
Comments by OldGringo (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Online escort vs HK
    For guys that only gets to visit Tijuana once a year or a few times a year, sticking to Hong Kong and zona norte is probably the best choice. I live here 24/7 365 days a year though and Hong Kong is just a 10 minute walk for me whenever I want to go. It's great and I continue to enjoy it, but I also like variety and experiencing different things. For guys that love HK and being in la zona all the time, there's nothing wrong with that and I'm not trying to change your mind. For guys that may be interested in trying something different, I just wanted to share my experience and recommend Musas, since they've been solid for me so far. Suerte.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Online escort vs HK
    One last thing: There are a few reasons the vast majority of escorts do not go to hotels in Zona Norte. However, the biggest reason is privacy and not safety. A lot of the escorts don't work in the bars because they live in Tijuana full time. They don't want anybody to know they are putas. If they worked in HK, sooner or later a neighbor or family friend would find out, by seeing them there or hearing from a mesero who works there. By working as escorts, they are just taking a taxi to mostly love hotels like La Mansion, so it's a lot easier for them to do it on the down low, without anyone knowing. If they were going into Zona Norte every day, it would blow their cover locally.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Online escort vs HK
    I agree with the skepticism about escorts. It's a roll of the dice and if it turns out bad, you wasted about $100 plus the cost of the hotel. I had been mostly an HK guy for a long time. I tried two escorts from Grey Girls over the last year or so and one was pretty good, but one was a disaster. The bad one was about 15 pounds heavier than her photo and not pretty. I should have sent her away, but I went through with it. On top of that, she wasn't very friendly and mid way through her period started. What a fucking train wreck. I swore off escorts forever after that. Until one day... I decided to give it another try. I tried a different agency. Musas. This time I did a little more homework on the girl I was choosing. I've done that a few times now and it's been amazing. Like night and day from my experience with Grey Girls. Although other people have told me they like Grey Girls, so don't blacklist them based on my one bad experience. What I will say is this though. IMHO Musas is the Hong Kong of escort agencies. They get the hottest girls. Most speak only Spanish though, so it definitely helps if you speak Spanish. I am 3 for 3 with Musas. All 3 girls would be 8's and up in HK and would get $100 for a half hour easily. Through Musas, you get them for an hour for about $90 to $100 depending on the girl. They are a little bit lower mileage too, because more guys go to the bars than use escorts. I've had two on weekdays that I was their only scheduled date of the day and they were both very pretty. Easily 8.5's. Weekends they are probably busier, but escorts aren't going with 5 or more guys per day like the hottest bargirls are. Anyway, I still like HK, but it's a nice change of pace getting a hot escort in your nice room outside of zona norte. No loud smoky bar, annoying meseros, ugly girls hassling you for dollar tips, etc. There's a lot of ways to do Tijuana. It's good to experience different things.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Places to eat in Zona Norte
    Monte Carlo is still using the Sonora awnings out front, so it's easy to spot. They have a temporary sign and a permanent sign above it with the new name. The food is okay. The chicas seem to like it. Traditional Mexican food. I'm not a huge fan of it, but they have good chips and salsa and I like their baked potatoes, but without the carne asada. The carne asada is not the best quality. Overall a decent option that is close though.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Places to eat in Zona Norte
    Sonora Grille closed, but Monte Carlo moved across the street and operates in the same space that Sonora Grille was in. Essentially it's the same restaurant. Ticuan, which I recommended, is walkable. A little bit of a walk, but walkable. They have English speaking waiters there. Miguel works almost every day as a waitet and speaks perfect English. Yes, the others will be a taxi or Uber ride away. Most have someone who speaks English, but no guarantees. If you walk up Revolucion, you'll find many restaurants nearby in centro, just out of Zona Norte.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Places to eat in Zona Norte
    I live in TJ and wrote up a brief review of some of my favorite places to eat in this thread: https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=67828#comment957984 However, I also highly recommend Uber Eats. There are a ton of TJ restaurants that deliver through Uber Eats and the delivery fee is only about 25 to 35 pesos for most restaurants.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Girls pay
    HK runs ads in newspapers in Mexico far away from TJ recruiting girls. They also have employees who are actual recruiters who travel around Mexico looking to hire girls to work in HK. When they hire these girls in remote parts of Mexico, they are usually poor and cannot afford to travel to TJ. So, they'll often help out new girls by paying their bus fare or plane fare. Once they go through the hiring process they'll usually give them some vouchers for free nights in Rizo or Cascadas and some free meals in Azul to help them get started. If the girls leave after working a while and return to work within a month, they don't have to go through the hiring process again. They can keep their same stage name and just renew their health card and they can get back to work. However, if the girls are gone for like two or three months or more, they have to go through the whole hiring process again when they return. They will generally be given a new stage name too. They will sometimes get the free vouchers again at this time. The girls who leave and return within 30 days usually don't get the vouchers a 2nd time. They are usually only given to chicas who are new hires or who have gone through the hiring process again. There could be other circumstances where they'll qualify for a voucher, but none that I'm aware of.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Girls pay
    Usually those vouchers are just for new arrivals or for girls returning to work who haven't worked in a long time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    The Unexpected Ficha Bucket
    Agree with both of you. I'll pay for a regular arriba and if they stay overnight it's a bonus. I'll never pay big bucks just for a TLN. You'd be surprised what guys pay though. My amiga has guys paying her $500 to $700 for a night. That's when she's working too, so that's on top of her regular day's earnings.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    getting a full blown 10-15 minute lap dance in front of others rather than in la
    In HK or Chicago Club in TJ it's pretty common if you buy one or two fichas for $9 each. It's also common in a lot of U.S. strip clubs as well. Hi Liter for one. I think I bought about 10 dances in a row at Hiliter and was prepared to keep going, but the girl needed a break and tapped out.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How often do you enjoy DEEP FRENCH KISSING with strippers?
    DFK in the VIP can be great. Only emotionally undeveloped amateurs do it in the front room.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    The Unexpected Ficha Bucket
    I agree Cristobal. It mainly happens with regular customers and their favoritas, when they know each other a while. I was mainly stating that HK girls can stay overnight in the guys' rooms because SJG seemed to think they are not allowed to do so.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Forum sure has been nice to read for the past week....
    Lol. Me haces reir Cristobal. Verdad.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    The Unexpected Ficha Bucket
    HK girls can and often do sleep overnight in guy's rooms in both Cascadas and Rizo once their shift ends. Once they are off the clock they can stay all night with no interruptions. Nobody will come knocking on your door making you buy a bucket once they have clocked out for the night. Out of the zona on their day off is best, but not always possible. Cascadas and Rizo serve their purpose.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    The 6 or the 9?
    Front room makeout sessions are highly overrated. It's kind of like going out partying on New Year's Eve. Amateur night.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Girls pay
    Along these lines, I saw something funny last night. Living in TJ, I wind up seeing a lot of bargirls walking around centro, outside of zona norte, in street clothes when they aren't working. Last night I was on Constitucion walking away from Zona Norte, about a 1/2 mile south of HK. I see two very pretty young chicas walking toward me and in the direction of HK. I think they could be bargirls, but I wasn't positive. Then, they stop and look at the time on their phone. They freak out and start running in the direction of HK. I look at my watch and it's 7:59 pm. Yep, they were bargirls about to be late for their 8pm shift at whatever bar they work at. As for chicas work schedules at HK, I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty confident they have various shifts that girls can choose to work. I'm pretty certain there is a 4pm to midnight shift and an 8pm to 4am shift. I also think there is a 10pm to 6am shift. There is a morning shift that may run from like 8am to 4pm or 10am to 6pm. Also, possibly a 12pm to 8pm shift. What I do know is that if they are not ready to work by the start of their shift time, they'll get reprimanded. They may turn them away altogether if they are continually late and not let them work that shift. The girls are allowed to arrive early for a shift. Ie., a girl may arrive at 3pm for her 4pm start time if she chooses to do so. Also, they can stay late and work past the end of their shift if they are busy or want to make more money. The girls who make the club the most money by selling a lot of fichas and by being on time, etc., will sometimes receive preferential treatment. For example a star chica who arrives early for her shift may be allowed to leave early that day too, as long as she put in close to 8 hours and the floor manager approves it. Bottom line is there are various shifts throughout the day, so you should see new girls arriving throughout the day and night. You'll usually see the girls arriving for their shift by walking down the stairs from the 3rd floor by the manager's office.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Forum sure has been nice to read for the past week....
    Plus she's fascinated by the drug dealer/stripper/ho culture. Like when she supposedly went on her field trip to the projects or the ghetto. Icey wasn't the hood rat gangster he/she claimed to be, but was equally fascinated by that lifestyle. This is probably why he/she created that persona. Nicole is apparently real. I think Icey either was Nicole's friend or Nicole herself.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is it possible........
    Good point Nina. Yes, very possible they were friends with the same agenda. Both seemed interested in discussing the law and legal careers, seemed to like and support Muslim women, and were anti middle aged men who pay strippers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is it possible........
    Is it possible.... that Nicole was really IceyLoco this whole time? Both always seemed to post at the same times and have disappeared at exactly the same time...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Not on drugs
    Groping in Azul?
    Lol. No comment. I'm going to be nice to SJG...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Girls pay
    De nada. On some level, you are probably right. It's probably impossible for the Brizuelas to make boatloads of money in MX without the cartels somehow getting involved or getting a cut of the action. No one will probably ever know. It would make a great movie though, if anyone knew the behind the scenes of the entire operation.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Girls pay
    Solo broma. They get cash from customers for their services. The bar also pays them for every drink they sell and every lapdance they do. They get about $2 for every drink they sell and about $5 for every lapdance. Their big money is in arribas though. They also get a lot in dollar tips from customers walking around the bar. The Brizuela family is loaded and owns HK, Cascadas, Tropical, Chavelas, 7 de Copas, Rizo, and other businesses in TJ.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Girls pay
    They sell tacos on the corner and get pesos for their work. San Jose Guy owns HK. If you are nice to him he'll give you a free lapdance coupon.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Who are you?
    Soy Yo.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Not on drugs
    Groping in Azul?
    Nice! Glad you liked it. Two more recommendations I just thought of. El Surtidor de Tamal on Ninos Heroes. Best tamales I've had in TJ. Nothing fancy, but clean and good. Moist tamales, fresh, and hot. Not too dry. 20 to 25 pesos each. Casa Cacao. Small family owned Oaxacan Mexican restaurant on 2nd street, very close to HK. Great menu items with homemade mole sauce. Great homemade chocolates, desserts, and Mexican hot chocolate. The tamales with mole sauce are very good. My favorite is their gorditas with the shredded chicken in the middle. I also like their dark chocolate covered espresso beans for dessert. I dragged a chica to eat here with me when she wanted mole sauce and she was complaining the whole time because she didn't want to go inside. Since then, she's done an about face and we've eaten there two more times. The last time she actually bought my meal for me. So, I guess you could say this place even wins over their critics.