
Essentially, AMA

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:20 AM
What are some things you don't understand/are confused about regarding entertainers/dancers/strippers? What are some things you don't understand about strip clubs or how they are run? Or about the industry in general? My second YouTube video is going to over misconceptions and questions. A friend I used to work with put together v. 1.2 of my banner and she's going to collab with me in video #2 where we go over any answers to this post. Basically, AMA about strippers, clubs, or the industry that you don't understand or have questions on. Also, please discuss and throw out any ideas you have for future content.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    The problem you might have here is that many of us believe we have a complete understanding of how strip clubs work. In most cases, we don't. But that doesn't stop us from believing it.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    Waffle, we guys speculate at times about what percentage of girls do extras/OTC. And I know that varies a lot by location. But do you have a guess at the percentage of extras/OTC girls at a mythical average club?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Here's a nice broad question... Realistically, how much money can a new stripper expect to make?
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    How common is it for managers to have sex with dancers?
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Costs of working as a dancer - a breakdown of who you have to tip out and how much on avg, and typical house-fees? Also, in your experience, how common is it for dancers to get a cut of VIP room fees - does not apply to Detroit but in many areas a custy has to pay a VIP fee to the club then pay the dancer separately - I wonder how common it is for a dancer to get a cut of the room fee the custy pays as an extra-incentive to sell rooms.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    In your opinion/experience, how common is it for dancers to get it on with each other (sex wise). How common is it to see dancers getting it on with each other in the club (dressing room, etc).
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    In the clubs you've worked at, how common is it for dancers to be able to pick their own music/songs (vs the club/DJ solely being in control of that).
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Regarding customer experience (however you want to define that...), how much of a difference does it make if a customer is some combination of young, fit, and good looking? Do dancers really care what kind of pants we wear? How often do you have customers "fall in love" and how do you handle it?
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    When a PL tips a dollar after a lap dance and the dancer says “oh my gosh thank you!” Does she actually care about that dollar or is she patronizing the PL?
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Do dancers prefer a limits / expectations discussion before a dance(s) starts, or deal with any issues as/when they arise ?
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    What about the rumors that most strippers are at least bi, if not full lipstick lesbians? And seriously, what is with all the loser boyfriends?
  • Lovelyeast
    5 years ago
    Lol, where are y’all gonna get the info from
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    How often do dancers use teamwork on customers and is there some sort of hierarchy system with the dancers at the clubs you’ve worked at?
  • georgebailey
    5 years ago
    When was your first YouTube? Can you post the link.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    What color are the feathers that fall out of the pillows that you all use to have those pillow fights in the dressing room each night?
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Should the average PL gladly sport their hardon or is it best to hide it if possible?
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    When giving extras, do you all prefer small, medium, large, or monstrous?
  • Electronman
    5 years ago
    Best strategies for a dancer to provide extras in a club that does not "tolerate" extras. Best strategies for a customer to get extras in a club that does not "tolerate" extras. How do dancers set the price of extras.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    What do you tell other dancers about customers? Both in terms of other girls you are close friends with, acquainted, or strangers.
  • dancewdcpa
    5 years ago
    Great you are doing this Waffle! Ok, where is your you tube video?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Bharlem81 said "Lol, where are y’all gonna get the info from" Thin air, wishful thinking, and the fertile field of pure bitterness. Or, some combo of all three...
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    I haven't read any of the above yet (intentionally). I think my friend and I are filming tonight though. I ended up with the flu and my vehicle's 3 month old alternator died (thanks Pensacola dealership for the aftermarket part 🙄), so I've been busy with all of that. <rant> I'm still going to do this YouTube stuff, but it may not be as profitable as I had originally hoped. Content creators may not be eligible for monetization unless their content is child-friendly. YouTube was sued by the government for its creators marking content as safe for children when it was not. The law is called COPAA. If I were to create a video and mark it safe for children (children being 13 and under per COPAA), and YouTube's algorithm catches that it is not child-friendly, I could be fined $40,000 per video that is mismarked. Unfortunately, monetization and AD revenue will be given priority to content creators who are child-friendly in the coming New Year. 😭 </rant>
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Actually, I believe the opposite might be true: [view link] [view link] "Within YouTube, it’s clear that child-directed videos will have fewer advantages on the platform. The most obvious is the removal of targeted ads, but a number of other YouTube features are also impossible without personalized data. In particular, child-directed videos will no longer include a comments section, click-through info cards, end screens, notification functions, and the community tab, all powerful tools for driving viewers back to a channel." I'm pretty sure that your channel will not be "child-directed" by any definition, so you'll still have all the revenue- and traffic-generating features. The people who run profitable YouTube channels directed specifically at children? They're screwed.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Note... I'm in the very beginning stages of producing videos for my own side gig. Nothing to do with strip clubs or adult entertainment. But this stuff is relevant to me. Feel free to ping me with questions. I may not have answers, but I'm also trying to figure this out. We may be able to swap notes.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    I watched four of my favorite Youtubers last night bitch about it. One is a lawyer who does a livestream giving out legal advice and assistance. He is the one who said the latter part about ad revenue and monetization priorities. I perhaps heard wrong while multitasking. Should I mention TUSCL in the video? I was just going to call it a "review website for customers and dancers" basically and other descriptors.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Depends on the context. What is the video's focus / purpose? For example, if you're providing a list of resources for dancers doing club research, then yes. They'll want the full name.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    I just found a monthly pay site to work on my thumbnails for now. A photographer friend is supposed to upload copies of Photoshop and Premiere Pro to a shared drive for me to have, but I've been waiting for a week now for those. What do you use to edit? I know most Macs comes with editing software, but I don't own one and I am a Windows person by choice. Finding an affordable or temporary 30-day editing software is what is going to most likely hold me back right now. Also, I am going to do a segment on doing research on clubs and go over varying public ways, sites, forums, etc. to find out that info. Unfortunately, there are two resources I personally use that I can't talk about because they are private Facebook groups for dancers and I'll get kicked out of them. They're like Fight Club. Can't talk about them.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I'm also a Windows user by choice. I'm using... Photo Editing: Photoshop and Lightroom Video Editing: Premiere Pro and Aftereffects. For open source (meaning free) video editing software, look at: Shotcut: [view link] OpenShot: [view link] For open source image editing, look at: GIMP: [view link] A warning about video editing software, it hogs a ton of computer memory. I'm looking at upgrading my laptop or building a desktop from scratch just because my system is molasses slow when editing videos. And my current system is intended for mid-range gaming. So, it's actually got good tech specs.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    For your segment on club research, I'd say you can name TUSCL explicitly and that will be more helpful to your audience. But, refer to the the FB groups obliquely. Meaning, just note that these secret groups exist (sans name), but that a dancer needs to earn some street cred before they'll get an invitation.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    I have GIMP on here. I didn't even think to look for open source video editing software (derp). One of college degrees is in CIS. I'll be using a desktop I bought from a friend that was originally built for gaming. I don't know what motherboard I have in this thing, but I know that I have 16 gigs of RAM and am using an MSI RX 480 graphics card (just installed last night and love ittt). I have a Logitech C922 Pro HD stream w/ tripod for YouTube and MyFreeCams. Future purchases will be a ring light, stand alone mic, and wireless keyboard/mouse. Eventually, I'd like to stream Diablo III on Twitch, too.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Got it. I don't remember my specs off the top of my head, but I think you're ahead of me. I'll be curious to hear how it works for you. For video, desktop is the way to go. I have a Sony compact APS-C for an A camera and a newer GoPro for a B camera (though I'm not really doing serious action videos). Honestly, people have launched successful channels just using a smartphone propped up on a stack of books. I'm trying to not be too gadget focused. What you do in front of the camera is more important.
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    @Waffle, multiple college degrees?, good on ya!!, and glad there's dancers like you in the clubbing universe.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    Yep. 2.5 degrees lol. I began massage therapy school and dropped out for personal reasons. I don't think I'll finish that one. 🤷 And thank you. :)
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Another question for you AMA would be all about pimps. How to spot a pimp. And I am super interested about what a pimps "pitch" is. What do they even say? Why would a girl even be tempted to agree.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Apple is coming out w/ a new Mac Pro which starts at $6k - supposedly it's the most powerful Apple computer ever and seems geared towards content creators: [view link]
  • SmashingHoes
    5 years ago
    Why do strippers inflate their sense of self worth and exhibit a superiority complex to their customers. I find it quite hilarious when these women debase guys who visit the strip club, but dont comprehend the fact that they are taking off their clothes, imploring men for dollars, and sometimes rationalizing their behavior for engaging in prostitution
  • SmashingHoes
    5 years ago
    Also, why do strippers brag about their purported superior sex skills when a large majority of them have mediocre skills at best?
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    I was stuck in rush hour in a Lyft waiting to go pick up my car and peeked at the questions. I want to answer them ALL now! But I've been awake for 23 hrs and I'm still coughing from my flu. My friend and I rescheduled so I'm not going to be a coughing mess and better rested. But I love the questions and they're all great. Please, please, please give us a few more over the weekend. I'm considering opening this up in the front room, but feel it may become a shit show and completely off topic. Also, I'm not releasing the channel details until I have at least three or four videos uploaded. The entire channel won't be SC related, but there will be a series for it in my future playlists. Also, tie-dye feathers. 😉
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    Stating "a large majority" is very, very generalizing. I doubt you've fucked "a large majority", but perhaps have done so with a good enough amount of them to which you can base a confident generalization off of. Which then, it is still a generalization.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    Papi, you're questions are literally what I was hoping to be asked. I want more like those for sure. I'm also not going to direct anybody on how to find and ask for extras. That would be promoting prostitution and I can't do that and not get into legal trouble. But a talk about extras and what they are will be their own little discussion that won't be monetized.
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    Address the role of house mom please. What are they like (young or old, cool or not), what do they do for dancers, what they charge for what they do, good stories and bad.
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    Hope you get well soon!
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    I have one/two Waffle. What is the clubs ideal stripper? What is the strippers ideal club?
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Do dancers get sick more often because of getting close to so many guys or do they build up a good immune system and then rarely get sick? How often do dancers go to work when they’re sick? How about when they know for sure they’re contagious? If a customer is obviously sick how do dancers react? What if the customer just says he thinks he might be getting sick?
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    How common is FRMOS?
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Have often you/dancers get sexually aroused by custies- have you or dancers you know gotten custy-induced orgasms? Are there dancers that use their work as a sexual outlet and a way to get theirs per se.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “ If a customer is obviously sick how do dancers react? What if the customer just says he thinks he might be getting sick?” Was in a VIP with a new girl not long ago, and I felt like I was coming down with a cold. Turns out she was a kisser. She put her lips next to mine, and I could tell she was moving in for a real kiss. I told her “I’d love to kiss you, but you should know I feel like I’m coming down with a cold.” She pulled back, looked and me for a second, then planted her lips on mine and stuck her tongue deep in my mouth. That’s how some react.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    How do dancers react when they catch a curable STD?
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    @doctorevil Nice! 👍👍
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
  • PrimetimeSchein
    5 years ago
    Looking forward to this
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    Hey everyone, this is still going to happen. I think my friend backed out on me though because she refuses to answer my messages or texts now. I had planned to shoot this at the beginning of the month, but I got overwhelmed with having to work so much due to lack of funds for rent. I just got done working 5 days in a row, and then had two days off, and then worked another 3 days in a row. Anyway, if my friend doesn't want to do the video with me, then I'm going to recruit somebody else.
  • enigma_13
    5 years ago
    Great thread and questions here. Looking forward to the video series.
  • georgebailey
    5 years ago
    Good luck and don't give it up.
  • BocaOnt2019
    5 years ago
    Thanks for the update & best wishes!
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    “ Anyway, if my friend doesn't want to do the video with me, then I'm going to recruit somebody else.” You should recruit a true PL to give the “customer “ view. That would make your channel stand out above all the other strippers YouTube channels. Just a thought.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    So, I finally got around to this video. 😂 It only took well over a year to make (sorry). It's an hour and half and needs to be heavily edited. I have a video to edit ahead of this one, so the video of topic will hopefully be up by the end of this week.
  • JuiceBox69
    3 years ago
    A quote from your profile page “ Yes, I work at an extras club. No, I will not play with your dick because I work at an extras club. No, I will not meet you outside of the club. No, I am not interested in having you as a sugar daddy.“ I have seen girls like you... usually beautiful and intelligent.... how do you make money not competing in an environment like that ? Would assume your hurting your actual cash flow working at a massive disadvantage like this. Honestly I’d advise you to find a cleaner club so your not competing against girls that are selling extras. I bet you would make more cash playing on a level playing field. This dose bring up a fond memory of a beautiful dancer that would actually meet me out to eat when I came into town. She was like you. I would cover the meal and enjoyed her companionship but she always refused tips for providing even that. Later I would be in Follies in GA aka one of the craziest clubs in America like damn near a public orgy in the front room lol... and this girl was some how still selling legit dances without any sex.... was always amazed and assume she wasn’t maximum her cash. Never understand how she didn’t make a better selection of clubs.... am I missing something ?
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    Hey, thanks for the advice I didn't ask for. I don't do extras in the club because I do porn and I value that more than I do random sex. Plus I value it more than I do potentially catching something from some random at a club. You have no idea the amount of messages I get from some of you asking and where to go and who to look for or what I charge for things. So why don't you do me a favor and go fuck yourself.
  • JuiceBox69
    3 years ago
    Wasn’t trolling you or even given you advice. Guess I could see on my usage of words how one could misconstrue my question as giving advice. My apologies. I asked a legit and well thought out question. If your doing well in the clubs then great hell I’m open to learn and my question reflects that. Help me see what I’m missing. I also complemented you by calling you beautiful and intelligent so please don’t attack or insult me. If I was going to give advice that you didn’t ask for that you actually need if you wish to be successful on YouTube is this. #1 use thumbnails the lack of those are hurting your results. You can get an app on your phone to help add this to your game. #2 I like the use of documents of your COVID-19 experience it’s very relevant and should get you more views but using the words Covid or any variations get your videos suppressed and demonetized by the YouTube algorithms. Maybe use a code word... many other very successful YouTubeers have done just this... I like the usage of Ronnie ronna myself Be blessed and at piece beautiful
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    The ignore feature is fantastic when trying to weed out the negativity so you can enjoy this forum more. 🙂
  • JuiceBox69
    3 years ago
    That comment gave my answer your legit an idiot lol
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    Juice is da mane! Juice!Juice!Juice!
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