
Comments by OldGringo (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Paying TJ Girl By Check, and is there Mexican Income Tax?
    Lol at Founder. I wasn't sure if he was trolling or serious. You're right, I don't have to call you dude, but I wanted to.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Paying TJ Girl By Check, and is there Mexican Income Tax?
    I'm not sure about the income tax thing, but I know if you keep too large of a balance in a Mexican bank account, the government starts taxing it. They start taking a small percentage of the interest that you are earning every month. Mexican bank accounts pay a high interest rate, unlike the U.S.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Paying TJ Girl By Check, and is there Mexican Income Tax?
    I've never tried paying by check, but once I tried paying by credit card. I took out my credit card and jokingly tried swiping it on the chica's vagina (outside of her bikini bottoms), while asking her if she accepted credit cards. Fortunately, she had a sense of humor and got a laugh out of it. Dude, none of those girls are taking checks. Over half of them don't even have bank accounts. The few that do have peso bank accounts and couldn't do anything with a check in dollars. Even if they could take a check, 99% won't want to give you their real name. They all want dollars or pesos.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    ncaa ranking of top 4 strip clubs your been to in 2019
    Top 4 from all time, but haven't visited them all this year: 1. Hong Kong: Tijuana 2. Baby Dolls: Dallas 3. Sundowner: Niagara Falls 4. Gold Club : Atlanta (closed down about 20 years ago) Would like to visit Tootsies and E11even in South Florida if I ever get back that way.
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    5 years ago
    San Diego outing (kind of TJ related)
    Good point Tahoe. Living here, I cross about twice a week. I always see families, who appear to be Mexican Nationals, crossing back into Tijuana with big bags of stuff they bought at the San Ysidro outlets. As Christmas approaches, the lines to the U.S. get longer and the number of people bringing shopping bags back to Tijuana increases also.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    San Diego outing (kind of TJ related)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    San Diego outing (kind of TJ related)
    I think it may be a B 2 tourist visa https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/tourism-visit/visitor.html or a border crossing card https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/tourism-visit/visitor.html that the limo driver was referring to. Border crossing card says it's good for a visit of up to 72 hours in the U.S.
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    5 years ago
    San Diego outing (kind of TJ related)
    True. It may have been $1k or $2k he said. If I see him again, I'll try to clarify.
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    5 years ago
    San Diego outing (kind of TJ related)
    Not sure how accurate this is, but I'll post it here anyway. Had a long conversation with an HK limo driver one day and he said he had a special "shopping visa". It allowed him to enter the U.S. for short periods of time (maybe a day or less) and only travel within a certain number of miles from the border. It may have only been to like L.A. or around that area. He said to get that Visa, he opened up a special U.S. dollar denominated bank account in TJ. Certain banks like Banorte offer these to Mexican citizens who first have a peso account with them. With the U.S. dollar account, they can deposit dollars, keep dollars in the account, and withdraw dollars. He said he needed to have a minimum balance and maintain it for about a year or so, before it qualified him for this special shopping Visa. It may have been about $2k or $5k or $10k. I forget the exact amount he said, because it was last year when I spoke to him. He said a lot of Mexicans who live in and around TJ apply for this special Visa, because it allows them to go to the U.S. to buy big ticket items like electronics, which are much cheaper in the U.S. than Mexico. It may have a more official name than a shopping Visa, but that's what he called it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    San Diego outing (kind of TJ related)
    Phandy, from the little I've read about you and this chica, she probably does genuinely like you. The cross border experience can be a little dicey at times though, so I'm just going to play Devil's advocate for a moment. This isn't just for you, but for others that may be in a similar situation. Just something to be aware of, but not saying not to go through with your plans. So, two things: 1. I've read stories of guys in the past who have met chicas in TJ and the girls have groomed them to eventually smuggle drugs across the border, without them suspecting it. This is especially true if you will be crossing the border by car and will be meeting her family on the U.S. side. Not to say that is the case here, but just something to be aware of if you continue to cross with her or some other chica in the future. 2. When you cross both into the U.S. and into Mexico, they usually watch to see who you are crossing with. If they think you are crossing with someone, they will usually review your documents together. The Mexico database has ties to her passport and she is a registered sex worker, with a government issued health card for the sex trade. There is a possibility that they could link you two in the computer and it may put you under closer scrutiny crossing again in the future. I read a story about a guy who crossed with a friend and the friend was a convict with an outstanding warrant. After that day, the guy continually got flagged for secondary inspections in the future, just from crossing with his convict friend that one day. Anyway, I'm sure your situation is probably harmless, but just wanted to mention these situations in case they weren't on your radar. In general though, I like to use the border as a buffer. Keep my life north of the border completely separate from my life south of the border. If you do go party with her in the U.S. though, Cristobal's advice is good. The Gaslamp Quarter is full of bars and restaurants and night clubs. They'll cost about 3 to 5 times more than the same type of restaurants and bars in TJ though. Anyway have fun and stay safe.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    U.s clubs
    @JAprufrock Thanks buddy. Yes, I'm a slacker on reviews. I'm not worthy of being anybody's hero, but I'll try to pitch in and give info where I can. I never would have discovered TJ if it weren't for TUSCL, so I'll make more of an effort to contribute.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    U.s clubs
    Showering with them before hand or watching them shower is half the fun. One of the reasons I like hour sessions. Approached a chica tonight and started speaking to her in Spanish. She answered me in perfect English. She must be a deportee because her English was perfect, without an accent. She was a little sharky though. I think the ones who have lived in the U.S. and speak good English tend to have an attitude. I much prefer the Latinas who speak all Spanish and no English. After the English speaker rejected my offer, I found an equally good looking chica from Sinaloa who spoke no English. She was pretty and sweet with no attitude. She was a lot of fun, both in bed and to talk to and joke around with. I highly recommend learning Spanish. Being able to have normal conversations with these chicas and joke around with them too makes the experience so much better for both you and her.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fantasies fulfilled and unfulfilled in TJ
    To clairify my comment above, by xxx I didn't mean $100. I just meant whatever random amount you want to offer for any special fetish, anal, etc. Like electronman said, some chicas may be fine with it for no extra charge. If they want to charge extra, $20 extra may be enough.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fantasies fulfilled and unfulfilled in TJ
    Don't be afraid to ask for what you want. Whatever it is, most chicas have already been asked for it about 100 times (or more) before. Some will, some won't. And, like Papi said, if they agree to it, it will most likely be an upsell. You can even tell them up front you'll pay xxx amount of dollars more for whatever your fetish is, to entice them to agree.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Time in paradise
    I meant to add Centro to my list above of places I spend time.
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    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Time in paradise
    I live in TJ, but I only spend about two or three hours in Zona Norte per week. Some weeks I don't even go to Zona Norte if I'm meeting an escort or a BG OTC. The bars can be fun, but Zona Norte is one of the ugliest, smelliest, and most dangerous parts of TJ. Even the cops will try to rob you in Zona Norte, whereas they will leave you alone mostly elsewhere in TJ. I spend about 99% of my time in the nicer parts of TJ (Zona Rio, Agua Caliente, Chapultepec, Hipodromo) and near the San Ysidro premium outlet area. It's nice being nearby Zona Norte though, because it's just a short walk away when I have the urge, which is usually about twice a week.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    How many times.
    My first visit to TJ was about 3 years ago. Now I'm in TJ about 350 days a year. About 2 weeks a year I'm either in the U.S. or on a beach somewhere in other parts of Mexico.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TJ ROBs?
    To answer Papi's original question though: Sometimes a guy and chica will go arriba and when they first arrive in the room there will be a disagreement. Sometimes the girl will demand payment up front and the guy will refuse. If neither will compromise, it's not uncommon for the guy to say no thanks and ask her to leave. In a situation like this, as a guy you should be fine. The girl will just go back to the club. If she made a stink about it, management will usually back the guy, assuming no time passed and no physical contact took place. In cases like this, if you didn't have your own room, and just rented a 30 minute room, they will let you go find another girl and return to use the room for the 30 minutes that you paid for. A chica I know has agreed to arriba before and when she arrived to the room, the guy changed the terms. He insisted on BB, but didn't mention that downstairs. He refused to settle for condom sex and she refused to let him go BB, so she just left without taking any money. Sometimes sneaky guys will try to manipulate the girl by getting her up to the room before insisting on special services. They think that once she's up there, she's more likely to cave in to their demands, rather than return to the club empty handed. It may work sometimes for the guys, but I think it's a sleazy way to go about things. In general Papi, I don't think you have to worry about ROBS too much in TJ if you are sticking to the bars. The chicas value the job and have to answer to the bar managers, so they don't want complaints which could lead to them being fired. If a chica ever pulled a ROBbery, you could just head down to the club and if you had a legitimate beef, the managers may try to work something out. Very rarely do you hear about ROBS in the bars in TJ. Mostly just bad service from time to time from some of the stuck up hot girls. Usually pretty good to great service is the norm though.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TJ ROBs?
    @623 I've read on other TJ forums that guys have not paid and the chicas got hotel security and sometimes the police involved. The police have sided with the chica almost 100% of the time and the guy wound up paying. Same thing with roughing up a girl. More than likely the chica will yell for the hotel attendant in the hallway and security will show up at the room quickly. The bars value customers and the money they spend, but they also value the chicas because of their ability to make money for the bar. An anecdote related to this: a chica I know once went arriba with a guy who was visiting from Japan and didn't speak any English or Spanish. The guy started pulling her hair and slapped her just as they were about to have sex. Big mistake. Don't fuck with a Latina. This chica slapped him across the face even harder, took $100 from him that was sitting by the bed, cursed at him in Spanish, and left the room. Nothing happened to her. I'm not even sure if the guy complained, but she kept the $100 without getting into trouble. So, yes, these chicas do have to put up with some assholes, but a lot of them can hold their own.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Retired from internet message boards. Good luck all.
    Trump is fucked
    The House will impeach and after today's testimony, the Senate will have enough votes to convict. I hope Trump does testify. That will be the funniest thing on tv in decades. It's pretty funny seeing him go all the way to the Supreme Court to keep his tax returns a secret. Nobody goes to great lengths such as that unless they are hiding something massive. Once he leaves office, the Southern District of New York will convict him of many crimes. Trump is fucked.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Chasing a dream
    Unlike my sarcastic post above, I sent you a PM with some actual ideas Countryman. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Chasing a dream
    The solution is simple. Tell your future employers that you do not have a residence in California. Let them know that you will work your ass for them when on the clock, but when you are not working you'll be spending all of your time in Tijuana eating tacos and banging hot 21 year old chicas. Explain that you don't need a California residence to do this. You don't want to waste your money on overpriced California rent when the money will be better spent in Tijuana. Any smart business owner will hire you and also join you in Tijuana on your days off. :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Online escort vs HK
    For every escort "date" I've had with Musas and Grey Girls, it's been cash in person after the date. Nobody has asked for money up front. You can pay in dollars or pesos. They'll give you prices for both. Usually it's a little less if you are paying in pesos.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    TJ (Mongering) Hiatus
    Good luck dude! Genuinely happy for you and wish you the best. I'm not pressing for it, but I could see the same thing happening to me sooner or later. Savior the begining of the relationship with this new woman. The honeymoon phase is always the best. You always have TJ as a fallback, but a successful real relationship beats anything in my book, as long as you are happy. Suerte!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Online escort vs HK
    @Cristobal: I agree completely. There are a lot of pitfalls involved and a lot of risk as far as bait and switch, photoshopped or old photos, etc. This is especially true when dealing with the independent escorts in TJ. For this reason, I was and continue to be cautious about escorts and agencies. I can't recommend escorts in general for the reasons you mentioned. However, Musas is the one agency that has my trust. The girls have all shown up looking just like their photos or even better. If you sign up for their website (free), you have access to more private photos and candid reviews of the chicas. Will all of this info, you can get a good idea of who will show up at your door, what they look like, and even what their personality is like. It's a tremendous help and takes a lot of the unknowns out of the equation. Musas seems to have been in the game for a while and girls want to work for them, but they are selective about who they choose. Also, the owners seem to be reliable and won't try to pull a bait and switch. If a girl isn't available, they'll tell you. Anyway, that's the end of my infomercial on Musas. They are not paying me. Lol.