
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    Its not a consumer society. Its a consumer and producer society. The market is meant for everyone, not just consumers. “Cant have consumer society without consumers” Also price gouging only works if all the producers of the item work with each other in unison. Or, it works for products that are difficult to recreate or cant be recreated. Usually products protected by patent laws. For instance pokemon cards, even though theyre pieces of cardboard… can become very valuable because of artificially restricting the supply. Many of the watch brands, car brands can similarly restrict supply. But a milk seller cant. Even if all the grocery stores worked together, if prices rise even a dollar per gallon, someone else will just start their own milk company and enter the market. Price gouging is not the number one problem. If you read my earlier comments i pointed out grocery store prices of things like beef and milk remained almost exactly the same. Yet a bunch of different chains, even places like mcdonalds and five guys, increased their prices several times. The reason they could raise prices is because theyre selling more than just a bottle of milk or piece of beef that anyone can sell. They have a unique product that they maintain monopoly over, thus can get away with raising prices and blaming it all on inflation even though some of it is just raising the price because they could not because rising costs caused it.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    Whats wrong with a stripper also posting online escort ads on the side? This is one of the modern day problems… guys want an OTC girl yet also want an OTC girl who doesnt bang any other guys OTC. The smarter girls charge a huge, huge fee for that sort of exclusive arrangement. If you give the dancer any sort of indication that you dont want her seeing other guys OTC, she’ll probably lie to you about it anyway. I have no idea where people are finding these dancers willing to be exclusive with 50, 60, even 70 year old men.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    Dolfan do you not have expensive stuff lying around the house that they could be tempted to take? Also you mentioned these girls usually need a ride, are they always getting rides to and from work- they dont have their own car? As far as offering a girl a ride home or so on, if its the first time youve met them they may not trust a client enough to tell them where they live. Funontheside thats not how pimps nowadays work especially boyfriend pimps. A boyfriend pimp isnt just a pimp hes also her boyfriend. Also pimps are worried about their girls falling in love with clients. Thats why they will try putting rules in place so the girl doesnt get too intimate or attached to a client. No kissing, no daty, no getting turned on so no nipple stimulation,
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    How should we deal with Immigration objectively?
    We need female immigration from the Latin countries for the good and affordable services. Businesses can also use the cheap labor of people willing to work for less than minimum wages.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Mr Persianality is Icee
    “ All it comes down to is how you make her feel and make her think it's all her idea ...” Thats the exact same thing Icee junkie used to say.. lol
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Mr Persianality is Icee
    What medication Mr.P? Any medication you suggest will probably be something that makes people drowsy so a stripper hoe swoops in and robs them, then youll celebrate and say how it was the clients fault for getting robbed
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Getting Older = No Longer Gving a F
    “ All it comes down to is how you make her feel and make her think it's all her idea ...” Thats the exact same thing Icee junkie used to say.. lol
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Mr Persianality is Icee
    Drew it’s definitely him or someone who shares the same beliefs. Hes trying to convince people pimped hoes are the same as other hoes… that all hoes are desperate.. that you should remain friends with your ATF after she retires. He uses icees signature line of saying its the clients fault if he doesn’t receive service from a hoe
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Getting Older = No Longer Gving a F
    Mr. P, nobody wants anything to do with a pimped out stripper to begin with. No ogling there
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Does this escort have a handler/pimp/bf?
    Its always good to avoid prostitutes with pimps. Plenty of people who review escorts, specifically look for ones who dont have pimps. You can never be 100% certain but obviously, if you find someone who provides GFE services that weeds out the vast majority of pimped hoes.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Mr.P, you go out of your way to defend pimped out hoes… you try convincing guys on here that pimped hoes provide the same quality of service as non pimped hoes.. you insist that hoes provide differing service levels based on how attractive the guy is to them.. lol. Thats all nonsense that Icee used to say. That guy also believed strippers deserve money just for existing and that its fine for them to rob clients because its the clients fault if theyre dumb or gullible enough to get scammed by a stripper
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Rhode Island
    When your ATF retires...
    C. A & B combo. I think its at least worth an ask regarding continued OTC. They could retire from the club for a variety of reasons but still be open to OTC. Note: some suspect Mr. P is Icee, so his comment up top may not be genuine, rather he may just be trying to convince guys on here to remain friends with their ATF’s and perhaps give them free money for nothing; Icee believed strippers had the right to rob clients and deserved to be given money just for existing.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    Lol Mr P, so to clarify, youre saying girls who are pimped out, behave exactly the same, and provide the exact same quality of service as girls who dont have pimps? IMO youre trying to normalize pimped out hoes and hoping you can convince guys on here to accept scummy pimped hoes when they could see someone far far better in every way possible. Pimped hoes are subhuman scum, regular hoes are regular girls, its just that simple. No, the service level of an escort or hoe is not based on how attracted she is to the guy or what she’s comfortable doing with each client. You clearly haven’t read reviews of escorts who provide GFE or PSE services where they provide repeatedly good service to 20, 30, even 50 guys. It doesnt mean they’re attracted to every one of those guys. GFE providers usually charge more so its an experience the guys are paying for. A pimped hoe, even a pimped stripper, will have all kinds of rule’s making it a mechanical experience. Its not a good look for you to be defending pimped hoes considering several people think youre Icee, and that guy was known to be a guy who was pro pimped hoes and basically thought its fine for hoes to scam and rob clients.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Getting Older = No Longer Gving a F
    Ive heard that line before, about girls thinking youre creepy or not based on you being attractive, but its not true. Its not based on physical attraction, at least. A good looking guy can quickly become creepy if he behaves improperly and an ugly or old guy can become attractive if he behaves right.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Does this escort have a handler/pimp/bf?
    Lol it is my business considering i dont see girls with boyfriend pimps.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    So whats stopping the prostitute from working at mcdonalds, or an office job or many other jobs? If a girl can make $300 an hour as a hoe, meanwhile standard jobs pay $15 an hour, nobody can genuinely say that prostitution is desperation. If its a street ho willing to be a prostitute for $20 an hour, that is desperation. Regarding your last paragraph, no lol. Thats not how it works. Theres prostitutes who wont do certain things with 100 customers. It isnt because those 100 guys had issues. Its because the prostitute is following her pimps rules. You dont need to be told anything. As i said, if they dont tongue kiss, that factor alone means they are likely pimped. If they dont let you eat their pussy, that’s an obvious sign of being pimped. At minimum a boyfriend pimp. Obviously they wont answer honestly just from you verbally asking. You can use several other cues to figure out if shes pimped. And if you do want to get a pimped hoe to bend her rules and cheat on her pimp, itll take repeat visits and tons of money spent for the possibility of that happening. A lot of time and investment for little benefit.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    Prostitution is not desperation.. for the girl its a method to make far, far more money than working a typical retail job, without needing to run a business or have a degree. For a lot of these chicks its because of materialism. How else could they possibly afford multi thousand dollar pieces of clothing, shoes, handbags etc unless they either went to school, had rich parents… a rich boyfriend/husband If you mean desperation on the part of the consumer, thats not true either. For most if not all guys, if you arent a famous celebrity, youll have to pay in some form, directly or indirectly. I dont hire or deal with pimped out hoes. Theres ways you can find out if a hoe is pimped. For starters theyre more likely to scam, more likely to clock watch. Pimped hoes dont provide “gfe” or “pse” services. Thats one easy way to weed them out.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    The guy didnt testify for being shot , just because he didnt want to admit he saw a prostitute or escort? That story just further proves how subhuman pimps and their hoes are.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    With regards to dancer OTC, IMO you have to get at least one dance from her, maybe a couple 1 song dances before discussing OTC. In the dance show that you are willing to break some rules or okay with her breaking rules. To show youre not a cop. For hotels you can use priceline… thats the best ive found… @MrP, how do pimps have an easier time and get out in 4 months? Pimping is a felony in itself, plus trafficking if theyre moving around their hoes across different states. If theyre out in 4 months, they must be hiding the fact they were a pimp?
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    The problem with transgendered athletes is F2M transgenders can get so big and muscular they can completely dominate any man who genuinely doesnt use any performance enhancing drugs. On the other hand, M2F transgenders can become so fat and weakened from the estrogen usage that they would probably easily lose to an in shape female athlete. So the only fair thing to do would be to have two transgender categories, one which is strictly for M2F trans and one which is strictly for F2M trans. It wouldnt be fair to put F2M trans amongst other men who are also using drugs, and it wouldnt be fair to put them against natural men.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Trumps not the greatest ever, lol. At most you could argue top 10. His greatest asset is even though he was a celebrity he was an outsider in politics. It helps that he is a billionaire, since it means it would likely take another billionaire to potentially corrupt him. America does not put white Christian men at the top. That is the group thats most socially acceptable to criticize and insult, lol. You could say white Christian men currently are the most subdued group in America. Remember that quote… To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    How many dancers are pimped out in a ghetto city like baltimore? Probably half. it sometimes even seems their pimp sits in the club watching them
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    @funontheside the best option IMO are escort agencies. The bigger ones operate like a small company, and if a girl causes any issues you have recourse and can go directly to the agency. Its still safer to use their own location rather than having someone come to your house. Some girls wont even come to a house, only a hotel location. Half or more of those girls posting as independent on eros/tryst etc are actually pimped out
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    Mr Persianility, the good news is just like most men wont call the cops for being robbed by a hoe, most hoes wont involve the cops either. So, if a hoe tries robbing you, you can give her a good ol fashioned KO and get away with that too. And their pimps are pretty scared too, given that pimping is a felony and, i think if they cross different states to do it, it can be trafficking as well? This is all in addition to the fact hoes with pimps provide scammer esque service to begin with. They’re completely worthless
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    How should we deal with Immigration objectively?
    If i want to move to switzerland can i just show up there and demand to be paid what i feel i deserve? I would actually be very afraid to do something so stupid, I wouldn’t even bother moving there unless i knew what kind of job was available or had something lined up before going.