What do guys think about a dancer saying that she doesn’t DFK or DATY because it “They don’t want to catch an STD”?......Does that translate more to “I don’t want your face near mine or my cooch because you disgust me”?
Dancers often state hygiene concerns for what they won't do. Generally their concerns are not rational. If it were Justin Bieber, they would just do it. They won't see a problem then.
But you can't argue with them. Same in AMPs. Can't argue.
Just play along with them.
Generally when it comes to DFKing and DATYing, you don't want to have any discussions. Just talk to your girl, turn on some charm, be open and honest, turn on some charm, use a tone of voice which relaxes her, and you've got a good chance of being able to kiss her, and then have her clothes off for titty sucking and for DATY w/ FIV.
If she refuses, nothing you can do, just continue to be a gentleman.
Some women don't like FIV when they are PMS. Or so it seems.
Maybe she will open up more later, or on future encounters. Best chances are when you have selected the girl you want to be waking up with in the mornings.
Remember, most guys treat them like sexual vending machines. This influences where they draw their lines.
But this is why, in a strip club, you want to be generous and charming, and get that front room makeout session going. If she won't play, don't be surprised if another one jumps in to take her place.
Ezk99, there really isn't anything you can do. Ultimately it is her body and she chooses what she allows. Honestly, if I were in a position where I knew she did something with others but refuses to with me, I'd move on. If I had time invested in her, I'd ask why....and then move on. It would make me feel like shit to see a woman, sex worker or otherwise, who would do stuff with others she wouldn't with me.
"Icey and San Jose But what if she won’t do it with you but will do it with others?"
Ezk69, you know that these hygiene arguments are not intended to be logical. Whatever she says, you just politely find another girl.
Some girls will DFK at first meeting. But if you then wait 6 weeks before seeing her again, no. The girl who is that open often really wants to know you. But if you do not reciprocate, then it is off.
Find girls you want to be waking up in the mornings with. Civilianize them right from the very start, the first words, that first kiss.
San Jose. Have been seeing her for a long time. The ones who have DFK’d her and DATY her were new blood so shit like this makes me overthink. Did she actually like that other new guy or was it just a ploy to get him hooked?
Seeing her ITC only? that is the true mark of a loser, someone who cannot just take her home with him.
If the issue is hiding this from a wife, that is not a good idea. Need either a marriage councilor or a divorce lawyer. Don't find to many of these dancing at strip clubs.
The girl who is so open right off, probably wants to know you. Strippers deal with lots of guys and take in lots of money, but it is a rare exception that there is a guy who actually wants to know them.
YMMV. She's not a robot. Maybe she developed more comfort with the other guy, for whatever reason. Some girls do things with me that they won't do with others, including OTC. Conversely, some guys get more mileage with other girls than I do. It happens. It's their right to decide who they want to do what with.
Or it could be something else altogether. Maybe she wasn't in the same mood on the night you found her. Or maybe she was drunk with him and sober with you. Or maybe she wasn't as confident in her hygiene that day. Who the fuck knows? The number of possible reasons is endless, so speculating as to why is pointless.
What is more worthwhile, however, is exploring your need to rub her face in it and push her for something she didn't want to give you. Not only was that an utterly classless move, but probably made you look like a whiny pussy. If you were ever going to have any chance with that girl, you killed it the second you pulled that stunt.
Next time maybe you man up, should act like you've been there before (as the old sports expression goes) and walk away with your dignity intact. Just a thought. ;)
San_Jose....Both ITC and OTC. No wife and the guy who lapped her said he wouldn’t even be returning for more rounds. He actually said that she wasn’t his type.
I agree with Rick and showing her a review that someone wrote is totally a dick move, ymmv means just that and you need to respect that. You’ll never get anywhere in this world thinking the way you come across here.
Rickdugan. Well she never seemed to be in that mood with me and she would actually talk about how she doesn’t like the idea of strangers kissing and in the club she would say that dancers making out with customers was disgusting.....But yet...
Ok, then maybe it WAS you. And? What exactly did you think was going to change? Did you think that the whiny twang in your voice as you were leveling butt hurt accusations were going to make her more likely to open her pussy up to you? LOL.
Really are you stupid, how the fuck do you even know that some anonymous reviewer is telling the truth, and even more of a dick move by the anonymous reviewer giving you ammunition to throw in some girls face, sorry bud if you don't get that you are hopeless
Twentyfive. The review was not anonymous and it was done by someone with a lot of credibility. According to his reviews he has lapped girls that has finds very attractive and would pay them future visits. With this other girl he did more but said she wasnt his type and that he would not be returning. What reason does he have to lie or write a bogus review. That review seems honest and appears as though he narrated his encounter. Again what reason does have to lie?
So the reviewer is known to you personally, he's as big a dick as you are, why would any decent person write a review that can pose a problem going forward for a woman that treated him well, SMH
His reviews are credible. He has good experiences and bad experiences on there. How can the review pose problem? He clearly stated on his review that she was cool, described the events, and that he RECOMMENDS her to others but that she just wasn’t for him. Not once does he say anything negative about her. How would it cause problems?
This is my last comment on this thread, you are being a butthurt fool and this is a problem, if you don't get it you need help seriously. I have said this many times if you are describing a dancers actions with you that could cause her a problem with another PL, with a manager or the other dancers, don't describe or name the dancer, As with anything YMMV if you don't see what you are doing as being wrong, nothing I say will make a difference. Do as you like, or think about how wrong you are. good night.
Ezk69 You're basing what she does on reviews???? I'd honestly take them with a grain of salt. And it is a dick move to call out a hoe by name in a review... But regardless... I honestly think you shouldn't bring anyone else up, and just ask her why she won't do stuff with you, then move on.
Fun_loving If the cat is out of the bag. Why lie? No problem or jealousy with other guys doing the SAME thing. Problem is when your service is lousy for you yet top notch for others while you’re dishing out better donations. She can simply say I dont like you period point blank. In my book that type of honesty earns nothing but respect. From that point on we can both move on instead of going around in circles.
Icey There is no reason for the reviewer to lie. He gains nothing for making this up, it’s not like he’s trying to get street credit by writing bogus reviews, he has plenty of them. There is every reason for the dancer to lie because now a good source of income has become displeased with the service or lack thereof and there is really no way to around it but for her to lie.
Ezk69 and also no reason for the reviewer to tell the truth. It seems malicious to name a girl who does things like that when it can affect her job, life, etc negatively. But regardless, the reality is for whatever reason she doesn't want to do it with you. And you have to respect that. If you're gonna push the money issue and act like she needs to do it or she'll lose the money, that's not going to get you anywhere.Would you really want something that coercive? Kinda ask yourself if you had the same problem with other dancers, things like that. If you're the guy who showed the dancer the reviews, from the other thread. Then I think you kinda saved face and should just move on. There's nothing there really at this point. The situation will be too awkward and too much tension. She obviously doesn't agree with your sentiments that your money is so needed by her.
Ezk69- Not in any particular order. But consider. 1) Some dancers like jerks or bad guys. I'm sure the reviewer didn't write out his whole game. She might be into him even if it was just one night. 2) Acting like a bitchy PL will get you nowhere even with the loosest ho. 3) Has it ever occurred to you that some reviewers are trolls who get off on writing what they wish had happened? 4) Perhaps she is being real nice to you and doesn't want to share her STD. But I doubt that she wouldn't be willing to share. 5) Perhaps you give off really bad vibes. A lot of strippers are really into that astrology shit. 6) She has the right to refuse service. It is her body. Sure I would give Rosie O'Donnell or Amy Schumer back rubs and listen to them talk for a few hours if they were paying me, I may even touch their legs and tell them I like them, but that is all they are going to get. If they were paying attention they would notice I am scouting the room for my next victims the whole time. Now if Emilia Clark or Diana Guerrero or Ashley Graham were to walk in I would give them my full undivided attention but not until I play a little hard to get. 7) The world abounds in cunt including hers.
===> "Problem is when your service is lousy for you yet top notch for others while you’re dishing out better donations. She can simply say I dont like you period point blank. In my book that type of honesty earns nothing but respect. From that point on we can both move on instead of going around in circles."
Are you really that stupid? Why in the world would you expect her to talk herself out of income? Of course she isn't. Are you under some delusion that she has some moral obligation to let you know that you make her feel uncomfortable in some way so you're getting the second tier service? LOL. The responsibility to spend your time and money wisely is solely yours.
It's painful to see a grown man reduced to pressuring a young girl to give him something that she doesn't want to give, in a whiny fashion no less, by rubbing her face in another man's review of her. You need to be better than that.
@FLF wrote: "If you can find a review where the reviewer says she did it you could try showing her the review"
Take the review and your complaint to management. They will threaten to fire her if she doesn't kiss you. Then you will get the pleasure of tasting her previous customer's cum.
===> "Take the review and your complaint to management. They will threaten to fire her if she doesn't kiss you. Then you will get the pleasure of tasting her previous customer's cum."
Shit fllag, until the last sentence, I half suspected that you were being serious. Sadly, there is a contingent on here who might actually consider doing just that and this guy strikes me as being one of those types - whiny and self-entitled. It boggles the mind how a grown man turns so weak and soft as to argue with a dancer over letting him eat her out. When you get to this point, you've long since abandoned any notion of masculine pride or even basic self respect. But on the "glass half full" side, at least a man like this is unlikely to ever breed and create more of his kind,
Ezk69, you can't obsess over this and you're not gonna get different answers asking this with different profiles. You need to move on. One thing I'll say is, if women in general reject your advances, then just try to think why and work on yourself. But arguing with a hooker who doesn't want to have sex with you won't get you anywhere...When you reach that point, move on. Frankly the reason why she chooses not to doesn't matter, and the truth is, you have to have an idea as to why she wouldn't want to.
Icey but we do have sex it’s just so impersonal. Just come and go literally. It just feel distant and unemotional. Ive known this dancer for a long time and have done a lot for her. It wasn’t with the intention of receiving something in return but rather out of kindness. I am extra generous to her in every way. I donate to her more than double what another customer would. We meet up at least once a week and there are allowances as well. I get what many say about looks, I’m not a model but not hideous either but if it came down to looks in this world then why are many rich guys hooked with up beautiful girls? They see monetary advantage in staying in that arrangement so they make a sacrifice to keep the arranger happy. Ive known this dancer for a very long time now and she has always emphasized and has been a “critic” of kissing. I always figured it was the whole Pretty Woman thing so I left it alone and never presses the issue. Years back I attempted DATY and she hit me with the same excuse. Her excuse seemed legitimate up until I found out that she was engaging in this with others whom she barely just met and barely tip her the change in their pocket. That was disappointing and hit like a bucket of cold water. What makes matters worse is that she won’t even let me give her innocent kisses on the cheek, when I try she pulls away and tells me that “I’m going to mess up her make up” and then to think that she had no second thoughts of making out with some dude she just met, tongue wrestle with me, and then let him stick his tongue deep inside of her, was really disheartening.
In the strip club I think with my little head and believe everything they say. Once I get back into my car the big head starts thinking and I believe absolutely nothing that they say.
Take it as a learning experience and move on. Don't spend anther penny on her. If she tries to contact you don't answer. If you still must frequent the same club say hi(and that's it) only if she says hi and otherwise ignore her. I'm sure there are other dancers that will cozy up to you.
doc- I don't know. I'm convinced a lot of dudes never learned how to properly enjoy a masturbation session and thus are always in need of a sexual intercourse relationship no matter how cold in order to feel satisfied.
Ezk69, if you want more advice without posting on here with them being jerks, feel free to pm me. The thing is, there are a lot of possibilities. It could be she's not attracted to you at all, could be she feels guilty thinking you give her more than she feels she deserves... hoes can be complicated. The more I know, to me it seems like there is some guilt on her part. Women who feel a man does more for them than they can return, tend to pull away emotionally, especially if sex is involved. She obviously knows you have feelings and she doesn't share them. Maybe she has a serious significant other. I mean there a lot of possibilities but it doesn't matter... You have to respect her wishes. I know its not what you want to hear and I know its not a good situation to be in. But you deserve to be valued, not for what you do for a woman but for the motive and thought that goes into it...if you genuinely do it without expectations coz you care. Regardless of the details of relationships....and this was technically a relationship of sorts... happy endings are for fairy tales and you can't buy love...
OK, with that new intel, I'm going to post like less of an asshole for just a moment. ;)
First off, everything I already posted holds no less true just because you are paying her more. I repeat: She is not a robot. She is already at the max end of her comfort zone with you, for whatever reason. More money does not always equate to a better experience. In fact, sometimes the most expensive girls can be the biggest letdowns. If you were not thrilled with the overall experience, you should have sought out a better alternative a long time ago instead of plowing money into this thing. The problem is that you got emotional with a girl who you were paying for sex.
Lessons learned. Consider what you paid her to be tuition, which we've all paid in some form or another over the years. If you want a friend, get a dog. If you want a girl to return your affections, find a girlfriend.
Its also important for Ezk69 to not blame the girl... He kept giving her money and kept seeing her even when he wasn't getting what he wanted, and he chose to handle the situation the way he did. But if you're going to have sex with someone repeatedly, whether its a hooker or anyone, and you're lonely with no other outlet of course you'll end up with feelings. In which case....learn your limits and what you're comfortable with so it doesn't happen again. Or don't do it coz you'll be in for a ton of heart ache.
Ezk69. You are coming across like a jealous boyfriend. And that's why she won't kiss you. Because she fears doing so will only encourage you to think even more like that. She makes up excuses because you are a steady source of income and she worries that telling the truth will cut off that income. She knows that she can do X with you for Y amount of money. What incentive does she have to kiss you?
Maybe she doesn't want you to daty because she doesn't want you to make out with a previous customers dick juice, same with kissing, she knows what has recently been in he4 mouth. Maybe she's doing you a favor that she's not extending to the other guy. You should thank her.
last commentBut you can't argue with them. Same in AMPs. Can't argue.
Just play along with them.
Generally when it comes to DFKing and DATYing, you don't want to have any discussions. Just talk to your girl, turn on some charm, be open and honest, turn on some charm, use a tone of voice which relaxes her, and you've got a good chance of being able to kiss her, and then have her clothes off for titty sucking and for DATY w/ FIV.
If she refuses, nothing you can do, just continue to be a gentleman.
Some women don't like FIV when they are PMS. Or so it seems.
Maybe she will open up more later, or on future encounters. Best chances are when you have selected the girl you want to be waking up with in the mornings.
Remember, most guys treat them like sexual vending machines. This influences where they draw their lines.
But this is why, in a strip club, you want to be generous and charming, and get that front room makeout session going. If she won't play, don't be surprised if another one jumps in to take her place.
Ezk69, you know that these hygiene arguments are not intended to be logical. Whatever she says, you just politely find another girl.
Some girls will DFK at first meeting. But if you then wait 6 weeks before seeing her again, no. The girl who is that open often really wants to know you. But if you do not reciprocate, then it is off.
Find girls you want to be waking up in the mornings with. Civilianize them right from the very start, the first words, that first kiss.
If the issue is hiding this from a wife, that is not a good idea. Need either a marriage councilor or a divorce lawyer. Don't find to many of these dancing at strip clubs.
The girl who is so open right off, probably wants to know you. Strippers deal with lots of guys and take in lots of money, but it is a rare exception that there is a guy who actually wants to know them.
Or it could be something else altogether. Maybe she wasn't in the same mood on the night you found her. Or maybe she was drunk with him and sober with you. Or maybe she wasn't as confident in her hygiene that day. Who the fuck knows? The number of possible reasons is endless, so speculating as to why is pointless.
What is more worthwhile, however, is exploring your need to rub her face in it and push her for something she didn't want to give you. Not only was that an utterly classless move, but probably made you look like a whiny pussy. If you were ever going to have any chance with that girl, you killed it the second you pulled that stunt.
Next time maybe you man up, should act like you've been there before (as the old sports expression goes) and walk away with your dignity intact. Just a thought. ;)
thing. Problem is when your service is lousy for you yet top notch for others while you’re dishing out better donations. She can simply say I dont like you period point blank. In my book that type of honesty earns nothing but respect. From that point on we can both move on instead of going around in circles.
1) Some dancers like jerks or bad guys. I'm sure the reviewer didn't write out his whole game. She might be into him even if it was just one night.
2) Acting like a bitchy PL will get you nowhere even with the loosest ho.
3) Has it ever occurred to you that some reviewers are trolls who get off on writing what they wish had happened?
4) Perhaps she is being real nice to you and doesn't want to share her STD. But I doubt that she wouldn't be willing to share.
5) Perhaps you give off really bad vibes. A lot of strippers are really into that astrology shit.
6) She has the right to refuse service. It is her body. Sure I would give Rosie O'Donnell or Amy Schumer back rubs and listen to them talk for a few hours if they were paying me, I may even touch their legs and tell them I like them, but that is all they are going to get. If they were paying attention they would notice I am scouting the room for my next victims the whole time. Now if Emilia Clark or Diana Guerrero or Ashley Graham were to walk in I would give them my full undivided attention but not until I play a little hard to get.
7) The world abounds in cunt including hers.
And are you a big baller?
Are you really that stupid? Why in the world would you expect her to talk herself out of income? Of course she isn't. Are you under some delusion that she has some moral obligation to let you know that you make her feel uncomfortable in some way so you're getting the second tier service? LOL. The responsibility to spend your time and money wisely is solely yours.
It's painful to see a grown man reduced to pressuring a young girl to give him something that she doesn't want to give, in a whiny fashion no less, by rubbing her face in another man's review of her. You need to be better than that.
"If you can find a review where the reviewer says she did it you could try showing her the review"
Take the review and your complaint to management. They will threaten to fire her if she doesn't kiss you. Then you will get the pleasure of tasting her previous customer's cum.
Shit fllag, until the last sentence, I half suspected that you were being serious. Sadly, there is a contingent on here who might actually consider doing just that and this guy strikes me as being one of those types - whiny and self-entitled. It boggles the mind how a grown man turns so weak and soft as to argue with a dancer over letting him eat her out. When you get to this point, you've long since abandoned any notion of masculine pride or even basic self respect. But on the "glass half full" side, at least a man like this is unlikely to ever breed and create more of his kind,
In this case I figured I had to go over the edge or risk that the obviously facetious advice would actually get followed.
"at least a man like this is unlikely to ever breed and create more of his kind."
This is a good learning experience, take a few weeks off of mongering, hit the clubs again a little wiser.
If you want some claim on her you have to see her regularly, OTC, TLN's. You have to make her feel like she belongs to you.
And even then, it may not work.
If things have peaked, then you just have to move on to the next girl.
Now the organization I am building will provide better alternatives.
I know this may not be in the cards, but at least you can see what is up.
First off, everything I already posted holds no less true just because you are paying her more. I repeat: She is not a robot. She is already at the max end of her comfort zone with you, for whatever reason. More money does not always equate to a better experience. In fact, sometimes the most expensive girls can be the biggest letdowns. If you were not thrilled with the overall experience, you should have sought out a better alternative a long time ago instead of plowing money into this thing. The problem is that you got emotional with a girl who you were paying for sex.
Lessons learned. Consider what you paid her to be tuition, which we've all paid in some form or another over the years. If you want a friend, get a dog. If you want a girl to return your affections, find a girlfriend.