
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    Mr Persianility, the good news is just like most men wont call the cops for being robbed by a hoe, most hoes wont involve the cops either. So, if a hoe tries robbing you, you can give her a good ol fashioned KO and get away with that too. And their pimps are pretty scared too, given that pimping is a felony and, i think if they cross different states to do it, it can be trafficking as well? This is all in addition to the fact hoes with pimps provide scammer esque service to begin with. They’re completely worthless
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    How should we deal with Immigration objectively?
    If i want to move to switzerland can i just show up there and demand to be paid what i feel i deserve? I would actually be very afraid to do something so stupid, I wouldn’t even bother moving there unless i knew what kind of job was available or had something lined up before going.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    How should we deal with Immigration objectively?
    ^They know the living standard and salary and all that before coming here. If they dont, they should know of it before deciding to come. Why would someone pack up and go to a foreign country under the assumption that theyll just be given or paid whatever they want? The fact they choose to come here and get paid the low salary makes it not exploitative. Its the same as an American company using foreign labor.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    How should we deal with Immigration objectively?
    “ The truth is "they do jobs Americans won't do at the low wages and lack of benefits we offer". This is looked at as a good thing? Its exploitative and needs to be called out. Businesses should be held legally liable for using foreign workers that are undocumented. ” Its not exploitative because even though those workers are working for what the typical American considers low wages and no benefits, they’re making far more than the wages in their original countries. It wouldn’t be fair to interfere with the free market process and forcibly raise their wages.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Does anyone leave clubs with air dances?
    How are you defining getting the dick wet? Getting it wet from grinding with the pants still on isnt worth it IMO. It needs to be a bbbj plus real hj skin on skin
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    How should we deal with Immigration objectively?
    Rick you mentioned the yardwork and landscaping type of labor and how important it is that we have latinos willing to do it. You didnt mention the other type of labor people on a strip club site are much more interested in. What i dont get is why dont they loosen the restrictions for women from some of these foreign countries. Are they not allowed to discriminate by gender when it comes to immigration policy? Do they really think the women are as likely as men to be violent or disruptive? In addition to all the cheap, reliable latina labor already available many would also like some cheap middle eastern labor
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    How should we deal with Immigration objectively?
    Puddy Tat, libertarianism is right wing its just further on the right than most right wingers. The less government power the further you are on the right. Libertarianism simply lacks the religious social conservatism often found on the right… but thats not relevant in the left right equation.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Aubrey Plaza - hot or not?
    Aubrey plaza is about average… her body is possibly below average. Very skinny and flat
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Aubrey Plaza - hot or not?
    That Kyra K girl isnt hot, poor genes perhaps. Is that Lotus others were mentioning?
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Has any of y'all been asked "are you waiting for someone?" while going to clubs
    Basedtex i have had some girls who did the OTP HJ offer the same thing in the lap dance, nothing extra. This stealing customer stuff is untrue. A dancer isnt stealing you from another dancer just because she offers you dances and you accept. Theres nothing morally or otherwise wrong with a dancer offering you dances even if she knows you have purchased dances from another girl or are a regular of someone.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    FUCK IT!
    How al-Qaeda has found a foothold again in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
    Some of that is exaggeration. You seem to equate palestinians with Hamas but most of the world doesnt see the two as the same. Its only a portion of right wingers (perhaps a majority) and a minority of left wingers who see hamas the same as palestine. Likewise with “pro hamas protesters” which protestors are those? If theyre blowing up buildings like some blm protesters were, sure, they may be pro hamas. Most of them though are waving Palestinian flags. Its only a subset of those protesters who are actually pro Hamas/pro terrorism. Lebanon had that crazy explosion a couple years back, which was israel. They were also the ones pushing for the war in iraq, probably Afghanistan. Comon now.. a quick google search of that term “Mullah”… it has little relevance to Iran, Hamas, even Palestine.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Cults (MAG) are dangerous organizations that manipulate and harm their members.
    Puddy I agree with your general point that the left has cultists of its own. Maybe there are comparable numbers on each side, or maybe one side has more cultists than the other. Now, a cultist is just anyone who blindly believes their side and considers it to be correct in every scenario. On the left it would include groups like blm/antifa militants, any other hardcore leftists I dont think anyone knows or cares about evan thomas or mark morford, and those quotes have little to do left wing cultism as a whole…
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Could Donald Trump lose the popular vote but “win” the presidency twice?
    “Taken in the course of presidential duties” is still vague and can be interpreted in different ways
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    FUCK IT!
    How al-Qaeda has found a foothold again in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
    @Puddy what specific actions of biden and cumala do you define as sucking irans dick?
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    FUCK IT!
    How al-Qaeda has found a foothold again in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
    Longb, we never “fought terrorism” in the middle east. Israel goes around attacking every country in the middle east, either overtly or covertly. Israel needs the middle east destabilized, and every middle eastern country weakened, so that they can continue to steal more land in the hopes of eventually establishing greater israel.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    FUCK IT!
    How al-Qaeda has found a foothold again in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
    @Puddy yes the left is more pro trans, but you have all these people on the right who simply shrink the penis down with all the beer they drink and the southern fried diet. Plus probably some % of the gun crazies who shoot their own dick off
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Angry, sexy, Russian
    I dont know but I definitely wouldnt want to see a stripper or escort in a relationship, whether their partner knows about their job or not. But for me, its because i feel their service would be lacking and the interaction simply wouldn’t be as genuine, and their partner is possibly a pimp leech. Its not really the same thing when it comes to clients being in relationships because theyre paying the dancer. The dancer still maintains the right to refuse service for any reason though
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Whats the pricing structure here? Reviews arent clear
    Ritz is supposedly to be $30 per song dances with no house fee, yet some dancers i guess want more so they claim $40 per song. Atacdawg arent songs roughly 4 minutes each so you can also get 8 songs, nearly half an hour for $320. Are the $40 lapdances not private and not fully nude? And as far as the $300 private room will that be enough to get any extras without needing to tip more Also even showcase theater and bodyshop are $40 per song, nude dances
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    Inflation is something that takes time to accomplish. The people who move on it the fastest benefit the most. They clearly demonstrate this in econ classes. Printing money creates inflation, yet the government still does it and still benefits from it. The purchasing power of the money goes down the more it travels around the society/economy. Its the people who end up with the cash last who are hurt the most by it. For instance someone prints a billion dollars, goes out and buys 5 houses worth 200 mil each. They got their moneys worth. But then those sellers of those 5 houses will then go and spread the money further, either buying other products or services or investing. Which will spread the money further. And as the money trickles down further, it will lose more and more value. So as far as the 25k tax credit, the sooner you buy the more you benefit. Home prices would rise by a certain % amount based on the level of inflation. It certainly wouldnt be as simplistic as all house prices going up by 25k each.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Whats the pricing structure here? Reviews arent clear
    Are the dances not nude or why are they mild? Even if dancer is willing the mileage is poor?
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Are strip clubs the place to go if you’re strictly looking for sex ?
    Skinnywhiteboy i dont think there are any escorts who only see ceos politicians celebrities. They are just higher priced. For instance romi rain and richelle Ryan charge $2500 for one hour. They’re available for normal people, but who can really afford that regularly besides a millionaire? And who would be willing to blow that for an hour even if they could afford it. So prices like that will automatically weed out most people who arent celebrities. If an escort openly admits she only sees famous people, its a red flag. In fact, the famous people who do book escorts, dont even do so under their own name. They have an assistant worker book the escort using their own photo ID and information, then when it comes time for the actual appointment they inform the escort in person about the celebrity that is actually coming to see them. No ceo, celebrity or politician is going to openly solicit/discus’s appointments with an escort. They have their workers handle all that, so by default the escort has to be open to seeing regular people. There might be some rappers and athletes who DM girls on instagram for meetups but no politician or ceo or anyone who wants to be taken seriously is going to do something like that
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    Puddy thats simply not how economics Or inflation works. No seller of a home raises prices by 25k in response to a government tax credit of 25k. A government tax credit of 25k will create inflation and increased demand for house purchases to some extent, but its not as linear and straightforward as a 25k tax credit = all house prices increase by 25k. That would be the equivalent of a seller listing a house for 750k, then, after finding out your grandpa is giving you 100k to help purchase the house, they change their price to 850k. Only a complete buffoon of a seller would do something like that.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Owner is greedy as hell… do OTC whenever you can
    TCabot, they dont even look at IDs. You pay the entrance fee and thats it. The cops just ask to see your receipt then mark your hand. Maybe if you look too young they will? But keep in mind, they dont sell any alcohol. That probably allows some looseness with regards to checking IDs?
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    @Puddy tat comon now… if youve taken those econ courses you know that this isnt how inflation or the economy works “ That $25k in down payment assistance tells sellers they can hike the price by $25k. That so many Americans are "house-poor" (have a disproportionate amount of wealth in the value of their homes) that anything that lowers their housing values will get them murdered at the ballot box.” Would the seller of a house raise their price by 25k if you told them the government or your uncle is covering 25k…? They wouldnt care… as long as they get their asking price If everyone gets 25k, theres more dollars and spending power available, which can raise demand and raise the money supply. But its nowhere near as simple as people being given 25k, therefore house prices instantly go up 25k. If a seller has a house listed at 750k, and they learn people are being given 25k free, they would have to be an absolute buffoon of a seller to raise their price to 775k in response.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Topless, Strip Club, Nude?
    Those are all technicalities, but what you want to focus on is what you can actually get in the lapdance itself. Even if you dont care for tits or nipples, you can use them to get a possible feel for extras or OTC. If a girl doesnt let you play with her nipples or suck them- she is likely pimped/has a boyfriend, and you should avoid any ITC extras or OTC if she is offering any of those. Youll get scammed, or at best may receive a very mechanical HJ or covered BJ where you cant even grab her tits or touch her pussy.