The Bigger the Club, the Bigger the Hustle

avatar for SirLapdancealot
Title says it all. Thoughts?

It's a generality but I have noticed over the years that when you get to a club size of 20+ dancers on shift, the hustle atmosphere is the highest. Strippers are mostly trying to sell dances right away in a more business like way. By contrast if you go to a club with only a handful of dancers they are more apt to sit and chat and hang out before even offering dances.


last comment
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
Generally speaking, I think that’s true.
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
Not true for my area.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Yes I would generally agree with this. They got so many options and so much customer turnover why not try to get over on a few dudes (that’s if I thought like a crook) But I bear down because with that hustle usually comes some top talent.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
The PL to dancer ratio often has a big impact. But if it's 5 guys and 5 girls the dancers are going to work hard on each guy. It it's 20 guys and 20 girls, the girls will circulate faster to try to find a sale
avatar for Spillthebeans
6 years ago
Generally true where I have been. Big clubs with large crowds force the dancers to hustle to find the golden PL.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@PaulDrake what's different in your area?
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
I think it is crowd size of course bigger clubs can have bigger crowds. If there are a lot of customers the dancers can make more money from guys that will agree to a dance right away and then move on to the next. If it’s a small crowd they feel they can make more money by slowly developing one of the few customers that are there maybe getting more or heigher priced dances.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Maybe. I think the most hustle happens when the girls think they have lots of other options than you. That's one reason to do dayshift. If there are bunches of other PL's sitting around, the girl wants to know quickly if she is going to make any money off you. If not, then she moves on. If she doesn't have many options, then she will spend some time with you.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
@PaulDrake what's different in your area?”

Paul’s main club has:
1. Lower customer turnover
2. A vip area where the norm is still 20/song in there, just like it is on the floor
3. A membership option that incentivizes customers to return
4. Active encouragement from management; I worked a few shifts at that club and when I got hired the manager gave me a speech about being patient with customers and sticking around before asking for a dance
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
This is not universally true by any stretch.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"Title says it all" is usually used when there's no body to the thread.

Redundancy can be kinda redundant sometimes.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
In the clubs I hit, pretty-much what Warrior posted and why I prefer dayshifts (with the caveat I have decent dayshifts to hit).

And I think it has a bit more to do will the # of custies as opposed to the # dancers - you can often be treated like a king when the dancer/PL ratio is greater than 1.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^^ just in the mood to bust some PL-balls

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Probably like many others, when I was a greener PL I would equate a packed club with it being "good" and a slow club as it being "bad" - after a while I realized many of my better/more-enjoyable visits where on slow shifts (early-week dayshifts and even early-week nightshifts) - again with the caveat the clubs I hit had enough talent to my liking on those "slow shifts" (they were mostly slow custies-wise but decent # of dancers for the size crowd).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... when I got hired the manager gave me a speech about being patient with customers and sticking around before asking for a dance ..."

How common is this in the clubs you've worked at? I think that is good business, but the way many dancers act in clubs it seems they get ZERO direction/training w.r.t. customer service.

I can tell when a club emphasizes customer service to the dancers:

+ you don't see them with their noses buried in their phones

+ e.g. Deans in North Miami is about the only club I've been in where the dancers *consistently* ask if they can sit with you (vs sitting themselves on your lap or at your table uninvited) - and as a result it's a very comfortable and enjoyable environment
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
Yeah @Nitpicky_Chulo (I keed) I agree. As I have gained experience mongering, I slowly migrated to slower shifts and smaller clubs due to the increased attention from dancers. When I was a rookie I would just go to the biggest and busiest club. Portland has tons of strippers and great small clubs with a high chance of finding a hottie as good as any busy shift. It takes more work to find them, but they are out there.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
—>”How common is this in the clubs you've worked at? I think that is good business, but the way many dancers act in clubs it seems they get ZERO direction/training w.r.t. customer service.”

For me, Bucks was the only club where that happened. Managers generally just gave a 5 min walk around tour explaining prices and set up and maaaybe contact rules.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ hmm - kinda what I thought
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
IME it has a lot more to do with: (1) the types of customers that visit the club; and (2) how much pressure the girls are under.

Clubs that cater to tourists and infrequent club attendees are more likely to be high hustle clubs because the girls can get away with it. These types of guys are more prone to giving in to pressure and less sensitive about overspending.

Also, clubs that charge high house fees and/or mandate things like drink sales are more likely to be filled with girls who are high hustle, since low hustle girls don't last long in these places. When you have to cover $100+ just to be there and/or have to hawk 6 or more drinks, you're under a lot of pressure to sell hard and fast.

And when you are in clubs where both conditions exist, look out. ;)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@rickdugan in general out here in Portland the bigger clubs are the two types that you describe. The downtown clubs are very touristy and are bigger than your average neighborhood dive club. And they definitely have a higher hustle. At the numerous smaller neighborhood clubs that cater to locals, although there is still hustle, it's more laid back.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Seems downtown clubs in many cities are higher-hustle
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
On dayshift I really don’t see a tremendous amount of hustlers, on nightshift end of week is when it seems the strongest, I generally avoid the clubs with the most hustles, like the shot girls and flower sellers, and a bartender or waitress looking for a tip from me usually knows enough to avoid the buy the lady a drink routine. As many years as I’ve been going to clubs I have seen most of them and as an aware consumer it takes a lot to get me to fall for the hustle.
avatar for codemonkey
6 years ago
@SirLapdancealot I used to travel to Portland somewhat regularly and the biggest club I visited was Spyce. I think they had 20 or more dancers working but I found that club to be relatively low hustle. There were some high hustle dancers there but most that approached me sat and talked for a good bit before even mentioning a private dance. To be fair I went on week nights and it was moderately busy but not dead at all.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@codemonkey trust me on this and realize that everything is relative - Spyce is higher hustle that our local neighborhood dives. I will completely agree though that compared to the nearby Golden Dragon the hustle at Spyce is much lower. I have been there on both weekend and weekday night shifts to confirm this. To me after living here for almost 20 years and all other things equal, the overall scene in Portland is lower hustle than other cities. That's probably why you didn't feel there was much hustle. But relatively speaking the hustle drops off when you get away from downtown and Casa Diablo (<- Portland's #1 high hustle and overrated club)

And for the record I love Spyce. Hustle and all. I'll just never be a regular there.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
^ Casa Diablo is not quite downtown but it is big and ran by Portland's #1 ROB, making it the #1 high hustle club and the most expensive and most overrated.
avatar for codemonkey
6 years ago
Next time I go back I'll have to try some of those small clubs. I'm usually without a vehicle and staying in the downtown area so I've tended to stick to clubs I can reach easily using MAX.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... Casa Diablo is not quite downtown but it is big and ran by Portland's #1 ROB ..."

I assume you're referring to the owner
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
^ Yes. Johnny "Diablo" is an ROB. He and his clubs set dance rates at $50 which drives the other clubs to compete. He also implemented $2 bills as the norm over $1 bills. And based on my conversations with many strippers he's sleazy. I don't support any of his clubs because he wants them to be high hustle. In my book he's our #1 ROB!
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
If it’s Casa, yeah I’ve definitely heard shady things about that club. And that Johnny Diablo used to require new girls to audition by giving him a lap dance and then explaining what type of mileage wasn’t touching the dancers in the way that wasn’t allowed. (As opposed to just verbally stating the rules)

And then I know back in 2015 there was some kind of lawsuit brought against the club but I don’t think anything came of it.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@nicespice that's exactly what several strippers have said about Johnny D. Portland has so many better options than his clubs.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@codemonkey feel free to PM me or create a thread when you want to find a decent local dive club out here.
avatar for codemonkey
6 years ago
Glad I never tried Casa Diablo then.
avatar for codemonkey
6 years ago
@SirLapdancealot Thanks! I don't have any trips scheduled there at the moment but definitely ask you for recommendations next time I do.
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
So yeah in my area I tend to have my worst experiences in small low volume clubs. In addition to what nice spice said I will say at bucks I have only been "wanna danced" once by a new Cuban girl who was quickly fired after a bunch of regulars complained. At bucks girls always ask if they can sit with you. I have asked a few faves why they do that and it is not because of any club rule. It is simply because there are always tons of customers so they don't want to waste their time hustling someone who isn't interested. A busy club is a "target rich" enviorment for dancers.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@PaulDrake that sounds like a nice big club for regulars.
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