
are you the only one in your immediate family that loves SCs?

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
Sunday, March 4, 2018 2:05 AM
like does your pops or brother(s) dig SCs as much as you? my pops doesn't like SCs. at all. and i've ALWAYS wanted to take him to one, especially when SCs were poppin' around here 10-12 years ago. wanna hear some funny shit? so, i never told my pops i was into SCs. one day, many years ago, he pulls up next to me, real close, and says in a voice and tone i've never heard: stop going to SCs. my mouth dropped to the floor. like how did he know? nobody in my family knows. and to further make sure i'd stop, he told me how he knew. he said, "my coworkers keep seeing you at different ones and at first, thought you were me. so they told everybody at the office." lol. of course. never thought of that. and of course, i ain't stopped. we look alike, but not that much alike. i think if you didn't know i exist, you'd just think I was him. like, once i was in his neighborhood so i stopped by a store there which i'd never been to before. the cashier thought i was him. she asked me how did i lose weight so fast? i was like huh? took me like 10 minutes of conversation with her that didn't make sense to finally be like oh, you think i'm my pops. and i remember like a few years after that, i parked my car across the street at the same SC where the bouncer extorted me for finding my keys, i was crossing the street (and really i never park there, across the street. i really don't.) anyway, i was crossing the street and coincidentally, a car stops from traffic right in front of me that looked exactly like my pops car. every detail. even the funny paint job. i froze like a 7 year old in the middle of the street, even though i'm a grown man. i could've been hit by a bus. i wasn't scared of my pops or nothing, it's just my pops does not come around to my world, ever, still to this day, and he don't do strip clubs. so, to see his car "in my world" i couldn't believe it. i didn't think he was going to the SC, it never dawned on me, he could pass this way take this street if he was going somewhere. it's not impossible. that never crossed my mind. it wasn't him, tho. this was like maybe a year after he told me to stop going to SCs, so that was still fresh in my mind at that time.


  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    My older brother by 3-years used to go weekly when he was in his early-20s (late-80s/early-90s), before he was married but he had a live-in GF - he mostly hung-out with his friends and bought a table-dance here or there - I wasn't a SCer back then and only recall going with him once with a friend of his and it was a short-visit where none of us got a dance.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I will say yes even though I haven't been to a club since last summer. Used to be a regular though.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I'm the only one. My son used to go occasionally back in his 20's & 30's. My daughter went once with my son & his buddies on his birthday.
  • warhawks
    6 years ago
    I think I’m the only one. But It’s not the type of topic one brings up around the table during Thanksgiving or Christmas gatherings, lol.
  • warhawks
    6 years ago
    I think most of us prefer to keep it to ourselves. Hence, why a lot of us here Club alone mostly.
  • vincemichaels
    6 years ago
    Talking with other people who don't like clubbing is something to avoid.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    Took my wife a few times. She just thought it was funny watching the guys "waste" money. Had a stripper living in my home for quite some time, but I really wouldn't call her "immediate" family.
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    I have no idea if my one brother does nowadays, but I know he did when he was younger and before he met his wife. FWIW, he did take my nephew to Twin Peaks once. The other does not. My dad, OTOH, never wants to leave his house, except for cigarettes and lottery tickets. If it wasn't for gift cards, they wouldn't eat out ever. I do know that one of my cousins goes regularly to the one club in his area and he asked me if I wanted to go with him the last time I was at his place.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’ve never brought it up with my immediate family. I don’t think my dad is a monger. But it’s not something we discuss openly. My brother in law was a bit of a monger. I’ve run into him at clubs. I’ve also run into his relatives in clubs. It’s fun to see folks unexpectedly - as they can get a bit skittish. It doesn’t bother me at all.
  • IHearVoices
    6 years ago
    I'm an only child, so yes. I do have one cousin who also SCs, and one who's willing to go with me when he has money. The first cousin I mentioned happened to be at Follies at the same time I was once. Neither of us lives in Atlanta.
  • anon4231
    6 years ago
    Immediate family? Definitely - I'm an only child, my dad's dead, and who cares where my mother is. :V If my dad were still alive, I'd bet VIP money that he'd WANT to go to a strip club. He just wouldn't have been able to because of the aforementioned mother. As for the rest of the extended family - I've got one cousin who I sort of suspect is either a current or former dancer. I'd be entirely unsurprised (a bit squicked, but unsurprised) to walk into a club "back home" and see her there. The remainder of the extended family is pretty straight-laced Christian - not that it means anything, but it's hard to imagine the rest of them even driving past a club without catching a case of the vapors.
  • vincemichaels
    6 years ago
    My brother was a DJ in a few clubs up here in Detwaa. I'd hang with him and meet the dancers when they came up to request their songs. RIP, Mike.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    my family thinks i’m a pervert.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    My family is mostly all women. I’ve never hid my clubbing from them. Never saw the read on too. Never hid it from class mates, girls, GFs, or my wife. If anything they shut it off as: “Boys!!!!” or “Boys will be boys.” It’s just chalked up to a healthy appetite for the female form. But then again I use strip clubs for their legit and legal purpose. So maybe my situation is different than other who monger (sex) rather than just watch and tip. The Mrs. is into clubbing solely because sit puts me in a good mood, motivates me in a productive way, plus it’s a reward for all of my hard work. So why can’t I enjoy it without hiding it? Strip clubs are the socially acceptable way to be socially unacceptable, lol!
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Since you’re looking for FUNNY STORIES, here’s one of mine from an earlier thread: [view link]
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Typo; should read: “never saw the NEED TO”. and “if anything they WRITE IT OFF AS”.... and “OTHERS who monger”...
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    My younger brother uses to go fairly frequently; I don’t know if he does now. My wife used to go with me once in a while, but it no longer interests her. Apparently, my uncle was a ho-dog from way back. Got out of high school, went to Korea, Came back with a Korean wife who kicked him to the curb two years later, was a confirmed bachelor for the rest of his life.
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