Business over Pleasure
Somewhere in the Carolinas
Looks like capitalism wins once again and is forcing Adult Entertainment to shut down in favor of residential living, entertainment, shopping, and restaurants. Uptown Cabaret in Charlotte will be closing.……
But this story didn't bother me as much as some of the others I've seen because at least, in this instance, capitalism didn't get a lot of aggressive support by local government and law enforcement. In each one of the other instances I mentioned, adult business were continuously raided and/or shut down until they capitulated. That's the part I really hate. If this guy just sold out, which seems to be the subtext here, then at least this happened organically.
Walmart is the best example. It wiped out Mom and Pop businesses across the country, especially in small towns. But, it gave everyone lower prices.
I think the lesson for club owners is to put your club on land that will never be desired by a developer. Unless you want to be rich some day.
say that family sold the strip club property in atlanta for example 15 million. could they have then go open up at another location and just use the license(s) from the old location or would the family have to start all over again with the licensing process?
I took that personally
If you’re a strip club or a used book store or a mom & pop coffee stop in a burgeoning area where real estate prices are skyrocketing? Start looking now for another location in a cheaper section else start writing your obituary. That is capitalism for all its good and bad.
There’s a major scamming problem in the industry, and you also have rappers promoting behavior like blowing hundreds in stage tips. Arent the popular clubs in atlanta or nyc renowned for being horrible for extras or even basic lapdances.
Those licensing laws shouldn’t exist to begin with.