Girls pay

avatar for Alejandro12
So how do the girls get paid? Been there a few times and always wondered?

Also who owns hk?


last comment
avatar for OldGringo
6 years ago
They sell tacos on the corner and get pesos for their work. San Jose Guy owns HK. If you are nice to him he'll give you a free lapdance coupon.
avatar for OldGringo
6 years ago
Solo broma. They get cash from customers for their services. The bar also pays them for every drink they sell and every lapdance they do. They get about $2 for every drink they sell and about $5 for every lapdance. Their big money is in arribas though. They also get a lot in dollar tips from customers walking around the bar.

The Brizuela family is loaded and owns HK, Cascadas, Tropical, Chavelas, 7 de Copas, Rizo, and other businesses in TJ.
avatar for JAprufrock
6 years ago
^^^^^^Thanks, OG, I have wondered, too, who owns HK. For some reason I pictured it was one of El Chapo’s cartel associates. LOL!
Here’s to the Brizuelas for bringing much happiness to my life!
avatar for OldGringo
6 years ago
De nada. On some level, you are probably right. It's probably impossible for the Brizuelas to make boatloads of money in MX without the cartels somehow getting involved or getting a cut of the action. No one will probably ever know. It would make a great movie though, if anyone knew the behind the scenes of the entire operation.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
@oldgringo @japrufrock

I am not too interested in the behind the scenes econnomics and laundering, I just hope they keep the doors open:

Imagine all those unemployed BGs having to find real Jobs.
avatar for JAprufrock
6 years ago
The BGs would be hired by other clubs and automatically be the hottest gals there.
As long as the laws remain the same, and there’s no reason to believe they’ll change given the influx of American dollars into TJ, we’ll be OK because there will always be other strip club/brothels operating.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

You need to hurry with building your organization to help all those BGs:

Have you seen their outfits?

Just thongs, g strings, and netting.

They can barely afford clothing.

avatar for JAprufrock
6 years ago
Poor girls. I will be there next month to help them get out of those flimsy thongs and g-strings and into something more comfortable — my bed.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I am hurrying to build my organization. But there are political challenges to overcome, things I have not talked about. It might sound fanciful, but that is just because there are political victories which it depends upon.

But operations in TJ will be strong, second only to what goes on the US.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
As far as who owns HK, if it is own by organized crime, then the registered owners will not be the people who really control it and get the profits.

Maybe some journalists have tried to explore this. Any one seen articles about this?

avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
With regards to the original post:

Keep in mind BGs pay fines too, for spending too much time arriba, for leaving their shift early, for not working enough days, for missing scheduled days, and for not selling enough drinks.
avatar for OldGringo
6 years ago
Along these lines, I saw something funny last night. Living in TJ, I wind up seeing a lot of bargirls walking around centro, outside of zona norte, in street clothes when they aren't working.

Last night I was on Constitucion walking away from Zona Norte, about a 1/2 mile south of HK. I see two very pretty young chicas walking toward me and in the direction of HK. I think they could be bargirls, but I wasn't positive. Then, they stop and look at the time on their phone. They freak out and start running in the direction of HK. I look at my watch and it's 7:59 pm. Yep, they were bargirls about to be late for their 8pm shift at whatever bar they work at.

As for chicas work schedules at HK, I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty confident they have various shifts that girls can choose to work. I'm pretty certain there is a 4pm to midnight shift and an 8pm to 4am shift. I also think there is a 10pm to 6am shift. There is a morning shift that may run from like 8am to 4pm or 10am to 6pm. Also, possibly a 12pm to 8pm shift.

What I do know is that if they are not ready to work by the start of their shift time, they'll get reprimanded. They may turn them away altogether if they are continually late and not let them work that shift.

The girls are allowed to arrive early for a shift. Ie., a girl may arrive at 3pm for her 4pm start time if she chooses to do so. Also, they can stay late and work past the end of their shift if they are busy or want to make more money.

The girls who make the club the most money by selling a lot of fichas and by being on time, etc., will sometimes receive preferential treatment. For example a star chica who arrives early for her shift may be allowed to leave early that day too, as long as she put in close to 8 hours and the floor manager approves it.

Bottom line is there are various shifts throughout the day, so you should see new girls arriving throughout the day and night. You'll usually see the girls arriving for their shift by walking down the stairs from the 3rd floor by the manager's office.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

Yes, I have heard of all schedule times, too many to try to keep up with.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i’ve learned to simply keep my eyes open for more girls on every even hour.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
10 pm seems to be the last shift showing up for work. after that it slowly winds down until mid morning.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^ Seems like if you want first timer TLN, then understanding the shifts will be important.

And the same if you want to do TLN's by appointment.

Thanks MisterWonderful.

avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
Back to the original post:

BGs who perform in the cream shows receive a stipend to encourage participation.

Some BGs also receive vouchers for food and occasionally a free room at Cascadas, I am not sure how these benefits are determined or earned.

Overall, from observation there is potential for BGs to make a good living by Mexican standards with luck and hustling.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
A lot of the top-tier girls are knocking down 100 (excuse me) 1000 a night. that goes a long long way in Mexico.

even if it's only $100 a night... that is damn good pay for anybody in the middle class in Mexico. (unlike the USA) the prices in Mexico in pesos has remained fairly consistent as I have witnessed over the last five years... to see the exchange rate from 12 to 1 to the current 18-20 to 1 with a peak at 22 to 1. most places including most clubs have an 18 to 1 current exchange rate. Chicago and a few other associated clubs have a 19 to 1 exchange rate. and I can still buy a street taco at 20 peso even after five years.
avatar for OldGringo
6 years ago
Usually those vouchers are just for new arrivals or for girls returning to work who haven't worked in a long time.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

Those do not fit the profile of the two BGs who told me about the vouchers.

Maybe SJG knows.
avatar for OldGringo
6 years ago
HK runs ads in newspapers in Mexico far away from TJ recruiting girls. They also have employees who are actual recruiters who travel around Mexico looking to hire girls to work in HK.

When they hire these girls in remote parts of Mexico, they are usually poor and cannot afford to travel to TJ. So, they'll often help out new girls by paying their bus fare or plane fare. Once they go through the hiring process they'll usually give them some vouchers for free nights in Rizo or Cascadas and some free meals in Azul to help them get started.

If the girls leave after working a while and return to work within a month, they don't have to go through the hiring process again. They can keep their same stage name and just renew their health card and they can get back to work.

However, if the girls are gone for like two or three months or more, they have to go through the whole hiring process again when they return. They will generally be given a new stage name too. They will sometimes get the free vouchers again at this time. The girls who leave and return within 30 days usually don't get the vouchers a 2nd time. They are usually only given to chicas who are new hires or who have gone through the hiring process again. There could be other circumstances where they'll qualify for a voucher, but none that I'm aware of.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

Both the BGs who told me about the vouchers and free hotel room were not new (both worked at HK for at least a year) and had returned within 2/3 weeks.
avatar for mf92802
6 years ago
Do the bar girls get to keep 100% of their arriba money or are they required to kick back a fixed rate or a percentage to the club?
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

The club, nor the hotel, does not receive a cut from arriba money.

avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
seems that drinks is the main income source for the club.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Here is a link that details who the actual owners of Hong Kong bar…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I assume the girls have to pay a house-fee to work at HK?

Also - does anyone know what the ficha quota is for the girls?
avatar for Diez Pesos
Diez Pesos
5 years ago
That article is from 2013. That guy no longer owns HK. The Brizuela brothers do. They are loaded and own many businesses in Tijuana, both bars and also legitimate businesses.
avatar for Diez Pesos
Diez Pesos
5 years ago
The girls do not pay a house fee. They just have to sell fichas, so the bar makes enough money off of them. A ficha quota may or may not exist. Lots of guys argue about whether one really exists on other Tijuana boards.
avatar for Diez Pesos
Diez Pesos
5 years ago
I recently spent some time with an HK chica both in the club and OTC on multiple days. She showed me her real ID's. She was born in the U.S. and has dual citizenship. She was not deported. She was working in the U.S. making $15 an hour in a full time job, but quit to work in HK because she said she can make $2k per week instead of $600 per week and she has a baby and parents to support.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ so are you saying that the bars are not legitimate businesses, and as far as that article is concerned I’d take it with a grain of salt, I’m sure that there is some trafficking occurring but I’m also sure that there are plenty of capitalists, among the bar girls as well.
avatar for Diez Pesos
Diez Pesos
5 years ago
More mainstream businesses would be a better way of saying it. Besides several brothel type bars and hotels, I believe they own a large water supply company along with other vanilla type businesses.

As for the Asian mob being involved, I believe the Mexican cartels muscled them out long ago.

A lot of street girls may have been trafficked to TJ, but I would say that nearly 100% of the HK chicas are there by their own choosing, even if it's out of necessity.

The closest an HK girl comes to being trafficked is when a PLM sends her a plane ticket and $500 to $1,000 to come back from vacation because misses her.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
I have heard many different things regarding the ficha quota,

Logically it would seem the bars would have some quota, the amount seems to vary depending on shift, BG, and manager.

BGs receive a small commission for the drinks they sell.

Some claim they are fined for not meeting their weekly quota.

The (non ficha) buckets and bottle do not count toward their quota.
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