
Comments by Thick-5-Incher (page 7)

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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation!
    "insurance companies are getting windfall profits same as the oil companies and there needs to be more oversight and accountability of those companies as well" I don't see why an Obama-Care model couldn't be applied to the auto and home insurance markets. Govt. oversight of health insurance companies didn't lead to a massive implosion of the system like the Repukes predicted --- Obama-Care did exactly what it promised --- kept insurance costs under control and making it more affordable for the lower and middle class folks. I have yet to see any doctor, hospital or insurance company go bankrupt because of Obama-Care.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation!
    "What the stock market is betting on right now is that the Fed will tolerate higher inflation rather than do something which will firebomb the broader economy." Exactly. The Feds will selectively and minimally raise interest rates until they see a lessening of demand for consumer goods, outside of food and energy which are basic needs. Jeff Bezos just went on TV and told people to hold off buying a new car or big screen TV and focus on the basics like paying rent and your grocery bill. Pretty amazing considering he's the guy who became filthy rich off people buying stupid shit on his website.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation!
    ^ My morning dump is smarter than a little homo like you boy ^ You're mocked in here a lot, Ski-Fagg. I've crushed Boston ass clowns like you and rolled ya into ditches. It's easy and a lot of fun.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation!
    "It was flooding money into the economy to stabilize it over a politically motivated artificial shutdown over a supposed pabdemic with a 99% survival rate." Sending $1200 checks to people to pay back rent and overdue credit card bills is "flooding the market with money" and causes reactionary inflation LOL. A low IQ anti-Semite like Dave is good to laugh at and a punching bag for a witty Dem like me, but not much else :-)
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    2 years ago
    SOUND OFF – The State of U.S. SCs and the International Sex Scene
    Very accurate article about the sad decline of strip clubs since the 90's, which is when they peaked. The depressing state of affairs in Atlanta is occurring all over the country, and the last remaining meccas of nudie clubs like Dallas and South Florida will succumb to the same fate in the next 10 years. I also agree that Follies will probably always be my favorite American club of all time. Even though it wasn't perfect, it just had everything I liked -- plenty of young attractive women of all races who were willing to enjoy your dick in the private rooms. What else does a man want out of a no-strings relationship with a female? The one thing that never gets talked about Follies is the low lighting it had, it was the dark atmosphere that made it feel like a bedroom of a chick you just hooked up with at the bar and now you're back at her place and the pre-cum is drippin' out your dick and you're ready to fuck! I really hate these great clubs like Baby Dolls in Dallas where it's lit up like a God damn living room on Christmas morning with the in-laws. With that low lighting at Follies, it was so easy to get naughty with your dancer during a $10 lapper and slide a finger in her pussy or rub her clit and nobody could really see what you were doing. Plus, many guys were getting dicks-out dances as well.
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    2 years ago
    Why smelling good at a strip club is an amazing idea
    I've been indulging in the stripper hobby for 25 years and the escort hobby for 12 years and I agree that smell can make or break a fun encounter. I've been with a few very attractive dancers that had swamp ass and I wanted to get away from them as quickly as possible. I always make a point to take a shower and spraying cologne right before hitting the clubs or seeing an escort. You're already 50% of the way to enjoying a woman's body if you are clean and smell nice.
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    2 years ago
    Do's and don't's if you hook-up with dancers outside of the club (OTC)?
    I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that dancers don't need to meet you at a hotel. They make enough money at the club doing normal stripper stuff to pay their bills. The only reason a dancer would meet you at your hotel for sex is that you're willing to put up serious money and she has built up enough trust in you to know you'll pay the premium price and you're not a creep who will rat her out to the police or to her employer, since hooking is a fireable offense for a dancer. I've had a few OTC encounters and my usual MO is to pay a LOT for the initial encounter, usually 400 or 500 for an hour depending on the quality of the girl. I've actually had BJ only dates at my hotel but those were with average-looking girls at skanky clubs and they were desperate for the extra money. The bottom line is that any girl will feel more comfortable seeing you at a hotel for sex if you are just an average boring dude who wants average boring sex. On the first encounter, don't be asking for ream her asshole wide open or ramming your cock balls-deep in her throat and demanding she swallow every drop like a filthy whore! If you are lucky enough that she trusts you, then you can slowly ask for more sexually adventurous stuff like cum-in-mouth and bareback sex if you are willing to pay her prices. But she NEEDS to feel safe with you first before she entertains the kinkier stuff. The majority of dancers prefer to be seen as female entertainers and not dirty hookers, do don't be pushy and make them feel like cheap hoes or else they won't answer your texts. But if you take things slow and ALWAYS pay the premium and tip well, then it's very possible to be enjoying sex with some of the sexiest strippers at the club! Patience and perseverance are the key words.
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "Hey fuckface, have you turned on the news lately?" Yeah I do watch the news --- and I see incidents like the Waco Twin Peaks biker war that erupted in 2015 when bullets started flying over a scuffed Harley! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NmRRCncKlg
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "But one thing that's very funny is his hysterical reaction to the Bruen (gun-carry) decision" I could care less what happens in Jersey since I don't live there and my only experience is driving through that shitty state on my way to NYC or Boston. Judging by the Jersey politicians I've seen in recent years like Christie and Oz, there seems to be no shortage of assholes in that state LOL. I'll readily admit that sitting in my car and staying warm and toasty on a winter day while some poor prick pumps my gas is the one nice perk about New Jersey! As far as open carry of guns, I think it's a bad idea. I grew up around guns since me and my Dad were hunters but we weren't "gun nuts". We always agreed that it's a bad idea for every dumb hick to be carrying a loaded pistol into a Walmart or restaurant or school just because you think you "might" get robbed that day. As soon as you allow people to carry guns everywhere is when you have lost all control in society and you'll have a Wild West mentality where every little verbal altercation turns into a shootout where bullets are flying and bodies are piling up over the most trivial stuff. And let's not pretend that far-right pricks like George Zimmerman and Kyle Rittenhouse were "keeping the peace" --- they were just typical Trumper Racists who were upset that black people were voicing their opinions in the streets and they decided to vent some of that small white dick energy and kill black people because of their racist hate and insecurities. If you see people in public who might be acting shady or dangerous, just call the cops and let them deal with it. Why did that system work for hundreds of years but suddenly you white MAGA Cucks suddenly think the only way to keep law and order is to lock-and-load and shoot unarmed colored people? You're a bunch of sick murderous fucks.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation!
    @ DesertScrub the Dipshit -- Where is all this free money "flooding" the market? You right wingers just spew a lot of word salad nonsense that only makes a Faux Fake News chimp scream. Look up something called the "Phillips Curve" --- perfectly explains why low unemployment leads to consumer price inflation, stupid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y234PB-ORp4
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    2 years ago
    Brief Rio de Janeiro & Brazil guide
    Wow, it sounds like all the stories about Brazil are true, in a good way. I have been with a couple Brazilian escorts in Miami and Orlando and they all seem built like brick shithouses and know how to suck a dick! I honestly think I'd spend time at a place like Scandallo or Whiskeria like six months a year if I ever won $800 million in the Powerball. I mean, what could be a better life than to hang out in a club all night with 300 sexy and horny Latinas age 18-25 who wanna suck your dick without a condom on? I really can't think of a better life, so if you know then please tell me.
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    2 years ago
    Demographics, Strip Clubs and America
    I also agree that Asian girls seem to be unicorns in any strip club in America outside of California. I'm not sure why this is, but maybe it's because of the stigma of being in a "sinful profession" that Asian parents would use to shame their daughters out of even trying to audition for a stripper job. That being said, there are rare exceptions and the one Asian girl I met at Partner's Tavern in Erie, PA, was a real firecracker who could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch! She left me drained and happy in the back room, but this was like 10 years ago and the club sucks now.
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    2 years ago
    Demographics, Strip Clubs and America
    I think most of your quick takes are pretty spot-on. I can't comment on any club in a state west of Texas since I never frequent that part of the country, so the LA and Vegas clubs are totally a mystery to me. However, I do travel all over the eastern U.S. and everything you mentioned about the Atlanta, Dallas, Detroit, and Miami clubs are true. So bummed that it's now closed, but Follies in Atlanta was a very unique club because it was mostly white customers in the daytime but turned into a 99% black guy club at night. It also had a fair number of white girls in the daytime, which a lot of Dallas and Miami clubs can't claim. There are still a bunch of white girls working the Detroit and Chicago clubs but it's kinda hard to find real stunners who enjoy full contact during dances, although much of that is to blame on Puritanical laws and bullshit ruining clubs all over the country. Anyone who enjoyed naughty fun in the 90's realizes how much strip clubbing has declined since then. Personally, I think the best combo of great-looking women and intimate contact during lappers like titty-sucking are best enjoyed at places like Baby Dolls in Dallas and Gold Rush in Miami. Detroit used to be top tier but a lot of the dancer quality in that town has fallen dramatically and all that's left are tatted up meth skanks.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation!
    "China Donnie causing the April 2020 drop in equities is about as dumb as SkiDumb claiming inflation is high due to the statements he reads from his clients balance statements. Trump is a big loser by the way, but not in April 2020" Well, maybe not directly but Beijing Don making COVID seem like a big joke that would blow over in a week is definitely the cause of the stock market meltdown in 2020. It doesn't matter how you slice it, Fred Trump's piece-of-shit son was never good at anything, whether it's real estate, running a casino, or maintaining a healthy marriage. He's a big fail at everything except marketing and self-promotion, so he's just a dumber version of PT Barnum. Big whoop. At least PT Barnum gave me a clown show that was entertaining, and not running a country where we're all trying to make a decent living and raise kids.
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "Everyone stop and take a breath. Breathe in the reality that 90+% of both Jan 6 and BLM protesters were law abiding. But thick-5 is right that the BLM 10% is less dangerous than the Jan 6 10%. The looters were mostly apolitcal opportunists. Those who threw rocks, cans, and bottles at the police are comparable to the Jan 6 10%" That's the point I keep trying to make about false equivalencies being foisted by right wing propagandists like Fucker Carlson and Lying Hannity. BLM was fought in the streets for racial justice but it did cause some property damage and a few people did get hurt as collateral damage, but you can't equate that to a fascist lying crook like China Donnie encouraging his racist minions to openly assault our nation's Capitol and try to hurt and kill lawmakers and obstruct an official act of democracy like certifying the Electoral College vote count. That is a SERIOUS march towards fascism and it can NOT be tolerate in a society that places all it's hopes and dreams on free elections and allowing the people to govern themselves. My beloved Grandpaps didn't die in Europe fighting the Nazis so that we can ass-kiss a lying piece of shit like Beijing Donnie to commandeer this great nation and turn it into a right-wing Crony Clown Show that fattens up his bank account and pisses all our moral values right down the toilet. We always have to aspire to something greater, and the whole world is watching us closely to see if we can walk it like we talk it.
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    2 years ago
    Have Jews overplayed their hand in America?
    I think 99% of us in here would love to get Ole Anti-Semite Dave cornered in a back alley on a moonless night. Then we'll see tough he is without his Charlottesville Jew-Hater Cucks to bail him out. All these racist pricks act the same to me, deplorable and full of hate for their judgemental fathers and miserable blue collar lives.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation!
    The current inflation spike is about 90% due to supply chain shortages and a low unemployment rate. It doesn't take a Ph.D. in economics to realize that when people have jobs, they want to spend money on consumer items, and prices will go up if the cash is flowing but the goods are in short supply and the labor market needed to make those goods is also in short supply. Right wing morons like Skibum will never understand the basics of the American economy, which is why China Donnie caused 40% of the stock market to plummet in value in April 2020.
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    Tetradon, shut off the puter cuz I hear Mommy calling you to dinner. You lack the innate intelligence to debate a well-educated Dem like me. I can piss down your throat and roll ya into a ditch like a bitch. I've been destroying Trump Cucks for over 6 years now. I'm damn good at my job.
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "About DeSantis, I don’t see how he could possibly flip Michigan red after Rs just lost the state legislature and Whitmer got re-elected with 54%" That's why Adolf DeSantis is a wet dream for the Democrats. He's a less charismatic version of China Donnie and everyone knows Mighty Joe will mop the floor with the squinty-eyed little Harvard pussy in 2024. Plus, we don't know all the dirt that Fraudster Don will unleash about Ronnie. No way in hell that a flagrant white nationalist can win in Dem-leaning states like MI, PA, and WI. It's already been litigated in 2018, 2020, and 2022 so how moronic do the Repukes have to be to keep trying to trot out these extremist Mussolini wannabes and keep getting cunt-punched into submission like smelly hoes?
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "We are fast approaching a point where there are 27 states that are certain to vote Republican and 23 states that are Democrat." Outside of FL and TX, all the other red states are jobless shitholes where cattle and sheep outnumber human beings LOL. There is a photo floating around of China Donnie looking at a map of the U.S. and he sees this big areas of red and it's Montana and the Dakotas and he says to the reporter "do you see how 90% of the country voted for me?" LOL, you can't make this stuff up. This trust fund crook is the dumbest piece of shit on Earth.
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "Still waiting for that incriminating info. He won his first election by a point and this one by 19" China Donnie got 1.5 million more votes in FL than Little Adolf in 2020 and STILL got his shit pushed in by Mighty Joe! That alone should tell you how badly Little Fascist Ronnie will get destroyed in 2024. Keep living those right wing dreams, DUMBO.
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "I'm calling your bluff. Go ahead and drop whatever "incriminating stuff" you've got. Just imagine him shredding Biden in a debate." LOL, as if debates have any effect on the general electorate. Hillary skinned Coke-Sniffles Donnie alive in all three debates and she still lost. Fetterman was stroking out during his TV debate but he still managed to whip the Turkish Fraudster Oz back to Jersey like a dirty rat. TV debates are nothing more than a dog-and-pony show. Debates don't win elections, ideological positions do. Little Fascist Ronnie is just a Harvard version of Draft-Dodger Don. His views on abortion, immigration, corporate taxes, Ukraine/China/Russia, student loan debt, police brutality, and climate change are 99% the same as Trump and the other far-right kooks who got cooked in the mid-terms. Somebody once said insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, so let the GOP continue their insanity by nominating Little Adolf and watch him get roasted alive in a Presidential election. Screeching your racist drivel about open borders didn't convince the people of AZ, GA, MI, PA and WI in 2020 and it certainly won't sway them in 2024.
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "The main reason for the poor Republican showing was easily attributed to Trump and abortion, Trump killed a lot of the turn out with his personal attacks, and anyone that thinks that politicians and judges belong in the decision making process that is taking place when a woman decides to have an abortion, is a out of touch with reality loony tune. Five states where abortion was on the ballot voted for it to be easily accessible, as it stands this shows that your average politician doesn't know when to mind their own fucking business" Very well said, 25 --- couldn't agree more. Just look at the vitriol being spewed at China Don from the GOP establishment right now. Trump was on the ballot for all these races and he dragged them all down into the abyss. Even if McCarthy gets the Speaker position, he will only have a razor's edge of majority in the House and that means trivial bullshit agendas like impeaching Biden over the border or investigating Hunter's laptop are going to be NO-GO from the incoming moderate Repubs who are sick of the petty revenge stuff. The country took the Beijing Donnie Trump Train as far it can go and it flew over the cliff like a raging dumpster fire on rails. It's time to return to moderate politics ruling our nation, which is how the Founding Fathers always wanted it.