
Recruit Difficulty and stay broke? WTF!?

Monday, May 13, 2019 7:49 AM
I never understand these adult entertainers (I say that instead of a specific title because I'm casting a wide net across the promiscuous board) and their TERRIBLE money habits. With the advent of technology, learning how to have your money make money has never been easier. Hell I'd say if you can make a cool $7K a month for 5-10 years with little difficulty then you can be a millionaire a year or two later. Yet whether it's a stripper, a gold digger, escort, cam/web girls, whatever, they always somehow stay low on funds and high on luxurious items. How is that possible. If you're a golden stripper, role model for all pink girls (stripperweb for the few that don't know) you're probably making good money hustling thirsty johns without giving up the goods. Or if you're a gold digger or "sugarbabies" (same thing really), you're getting paid to date a man and yet are always broke, how? That man should have the knowledge you can aquire or at least his monthly allowance can be squirreled away for later in life since he's always paying for dinners, you're rent and your vacays. I say this because just a few days ago I met a girl who was one of these sugarbabies (took her a while to admit it) and was also a stripper on the side. She told me she rotated through men because obviously she's not giving up the goods (that's negligable). Now I'm not her customer, but she complaining to me how she needed to make some money for rent and such. Was she subtly trying to ask me to donate to her charity, I don't know but I didn't nonetheless. I asked how she is broke and she said she doesn't make enough afford her basic necessities. I guess when stripping ain't working out and she doesn't have a john to squeeze, she's probably working at McDonalds. I was just shocked. And she was bragging to me how these old men give her lots of money take her places, go out on dates, etc (the dates were seperate from them actually giving her money) and yet she couldn't afford rent. Said she been at it for a few years, more than 2 but that's all I know. Millionaire old men who was quick to part ways with money too. Clearly I was shocked, bamboozled, and utterly confused and didn't even process to ask how exactly she was broke if millionaires were giving her cash on top of paying for them to have a good time with one another? Unfortunately we parted ways before I could ask and that was that. Yet here I am busting my ass to make a dollar and STILL can put money in the savings, the ETFs, my business projects, and STILL pay rent. I have never been more confused by this in my life. Because if I was a female and can get away with making $10+K/mo just selling photos of my ass on snapchat, I'd be rich by 30. I just don't get it.


  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Bullshit is very common among pink working women, I’ve known several that had substantial bank accounts, businesses and paid for homes, an awful lot is just hustling you for money tune it out, if they really were broke they’d get a job.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    That cocaine is a crazy ass drug ain’t it!
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    Yes, well, paying for sex in your earlier 20s isn't the best financial decision, either.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
  • captainfun
    5 years ago
    the two biggest challenges for these types to save is 1) the inconsistency of the $ coming in whether from dancing, otc or sugar baby and 2) many of these girls are thinking about the next 1-3 days, not weeks or months out in terms of planning, financial obligations. Yes, 1 in 10 may be savers but most don’t seem to fit that profile.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    Girls don't become sex workers to live frugally
  • rockie
    5 years ago
    And a dancer can find another "Captain Save A Ho" by outwardly being stressed about today or tomorrow's payment.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    Scratch my comment, above, about paying for sex in your early 20s. I got 2hrs of sleep last night and thought the OP was @CC99. In the sugaring world, most have been pretty good about handling money and using the sugaring money for school or school expenses. Current 21-yr-old is in a different category though and spends a lot of money on cars and racing. She told me recently that her previous SD was a dermatologist. I tried to tell her gently that the absolutely magnetic appeal she has on men won't last forever. But I can tell it didn't sink in.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    A lot of them lie about making a lot of money to make themselves look good A broke hoe can't demand as much $$$ or act like she's worth so much. Fast money moves quick.....they get a larger sum at once, not on a regular basis, its easy to blow through it. They really do have a lot of expenses...hair makeup drugs etc. If she's in an expensive city, its hard on almost any income.
  • GhostOfHell
    5 years ago
    That is why one has to pay attention once in a while. They usually slip up in conversation. Of course you are going to have a handful that really have problems and are truly broke because of drug problems, heavy debt before stripping, court issues, baby daddy and pimp issues. But the rest are going to Brazil, DR or Europe twice a year for several months at a time. At least the strippers I know in NY. They have several regulars that meet their monthly needs and then some. They are just hustling for as much as they can get. My ATF who has since retired was very open to me about her investments. She owns residential and business properties all over Brazil, all over NYS and bought my bungalow in Hawaii.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I don't concern myself with how a stripper spends her money, I'm only concerned with how much of my money I am going to spend on her. The reality is most people have trouble managing their funds, so it's none of my business about their personal finances.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    A 33 year old former stripper, sugar baby, prostitute or whatever stops her drug use after making 6 figures a year for the previous 10 - 15 years. Now she doesn’t have a skill, doesn’t have a work ethic, lacks the basic ability to make a living. Even traditional “teenage jobs” - MacDonalds, Dunkin, etc. and she’s getting fired. Coming to work late, too many butt breaks, not getting along with others. It’s sad but not uncommon. The solution is to find a guy to marry who can support her. Investing, saving, and frugality are not in her lexicon.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    The myth of the wealthy stripper is just Stripperweb BS. Making strippers sound like investors and money making geniuses is ridiculous. Gawker is right, marriage is basically the way out unless they actually do have some kind of skill to fall back on. Every stripper I know eventually gets some vocational training or gets married if they want to get out.....and none of them retire millionaires. In 11 years I've only known one who invested. She got a Subway franchise in Manhattan.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    ^^ Is that your ATF, gawker?
  • King_Gambrinus
    5 years ago
    The amount of strippers supporting dead beat boyfriends is mind blowing. I should just quit my job and get arrested a few times, then I’ll get free sex from strippers AND have them pay my rent
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Don't go too overboard, but show them your bad boy side. That's one of the main keys to getting them.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    If drugs were free, strippers would be rolling in cash.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    they become hookers, or just latch on to the first regular who catches feelings.
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