
Comments by Thick-5-Incher (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "That's your opinion. Good luck painting him as Trump when Trump already gave him a derogatory nickname. He has a track record of competence in running America's 3rd-largest state." Democrats would love for you righties to nominate Little Fascist Ronnie. It'd be another cakewalk landslide for Mighty Joe. Good luck trying to paint Adolf DeSantis as some kind of moderate who can win in purple states, I really wanna see how well that turns out LOL. The problem with a DeSantis run in 2024 is that we've already got too much incriminating stuff on him already that will make him totally un-electable in the major swing states of AZ, GA, MI, PA and WI, and those five states are needed by ANYONE who wants to win the White House. If Republicans actually wanted to take the Presidency in 2024, they'd nominate somebody like Kasich or Kinzinger who could easily win the Big Five Swing States, but the problem is that the MAGA Faction is a lingering cancer and they'd rather stay home on Election Day than cast a vote for a softie "cucks" like those two classy moderates.
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "Most cops arent going out of their way to patrol minority neighborhoods, and actually these arent minority neighborhoods, these are just often neighborhoods in poor parts of the city with poorer black and white people." So how come you never see a video of a black cop kneeling on the neck of a poor white guy and snuffing him out? I can post hundreds of links of racist white cops murdering maiming innocent black folks. You righties try to pretend to be racially-neutral but you're ALWAYS playing the race card. I didn't hear China Donnie screech "send them back" to Nancy and Hillary at his Nazi rallies, it was only for highly-respected female Democrats of color. He called Mexicans murderers and rapists, not Norwegians and Swedes. He busted on Kaepernick because he's half-black, but when a crybaby cheater like Brady flaunts the rules and makes a mockery of pro football, China Don calls him "a great friend". Now do you the racial hypocrisy on the right and why it needs to be called out as a major liability for Republicans in the elections, year after year?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "a liberal is now calling trump - china donnie! for the record - it is HUNTER BIDEN that has received millions of dollars from Chinda - not china donnie" You MAGA-Tard pieces of shit can't produce a single receipt showing Hunter received a penny from China. I dare you to provide proof. Citing a Fucker Carlson propaganda piece doesn't count LOL. Meanwhile, my side can produce all the evidence in the world to label the draft-dodger "China Donnie" --- here's some tasty samples: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/21/donald-trump-china-bank-account-nearly-200000-taxes-report https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-10-21/tax-records-show-trump-tried-to-land-china-projects-bank-account https://money.cnn.com/2016/03/08/news/economy/donald-trump-trade/
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "Pro-life non-Trump candidates excelled. Mike DeWine in Ohio. Matt Kemp in Georgia. And of course Ron DeSantis. All pro-life Republican winners. Mastriano was another Trumpling who took a spot from a much more electable candidate." Well I'm a lifelong Mighty Dem and I happen to like DeWine and Kemp. DeWine was very aggressive about Ohioans getting their COVID vaccine, even had a lottery system set up to give out cash rewards as an incentive. And Kemp is somebody who didn't kowtow to China Donnie's stolen election bullshit. He'll most likely be a key witness in the upcoming GA criminal trial that could put Dradt Dodger Don away for 10 years. DeSantis is just fools' good to the GOP at this point. He's too radical to win a general elections, the Dems will easily paint him as a younger Trump 2.0 and he'll get creamed in 2024. But hey, I guess Republicans love wasting money on these extremist freaks.
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "The best explanation of the available data was poor candidate quality, namely Trump candidates, and especially those more obsessed with relitigating 2022 than moving forward." You blame poor Republican candidate quality for the lousy showing, but then say a sentence earlier that pro-life candidates did well. You can't have it both ways. Most of the China Donnie hand-picked stooges like Mastriano are radical pro-lifers who proudly threatened that women would be charged with felonies for attempting an abortion under any circumstance, or even trying to leave their state to get one, if they won their elections. The data about the 2022 midterms will be scrutinized for many months, but I'm sure that turnout for women age 18-40 were likely the deciding factor in most competitive races, and for them abortion was of the highest priority. You can tell you're a clueless conservative male if you honestly believe a woman of reproductive age is more concerned about $3.35 gasoline than having a local politician telling her what she can do or not do with her body.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "The Republicans are and keep making the same mistake by dismissing Jan 6 or whataboutting it to the BLM riots. It’s a huge mistake and undermines our credibility. We need to acknowledge what it was - a ham handed buffoonery attempt to prevent the election from being certified. But still, we downplay and deflect it. You want the democrats to compromise and move to center? Well then we better stop pretending that Jan 6 didn’t happen. Voting against a bipartisan 911-like commission to investigate Jan 6 was fucking idiocy. Then not participating in the Jan 6 hearings compounded the idiocy." Well said, Jimmy, and just proves my point about the conservatives being deluded with false equivalencies. 99% of America agrees that January 6th needed to be investigated by a bipartisan panel of Congress to get the bottom of who is responsible for it happening. You can't equate a vicious attack on American democracy and subversion of a free election with BLM protests that OCCASIONALLY went violent but mostly involved property damage and looting. Anyone who isn't a brainwashed Trumper knows that Target and Cheesecake Factories are fully insured for their losses, but murdering lawmakers at the Capitol to install a far-right fascist regime is something that can't be brushed off as a "minor scuffle", as Laura Cunti-Granny and Fucker Carlson called it. God, when are you MAGA-Cucks gonna grow some brains and spines and realize how much damage you've down to this country?
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    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "BLM burned many business down (along with ANTIFA) BLM shook down small, medium and large business for donations to local chapters and the national organization BLM was responsible for looting of those same businesses BLM was responsible for police being battered and shot in their cars in 2020 BLM sent many neighborhoods into absolute fear (including my own) and lockdown in 2020" Wrong, wrong, and WRONG BLM didn't "shake down" anyone for monetary kickbacks. That's just pure Fox Fake News propaganda as usual. And as far as BLM sending neighborhoods into "fear", then what do you call THOUSANDS of racist white cops patrolling colored neighborhoods every day and just ITCHING to put a knee on an innocent person and snuff them out? Here's a simple request from all you racist right-wingers --- show me a single video of a left wing cop committing an atrocity against a right wing person in the past 15 years and I'll post videos of right wing cops MURDERING Democrat citizens in cold blood. Let's have a little comparison contest, eh! The bottom line is this --- BLM was a modern day version of a 1960's civil rights protest, except that a FEW businesses got looted and burned. However, the January 6th riot is most comparable to the War of 1812 when the British set the Capitol on fire or Nazis torching the Reichstag in 1933. It is a DIRECT ACT OF WAR and an ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY itself and is a MILLION times worse than any paltry BLM protest in the streets where 99% of people just carried signs and told the cops to FUCK OFF, which is their Constitutional and patriotic duty!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "And 5 incher the irony is the january 6 events were relatively peaceful compared to blm riots which had all kinds of explosions, looting and more. Blm actually went after random businesses to loot and destroy which is laughable and insane if your problem is with cops or government." The serious flaw with you right-wingers is your persistent false equivalencies. Comparing BLM riots to January 6th is apples-to-oranges. BLM riots resulted in a few Targets being looted and burned down. January 6th was about American democracy coming dangerously close to falling to the Nazi Brownshirts. I think the history books would look at Hitler a lot differently if him and his goons only went around Germany burning and looting Jewish businesses and left it at that. The bottom line is that right-wing white guys HATE it when brown and black people express their opinions openly. Kaepernick got blasted by China Don for taking a knee during the anthem, but if white NFL players took a knee to protest COVID restrictions, they'd be called "patriots" on Fox Fake News. Now do you see the sickening hypocrisy on the right and why you're losing so many elections?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "Though Boston and the surrounding areas are the most densely populated and pretty liberal, if you start traveling west, Massachusetts get pretty purple by the time you his Worcester, and you get more solid shades in Western MA (including Springfield)" Repubs haven't won a single county in MA since 1988. They couldn't even win one in 2012 even though Romney was running and he was their well-liked ex-governor. Purple states are one like PA, MI, and WI. MA has always been solid blue.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "Or are you going to claim those races don’t get angry, they just blow things up in protests and steal money?" So what if there was a video of a big black cop kneeling on the neck of a small white woman wearing a MAGA shirt until he pulls her limp dead body off the pavement and flashes a smirk at somebody's smartphone? Do you think MAGA-Tards would be saying "law and order" and "fund the cops" and not showing up at the police station with AR-15s? It's sickening to me how white Trumpers think they are the only ones who have the right to be angrily protesting in the streets or at the Capitol.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "People assume that it's the California transplants that are turning Texas bluer when they have actually dug down it seems like the blue shift is the new younger voters" That's likely true. Millenial voters in TX will turn that state reliably blue within 10-15 years. Simple demographic trends at work.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "In case you don't know what I'm talking about, Dr. Oz called Fetterman to concede" J.D. Vance also didn't mention China Don even once in his victory speech. It appears the GOP is finally moving back towards the middle and normalcy, much to the relief of the American people. Now we just gotta find a way to deport Little Adolf DeSantis and Wheelchair Wizard Abbott into a nice little cave in Russia and we'll be truly great again.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "I’m always fascinated by Massachusetts because most guys I know from there are EXACTLY like skibum" Not surprising to find racist, misogynist xenophobes like SkiBum in Boston if you look around. I've rolled a few of those pricks into ditches in my time.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    The good news is that deep red states like AZ and GA are now moving reliably blue. I can also see red states like TX and even FL moving in that direction once you factor in the heavy influx of left-leaning people from CA and NY into those states in large numbers. I can comfortably say by 2035 that a far-right Republican will have a snowball's chance in hell of ever winning the White House once AZ, GA, and TX are reliably blue. The traditional "blue wall" of MI, PA, and WI will always lean left like it did for Biden in 2020. Don't let any Trumper fool you into thinking those upper Great Lakes states are trending red because the mid-terms of 2018 and 2022 are powerful evidence they are NOT and probably never will. Now, if the GOP decides to abandon the fool's gold of Trumpism and re-align to moderates like John Kasich and Paul Hogan, then they will be very potent candidates in a general election. My Republican friends were blind-sided by a charlatan crook like China Donnie, and now they are finally waking up to how they been SCAMMED.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Is Follies in Atlanta re-opening ??
    Oh well, I guess a restaurant in the old Follies building is the final say on the matter, unless they find a new location. I had no idea that Platinum also closed, what the hell is going on with the Atlanta clubs? Used to be such a happening place. I had to check out Vivide but I went at night and it kinda sucked. The club itself is dumpy compared to how nice Follies was. I guess dayshift is supposed to be a lot better but who knows, I doubt I will ever go back.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    New York
    BDD, again, to the rescue
    Not sure what "1/3 of the way there" constitutes but I imagine it involved some nipple slurping and maybe some stick shifting. Everyone has a different interpretation of "halfway there" or "we went all the way" so you get my point. But overall, four Benjis for heavy grinding, ass grabbing and boob tasting with a pretty lady is not a bad way to spend an hour of your time.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Best Time I've had at Baby Dolls
    I figured some nice extras were being handed out in those upstairs VIP rooms. I casually wandered past them last year just to see if I could see anything naughty going on and I was quickly yelled at by a dancer that "this area is private, papi!" and so I promptly left. She looked angry I was even back there LOL. But overall, if you felt like 600+ is a price worthy paying for a bareback blowie from a cute dancer, then it means you got your money's worth. I've had great BBBJ from escorts for much less, but there is a certain adventurous and naughty factor to getting sucked raw inside a strip club.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Mileage without VIP- baby dolls
    Handys are about all you can get at Baby Dolls. This has been known for years, and it's the most I ever got there and not for lack of trying. Maybe if you are a serious high-roller and got 10K to spend then I guess any girl will do a blowie for that kind of green. But you can easily get a bareback blowie at Gold Rush in Miami for three smackers. I enjoyed one for that price back in August. I think the Detroit clubs are still decent for BBBJ if you can put at least two Benjis on the table.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Solid first time visit
    I think I got a handy from Maria back in 2020. Is she blond with a great ass? If so, she actually charged me three smackers.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    You need to try it
    Great review. Sounds like a cool club where no filthy Trumpers are stinking up the place.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Weekday evening experience
    Management really has to learn how to read these reviews and clamp down on this VIP pressure. It's really bringing a bad name on the club and could ruin it. I don't mind girls eventually bringing up the VIP if we are enjoying some sensual lappers but to immediately start selling it as soon as they sit in your lap is a bunch of BS. Nobody walks into a Mercedes dealership and immediately gets the hard sell on a $120K S-Class when they most likely want a $40K GLE!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Zero For Two
    I would never tolerate this kind of ignorant behavior by a dancer. Once she commits to giving you a lap dance, she is obligated to follow through on the service. She isn't allowed to scurry off with a VIP once you and her agreed on a deal. If this ever happened to me, a dancer would be getting bitch-slapped and then I complain to management, and then I storm out the place and letting them know they lost a lot of my money. Things can only change and get better if we stand up for our rights.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Love this place, but Friday night is PACKED!
    Some of the girls are hard to tell if they are Latina or not --- I got a few sensual lappers with a skinny blond who I thought was Eastern European but I asked her where she is from and she said Mexico City. So there ya go.