
Fat Is The New Skinny

Strip Club Nation
Tuesday, June 4, 2019 8:59 AM
What I have noticed over the last few years is the number of fat (or to not offend anyone, "curvy" or "thick") strippers there are nowadays. Back in the 1990's it was rare to see a big woman working the titty bars. Now, it seems like some lower or mid level strip clubs are full of overweight women whether that is 30-40 pounds or 100 pounds overweight. When 3/4 of American adults are considered obese by some accounts, I guess this is no surprise. Factors I attribute to this: 1. Processed foods are everywhere. If you are not raising your own livestock and gardening, then you are eating processed food to some extent. 2. It is cheaper and less time consuming to eat out than cook a meal from scratch at home. 3. There are too many sedentary options: streaming televison (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Video, Youtube Red), addiction to social media, constant texting. 4. When the older (and fatter) Kardashians became idolized as a standard of beauty. 5. A good percentage of America is government dependent. Why work when the government will give you food stamps, healthcare, and housing for free? Once upon a time, welfare did not exist. You either got up and worked every day or starved. 6. Cars and gasoline are relatively cheap. Nobody walks anymore. Some new subdivisions don't even have sidewalks. Now, what is worse is how American guys have raised the white flag and accepted fat women over the last decade or two. I have several acquaintances and coworkers who married chubby or downright fat women. Will they even be able to find her pussy hole in all of that blubber? Terms like "curvy" and "slim thick" are just ways of sugarcoating you are an overweight bitch. They are just less abrasive ways to say fat. There are still a few discriminating clubs out there that will suspend dancers for putting on too much weight or not hire fatties. My hat goes off to them. Maybe the reason so many clubs are closing is that there are not enough slim, athletic, or fit dancers to go around anymore. Fat women don't give me an erection and I will body shame them before I give them a nickel.


  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    You intolerant, 1-dimensional, body-shaming bastard. I agree, 110%!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    A few points both in favor and against... 1. I've always had a preference for women who looked like they finished meals. For many years, I thought that there were too many scrawny girls dancing. 2. That said, there's a difference between 'thick' and 'obese'. Though that difference is highly subjective. 3. I have noticed at my favorite club that the average BMI has gone up several points. Yet they're still doing good business. I'm not sure they'd be doing themselves any favors by booting out the thick dancers. 4. I don't think it's accurate to say that customers are universally martyring themselves or 'settling' by spending money on bigger dancers. There have always been guys who liked bigger girls, and tastes do change over time. Look at what was considered beautiful 100 or more years ago compared to now. The idea of beauty or sexy is malleable. Ultimately, I'm not struggling to find what I like.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I think it varies from region to region, very few chubbier dancers here in the mixed clubs, in the AA clubs they seem to give a lot of latitude. I prefer y’all slender girls myself.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Often times things tend to go in cycles. I've often assumed curvy/big-booty girls may now be more in-vogue, for lack of a better-word, due to hip-hop music being the prevalent style of music w/ young-people for the last 15+ years, where curves and big-booties are celebrated and admired. When rock was the more popular style of music in the 80s and somewhat 90s, skinny bleached-blonds w/ flat-asses were the thing.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "... Terms like "curvy" and "slim thick" are just ways of sugarcoating you are an overweight bitch ..." It just depends on taste - if one leans towards thin/small girls, then a girl w/ a few extra lbs is "fat". A guy that is into large natural breasts and big curvy asses; is likely more tolerant of a few extra lbs if he's getting what he likes most (big tits; ass; and hips) - a guy for whom large breasts and asses are unimportant, or undesirable, a few extra lbs is not acceptable. And there also seems to be a cultural component - Latinos and blacks seem to tilt towards liking women w/ meat in the right-places even if they are not "perfectly toned"; whereas the avg whiteguy can often LDK at the sight of an ironing-board w/ A-cups.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    I don’t agree that curvy = fat. I have a pretty wide view of what I find attractive in women. I like both spinners and curvy women and the range in between. It all depends on how the total package fits together. But fat I something else. I’ve never really understood what “slim thick” is. Can someone post a picture?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Slim thick... [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Slim-thick is kinda a girl that is fairly voluptuous but not necessarily a big/big-boned/big-framed girl. I was gonna paste the same pic as CMI
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Hmm—not bad. Hips are a little too big for my taste, but other than that she’s very attractive.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    For the small-girl lovers, CMI's pic may actually be considered on the "fat side". For those into voluptuous women, she's just "meaty in the right places"
  • sinclair
    5 years ago
    I go off of how women describe themselves. If I do a filter search with body type of "curvy" on [view link], the women who list themselves as such are always fat. If I do a search for "about average", some of those are also fat. I guess the logic many women have in 2019 is if they are obese, but not morbidly obese, they can consider themselves average body type.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    That pic as per CMI really depends on how tall she is I doubt a 5 foot tall girl can carry that kind of figure and look good to me
  • sinclair
    5 years ago
    Guys dicks are not all of a sudden getting several extra inches added on as American women are getting porkier. The great thing about slim/athletic women is getting nice deep penetration during sex. The fatter the woman, the more body mass you have protrubing outwards, preventing you from getting good deep penetration.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Sinclair said "I go off of how women describe themselves." Yeah... I don't. That's possibly the least reliable metric. "I guess the logic many women have in 2019 is if they are obese, but not morbidly obese, they can consider themselves average body type." You're correct that dating sites (as well as SA) are a street guide to denial and wishful thinking. At the same time, there are also plenty of women on those sites who know they're huge, but they also know that if they select the "I'M HUGE" checkbox, then they won't show up in as many search results.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    yeah - there are def fat-whales that try and mislead, or can't accept themselves as fat-whales, that will inappropriately use the term "curvy" (and they likely know they are using it inappropriately; lying)
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I may have mentioned in the past I'm into thick voluptuous women/dancers, not sure if I have. Anyway - I do agree it's easier, and perhaps more enjoyable, to fuck a skinny girl since there is easier more-direct access to the coochie w/ "less barriers" - it's just for me I really like the look and feel of a voluptuous well-endowed woman - I don't get much out of touching/feeling-up a petite-girl w/ petite-assets.
  • You fat dumbasses think that you have the right to tell other people not to be fat, especially when many "fat" strippers still get a shit tun of customers? Lmao ok.
  • LOL at least before u comolain about others being fat..make sure you look good too! Cuz they don't need ur advice they still gettin customers.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Guys who are fat are not mandated to like or pursue fat women. This is especially true in a strip club. Actually, it's the business model on which strip clubs are built. Also, did you really just misspell 'ton'? It's three letters.
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    I agree with Papi. It goes in cycles. In you know a little history there was a time when being fat was a sign wealth and most women were obese. Its all about cultural norms. I prefer women who are fit with a few extra lbs to cover up the muscle. I have never encountered a dramatic shift in dancers physiques, and if you hang out in gyms and places where being fit is optimal you will have plenty of women to choose from. Now if your free time is relegated to walmart, malls, or fast food restaurants you are going to be surrounded by whales.
  • Guys who are fat are not mandated to like or pursue fat women. ^that's exactly why I'm very careful with my words bc I'm a smart girl who knows the difference between meabings of words:)))). I didn't say fat men have to like fat women, but they they can't have cant have. A negative opinion about their weight lmao. Business model means customer choose product. Complaining about fat stripper when there are other skinny girls is like complaining about Toyota when market offers Ferrari that u can afford Complaining about fat women is irrelevant and , when business models (strip clubs) offers skinny girls too(MOST of the time..unless youre in exclusively thick club).
  • Basically, stop trying to assert your opinion about women's weight just becaue you think its "ugly" when you don't even have to approach that fat woman cuz there are other skinny strippers, which tend to outnumber the fat girls significantly in almost all clubs besides the ones featuring exclusively fat ones.
  • Basically, stop trying to assert your opinion about women's weight just becaue you think its "ugly" when you don't even have to approach that fat woman cuz there are other skinny strippers, which tend to outnumber the fat girls significantly in almost all clubs besides the ones featuring exclusively fat ones.
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    "And there also seems to be a cultural component - Latinos and blacks seem to tilt towards liking women w/ meat in the right-places even if they are not "perfectly toned"; whereas the avg whiteguy can often LDK at the sight of an ironing-board w/ A-cups." ^this. EXACTLY this.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Gee, so nice to be told how to think by a naive virgin who’s never been in a strip club.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Nicole (sort of) said "I didn't say fat men have to like fat women, but they they can't have a negative opinion about their weight." Sure they can. You may not like it, think it's fair, or agree. But that has no bearing on whether or not they can hold that opinion or personal preference. And, in a strip club they can endorse and fulfill that opinion via how they spend their money. I know a French guy who doesn't like French cooking. He's allowed.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Papi said "whereas the avg whiteguy can often LDK at the sight of an ironing-board w/ A-cups." As white as I am, I'll never be that guy.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ I thought you were black?
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    Anyone else ever heard of "thinfat"? Apparently, this is a term for people who are skinny, but lack muscle tone. I think it's splitting the hair a little thin, but it still has some merit.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Lol! Nope, about as white as white can be. Unless you're getting your snark on at my expense, I'm not sure why you thought I was black.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    My post above directed at Papi.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ part of it was I think you once posted you were very into tats and had many yourself - per my personal observations AA guys are the ones I see more heavily-tatted more often
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ maybe it’s the reference to Moby Dick that threw him 😂
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "... Anyone else ever heard of "thinfat"? Apparently, this is a term for people who are skinny, but lack muscle tone ..." Yeah - that's a bad-look both on females and males. On the opposite spectrum - there are some naturally big-boned women that have a nice shape and are firm - some of them you feel their legs and they are like oak-trees w/ hard muscle - and they can have large D-cup+ breasts that are firm and shapely and stay-in-place w/o a bra - similarly there are some guys that are big-boned and may weigh a lot but have a good shape and have hard/firm muscle-tone.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I didn't know Moby Dick was a brother
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Papi said "part of it was I think you once posted you were very into tats and had many yourself - per my personal observations AA guys are the ones I see more heavily-tatted more often" That assumption led you astray. I do like tattooed women (depending on the tattoos), and I do have many tattoos myself. Regardless, I'm a white guy.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ No he was a white whale lol
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    If anything, references to a "white whale" in a strip club forum should have led to the opposite assumption.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Damn you mofos keep ninjaing me
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I prefer the thinner girls... especially if they have some nice curves.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    It was a reference to dick size bro. Lol
  • Funkycold88
    5 years ago
    Fat is not the new skinny. Honestly I prefer skinnier women with a or b-cups but I won't bash a women that has some extra lbs. It is not something I am attracted to though. A large portion of America is obese including myself but I'm actually working on it and have done OK so far. Good for the people that can be happy while being obese but is not healthy. It's a problem that is only going to get in worse in America.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    25 said "It was a reference to dick size bro. Lol" In that case... 100% true and factual.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    BTW I call no homo on you two homos 😂
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    More on topic... there seems to be a lot of new boutique terms for "not fit". Regardless, I like dancers that have some meat on them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ most black guys do
  • Funkycold88
    5 years ago
  • datinman
    5 years ago
    I have also noted an upswing in heavy set dancers. I assumed it was because big asses are in vogue. It is a catch 22 for me. I am not visually attached to plus size dancers, but IME sex often feels better with chunky girls vs skinny ones. Not that there is a size related difference in tightness or depth, but maybe a since of fullness? And no bruised pubis afterwards.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I also loled.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
  • Funkycold88
    5 years ago
    I do like heavy tattoos sometimes too though and I'm also white with tattoos. It is hit and miss though.
  • "Sure they can. " "Anyone can do anything..that doesn't mean it makes logical sense. I know a French guy who doesn't like French cooking. He's allowed." ^this was the analogy used to support your [view link] is a bad analogy, because it inherently follows a different logical train of thought than the one used in my statement. A French guy can talk shit about French cooking,, but that analogy is different than if a messy roommate complains about his/her roomate being messy .this analogy is more analogous to the logic behind my statement.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Nicole you seem to enjoy flaming but for some reason you seem to flame the rong people jes sayin
  • I don't enjoy flaming cuz I don't like starting drama 4 no reason..kind of why I dont spend hours or even more than like 30 minutes on this site..I like calling out ppl on their bullshit tho... I wasnt even talking about u 25 omg why u feeling some type of way .
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I didn’t say u were calling me out, I know personally 4 of the posters on this thread none of them are fat, so yes if it’s important to them take care of themselves they are entitled to look for a woman that does the same.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Nicole said "Anyone can do anything." Errr... that's not true. "That doesn't mean it makes logical sense." We're talking about personal preference, which is not something that can be proven valid or invalid in court or require the approval of others. It is 100% subjective. Neither do preferences or opinions mandate logic (or parity, for that matter). This is made evident by 90% of your posts. And 90% is my polite way of saying that 99.999%. "A French guy can talk shit about French cooking, but that analogy is different than if a messy roommate complains about his/her roomate being messy. This analogy is more analogous to the logic behind my statement." No. It's not. This is a strip club site (perhaps you forgot...). A guy goes to a restaurant looking for food he enjoys. If he likes what he sees on the menu, he orders. If not, he goes to another restaurant with choices he likes. And once he's done with his meal, he pays and goes home. That's basically the same experience guys have at a strip club, with boobies substituting for a nice Caesar salad. A messy roommate is a 24/7 living situation and that dynamic does not equate to what a guy looks for, likes, or dislikes when he walks into a strip club. Also... you suck at debate.
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    I found this interesting because OP you talked like the American beauty standard of the 90s are THE be all end all. I see it’s already been pointed out that how we view fat women in terms of beauty has changed over history. I think there is a difference between an obese woman [view link] And thick women that still carry it in s healthy way (slim waist, nice muscle mass under neath so they look “firm” [view link] Obesity is of course not healthy. But it really interesting how our culture began to tell men they should fine thin and sometimes curve-less women attractive when that really, from an evolutionary standpoint is not ideal. It’s not healthy for women to try to maintain low body fat as to reproduce they as better off to have a little extra body fat, and a slim waist with thick hips/butt and large breasts were a good sign of health and fertility. Again not to be confused with being so big that a woman is now unhealthy. Pictures would help as I’m imagining you saying [view link] The point I’m making is (without photos) is that maybe in some ways the obesity epidemic (which is not good) is allowing some women who were otherwise unhealthy and too thin (because recent beauty culture said so) to feel ok gaining some weight and actually be as nature intended them to be, thicker but healthy. BTW are you saying Kim Kardashian is fat? I think my point is, is stead of assuming the skinny is the “right” standard of beauty maybe look at it as the skinny culture that came about when, the 60s?? was the problem and we are finally realizing that’s not attractive or healthy. Again not saying obese is ok either. And fwiw I like my ladies slim waist and thick in all the right places.
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    Excuse all the typos please
  • JohnSmith69
    5 years ago
    Fat women crush my dick during lap dances. Same for thick, chunky, and whatever other words we use to refer to fat women using a word other than “fat.”
  • That's basically the same experience No its not. There is something inherent missing in your analogy. The only underlying similarity between Your analogy and the situation of strip club customers is the fact that both the French guy and custies have preferences. However, a distinction between your analogy and strip club situation (which my analogy compensates for) is that the customer in strip club situation has the shares the same characteristic (fatness) that he is complaining about. The roomate example is relevant because the roomate also has a preference (cleanliness) like the strip club patron has a preference for hotness. Even if u made ur analogy relevant by saying that the French guy himself sucks at cooking but goes to a restaurant to eat food that is nicer than he himself cooks..In the same way that PL GOES to strip club to find girls more attractive than himself , your analogy still fails to refute my point This is because one of my points was even in a club were there are a few fat girls, there are still a significant number of skinny [view link] a result, while the French guy would have wasted his $ on bad food, the PL would not have had to spend $$ on a "bad stripper" in the first place because he could just pick a skinny girl to begin with..... You can't tell me I suck at debate when I had to create my own analogy to compensate for your faulty one, and you also cannot tell me I suck at debate when I correct your analogy and show how it still fails to refute my point .LOLLLLL This is because and is seeking out a roommate who If your analogy mentioned that the French guy himSince you did not mention in ur analogy customer sharing the same characteristic as that which he is complaining If in your analogy
  • Ignore the last parapgraph btw I accidwntlaly copied and pastes but thought I deleted it ^
  • You can't tell me I suck at debate when I had to create my own analogy to compensate for your faulty one, and you also cannot tell me I suck at debate when I correct your analogy and show how it still fails to refute my point .LOLLLLL
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Nichole: if you’re still thinking about going to law school, you should stop. You suck at written argument (even setting aside the ridiculous spelling errors).
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    ^Lmao. Nicole should just drop the act and go dance.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    The lmao was for DR Evil telling Nicole she sucks in argumentitave debate
  • Nichole: if you’re still thinking about going to law school, you should stop. Umm no...I'm going to graduate at the top of my class once I get there thanks.
  • My post was also fine.definitely not something I would write for a paper..but very fine for understanding the point which u guys cannot successfully refute .
  • Skin4Win
    5 years ago
    Successful French restaurants don’t also serve chicken nuggets just because some people think that’s good eatin’. Atmosphere counts too. There are plenty of women in this industry who physically just should not be. Just because I can choose not to dance with her doesn’t mean she isn’t changing the atmosphere of the club.
  • they do sell chicken nuggets(or fries) at other cultural restaurants other than those that are French.they do it a lot in Asian and middle eastern restaurants. I'm sure you can find some French places where They do it too. They don't focus on it , but they still sell it. Seeing another customer order chicken nuggets mosf of the time doesn't take away from the plethora of Asian dishes that can be ordered lol...
  • Nichole: if you’re still thinking about going to law school, you should stop I am.not thinking about it. I'm academically qualified for it lmao
  • ^based on my transcript(academic record) Bye hater with unjustified comments lol.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Nicole said "No its not. There is something inherent missing in your analogy. The only underlying similarity between Your analogy and the situation of strip club customers is the fact that both the French guy and custies have preferences. However, a distinction between your analogy and strip club situation (which my analogy compensates for) is that the customer in strip club situation has the shares the same characteristic (fatness) that he is complaining about." None of that matters. Fat guys can complain about fat dancers. Again, it may not be fair, and you may not like it, but they can do it. You don't need to be a good cook to complain about food you think is bad (in a restaurant or out). And the restaurant analogy works more effectively because it describes a transitory situation where you're paying for a pleasurable experience, and the privilege leaving without having to take care of the dishes ... or anything else. "The roomate example is relevant because the roomate also has a preference (cleanliness) like the strip club patron has a preference for hotness." And the resemblance mostly ends there. But I will point out that messy people can also complain about other messy people. Again, probably not fair, and possibly not reasonable, but they're allowed. And if a messy guy has the funds, then he can hire a maid to ... clean his pipes. In much the same way that a customer pays a stripper to provide a quick service that he enjoys without doing much work himself (other than paying a fee). See what sort of a gentleman I am? I fixed your analogy for you. You're welcome. "Even if u made ur analogy relevant by saying that the French guy himself sucks at cooking but goes to a restaurant to eat food that is nicer than he himself cooks..In the same way that PL GOES to strip club to find girls more attractive than himself , your analogy still fails to refute my point" I'm pretty sure you have no idea what your point actually is. "This is because one of my points was even in a club were there are a few fat girls, there are still a significant number of skinny [view link] a result, while the French guy would have wasted his $ on bad food, the PL would not have had to spend $$ on a "bad stripper" in the first place because he could just pick a skinny girl to begin with....." You don't understand how preference works. You're assuming that for a guy who likes skinny women, any skinny woman will do. When a person goes to a restaurant, they want to see a variety of dishes that they'll potentially enjoy. Similarly, when I guy goes to a strip club, he wants more than a few girls to choose from. Also, if we really want to bring this back on topic, Sinclair's original complaint is that the number of bigger dancers in clubs is increasing, and therefore, the types of strippers he likes to meet in strip clubs is decreasing. See? The restaurant analogy still holds up better. "You can't tell me I suck at debate when I had to create my own analogy to compensate for your faulty one, and you also cannot tell me I suck at debate when I correct your analogy and show how it still fails to refute my point .LOLLLLL" None of that actually happened. But if it helps you sleep tonight, then run with it. "This is because and is seeking out a roommate who If your analogy mentioned that the French guy himSince you did not mention in ur analogy customer sharing the same characteristic as that which he is complaining If in your analogy" You're actually rolling your face around on the keyboard now, aren't you? Quick aside ... the original error upon which you launched this entire dumpster fire argument was assuming that the guys complaining about larger dancers in this thread are also large guys, which you can't know as a provable fact. Be careful, Nicole. That's the sort of fantastically inept and unfounded assumption that will cost you your seat on a federal bench. So, are you going to author another even longer, less coherent post to mask the fact that you've entirely lost the plot here. Or, is this the point where you create an significantly shorter yet entirely crazy pants screed in ALL CAPS and post it 20 times as a sort of digital temper tantrum? Have a good night, your honor.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Beauty/desirability doesn't come in just one size. It sucks when you go to a club and it's all skinny chicks with tiny-tits or fake-tits just bc the club equates beauty/desirability with being skinny as if that was rhe only option/form. A club should hire most size girls unless it's an extreme like morbidly-obese or concentration-camp skinny. Hiring thick girls does not mean there won't be skinny girls.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Nicole said "Ignore the last parapgraph btw I accidwntlaly copied and pastes but thought I deleted it." Fun fact ... your typing is what I imagine it would sound like if Daffy the Duck fell down steep escalator.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    You'll probably need to Google "Daffy the Duck"...
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Nichole: your writing is illogical, and with the poor spelling and syntax, borders on incoherent. Clear and logical writing is key to being a lawyer. Whether you are academically qualified by grades to be admitted to law school or not, your writing does not demonstrate you have what it takes to be a lawyer.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Nicole when you post here you don't even come across as a C student. As far as tastes in women? I apprecite clubs being inundated with fat gitrls and girls with fake boobs becuase it makes me want to stay away. As far as my opinion of fat girls? Not my type for sex and not attracted to them. I am not attracted to them and was not attracted to them at anytime during my 45 year foray through weights between 165 and 210.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I'm okay with fat girls. Never been real critical in that way about women's looks. SJG the Progressive Wing, the wing have always supported, going back to 1972 We've Got People: From Jesse Jackson to AOC, the End of Big Money and the Rise of a Movement [view link]
  • So, are you going to author another even longer, less coherent post to mask the fact that you've entirely lost the plot here. Or, is this the point where you create an significantly shorter yet entirely crazy pants screed in ALL CAPS and post it 20 times as a sort of No I'm actually gonna have to comment tmrw cuz my phone is dead and I am out getting ice cream like a baby!!! LOL.
  • But what I Will say will be very brief..lol..not much left to refute :))))
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I accept your surrender.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    For the record I DGAF what type of dancers the club hires, if she doesn’t turn me on I won’t be buying and if none of them turn me on I won’t be back.
  • accept your surrender. Umm youve never been out and ur ohone on low battery? Smh at least wait till tmrw before u think I surrender .if I wanted to leave I would not say I'm coming back lmao...
  • jester214
    5 years ago
    As you stated people in general are getting fatter, clubs have to take what they can get. Plus the economy is good which means worse hiring pool for the clubs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ not to mention SA and hotties monetizing their social-media
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    Completely agree with papi_chulo’s post about desirability coming in different sizes. Also happen to agree with him on his choice of women.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ that's a very intelligent post
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    So we can all at least agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and strippers are -net- gaining weight?
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    Oh, and fat is not the new skinny. Skinny is still skinny, and fatty fatty 2x4, can't fit through the kitchen door.
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    I also have another thought. Maybe beauty is changing because we are no longer stuck in a whites only beauty ideal. As other ethnicities begin to be recognized for their beauty, we are seeing that skinny assless white women are not the only face of sexy. I personally believe making thicker bodies the “undesirable” in our society while idealizing thin flat women, was no accident in the history of repressing minorities, namely AA people. You don’t have to agree with me, that’s just my 2 cents.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I would assume the skinny-lovers consider Kim Kardashian fat - yet she's a sex-symbol in this day-and-age and considered curvaceous not fat
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I do think there’s a difference between curvy and fat. That being said outright fat (as in belly fat) from what I’ve heard can be rampant in some places. Where is blahblah to chime in on this thread? 🤣
  • mjx01
    5 years ago
    IMHO, the SC industry never really recovered after the 'great recession.' The money just isn't there ITC anymore to draw in a lot of top shelf talent. Clubs still want to make their house fees and tip outs, so the clubs fill their roster with lesser talent.
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    In the end remember THIN may have been in, but FAT's where it at!
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    My home club has hired a lot more chubby girls in the last year (planning on knocking their scores down a lot next time I do a review). With the chubby and fat girls it really blows my mind. I'll sit their thinking who in the world is interested in this girl? Who thinks this girl is a "fantasy"? And then sure enough some mexican dude will come up and make it rain on her...
  • "Nicole when you post here you don't even come across as a C student. " Stop exaggerating. "As far as tastes in women? I apprecite clubs being inundated with fat gitrls and girls with fake boobs becuase it makes me want to stay away" You don't even understand my point.I was never advocating for a strip club to be significantly filled with fat women ?
  • "None of that matters. Fat guys can complain about fat dancers. Again, it may not be fair, and you may not like it, but they can do it. " 1) fat guys can't complain about fat dancers because fat girls don't take away from the plethora of skinny girls that are still available for them to choose from...in HIGH FREQUENCY. "I'm pretty sure you have no idea what your point actually is. " UMMMMM LOLOLOLOL. My point is that PL's have no business complaining about the increase in fatties because generally speaking , they do not interfere with the relatively wider selection of skinnier girls offered by the club. Note: Lets be careful not to conflate increase in fatties with implying that there are am objectively high number of fatties. I believe original post was referring to increase in fatties ..which could mean going from 0-1, 2-3, 3-4 etc rather than 0-100. You don't understand how preference works. You're assuming that for a guy who likes skinny women, any skinny woman will do. When a person goes to a restaurant, they want to see a variety of dishes that they'll potentially enjoy. Umm no I was not assuming that.if anything, i was making my point while taking into consideration the variety aspect LMAO. I was taking that into consideration when I first commented on this thread, but I explicitly addressed this point in this particular comment.I'll copy and paste what I said so u don't have to scroll up. Here is what I said : fat guys can't complain about fat dancers because fat girls don't take away from the plethora of skinny girls that are still available for them to choose from...in HIGH FREQUENCY.
  • Nichole: your writing is illogical, and with the poor spelling and syntax, borders on incoherent. Clear and logical writing is key to being a lawyer. Writing is fine . my previous comment and discussion posts where I speak by using facts rather than resorting to name calling, and making assumptions about the academic abilities of ppl based on their tuscl posts etc showcases just one aspect of my logical abilities. Whether you are academically qualified by grades to be admitted to law school or not, your writing does not demonstrate you have what it takes to be a lawyer. Oh. I'm sorry that I said I was academically qualified in response to your comment that asked if I was still thinking about a type of school(law school) that decided to admit or reject you solely based on your academic credentials. Next time you don't wana hear me talk about school, then maybe you shouldn't make a comment directed at me that was about school to begin with ! Whether you are academically qualified by grades , your writing does not demonstrate you have what it takes to be a lawyer. Oh yea? Damn. Hard to see how that would be true when the predominant , if not the only hiring criteria (unless u suck /have comnection) used by lawyers to hire law students is academic credential. The acadmeic credential(exam performance ) is supposed to demonstrate the extent to which a student can think logically under pressure. You wouldn't kmow my abilities in this realm because ur opinion of me is based on my writing on an informal strip club forum from my phone when I can't even send proper, regular text messages . Maybe you should know what employers look for in law students before hiring them as lawyers before making that comment lolol..
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “Maybe you should know what employers look for in law students before hiring them as lawyers before making that comment lolol.“ Well, since I’ve been a lawyer for over twenty years and have hired a number of them, I think I do know.
  • datinman
    5 years ago
    "Oh yea? Damn. Hard to see how that would be true when the predominant , if not the only hiring criteria (unless u suck /have comnection) used by lawyers to hire law students is academic credential. " I am pretty sure that many, if not most, require a legal writing sample as part of the hiring criteria.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Well done Nicole, much better. Isn't a full size keyboard wonderful? You're not fat. Glad my club has variety of dancer (body) types. I prefer lapdancers that are small or medium. Tried a big buns gal once or twice. Nice, but didn't change my opinion And.... What was the question?
  • Well, since I’ve been a lawyer for over twenty years and have hired a number of them, I think I do know. Ok ..in terms of getting first job/foot in door, grades /school u went to still come first...everyone. Knows this..its kind of why top 10% or the top schools gets u interviews to the most elite firms..so on..etc
  • Its also why going to xyz school makes the difference in terms of whether u ebcome lawyer or not..I'll be going to schools that result in hired lawyers bot unemployed ones..lol..
  • I am pretty sure that many, if not most, require a legal writing sample as part of the hiring criteria. In terms of first job its pretty much just grades...if you're I'm top half of class you will find job assuming u go to decent school...but ur grade is based on how well you write..and my tuscl writing does not reflect my academic writing...sry that I'm not consistent with that but its true ..lol..
  • Guys stop talking about school on tuscl..lol........
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I think I do like more meat on girls than older guys. I don’t know what it is but those take thin 70’s blondes do nothing for me. Those big booties you see on TV this millennium is pretty appealing not gonna lie.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I like to see girls in high heels and makeup, and how they dress has a big effect on me. But I am not judgemental about their looks. And some fat is okay with me. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Like guys in college, they would sit at a cafeteria table and make all kinds of critical comments on the girls. They are not looking at them as a person they would really know and engage with. While I would be looking at another girl that I might like, not thinking the same way as them. It isn't just looks which decides which girl I will go for. It is the entire persona. SJG
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I would not consider Kim Kardashian fat. I think she’s very pretty. but man... that ass. is it natural? i prefer 99% of the time natural. Even J Lo... especially in her earlier days like in the movie ‘selina’... i think is thinner. that would be my upper limit. there is a ratio of ass to waist Proportion range that I prefer. My top preference is thin with nice curves.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Give me a beautiful Asian head and set it on a breathing body and I'll be happy!
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    To this issue I partly blame the gay men high fashion designers back in the 80s and 90s. They designed fashion for skinny and waif women with bodies more like skinny teenage boys because that is their image of a beautiful "woman". These images were plastered all over women's magazines and so that was the look that women aspired to have back then.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    that was a bit excessive.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I want to see womanly curves. Nice curves. thin waist. Nice bubble butt. I prefer a C cup. but a B cup works.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    and I forgot ... A flat tummy. (and I certainly don’t mind seeing six pack abs). (i’m such a hypocrite. because my six pack abs are still hiding behind a keg.) i’m looking for my dream girl.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Imo I feel like most girls that label themselves as "thick" are usually straight up fat in the stomach, and I do not consider the Kardashians fat although i think some of them do look rather odd with excessive plastic surgery... Ime most girls that bitch about skinny girls or "anorexic" women are usually super fat in the stomach. Say what you will about changing trends. I feel like slim or mostly slim girls don't work as hard for the money as the bigger girls. Sure a girl can get hired 30 pounds overweight these days, but she will have to put up with more difficult and grabbier/cheaper customers that want her to "work for it". Anyway not judging body types- but in this biz it pays to look at least halfway in shape and gives you access to easier/better clientele. Just from constantly observing.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    I'm disappointed blah blah. I was hoping you would go on one of your hilarious rants. I would agree here in Texas chubby girls get the grabbyer Mexican customers.
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    I'm a fat bastard so I have no right to complain about overweight women in general. A woman being overweight wouldn't be a deal breaker in regards to a relationship since personality, intellegence, compatibility and general common sense aremore important there. However, when it comes to pay for play it is all about what I want physically so I look for my preferred body type for those transactions.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @PaulDrake LOL I once heard that a "Texas Ten" could be any weight as long as her waistline was smaller than her hips and bust.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Blame speculation and capitalism. Healthy food is expensive, and they put preservatives and unhealthy shit into everything to increase shelf life hence profitability....since you can sell it longer. And of course since the gov is loyal to private sector and corporate interests they allow it.
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