
Comments by GhostOfHell (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Rate this hottie
    7 if they are fake. 8 if they are real. 8 1/2 if they are real and if she can grind.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    7 ITC.... 4 OTC
    I've never fucked a 10. But one night I fucked 5 2s and I think that aught to count. -George Carlen
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    just looking for a little human contact along the way
    Yeah like it's too late man like if you've kissed your wife hello before you shower and throw the clothes in the hamper she already knows. That is unless you already douse yourself in Old Spice before you get home. The video below is not safe for work but you don't have to be logged on to view. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruef7aYCEbc
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything you need, nothing you don’t
    Getting dances at the house price
    Definitely before the series of dances. But if a new dancer isn't getting me erect in the first dance she ain't gonna in the 5th and I wouldn't want to be committed to more than 1 if so. I've interrupted dances because they were terrible. I just want to pay the $20 fine and be done with it and on to the next stripper.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    7 ITC.... 4 OTC
    It happened to me inside a SC. My third time in a SC and I was still only drinking soda and water. My friends and I closed the place. She was gorgeous slamming natural 9 body, her face was an 8, must have gotten 25 dances and she was by my side the whole night talking. Then the lights went on and I had what my friends say a look of horror. Lights on with makeup a 6 and I don't even want to think how she looked without. Her body and dances were still good enough for me to return a few months later.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Smart talk
    Absolutely nothing wrong with. Living in a van down by the river!!!!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Woman charged for alleged coconut assault outside of Florida strip club
    Ha! Had a discussion the other night with a bartender and stripper about how crazy Florida people seem to be. The bartender started the conversation by mentioning she just watched the recent Bundy movie and how he was finally convicted and executed in Florida and I said yeah the crazies tend to gravitate to Florida and it went from there.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Recruit Difficulty and stay broke? WTF!?
    That is why one has to pay attention once in a while. They usually slip up in conversation. Of course you are going to have a handful that really have problems and are truly broke because of drug problems, heavy debt before stripping, court issues, baby daddy and pimp issues. But the rest are going to Brazil, DR or Europe twice a year for several months at a time. At least the strippers I know in NY. They have several regulars that meet their monthly needs and then some. They are just hustling for as much as they can get. My ATF who has since retired was very open to me about her investments. She owns residential and business properties all over Brazil, all over NYS and bought my bungalow in Hawaii.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Movies and TV shows with great soundtracks
    Lock, Stock and Two Locking Barrels : Snatch : RocknRollla : The Wall Eyes Wide Shut : Fear and Loathing : Super Fly Deadwood : John From Cincinnati When I workout if I'm not listening to Slayer/Biohazard/Token Entry/Suicidal Tendencies I'm listening to Fight Club soundtrack.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    NJ strip club brawl
    Kiss her where it smells. Take her to New Jersey. -George Carlin
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Movies and TV shows with great soundtracks
    I agree and agree with the lists. IMHO a great soundtrack can make a movie I wasn't into at first at least tolerable. The same if it has a horrible or not period correct soundtrack. That can make a movie totally unwatchable to me. The Panic in Needle Park had a score written but it was never used. Absolutely no music in that movie. Someone could make some great movies from some of Tom Waits songs. Small Change(Got Rained on with His Own .38) : Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis : Frank's Wild Years : What's He Building? : Pasties and a G-String(At the two O'clock Club) and those are just the easy ones
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Big Pharma
    I understand that there are plenty of conditions people are born with. But our healthcare system is based on treatment and keeping a patient alive for a long a possible regardless of quality of life instead of prevention, healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyle. In medical school one has to go out of their way to learn more than the very basic in prevention and nutrition. It's as though your doctor is taught what symptoms to expect at certain ages and the treatment and if you are not experiencing those symptoms they give you something to edge it on.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Serious Question
    Off the top of my head. The tattooed Kat Licioux from Columbia seems fun. But the hot, skinny and bushy Julia Roca from Spain would be my pick most days. Lately the skinny Latinas have been grinding their cunts onto me like they want to wear out my jeans. One even pulled her g-string aside for the ride right out in the main room. On the days I need big T&A Gianna Michaels or Julianna Vega or Carmella Bing or Marilyn Mansion depending on how I feel that day.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: That's fucked up
    Chocolate almond milk with strawberries and blueberries works better. Lasts longer and smells better. Oh fuck! I said too much!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    doc- I don't know. I'm convinced a lot of dudes never learned how to properly enjoy a masturbation session and thus are always in need of a sexual intercourse relationship no matter how cold in order to feel satisfied.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Take it as a learning experience and move on. Don't spend anther penny on her. If she tries to contact you don't answer. If you still must frequent the same club say hi(and that's it) only if she says hi and otherwise ignore her. I'm sure there are other dancers that will cozy up to you.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York City
    Eating at a strip club? Steaks
    Thanks guys! Love Luger's but it is kind of out of the way for me. Never had a problem with Wollensky always a great meal. I love Maloney & Porcelli they always treat me well there and they are closest to my apartment. Went to several Morton's and they never once questioned my porterhouse order and I always enjoyed the meal. Damn too many choices! Ha! Ha! Rick's is out then. I may like fine dining but I like my strip clubs to be more low key. I will never go to BLT again. They made a fuss when I ordered a porterhouse for myself. I said nicely don't worry I'll finish it. My girlfriend at the time said he's got an appetite you wouldn't believe. Waiter brings out our meal and says the chef found a smaller cut for you. The cut was less than an inch thick and must have been less than 24oz. Me being a gentleman and not wanting to make a scene think to myself fuck-it. I eat it and it was only ok and my girl wasn't really satisfied with her meal as well. The kicker was they still charged me full price for the porterhouse. I paid and swore the place off my list. Sorry for the rant but that really burnt my toast.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Ezk69- Not in any particular order. But consider. 1) Some dancers like jerks or bad guys. I'm sure the reviewer didn't write out his whole game. She might be into him even if it was just one night. 2) Acting like a bitchy PL will get you nowhere even with the loosest ho. 3) Has it ever occurred to you that some reviewers are trolls who get off on writing what they wish had happened? 4) Perhaps she is being real nice to you and doesn't want to share her STD. But I doubt that she wouldn't be willing to share. 5) Perhaps you give off really bad vibes. A lot of strippers are really into that astrology shit. 6) She has the right to refuse service. It is her body. Sure I would give Rosie O'Donnell or Amy Schumer back rubs and listen to them talk for a few hours if they were paying me, I may even touch their legs and tell them I like them, but that is all they are going to get. If they were paying attention they would notice I am scouting the room for my next victims the whole time. Now if Emilia Clark or Diana Guerrero or Ashley Graham were to walk in I would give them my full undivided attention but not until I play a little hard to get. 7) The world abounds in cunt including hers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York City
    I truly miss Bare Elegance and Paradise Club in NYC
    Bare Elegance was nothing fancy at all. Separate entrance but above the dirty video store on 50th right of Broadway. If I remember after climbing the stairs to the right were 4 square tables 2 on either side of the room 2 restaurant type chairs each. Centered between the tables was a 4'x8' stage maybe 4" above the floor with a pole in the center. To the left there was a bar and a pool table but that area was always very dark and I only ever saw the other 2 male employees back there, the other male employee was the door man. 4 maybe 6 dancers on most nights and they took turns greeting you and bringing your beer when needed but it was usually Alex who did this and she was also the DJ when not occupied with a client. Further to the right past the stage were 3 or 4 curtained booths each with a table and chair. There was no lap dancing out in the open. For $200 for 20 minutes you took confession in one of the booths. That brothel er club was probably there for many years.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Navy leader who told sailors aboard USS Harry S. Truman to ‘clap like we’re at a
    It was just that. A joke to fire up the sailors. Hopefully he gets to retire with full honor. He did nothing wrong.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    So so Friday night
    Oh man how time goes by. She might have already been or on the edge of escorting when I met her as she gave me her number and email after a few dances. Wound up hanging with her the whole night at the club but never called her or saw her again. Thanks again!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    So so Friday night
    I haven't been to this place since 2008. A long time I know. But I'm wondering if Rachel still works there. Thanks!