
Comments by PaulDrake (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Boob Job Detective - Episode #2
    Good guesses guys! So for this episode I actually have a definitive answer. The girl in the pics posted a vlog where she addresses the plastic surgery rumours. So let's let the thread go until this evening and then I'll post up the answer.
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    5 years ago
    Responding to Their Requests for Help
    I have definitely helped out a few CF/ATFs. But I don't give gifts I generally either get them to give me something in return like photos/videos or just pay them for next week's visit in advance. Neither of which is a lot of money but enough that they are grateful for the extra help. Never been screwed over and it was always worth it.
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    5 years ago
    Waitress at Van Nuys Rhino
    Nah not funbag junction maybe boob burg? But I heard that place was kinda weak.
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    5 years ago
    Waitress at Van Nuys Rhino
    Funky - You're thinking of melon shakers.
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    5 years ago
    Waitress at Van Nuys Rhino
    Her name is Dusty Gazongas and yes she definitely does dances. Print out this page and bring it in as proof in case she says no.
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    5 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Dance raffle
    Bucks cab in fort Worth has raffles all day long a few days a month. For funny money and other prizes usually including a big screen TV.
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    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Founder why are blocked posters now able to post on threads
    If only someone would make an alternative moderated forum...
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    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Fat Is The New Skinny
    I'm disappointed blah blah. I was hoping you would go on one of your hilarious rants. I would agree here in Texas chubby girls get the grabbyer Mexican customers.
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    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Founder why are blocked posters now able to post on threads
    @papi - I totally get your point. But do you understand that the more unregulated the forum is the less "normal" people will post. Lack of moderation has a downside.
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    5 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Based on what you want I would avoid the Lodge. They don't hire anyone under 21 and in general the dancers are older. It is worth a stop at The Men's club but it's pretty hit or miss. I haven't seen many dancer's fitting your description in a while although I never go on Friday/Saturday nights. Bucks Cab in Fort Worth does tend to seem to regularly attract young petite white girls both day/night. I haven't been to baby dolls in over a year. The chairs suck for lap dances/ldk. So no idea what the current situation there is. But you might message nicespice as she definitely has current intel on baby dolls.
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    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Don’t Compliment Her Looks
    Everyone is different. With some dancers actively withholding compliments might be a valid strategy. With others negging (backhanded compliments) might also work (in a super manipulative way). Or complimenting something unusual like hair/makeup. Or just a regular compliment... Everyone is different and like different things or can be manipulated by different things. I think the only key rule is not to gush compliments. The drunk guy who is all like "OMG you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen you are completely perfect OMG!?!@?" that is not going to get you anywhere with a stripper. My personal strategy is just to figure out whatever I can see a dancer is self conscious about and then compliment that. That is pretty effective. I also like to give a few compliments to a fav right before I leave to sort of get them "pumped up" so they will be in a good mood to make money the rest of the day. That also works really well and I have had a few favs say they always make way more money on days I show up (not counting the money I pay them).
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    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Fat Is The New Skinny
    My home club has hired a lot more chubby girls in the last year (planning on knocking their scores down a lot next time I do a review). With the chubby and fat girls it really blows my mind. I'll sit their thinking who in the world is interested in this girl? Who thinks this girl is a "fantasy"? And then sure enough some mexican dude will come up and make it rain on her...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    OFF TOPIC - What to do about conflict with a neighbor...
    So I technically live within city limits but my neighbor does not. His property is considered unincorporated so there are no city laws. I need to look into what Texas state law is about brush fires. Hopefully he calms down about the situation. His property is larger than mine 5-10 acres at least so there is a ton of other area to make a fire.
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    5 years ago
    New York
    Quirky Strip Club Regulars
    @pistola - I think if I remember correctly there was a guy on here who said he was way into frotteurism (rubbing your boner on girls) and he used to do it in public but since finding the SC he had a legal way to get his fetish satisfied.
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    5 years ago
    New York
    Quirky Strip Club Regulars
    There is a regular at my home club who pays $60 to dancers to use a wand style vibrator on them to make them orgasm. He likes to line up 2-3 girls together at the same time in the VIP. There also was an Indian guy a few weeks ago who was clearly fresh off the boat. Was wearing a fast food uniform complete with his nametag. Kept trying to feel up every dancer who went on stage and was clearly really confused as to why they weren't willing to make out with him.
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    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Founder why are blocked posters now able to post on threads
    That's funny IRL I have the nickname professor.
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    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Founder why are blocked posters now able to post on threads
    @twentyfive - Did you mean to phrase that the other way? As in: "The advantage of using block rather than ignore is when you have two posters that are actively trying to undermine posts"
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    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Founder why are blocked posters now able to post on threads
    I would agree with you TFP that the block system encouraged civility. If you insulted someone enough they could just block you so there was a reason for people to temper their discussion tone.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Founder why are blocked posters now able to post on threads
    Personally I was a big fan of the block. Not a fan of the newest ignore implementation.
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    5 years ago
    Question for NaughtyHoney
    Smashing that like button!
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    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Tipping Others
    @twentyfive - I think the two managers who run dayshift at my home club have been there for almost 10 years. So turnover is not an issue. Giving someone $20 or $50 is not a big deal financially in the long run and it makes more of an impact than $1/5/10 here and there.
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    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Tipping Others
    At my home club that I visit all the time I am planning on tipping a few people a large amount ($20-100) once a year around Christmas. That makes a larger impact than small tips here and there and is overall cheaper.
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    5 years ago
    For those that frequently LDK
    My favorite position depends on the dancer but one frequent favorite would be cowgirl position but then have her put one arm behind her back and reach down to massage the head of my dick while she is grinding. That combo of grinding plus otp hj is good and works facing me or facing away.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    The Bigger the Club, the Bigger the Hustle
    So yeah in my area I tend to have my worst experiences in small low volume clubs. In addition to what nice spice said I will say at bucks I have only been "wanna danced" once by a new Cuban girl who was quickly fired after a bunch of regulars complained. At bucks girls always ask if they can sit with you. I have asked a few faves why they do that and it is not because of any club rule. It is simply because there are always tons of customers so they don't want to waste their time hustling someone who isn't interested. A busy club is a "target rich" enviorment for dancers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    The Bigger the Club, the Bigger the Hustle
    Not true for my area.