
Comments by wiffle shwaffle (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Have no interest in regular escorts but are pornstar escorts worth trying once?
    TER is still up. I don't trust the reviewers on there or on USASG. They're comprised of angry clients who want FS for $100 from a super model willing to do everything bareback. All of the girls are fat, use candy, have pimps, blah blah blah. Fuck those guys, and if you reading this are one of those types of guys - fuck you, too. Those reviews are full of judgement, bias, and inaccuracies. There are two sides to every story. Check out this companion's story about being raped by a client. https://www.reddit.com/r/SexWorkersOnly/comments/mmukw8/i_was_raped_this_morning/ This is her side of the story. But what is the client's side? Clearly, he isn't going to say what he did to her if he were to review her. He isn't going to admit to being a rapist. The reviews on here are also biased. "She was a 7.5." Everyone has a different definition of what is and is not hot to them. Everyone has a different perspective on what "good service" is to them as well. Now back to the subject matter, one issue with hiring porn talent (actors and actresses) is that we have way more to lose than the client does. If we're "active" with our agency or booked for a shoot, we *have* to be STD tested within 14 days of the shoot and Covid-19 rapid tested within 3 days of the shoot. If one or both tests come back positive - we're done. I have a whole ass discussion thread about this in VIP (or Verified members?). Then there is the potential to ruin careers. Imagine (as cool as it would be for some of you) if your life revolved around and was supported by being a client and you were being reviewed. One negative reputation ruining one-sided review and then nobody wants to book with you or your business slows significantly to where your income is impacted. That is what happens to us as companions and as porn talent. This is why rates for porn talent are higher. This is why it's harder to book an appointment. "Star level" or not. A lot of the other talent I chat with who I know escort book incalls only. We don't want clients secretly filming shit either. And it has happened to others. Some talent will use a different name other than their stage name for the reasons I stated above. If you had a porn talent as a companion and you didn't know she does porn, you would be less likely to brag about it or try to fuck them over (negative reviews or who knows what else) if they were uncomfortable with a request. I am assuming that solely based off of how companions are reviewed and what I read. 90% of talent offer companionship or dance when not active in porn. Nobody can answer the original question because all the original poster is going to get are biased answers based off of the expectations and (one sided experience) stories of the commenters. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    COVID - the Midwest/Northeast Vs the South
    It's wise for travelers to stay far away from Michigan. I'm mostly recovered from covid now, but I still test positive for it (so no porn until I test negative). One of my friends who works at Players got it from one of her customers. My brother got it from working Doordash and handing food to a customer. Both of them have the severe kind of covid, while mine was more like a really, really bad cold. The hospitals here are almost full. I had to call 911 for my brother today because he couldn't breath. This State needs to be shut down again really bad. Three different Facebook friends today posted about three different people who passed away from covid within the last week. I have no idea why it spiked in Michigan, but it's really unfortunate.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Have no interest in regular escorts but are pornstar escorts worth trying once?
    "If they are truly a "star" level performer they would be risking too much by escorting on the side." Also wrong. There is a ridiculous amount of us who work as companions outside of porn. It's quite obviously you are only assuming.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Have no interest in regular escorts but are pornstar escorts worth trying once?
    "I would imagine they would mostly be either near the end or past the end of their porn career before they would see random Johns on the side". Nope. Wrong. Porn Companions. Google it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Are strippers sex workers? What is their HIV infection rate?
    "Sex work" is an all encompassing term to define what we do. You are either trolling or extremely stupid and ignorant. I'm assuming both. Stripping, phone sex operator, escort, Only Fans content creator, porn are all forms of "sex work". If you don't like that, too bad. Welcome to 2021, boomer. Keep up.
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    3 years ago
    Saying f*g is an instant ban on mainstream social media
    Welcome to the Internet and Facebook in 2021. Gen Z gets triggered by literally anything, even looking at one triggers one. Hence, why there are so many restrictions and red flags placed on certain words. Use f4g or fagg0t next time. The numbers (and emojis) make it past the Facebook algorithm. "Men are" is a popular red flagged term on Facebook. So, I say "m3n", use the word for men in a different language, or use an emoji to substitute.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Not been approached by dancers while inside the club: How common is it?
    So there are a lot of factors that might come into play. For me at least, it depends on how the customer is portraying himself as well. Is the customer engaged with the girl on stage, is he even ordering a drink, does he look bored, is he on his phone? I consider myself an OG dancer. I want the customer to get settled before I make my approach. I want you to have your first drink at your table before I come to you. That will give you time to acclimate yourself. Personally, I find it annoying and I feel it's a sign of desperation when a girl approaches a customer as soon as he sits down and before the waitress can even go to his table. Now, I have mentioned previously on here I'm in several online (private) dancer groups. I am not allowed to share screenshots and I'm not sure if I'm exactly allowed to even talk about them in complete detail. However, I will say that there are quite a number of posts about girls who have social anxiety and do get nervous about talking to customers or what to say to them. So, there is that. 🤷‍♀️
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Do you really enjoy eating pussy ?
    Well, that's why I want to do it lol. As I stated in my most recent porn interview, I am gay above the waist. Vaginas gross me out, but I also understand some guys want to see that and thus I am totally open to trying it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Do you really enjoy eating pussy ?
    I don't know as I never have. But I definitely want to try it out.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Porn Experience Rant and Q&A
    Covid? No. I need a chest x-ray this week.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Porn Experience Rant and Q&A
    Thank you! The advice would be fine if I were asking for it though. But I wasn't and I don't appreciate some of the commenters trying to mansplain something they have no experience with (other than being an observer). Hopefully that makes sense. I'm not trying to be a bitch here.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Essentially, AMA
    The ignore feature is fantastic when trying to weed out the negativity so you can enjoy this forum more. 🙂
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Essentially, AMA
    Hey, thanks for the advice I didn't ask for. I don't do extras in the club because I do porn and I value that more than I do random sex. Plus I value it more than I do potentially catching something from some random at a club. You have no idea the amount of messages I get from some of you asking and where to go and who to look for or what I charge for things. So why don't you do me a favor and go fuck yourself.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Essentially, AMA
    So, I finally got around to this video. 😂 It only took well over a year to make (sorry). It's an hour and half and needs to be heavily edited. I have a video to edit ahead of this one, so the video of topic will hopefully be up by the end of this week.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Are escorts safer than clubs in the age of covid?
    "I'm sure strippers lie just as much as escort about everything, and John's like just as much as men going to a club" *** True with the exception of high end escort screening. Proper screening will make it difficult for the client to keep their real name from the companion. There's a video I can link about 20 different ways to screen clients. But it's done for everyone's safety as many high end companions (that I know at least) are independent of an agency or have no pimp. But there are some high enders who do go through an agency or a pimp, and in those cases, the agency or pimp is theoretically supposed to do the screening. That's when the client has an opportunity to lie to the companion. Low end companions from the Backpage-esque sites may not care about screening or do very light screening (or their pimps do it for them). Just wanted to add that little bit in.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    SA about to go under the microscope
    Good. That site is such a waste of time and effort with too many fake accounts and scammers.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Are escorts safer than clubs in the age of covid?
    Yooo. Dancer, occasional companion, and porn actress here. I am currently recovering from Covid. I got it from working a night at my club. There are so many variables at play with escorts. Clients lie, escorts lie to them. Everyone is going to say they were tested recently and are fine. Without any proof of a recent negative test, it's a gamble and a decision you have to make. I would say rapid tests are your friend in this matter, though they do cost money. And I would also suggest to go with higher end companions. Your low end companions from escort monkey and sites like that are most likely not going to give a solid fuck. High end companions from the sites you named, as well as Slixa, will present you with girls who are less likely to be hooked on drugs (not saying they don't do them though) and are far more hygienic and caring about physical and sexual health. Hopefully this helps.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Do you guys think that women find it easier being an escort than doing porn?
    I'll save you the trouble. I'm private messaging you one I know of.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Do you guys think that women find it easier being an escort than doing porn?
    "1-How much do male actors get paid?" I can't give you a solid answer because it varies between studios and may depend on what the scene is. I can say the male talent in my scene made $1,200 more than I did, which is what brought on my questions about male talent with the producer. They knew I was inquisitive and they weren't bothered by my questions. But the producer and male talent both said men make more. "2-Why is hard to find male talent?" I asked the producer if he works with first time male talent and he said no. The talent from my scene chimed in and said a lot of newer male talent has the attitude of being able to get any girl off or having an overall immature attitude and/or view of being in the industry. A lot of male talent I've interacted with have small egos, but it's part of their character. The male talent I filmed with has an ego on film, but off film, he was really fucking awesome and we just chatted and hung out like friends. Finding males who can set aside that persona for off camera is difficult I guess. "3-Is there a market for regular guy having sex with cute women. Like with Jordi." If you Google Jordi, he is not a "regular guy". Jordi got his start with Brazzers. To be a part of Brazzers, you need an agent to get you in. He is just another professional male talent. But any market you speak of like that would be amateur porn or "first time on camera porn" (my scene was professional, but the AVNs would see it as amateur because it's first time on camera. hopefully that makes sense). Any guy who wants to get into porn and be taken seriously and not a creep is best to have agency representation because no professional female talent would want to work with him (I know my few pro porn friends would agree). Credibility goes a long way. For example, it's not male talent, but a photographer emailed me asking to book me for a shoot. I told him to book me through my agent. He responded saying he never hears back from my agency. I asked my PR. He told me the photographer most likely has no credibility and thus no agent is going to waste time, energy, effort, and resources AND risk talent's safety booking with someone who 1. claims to be amateur, and 2. has nothing to show to back up their claims. And no studio is going to do a "partnership" with some unknown. Partnerships aren't really a thing, it would be more like renting the space. But even then, that's not a thing. The studio offers to book you if they like what they see. The agent is the liaison and point of contact between talent and studios and producers. So if any guy wants to just fuck hot porn actresses (that are not amateur) on film, they can hire them through escort agencies or get an agent and get booked I guess.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Do you guys think that women find it easier being an escort than doing porn?
    " What is wrong with imitmacy professional, erotic entertainer, adult performer, love employee, or even just good old fashioned prostitute?" Personal preference and opinion.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Strippers Working on Their Birthday?
    "Wiffle Waffle, is it frustrating when you tell a customer the truth about something and the customer doesn't believe you? Or have you gotten to a place where you don't care?" It used to be frustrating. I'm a mostly brutally honest person - even outside of dancing. But it got to the point where I just evade personal questions now or I turn customer's questions back on them without answering. Strip clubs are supposed to be fantasy environments, right? So I just roll with whatever is going on. I'll answer something honestly, and if I'm not believes, then I move along with the conversation anyway rather than arguing to get them to believe me.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Strippers Working on Their Birthday?
    I can only speak from personal experience, but working on my birthday and having the DJ announce it was my birthday never did much for me income-wise. Shots, liquor, etc - absolutely. But not really money. Maybe a little more in stage tips. But also, I've come to learn that customers don't really believe a word we say, especially if we tell them it's our birthday or what we are really in school for.
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    3 years ago
    travel dancer
    Dress up!
    Is this user going to be another Nicole with her posts? If so, please, just one of the guys lie to me and tell me otherwise. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Do you guys think that women find it easier being an escort than doing porn?
    *when it drops.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Do you guys think that women find it easier being an escort than doing porn?
    1. Your high quality AVN worthy professional porn is shot in Vegas, LA, and Miami. Anything outside of those cities is typically amateur. 2. I have. 3. I had to put everything on pause because I caught the virus on the 20th. I was supposed to go to LA for a week this month to shoot, had a photoshoot scheduled today actually, and my agent was trying to find me scenes for when I was to be in LA (and Vegas). I dropped everything and canceled all plans until I recover. Unfortunately, I have a scene coming out this coming week or the week after and I'll either still be sick or recovering when it stops. Performing sex work is the last thing on my mind right now unfortunately.