
Comments by Thick-5-Incher (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    "They had more than enough education and opportunity. If they were on welfare and food stamps, it was a life style choice." Americans respect a Democrat President who came from humble beginnings because they know what it's like to crawl-and-scratch your way to a successful life. When Clinton and Obama are both raised by poor single mothers, it instilled a powerful drive to become educated and smart, which they knew would serve them well in any endeavor in life. Meanwhile, Bushie Jr. and Shanghai Donnie both born with silver spoons in mouths and vigorously dodged the draft with Daddy's help because they knew only poor boys like Clinton and Obama are supposed to die in a Vietnam jungle. When it came time to finally prove yourself as a man, both Dubya and Small Dick Donnie got millions in "starter cash" from Daddy to go out into that mean, mean world. Clinton and Obama only had their ambition and intelligence to fuel their dreams. Now you see why educated folks vote for educated heroes like Bill and Barack because they know real success takes hard work. Blue collar hillbillies vote for trust fund crybabies like Dubya and China Don because they think men born to rich families are the only way to yield power.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    "If you saw any Trump in person you'd stutter and beg for their autographs" I'd spit in their face and tell them to stop being parasites on society. I'm a lifelong Democrat which means I admire people like Obama --- raised by a poor white mother on foodstamps and still managed to graduate cum laude from Harvard Law and become the most charismatic Prez since JFK. He's the kind of hero you rightie assholes call a "taker" and label his Mom a "welfare queen".
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    "only a cunt like you would pick on a kid" How am I picking on the kid? I'm trying to give him valuable wisdom and tell him to get as far away from his toxic father and half-siblings as he possibly can. Once Shanghai Donnie gets locked up, Dumbo Jr. is gonna stick a pistol in his mouth and look in the mirror and wonder why he didn't run away from home when he was a younger man. Could've saved his life, but he made his choices and he'll have to face the consequences of that. Just look at John Gotti Jr --- made all the same mistakes as Eric and Junior and took him 30 years of misery to finally realize that copying Daddy's lifestyle was a BIG mistake.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    All Twitter Offices Closed as Hundreds of Employees Resign. Is #RIPTwitter time?
    "But it did make sense for social media companies to ban Trump, since he was involved in organizing crimes (those of January 6th)" Musk better be careful about allowing all the postings from violent hate groups like Oath Keepers and Proud Boys to show up on Twatter. The Feds can easily charge him with "aiding and abetting" acts of terrorism. Ole Musky can hire all the expensive lawyers he wants but he'll be in deep shit if he sides with rightie extremist losers instead of sensible lefties that make other social media platforms a shitload of money pushing their agenda.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    "Who knows, he may decide to distance himself from his father like Tiffany" That's really the only viable option for the kid. He's not going to inherit anything except the vestiges of Trump Org, which will be nothing but a smoldering pile of toxic waste once Tish James and the Feds are done with their RICO seizure of assets. He'll probably get a $5 million trust fund once Daddy croaks in prison and Eric and Dumbo Jr. are pillaging whatever they can from the coffers. The best thing he can do is go to law school like Tiffany and then become an environmental or ACLU lawyer for the Dems. He might develop some smarts and moral fiber that his corrupt half-siblings never wanted. By 2045, he can make a Senate run and possibly untarnish the Trump name, but that is just wishful thinking at this point.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    All Twitter Offices Closed as Hundreds of Employees Resign. Is #RIPTwitter time?
    "Now a psychopath billionaire narcissist autism case buys it for $44B and runs it into the ground with 1980's style authoritarian management style applied to hypersensitive bitch ass bay area tech princesses ? This is a dream come true for me. Twitter's infrastructure collapsing while Elon blows his fortune would make my day!" You really have to wonder if Musk is suffering the same level of paranoia and psychoses that a Trump cocksucker like Kanye is going through? It would the same thing as Bezos buying Fox Fake News and promptly firing Lying Hannity and Fucker Carlson even though those two propagandists bring in the ad revenue. Anf then Bezos tells all the Fox viewers to vote for Mighty Joe in 2024. How do you think righties would comment on Bezos then? Would they call him a "genius" like they are calling Musk for flushing Twatter down the toilet like a burrito blowout?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    All Twitter Offices Closed as Hundreds of Employees Resign. Is #RIPTwitter time?
    "Lefties getting all sad that at least one platform isn't letting their bullshit go untouched while censoring the other side. Cry more." Righties going suicidal because their rightie propaganda platforms like Twatter and Lying Social are going down the shitter faster than a burrito colonic. Leftwing wesbites run by powerful Dems like Bezos and Zuckerberg are making them richer than God.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    "Could you imagine Don Jr’s ego if he was tall on top of all the other advantages and baggage he has?" His head would that much further from his 3-inch penis, and he'd be throwing even more crybaby tantrums over it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    All Twitter Offices Closed as Hundreds of Employees Resign. Is #RIPTwitter time?
    Why does every good business taken over by a right-wing twat like Musk or Trump turn into a Chernobyl meltdown of epic proportions? Think about it carefully, MAGA-Tards.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    "Meanwhile Don Jr is saying “wtf how come I’m not that tall?" Being short helps Dummy Jr. suck his Daddy's cock all that much easier :-)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    6'7" --- I didn't know they stacked right wing shit that high!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Elon and Twitter
    "Musk made his billions marketing those coastal progressive status symbols called Teslas" Tesla will be the next business that Musk drives into the ground. Losing a $50 billion investment like Twitter is a clear sign he's a born loser like Trump! Plus, loyal Democrats like Bezos and Gates are still making BILLIONS every year off your rightie dollars. Rich leftwing guys ALWAYS get the last laugh, assholes! :-)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Elon and Twitter
    "I'm neither a fan or foe of Elon. I will say that my business-facing Twitter is performing poorly in the wake of his taking control. I'm also getting exponentially more follows and junk replies from blatant spam accounts. Fortunately, it's a platform that has never figured prominently for me as compared to others." This is payback to all the right wing clowns who think people like Musk and Trump are good at business. Remember all those GM workers at the Lordstown factory who voted for China Don, only to get rewarded with the plant closing permanently in 2019. What about that big Foxconn chip factory in Wisconsin that Beijing Donnie promised his voters would get over 10,000 great jobs? LOL, never even laid a brick. Q-Anon Donnie = PROMISES MADE, PROMISES BROKEN
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Elon and Twitter
    "I guess I shouldn't call it "porn", since it's mostly advertisements for onlyfans, fansly, etc., but many of them are explicit." The only porn star I follow on Twitter is Emma Hix, and she is always posting explicit photos from her jizz shoots.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Elon and Twitter
    "Dude spend $44b on a company he seems to be destroying and making himself look like a tool in the process. There's talk Twitter may be bankrupt by next year. That's an impressive collapse." And China Donnie took a $250 million company from Fred and bankrupted it seven or eight times, and is now totally owned by the banks to the tune of $4 billion (that we know of). God knows how much he owes to Putin, but it's gotta be a lot considering how much he sucks his dick in the media. You can't expect right-wing shitheads like Musk and Trump to do well in business long term. They let their egos and delusions overtake them eventually, and lose all the common sense that true money wizards like Buffett, Gates, and Bezos possess in spades.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Russia has crossed a line, fired missiles into Poland a NATO ally.
    Shut up, Ski-Fagg. Everybody mocks you in here.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    So much pussy, so little time.
    love it here.
    Flight Club still got the hottest honeys in D-Town. Truth is, I could've enjoyed everything you did for 300 total (incl. food and fees) about 10 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Russia has crossed a line, fired missiles into Poland a NATO ally.
    "enough for biden to give his pimp zelensky another 37 billion" How much did China Donnie give the Saudis to hire hijackers to attack us on 9/11 ??
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation!
    "Amazon is laying off 10,000 employees this week. Before the holiday season. Amazon knows what’s coming. The recession is here. Layoffs. Bankruptcies. Foreclosures. It’s just beginning" Majority of those 10K employees are in R&D divisions like Alexa. Not a single distribution center employee will be laid off, and Amazon desperately needs more help for the holiday shopping crush. 2023 will be nothing more than a "softening" and not a recession. Inflation is coming down, gas prices are at near-normal prices, and consumer spending is ticking back up. Walmart just posted higher-than-expected earnings. Things are looking up, thanks President Joe!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Russia has crossed a line, fired missiles into Poland a NATO ally.
    "Wars will never end until people start seeing others as individuals and fellow human beings, not as members of a group they hate and think of as an enemy" Wars are fought because powerful nations crave territory and the resources it holds. China will be the next world aggressor because they have 1.4 billion people and a lot of them are becoming middle class and desire two acres and a picket fence. The USA would most likely invade Canada if we ever reached 1 billion citizens who all want a comfy middle class life.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    "But when its zimmerman and martin you’re salivating at the mouth immediately wanting to destroy zimmerman for his race." So if Zimmerman is such a tough guy then why not put up fisticuffs and go mano-a-mano with Trayvon like real men do? Only pussies need guns when the other person is unarmed. Zimmerman is a weak, white beta cuck, and I would've been all too happy to help Trayvon beat his racist ass to a pulp and roll him into a ditch.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Russia has crossed a line, fired missiles into Poland a NATO ally.
    "Reports are also that Biden’s meeting with Xi went well. Time to isolate Russia and add to its defeats by supporting Ukraine, not joining the war." I honestly don't know why Mighty Joe and Xi can't cook up a tasty takeover of Russia and split the country 50/50. We could both use the vast natural resources like trillions of barrels of crude, natural gas and timber, and the Russian people are sick of being controlled by a dipshit KGB asshole like Putin who will only drag them into a Soviet wet dream that is no longer possible in the 21st century.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Russia has crossed a line, fired missiles into Poland a NATO ally.
    "But let's not get worked into a tizzy over a couple of errant missiles that landed just 3 miles into Poland, one of which hit a grain processing depot, killing two farmers, and the other landing in an empty field. I don't buy the notion that the Russians would be stupid enough to view a muted response as an invitation to go after strategic NATO targets." At the very least, the U.S. should fire a Tomahawk from a nuclear sub and everyone knows there is always a couple patrolling the Baltic Sea. Not sure what the target should be, but my pick would be a troll farm in St. Petersburg that spreads a lot of propaganda for China Donnie. Teach all those fascist fucks who runs the world!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Russia has crossed a line, fired missiles into Poland a NATO ally.
    China Donnie will be flying over to Moscow tomorrow to suck Putin's cock. Just how a beta cuck maintains a subservient position to his master. Indict this piece of this already!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation!
    "Meanwhile, there were millions of people already in the individual insurance market who were forced out. The Obamacare insurance is generally only affordable if you qualify for the government subsidies - those who didn't were hammered." I bought insurance on the individual market in 2002 because I was self-employed and was having GI problems. Got the standard workup like colonoscopy and other tests, and then promptly got the "denied coverage because of pre-existing condition" letter. Had to pay everything out-of-pocket. Fast forward 20 years and my monthly premiums are the same as I paid in 2002 (adjusted for inflation) and I got a FREE screening colonoscopy because I just turned 50. So yes, Obama-Care delivered on it's promise and all the shady insurance companies had to get out of the market because they couldn't keep ripping off customers by collecting hefty premiums and sending out coverage denial letters en masse.