
The 6 or the 9?

I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
While on my last visit to TJ, before I returned to the US I visited HKTJ to find some company with the morning (8am) shift.

About 6-10 BGs arrived and a few interested me but I wanted to wait a little before deciding who to invite for a ficha (and maybe arriba).

A cute BG (a solid 6, maybe 7) approached my booth introduced herself and asked if we could talk, usually I like to approach the BG and invite her for a ficha, so I surprised myself that I decided not to send her away.

I enjoyed her conversation, she was open, sincere, and funny, though she was shy (eventually she put one leg on my lap) I thought that was probably just in the bar.

While we were talking a gorgeous BG (solid 8, borderline 9) walks by smiling at me, intriguing Little Cristobal to the point where I was about to send the first BG away.

But I did not send her away, I bought her another ficha invited her to my room and she proved me right, she was a great time arriba, reaffirming I was glad not to listen to little Cristobal.

We exchanged numbers and I look forward to seeing her again.

Though I can not be sure (yet), in this case 6 was greater than 9.


  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    In general, I've found I've had better experiences with BG's who don't have GPS. And those are usually the 6/7's. The 9's don't think they have to work at it. The 9 I took arriba a few years ago was no fun, But i've had plenty of fun with the 7's I've gone with.

    I'm not surprised by your story at all.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Cristobal, It was the morning at Hong Kong. The girls tend to be very negotiable in the mornings. I would have invited the 9 to join the two of you.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    I generlly agree with you, most 9 do not work as hard to please you, except my best arriba experience was with a 9 and I had plenty of great experiences with A team girls.

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    Interesting, I was thinking one or the other not both.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    I go after 8 9 and 10s they will rock your world if you know how to treat them
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Cristobal, I guess it is good that you are getting this experience, in dealing with women. You just have to decide, can't sit on the fence.

    Better if you approach them, but if they approach you, still good. Does mean that you will have to decide fast. Need to make her feel like you have selected her. There are ways of doing this.

    If you are still on the fence, she will feel it.

    You can't fuck them all. But still best not to let one drain your wallet and your balls unless you have decided for certain on her.

    There are sometimes really nice ways to send a girl away without burning your bridges with her.


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  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    Cristobal - I took an 8.5 up two years ago and she was a ton of fun. So there are definitely exceptions to every rule.
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    Ya, I don't see why you couldn't take both of them up to your room. On the days that I was there, there weren't many customers in the morning so the girls would take anything they could get.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    I am not looking for a threesome, not my thing.

    So my thinking was choosing either the 6 or the 9.

    I enjoyed my choice immensely.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    If I make it to TJ, it will be “A” team or nothing. I’m not going to travel that far for the “D” team.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    Not "if" but "when."

    Of course, everyone mongers differently, has fun their own way, and ratings vary.

    I enjoy my B Team BG experiences much more than the A Team.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    The question I feel I should have originaly posted:

    What would you do if you really enjoyed the company of the 6 and then the 9 passed by smiling and staring at you?

    I had a great time with the 6 and plan to see her sometime in the near future but next time I am there for the 8am shift I am looking out for the 9.
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    I would have excused myself quickly and followed the 9 to the robe guy and out the front door.
  • tbot1102
    5 years ago
    A very unique HK experience written by Cristobal. And it is almost like 'good karma'. Sometimes you come across 6s and 7s who as an absolute blast. I have had my share of them and I will say, if you make a "connection" with a 6 or a 7, don't look back. It's tough to define the conenction....it's something in the way yhe girl responds to you, maintains eye contact, shows vulnerability (kissing/touching) and an certain openness. The key thing is to not make the meeting too transactional. I am guilty of having ulled the triggered too quickly due to my pent up needs and the hotness of a girl. ON the other hand, I have also decided to get to know a girl through a Ficha drink and have not been disappointed by any of the 6s and 7s.

    One can also understand some guys only wanting trophy fucks (I fall in that category from time to time)....but if you want to enjoy a wide spectrum of experiences, give the 6s and 7s a chance.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Well said @tbot1102

    It is about the connection though occasionally our eyes demand otherwise.

    Give the 6 a chance.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Cristobal, that one that sat next to you and crossed her leg over your's, she was doing everything she could to prompt you to initiate a front room makeout session.

    I'm not going to call her a '6' because I'm not going to go along with that.

    Some verbal finesse to it is good, but she wanted you to make it happen. It will make a difference in how it happens once you take her upstairs.

    Normally with a girl you don't get that many chances for such things.


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  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    "I'm not going to call her a '6' because I'm not going to go along with that."

    The point of post was what would you do if you enjoyed the company of the 6 and then the 9 passed by smiling and staring at you?

    Would you stay with the 6 or go after the 9? Why?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    It's the kind of a decision one is invariably going to have to make if they go into such clubs.

    Best if you select the girl and approach. But she might not reciprocate.

    If the girl approaches, then you will have to decide and decide fast.

    What I would try to do is, if I want to decline, interdict her from sitting down, maybe hand her some money, make an excuse.

    But if I decided to proceed, then other girls do not exist in my universe. I would really make her feel like I had selected her, just by how I talked to her and got to know her.

    And that girl, crossing her leg over yours, she wanted you to initiate a front room makeout session. That is a very standard move. Spreads her thighs for massaging, turns her towards you.

    Done well, that front room makeout session will really intensify what follows arriba.

    Never been to TJ, but that applies anywhere.

    How one feels about a particular girl, lots of things influence that. Invariably though we all pick up vibes about people.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I also pay a lot of attention to how girls are dressed and painted up. I can really feel them in my own body, right from the start. So that would have influenced my decision about her.

    If it was yes, then I would have been generous and it would have been a hot and steamy makeout session, built up in cycles, and if I wasn't waking up with her that morning, I would be waking up with her in mornings soon to follow.

    I really don't think about that 1 to 10 scale. As I see it, that is for guys who think about what his friends will think if they see him with that girl. I don't worry about that.

    If I like a girl, then that scale does not exist.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I don't compare girls. But if one is there, then I have to decide yes or no. But I do this without comparing her to other girls. And if it is yes, then it is just she and I for the duration.

    Lots of pretty girls, everywhere. But can't let this interfere with your ability to be with the one you have selected.

    Good Luck Cristobal,

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    I looked for the 9 on Monday morning but she was no where to be found.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ You can't fuck them all. I am sure that they hire newbies faster than any one guy could fuck them.

    Realization of that has got to alter a guy's perspective.

    :) :) :)

  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    @Cristobal my chica amiga said they are required to work either Monday or Tuesday (one of the slow days) in order to be able to work Friday and Saturday without paying a fine.

    So, as long as she's in town and not at home, she should be there either Monday or Tuesday every week. It's tough to keep track of these girls coming and going though. Sometimes you see them once and then poof, they are gone and you never see them again.

    Hopefully that's not the case with your 9 and you'll run into her again soon.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ probably she is always arriba?

  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    @SanJoseGuy, The organization I am building will center around a caste system, with variable pricing. The 10s, naturally, will cost more. Bargain-hunters might prefer 6s and 7s.
    And we're not just talking looks. Personality and mileage will figure into their ratings as well.
    Ladies who start as 6s and 7s will have the ability to move up with good bookings and feedback. Likewise, 10s who are restrictive (no CIM or kitty play, for example) could very well be relegated to 8s or lower.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    You may also try a la carte pricing.

    When your organization is ready, please let me know.

    Until such time, I will just have to spend time with TJ Bargirls, COI strippers, OC Coffee Girls, LA import/carshow models, and a few civvies.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    That Intel cooberates why so many BGs I know take one of those days off.

    The 6 just texted me to set up a meet.

    After you left, a very, very cute BG was dancing, I tipped her after her set but she did not show any Interest, Jim talked to one BG and received an offer for a threesome (he passed) but he arranged to see her after her shift though I learned later he stood her up.

    I enjoy TJ way too much.

  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    Funny. I missed all the action! It was good meeting you guys. I'm sure I'll run into you soon. I'll probably start staying at Rizo again after taking a break from both Rizo and Cascadas.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Cristobal, before you are able to find that '9' that got away, you will probably have found others that you like even better. Just the way it is.

    My whole point was that I don't use that 1 to 10 scale.


    Of your '6' I would have just decided. She is sitting down, so have to decide fast.

    I would have decided how I feel about her, and without comparing her to other girls.

    If I decided no, I would have as politely as possible sent her on her way, best not to even look at her then, so she won't think it is about her looks.

    If I decided yes, then she would be my date, for at least that night and things would proceed. I would make her believe that I had selected her.

    Once such a decision is made, then it does not matter what other girls could be around, I would not even see them.

    If a girl is being really forward with me, then for the sake of the esprit de corps in that environment my decisions will be slanted towards yes and to giving her whatever she wants, presumably arriba.


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  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    And also, how a girl is dressed and painted up are things I am very responsive to. That could have made a big difference in that crucial initial decision.

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    I agree, I do not use the 1-10 sale, but for the purpose (even comedy) of this discussion I used the standard numbers.

    I try to give any BG I'm spending time and money with my full undividrd attention but occasionally my eyes betray me and I take notice of some the other beautiful BGs.

    This was one of cases but I followed through, I enjoyed the arriba experience of the 6 and look forward to seeing her again soon.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Yes I understand. Actually that is why I wondered if the HK bar is really a good place for meeting up with your OTC dates. Seems like you'd be getting tackled by 25 girls before you ever found your date.


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  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    The meet ups at HK are not that bad.

    For the most part, we agree to a place to meet (the middle stairs, the entrance), I text them when I arrive and when I expect to be at HK, then they text back when they are waiting.

    I rarely make them wait for more than a few minutes.

    Though sometimes when walking to the middle steps I am approached by a BG or two.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Still sounds highly risky. Enough girls could tear you to shreds.

    Were it me, I would try to pick some place outside of the Zona for meeting by appointment.

    Maybe that Santa Cecilia, on the periphery of the zona, or maybe the places MLB recommends. MLB sends out girls, often for TLN. But they do not send girls into the zona.


    I wouldn't want to go into the HK Bar or the Zona unless I was ready to engage with girls that approached me, or girls I picked out.

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    If you meet a BG at HK, most likely to see her again it will have to be at HK until she is confortable and willing to meet on her day off, then you can arrange a hotel meet up.

    I only have experience with HK BGs.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    How about after a nice front room makeout session, having approached her yourself, then a maximum arriba, and showing from the start intent to see her regularly and discussing specific future meeting plans with her?

    Outside of Zona meeting after that first night?


  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    No front make room make out session for me.

    I prefer shy girls in públic, freaks in the room.

    If I like her and want to see again, I get her number and arrange ee her at the club on her slow day on her terms.

    We all monger differently, enjoy the ride.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    This morning (10am) I was at HKTJ enjoying a ficha and flirty conversation with a BG (solid 7/maybe 8) knowing we were going arriba, when the 9 from the original post walked by again and sat at the booth next to ours.

    My attention did not waver and i rewarded with a great arriba experience where she had me yelling like Tarzan.

    Again the 7 was greater than 9.
  • TJ Lee
    5 years ago
    You're so blessed being able to speak spanish with these goddess. You can literally get anything you want.
  • tbot1102
    5 years ago
    From a scientific standpoint, one should not be surprised. There is scientific documented evidenc ethat good looking people ear higher salaries, get better mates, are considered very knowledgeable/accomplished in a work-setting (most times undeservedly). Therefore, the 9s/10s in HK have a much easier time earning $$. It's the 6s/7s that have to put in extra effort.

    That being said, even the 6s/7s could sometimes be rated as a 9 in a US club. It's a relative scale.....the 6s/7s are not just any pedestrian kind of girls....a note for the newbies. As I said earlier, give them a chance too. Save the 9s/10s for an occasional "trophy fuck". Higher probability that the other girls give you a more memorable experience. Kudos to @Cristobal for staying true to form!
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    I agree speaking Spanish does help, especially when I want to enjoy a conversation.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    I enjoy my experiences with B Team (6/7) BGs almost always more than A Team (8/9) BGs.

    In fact when I think of my bad experiences (me duela, cansada, no más positions, muy grande, apúrate) those are mostly from A Team BGs.

    However, one of my favorite appointment BGs is A Team (remind me I should text her to set something up).

    I have too much fun in TJ.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    i still know i’m missing a lot without conversations in fluent esponal.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    espanial? anyway spanish.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Yup, speaking Spanish helps hold a conversation and for some BGs to open up.

    It does backfire sometimes:

    One BG (very hot body) was venting so much about her ex-husband, she stormed off upset.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I see your point Cristobal. I'm just saying that with the front room makeout session, you get to take the lead. Since this is your first meeting with the girl, it will make a difference with her for as long as you know her. Only get that one first time with her.

  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    @SanJoseGuy, I agree. The front room makeout session can speak volumes for those of us who don’t speak Spanish. It is the language of love, as you well know. It breaks down barriers and brings people together.
    Fuck the wall. What we need is one massive front room makeout session at the border.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Some have tried to do that in years past, cutting a big rectangular patch out of the metal fence, for kissing.

    Mexican girls are really neat.

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @japrufrock & @ san_jose_guy

    I am not on board with the front room make out session, my only time doing it the BG ended up being a ROB.

    I will wait for your organzation to straighten out the logístical issues but until then I will continue to go arriba with TJ BGs.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Front Room Makeout Session is one of the ways you can take the lead, and show your girl that you like her and like being seen with her. Should make for a big plus in what happens arriba.

    Its a way of civilianizing it all, and I think of getting her more ready for meetings by appointment.

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    "Front Room Makeout Session is one of the ways you can take the lead, and show your girl that you like her and like being seen with her. Should make for a big plus in what happens arriba."

    The Front Room Makeout Session may accomplish this but I do not do it and I've had plenty of amazing arriba experiences.

    "Its a way of civilianizing it all, and I think of getting her more ready for meetings by appointment."

    Again, it may but I do am not interested in the Front Room Make Out Session and I do OK meeting BGs and arranging meetings by appointment.

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Yesterday morning I targeted a cute BG (borderline 7) who kept Little Cristobal's (LC) attention with good conversation with just enough contact that after a few fichas I had to invite her to my room.

    She provided excellent service as I was able to get in a few cardio workout, ended up pretty sweaty and a few ounces lighter.

    But since there were no 8 or 9s working, this experience really does not contribute to my research regarding 6 being greater than 9.

    Oh well, let me try to find another BG to take arriba.

    This research is proving to be exhausting.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    That one you called a '6', crossing her leg over your's, that's about as blatant as it gets, she was inviting you to start a front room makeout session.

    And then someone here posted a couple weeks ago, about one, nice looking. As soon as she is on your lap she gets a hand onto your head and starts ramming her tongue into your mouth.

    She gets arribas right away.

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    When she draped her legs on my lap I took it as a good sign and we had a great time arriba, without a Front Room Make Out Session.

    But it was a good sign because I enjoyed our 20-30 minute conversation previous to becoming flirty and handsy.

    Everyone has fun differently.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    In continuing research on this subject, I visited HKTJ yesterday morning to determinred to go arriba with the hottest BG.

    The early shift has plenty of BGs (perhaps 20-25 to 10-15 customers) but most are not too attractive (4/5 range).

    I approached two BGs with nice bodies that looked to be good from afar but up close were far from good.

    I was about to leave HK, when as I was standing at the stairs a gorgeous BG walks down and stands next to me.

    I've seen this BG before but she is usually swooped up very quickly as she is a solid 8 (even a 9), so my dilema: I need to leave soon as I have a Dr appointment in the US in a few hours or do I take one for the team to continue my research on this topic?

    I make the ultimate sacrafice and introduce myself to the BG and pass on the ficha and invite her to my room.

    The sacrafice was not in vain as she provide an excellent arriba experience.

    In this case the 9 was greater.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Front room comeon and makeout session, well executed, will really get under a girl's skin. But you have to feel her in your gut, know that you want to make that happen with her. That way she will feel it too.

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    Even without the Front Room Make Out session, she felt it arriba.

    Even if she didn't, I felt it abajo.
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    Front room makeout sessions are highly overrated. It's kind of like going out partying on New Year's Eve.

    Amateur night.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    I have never been interested in the Front Room Make Out Session, the only time it happened to me the BG was a ROB (time waster) arriba.

    On Tuesday, there was a PL making out with two BGs for a few minutes and then they got up and walked away, but to each their own I would have preferred arriba.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    i like FRMOS. butt i still want arribas with the desirable girls.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    and no... long term relationships is NOT my goal.
    (i learned that expensive lesson with my EX.)
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    Yes, I agree the longest relationships I want lasts about one hour each time.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    YES! ( although sometimes I do enjoy the repeated one hour long relationships !!!)
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    FRMOS are a civilian way of interacting with a girl, meaning that though she will be getting money, you are not trying to use the money to mediate the relationship. You don't discuss it or try to get her to agree to anything. You get to know her and set up the situation, and then without advance warning you just kiss her. No way to predict how she will respond, so you just have to do it to find out. How it goes over has a great deal to do with how you do it, in my experience. Even if it does not work the first time, it still might work tried again or later. My experience is that with most girls, any situation, any racial group, they are kind of wired up for DFKing. You just have to get to her the right way, and then once she discerns what you are trying to do, her critical faculties shut down and she just engages fully. That you were able to get to her this way, without discussion or asking for her agreement, is very important, in my experience.

    When it is in front of other people, then probably there is a mileage ceiling in place. Probably not going to undress her, or at least only somewhat. Feeling up may be limited. But in those TJ strip clubs the ceiling might still be quite high. Nevertheless, that it is somewhat constrained has the effect of making it go on longer and letting it get more intense. You also use the time to verbally get to know her better, as that makes it easier for her to continue to open up. And then this will pay off when you are alone with her.

    Putting on a show with her, on the dance floor, or later in FROMOS, will have a big effect on her.

    For myself I don't really care about that 1 to 10 scale. My attraction to a girl is based on lots of other things, like my perception of her entire persona.

    What do people think of this girl?

    Found in the BT Events photos. Their 3 national colors in her big hair bow, and in her skirt. Extreme strapped on heels. Not much visible makeup.

    Just because of how she comes across, the outfit, and the posing for the photos, I would move on her, and in a totally civilian way, maximizing time to talk, time to dance, FRMOS going as far as possible and lasting as long as possible, the probably waking up with her the next morning and on all of my subsequent visits.

    I take it that in HK, feel up tips are the standard way.

    Not sure if that is really so at BT. Might be a more civilian approach is better and more suitable?

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    That is a very interesting approach, best wishes in finding that BG.

    For me, I have no Interest in waking up to the same BG for every visit, I have plenty of different appointment BG I enjoy visiting and there are times I just want to take someone new to me arriba (with no intention of seeing her again).

    For instance on my latest trip, I had two appointments and two new BGs and I had a great time.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    somebody said 'variety is the spice of life.'
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    and San Jose Guy. I love enjoying a variety.
    I don't want just want 'one' anymore.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I did 'one' for a literally half my life.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    I tried the "one" thing and once it ended and I tried the "variety" thing.

    I like variety much, much more.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    totally agree.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    There's ways of having many, but still keeping in contact with most of them.

    For one thing, they can be in different places.

  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    Yeah. mine are scattered around Los Angeles and mexico.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    San Jose guy I just clicked on that one girl at tropical...I'm sure there's some guys that would love her. butt personally... not my type. my type is like my avatar.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @misterwonderful @san_jose_guy

    No disrespect but the Bar Tropical BG from the link is not my type, I would pass.

    Maybe that is why I never go to BT.

  • codemonkey
    5 years ago
    I like the one in Cristobal's avatar.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    She is a friend (no benefits) from when I used to visit Vietnamese Coffee Shops in Orange County, California.

    She is very pretty and friendly.

    Check out her IG: @fitykitty
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    cristobal. awesome avatar girl.

    I forgot where i was going with this...

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Well I know the girl is, you could say, atypical. That was why I posted her pic, instead of so many others.


    Now as far as finding her, I would never try to do that. Just select from those that are there right then.

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I visited HK this afternoon and continuing my research regarding the 6 or the 9, I decided to take arriba a BG I met last month.

    So I guess it had nothing to do with the research but it was a fun arriba nonetheless.

    The research continues.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    Lol... Just own it.

    It is OK, she is your ideal, front room make out session BG.

    It is OK.

    Remember 3 is just a number.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Well the picture drew my attention. What I would really think of her would depend upon a f2f meeting.

    Remember, I don't really think about that 1-10 scale.

    Lots of other things will influence how I feel about a girl. I try not to evaluate their looks in a moralistic way.

    But I am very influenced by how they are dressed and painted up. And that gives some indication of how the girl thinks. Its also just from interacting with her, and from seeing how she interacts with other people. But I also know that in these TJ places, if one wants to select the girl themselves, then they need to move fast.

    Like this one, from HK Bar Gallery

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I meant to say, do you like her?


  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    Yes, when the club is relatively busy you must move quickly when you decide which BG you want to spend time with.

    It has taken me a few months of visits to learn to move quickly because I want to find the best BG for me.

    I also do not use the number system for me but it is a common ground system that most of us mongers use.

    From the link, I would pass but that is just me.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Well, my evaluations will always be made with f2f contact. But its likely to be informed by lots of things. People invariably make impressions on us. And girls do respond when a guy is deliberately selecting them over others.

    I don't use that 1-10 scale for anything. Never have.


  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I had a recent experience on this subject (again):

    I was enjoying a ficha with a very, cute BG (a solid 7), when another BG sits next to me and starts talking.

    This is the first time this happened to me, so I start talking to her, thenthe first BG introduces the second as her twin sister, though they look nothing a like.

    The second BG was a solid 8, I was in a good mood so bought her a ficha too and had conversation with both, it was a good time.

    After 15 minutes, the second BG left, I would guess not wanting to mess up her sister's deal, I wondered if I should pursue the 2nd BG.

    I let things continue, enjoying the first BG's company as we went arriba where her service was fantastic, I have no regrets with the first BG.

    I am trying to arrange seeing her again.

    So far in this study, there are no regrets.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Were it me, had I selected the first girl, an intense FRMOS would be underway. So the second girl would just be wasting her time and likely she would stay away.

    Nice to know that in TJ it is that good, girls trying to cut in on each other.

  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    nice experience!
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    For me, I was glad the 2nd BG (her sister) sat with us, it was fun talking to her and then trying to talk to both, I had a great time.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    It was fun and BG1 was fantastic arriba (top 5 experience).

    Speaking of twins:

    Did you see (or remember) the identical twins BGs: pudgy, short, glasses from a few Mondays ago?

    I kept thinking it was the same BG until I saw them both hanging out at the stairs, one of them passed on arriba because she thought she could not go to Rizos.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I find it interesting that the powers that be at hong kong don’t tell these girls that Rizo is allowed.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ Sounds like there is a very complicated web of rules in play.

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