Demographics, Strip Clubs and America

avatar for Muddy

A recently released racial dot map of the USA off the 2020 census I think is pretty fascinating look at America and for our purposes America in strip clubs. Not everyone looking for the same things strip club wise, but knowing certain things can help guide you to the types of strip clubs, strippers you are looking for. I've been to a lot places on here and it just re-affirms a lot of things that I had to discover in person.

-One thing of note in regards to what neighborhoods or side of town your trying to stick to while strip clubbing or getting a hotel at, maybe your a white guy that doesn't want to go to a black neighborhood, maybe your a black guy that doesn't want to go to a white neighborhood etc. etc. it's helpful just take a glance at this kind of map if not from the area to see where you may or may not be as welcomed, especially if you don't know the town or city your in all that well.

-Usually, not always but usually the club dancer demographics will often reflect the kind of area the club is in. Any hispanic area on this map above turquoise, will almost always have majority latinas dancing in those clubs located there at least from what I've seen. The rest is not as concrete but the black club will usually be in the black area. If there is a white skewing club it will usually be in a downtown area or way out in the suburbs IME.

-As you would surmise, it will also affect the demographics of customers your going to find in those very strip clubs based off where they are at.

-For those fans of black dancers out there, it really looks like the South would be a good bet as it skews more black than the rest of America. Virginia, Carolinas, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana. A long with of course the big time urban northern cities like Chicago, NYC, Philly, Detroit, Baltimore, St Louis. Also not north but Dallas too. Black Meccas for strippers I would guess it's between Houston and Atlanta.

-If you look out west there really are not a ton of black people in general out there, outside of maybe really LA and Oakland. A lot of people in America probably aren't really aware of that. But take note if your into black girls, it might be tougher than back east if your not in the right places.

-For Asian dancers, it really is the rarest type of dancer, they just aren't really out there like that, but if you are going to try to find them you really got to go to California. A lotta blue on that map. I would say everywhere else they are practically non existent in strip clubs, it's a real unicorn to find one but at least California you will see them every now and then in places like Los Angeles and San Francisco. Probably the Pacific Northwest as well but as of this writing I just really haven't hit the strip clubs up there to tell you that with first hand knowledge (And I'm too lazy to read all the reviews to see if somebody found one) So for Asians, go West Coast.

-All along the southern border, the latina is the by far dominant dancer. From SoCal through Texas. Mostly of Mexican descent which is different then east coast. You do see more and more cubans as you hit the big Texas cities.

-Florida, if you tallied it up, probably a cuban dancer majority as you would expect. The Cuban invasion has hit all across America but one place you would expect to find them is Florida and you most certainly will. Miami is going to have all kinds of girls from the Carribean area. And Miami might be a tough city to find white strippers in.

-In the NYC area, the Latina will reign supreme here as well when it comes to numbers but it more skews Dominicans, Brazilians, Salvadorians, Colombians, Puerto Ricans rather then Mexicans and Cubans although you will still see those. If your looking for those stereotypical italian girls gotta go to the suburbs and but even there it will still be mostly latina.

-You can find Russians and eastern euros elsewhere but in NYC they are a sizeable minority of dancer in the area as many live there already.

-New England you can see some different stuff in there like Azurian girls and Cape Verdeans. A lot of Irish in New England as well, if you got a thing for freckles probably stand a good shot there.

-If you got a thing for white girls, I think the Midwest is your best bet. That hot blonde girl, we can debate it all day but that is the most coveted demographic of stripper, in some of the big time coastal cities where you got a lot of big money chasing that type of girl, she is completely unaffordable to have fun with. BUT if you catch her in a place like Kentucky or Indiana, maybe now not so bad.

-If your looking for like those 6 foot blonde amazonian types. Probably Minnesota is your best bet due to many having Scandinavian heritage. You still probably won't find them dancing but I did see a hot door girl at Rick's in Minneapolis that fit that description.

-Chicagoland is going to be the most diverse place in the midwest if that what your looking for.

-Detroit area you might be able to find middle eastern dancers as there is a sizeable population there. I've ran into a couple there. You might say what's a couple, who cares but you just never see them anywhere else. Although for census purposes, middle eastern folk are designated as whites so it won't really show different on the above map.

-Latinas, be it American or off the boat you will see everywhere and in the most unexpected places. Like Nebraska and Iowa. In my opinion it's just a group that loves to dance, they are to dancing what asian kids are in the honors math class. Overrepresented as the wokesters would say, but hey I'm not complaining, I'm a fan.

-Native American girls, another super rare one, green dots on the above map. Although I have met up with TUSCL's Jazyjazz01 she's from the Lumbee tribe in North Carolina. I have also met a few girls who were mixed but not too many full native american girls that I can remember off the top of my head. But likely best chance to catch Native American girls is out west. Places like New Mexico, Oklahoma best shots if you do actually are gonna see one. Also if you got lap dances from Liz Warren, that does NOT count.

Anyway those are just my quick takes. I think it's an informative way to look at the country, I don't think a lot of people don't really know this stuff who may have not been to certain other parts of the US. Would love to hear your guys input and what you've seen out there.


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avatar for Jascoi
2 yrs ago

my single most favorite club is 100% latina.

avatar for Thick-5-Incher
2 yrs ago

I think most of your quick takes are pretty spot-on. I can't comment on any club in a state west of Texas since I never frequent that part of the country, so the LA and Vegas clubs are totally a mystery to me. However, I do travel all over the eastern U.S. and everything you mentioned about the Atlanta, Dallas, Detroit, and Miami clubs are true. So bummed that it's now closed, but Follies in Atlanta was a very unique club because it was mostly white customers in the daytime but turned into a 99% black guy club at night. It also had a fair number of white girls in the daytime, which a lot of Dallas and Miami clubs can't claim. There are still a bunch of white girls working the Detroit and Chicago clubs but it's kinda hard to find real stunners who enjoy full contact during dances, although much of that is to blame on Puritanical laws and bullshit ruining clubs all over the country. Anyone who enjoyed naughty fun in the 90's realizes how much strip clubbing has declined since then. Personally, I think the best combo of great-looking women and intimate contact during lappers like titty-sucking are best enjoyed at places like Baby Dolls in Dallas and Gold Rush in Miami. Detroit used to be top tier but a lot of the dancer quality in that town has fallen dramatically and all that's left are tatted up meth skanks.

avatar for Thick-5-Incher
2 yrs ago

I also agree that Asian girls seem to be unicorns in any strip club in America outside of California. I'm not sure why this is, but maybe it's because of the stigma of being in a "sinful profession" that Asian parents would use to shame their daughters out of even trying to audition for a stripper job. That being said, there are rare exceptions and the one Asian girl I met at Partner's Tavern in Erie, PA, was a real firecracker who could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch! She left me drained and happy in the back room, but this was like 10 years ago and the club sucks now.

avatar for Heaven-sent
2 yrs ago

I’m over 50 and tats just don’t do it for me. I will tolerate however because that’s the price of SClubing. I go search for ones with a small amount. Covered in them is a deal breaker for me. I just can’t see past them.

avatar for OrangeClown
2 yrs ago

^^This will never be a concern for @Desertscum since sheep aren't into ink.

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