.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
GMD i would say it depends on why and how the enslaver became an enslaver and also why and how the enslaved became enslaved. Theres levels and nuances to everything- if someone was wealthy and just bought slaves to do labor work that’s completely different to going out into some tribal area or another country and just kidnapping random people into slavery. In fact many people now are either involved in owning a slave or purchasing products made by slaves. For example apple, nike, probably many american companies actually use slave labor overseas. Its usually not african slaves, so it doesnt get the same coverage or outcry or unhinged zoo animals as the african slaves from hundreds of years ago.

Many people purchase these products without giving a second thought or care about the slaves used to produce them. Many people are shareholders in apple or nike, which if you want to get nuanced, is even worse than buying products from those companies.

The form of slavery often brought up today is specifically black people enslaved by white people specifically within the borders of the US. And this is done for a variety of reasons, often as a justification for reparations, as a justification for attacking a cop or looting or burning businesses, or just because many people believe in the superiority of the african race whether morally, intellectually, physically, or all three combined.

Another thing that doesnt get talked about much is the history of slavery, which I would recommend googling and also reading the specific Wikipedia article on the history of slavery. Historically, slavery was used as a form of punishment for crimes, and also as a way to pay off unpaid debts. So the idea that every slave owner was a kidnapper who captured and enslaved random people, or that every slave was an innocent person randomly captured, is completely false and presented by people who believe in all kinds of other nonsense. We don’t actually know what percentage of slave owners were kidnappers vs what percentage purchased and used slaves for labor. We also dont know what percentage of slaves were randomly captured vs. what percentage were slaves due to paying off a debt or crime. We do know that slavery still exists today, in prisons in the US, and is used by probably every major company for cheap labor.

And Gammanu you totally exposed 25. Like you said, he literally flip flopped from claiming to vote Trump, to then alternating and saying he never voted Trump.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
He also said he would never vote for a Trump acolyte. Is he admitting to being one of the rare losers who voted for Chris Christie? ROTFLMAOOO
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
Voting for trump isn't necessarily voting "MAGA". He might have simply considered it the lesser of two evils. Such a vote does not require dedication to MAGA.

As for MoneyDipshit00's utterly idiotic post on slavery, how about you fuck right off with that nonsense.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
"Voting for trump isn't necessarily voting 'MAGA'". That statement is factually false. Trump was very open and honest about Making America Great Again, and how he was going to do it. That was his whole platform. Unlike many candidates, he actually did what he said he would do.

Furthermore, the denial is factually false. He said he would never vote for Trump, right after he said he did vote for Trump.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ You really are stupid, the post you're attributing to me was written by moneyman, got cut off by the website, before I could continue my post and was continued in the post directly below the one tour attributing to me, you are about as stupid and bigoted, as anyone could possibly be, and you're such a liar, that nothing you say has one drop of credibility, you just make up shit out of your ass like looking at your personal page, you have claimed to have visited all kinds of places, lying fucktard, you really think anyone believes you've been to FKK sharks or any of the places you claim you've visited, then in other posts you claim to be married to a doctor, and the manager of her medical practice, and she is a refugee from South America, you son are a fabulist, and a bigoted idiot, BTW you've never won any argument with anyone here, not me, nor any of the dozens of times you've been spanked not only by decent members. that just plain don't like you, and by most of the dancers that post regular here.
Feel free to respond with another of your moronic screeds, be sure to call me a porch monkey, that's the only claim to fame you have, dopey motherfucker.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
GMD the phone youre using to type your comment in all likelihood used slave labor, youve stated all cops are bad so chances are you support the BLM movement, which states that enslaving a black person is more immoral than enslaving an asian person, hence they dont have much of an issue or outcry with asian slaves being used to create nike or apple or other products.

Now anyone can read up on the history of slavery, it was used as a punishment for crimes and to pay off unpaid debts, in fact the US prison system does use slave labor even today… the concept of innocent until proven guilty goes both ways. Nobody really knows how and why slaveowners and slaves came into existence on the individual level
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I love watching you try to crawfish back one of your flip-flop statements. The entertainment value is priceless.

When I have I ever claimed to have visited FKK Sharks? Never. It is posted under bucket list, as it always has been. Your idiocy and lack of comprehension shows through in your every statement.

Point of fact. I am married to a Hispanic Immigrant female physician. We did open our solo practice, and have grown it into a multi-disciplinary partnership with partner physicians. I really don't care whether you believe it, because you are unimportant sum-zero blowhard.

The only posters on here are the liberal wing of TUSCL, and only a bitter minority of those actually dislike me. The left-leaning posters who are willing to hear opposing viewpoints and accept diverse opinions appreciate spirited debate with me.

The rest of your accusations and insults to me are actually the behaviors you actively exhibit daily:
-"stupid and bigoted, as anyone could possibly be", that's twentyfive, who believes any statement he disagrees with is ignorant hate speech
-"you're such a liar, that nothing you say has one drop of credibility, you just make up shit out of your ass"; Yep that's twentyfive - Ihlan Bataar, Ukrainian Accords, that I hacked his account to spam my own reviews; that he did vote for Trump and never voted for Trump, that he's a Conservative Republican who loves the Consitutional Republic. All of these statements are obviously lies and easily disproven
-" you son are a fabulist, and a bigoted idiot" see the previous point for sampling of your made-up BS
-" never won any argument with anyone here, not me, nor any", again, Ihlan Bataar, Ukrainian Accords, your attempts to shift spam comments to me, your votes for Trump. How many times have you become so frustrated with losing to me that you swore to permanently ignore or mute me, yet here we are
How twentyfive defines a bigot: Anyone who beats him in an argument.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Wow 25, you gave him a spanking!
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
-"respond with another of your moronic screeds" - again your consistent behavior perfectly illustrated in your last comment, as well as all of your other silly little flame attempts with other posters who have tired of your demented old twat antics
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Liar here's your page, I just did a copy and paste, be so kind as to point out where it says bucket list before you modify your page,
My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Been to clubs in
El Paso
New Orleans
Fort Myers
Fort Lauderdale
Cocoa Beach
Baton Rouge
Bucket list:
City of Industry
FKK Sharks

P.S. Nicky Haley has announced her candidacy and filed, so much for your accuracy
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^^^Now kindly stay the fuck off my posts, you might take note I've not posted on yours, as idiotic as they might be
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
To be fair 25, in the stuff you posted i do see bucket list stated there… not sure if thats what you were referring to
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
There you go again, trying to restrict my freedom of speech. Kindly fuck off whenever you think about telling me what to do.

Moneyman is correct, FKK Sharks is on my bucket list, you demented old twat. Reading comprehension, dumbass.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
More moneyman nonsense. 🤦‍♂️
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
It’s historical facts my boy… its on wikipedia
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