
Porn Experience Rant and Q&A

Monday, March 22, 2021 5:45 AM
I just want to vent and ramble about my experience with porn thus far. Since shooting my first porn scene earlier this month, I've done two interviews. One was released Sunday afternoon and my Twitter and Instagram saw a small influx of new followers. I also outed myself on my personal Instagram because I plan to delete it and wanted people to know where to keep up with me (and warn them about the content they might see). Since outing myself and the interview release, I've received a LOT of fucked up messages on Instagram and emails sent to my porn email account. I was on my phone all of Sunday and it almost died on me a few times. I don't understand how one would think messaging me on Instagram asking "how much for a blow job" would work? You know what, LE officer, let me jump right on that and incriminate myself and ruin what I'm trying to accomplish. We have to do mandatory full panel STD tests every two weeks if we're actively shooting. If anything comes back positive, the actor/actress is done. Just because I do porn and dance doesn't mean 1.) I'm just going to fuck anyone, and 2.) I'm cheap. I even broke things off with an exclusive fuck buddy because I don't want to risk getting anything. I also received offers for scams. Two "photographers" wanting to shoot with me. One offered me $700 for three hours in NYC. I sent it to my PR person and he told me be believes the individual is looking to book me for cheap because the photographer's social media is private. However, because every photographer in metro Detroit suddenly disappeared off of the planet, I am in dire need of professional photos. So, just to be safe and to see if the guy is legit and serious, I informed him all booking is handled by my agent and forwarded his info to the photographer. The other offer I received was an obvious scam and I just deleted it without responding. I am extremely thankful I was put in touch with good people who have my best interest in mind. They are also people who are informed well enough to where I can ask if offers received are legit or if the individual is safe, has a good rep., etc. One person, for example, offered to content with me saying a client of his wanted it of us. My scene isn't out yet. How and why the fuck would his client be interested? It was weird, so I went to my PR again and he told me some dirt about the individual and advised that I should not do the shoot or communicate with him any further. Anyway, people in my life have been coming to me with questions about porn. So, if you have any, comment below. I will not answer any personal or private questions and address questions that are only educational or behind the scenes related. My social media is linked in my profile, so I'm not answering any questions or private messages about that or when my scene comes out. I have no idea. They own it and are not obligated to tell me it's release.


  • whodey
    3 years ago
    Good luck on the new adventure and hopefully things take a more positive and professional turn going forward. My only question would be did you actually enjoy shooting the scene or did all of the other aspects make the sex less enjoyable for you? And make sure to keep us updated when the scene does come out. I'm sure several of us will want to see it.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    "My only question would be did you actually enjoy shooting the scene or did all of the other aspects make the sex less enjoyable for you?" The male tqlent was phenomenal. He knows how to use what he has and I was impressed at how well he was able to keep himself from cumming while also playing dom also keeping an eye on the viewfinders of the cameras around us. I actually had a lot of fun hanging out with everybody. They made it a really great experience and I felt like I was hanging out with a group of friends. And because I was so comfortable hanging around them, I said a lot of dumb shit on camera. 🤦🏼‍♀️ We shot almost the entire day between two different sets (I am counting the back seat of The producers Porsche as a set). I was enjoying myself so much that I kept forgetting I was shooting porn. I struggled to keep my legs open so the cameras could get good views and at one point the male talent had to hold one leg down and the producer was holding my ankle in place (out of frame) while still filming. I kept grabbing the blanket and messing it up when they wanted the bed to appear nice and neat for the scene. The crew member (water boy, lube boy, backup cameraman, anything we needed during breaks person) had to hold the blanket down out of frame so I would stop messing it up while the male talent was still fucking me. 😂 So toward the end, I decided to stop enjoying it so much and fake it a little so I could focus more on putting on a show for the cameras around me.
  • grand1511
    3 years ago
    Gee, who knew that getting into porn would increase your exposure to slime balls?
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    Omg, right?! 🙄 Kindly get out of my discussion thread take your negativity elsewhere.
  • WavvyCain
    3 years ago
    Good luck with the new industry you’re in. I’m glad they made you feel comfortable. I watched some behind the scenes shit before and as you described they have lube guys etc lol. It’s a funny and fun looking process. Hate u gotta deal with the jerks tho, as you go you’ll know how to maneuver through it as you need.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    In your opinion, what is the best pro of using a studio? Reaching a larger audience? Networking with others in the industry?
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    There was a lot that happened behind the scenes I thought was hilarious. I definitely don't watch porn in the same manner now after knowing what's going on on the other side of the camera. If it's a well-known studio, then it will certainly reach a much larger audience. The exposure talent can receive from performing for a studio could help with selling independent and custom content (Only Fans, Porn Hub Models, etc). the series I shot for already had a fan created subReddit before the website was officially launched
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    As for outing myself, that was my own choice and I thought about it before doing it. My agent told me that regardless of how hard I try to hide this from the world, everybody will find out. I might be able to get away with hiding it for a while, but eventually it will come out. Sex work has been my life since 2013 up until the start of the pandemic when everything closed down. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to live two separate lives because of customers finding me on Facebook through other dancers who friended them. And the same happened on instagram. and I would receive messages on both platforms from people who reminded me that I gave them a dance or they met me at the club. Girls would also show my information to customers. So I decided I didn't want to give somebody the liberty to out me with this and I would do it myself and for myself. that way the truth comes from me and not from hearsay where potential rumors could start. It is much easier for customers to have separate lives than it is for girls who work in sex work. The amount of private messages and text messages that come our way makes it challenging to have a separate life. And I'm sure any other entertainer on here would agree with me. I decided to make this my life and I'm even considering the possibility of moving to LA or Vegas because I want to be successful with it. I want to be in a position to where I am travel ready for any shoot that might come my way and unfortunately, I can't be travel ready being in Michigan with a day job. I know people can be assholes and liars. I know people will try to scam me. But I'm not used to receiving messages like that and that's why I was so surprised. Again though, I would rather have doxed myself than have somebody do it for me. That way, the information I want out there is known rather than rumors.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    One more pro about working with a studio is credibility. Right now, while nothing is out, people are trying to take advantage of me. But once scenes are out, scammers are (hopefully) less likely to see me as naive and target me less.
  • sinclair
    3 years ago
    1)How much do you make per shoot? 2)How many scenes do you need to shoot in a year to make a decent living? 3)How many years do you plan on working in the industry? 4)Are fluffers a real job on a porn set?
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I was actually just about to ask waffle to do a Q&A but this works 5. Would you be willing down the road to get into super freaky/kinky kind of porn shoots? Did you get any offers to do that kind of stuff yet?
  • goldmongerATL
    3 years ago
    Hopefully you can share some stories in the future. Sounds like you have gone into this with eyes wide open and are in control. Good for you. So how much DID you want for that blowjob?
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    "1)How much do you make per shoot? 2)How many scenes do you need to shoot in a year to make a decent living? 3)How many years do you plan on working in the industry? 4)Are fluffers a real job on a porn set?" 1.) During my initial conversation with my agent at the beginning of January, he informed me studios pay between $1,000 and $3,000 per scene. It also depends on what the performer is willing to do and how far they are willing to take it. 2.) So, what typically happens for those who travel to one of the three cities porn is shot in (LA, Vegas, Miami) is the performer will stay a week or two given their agent set up enough scenes for them. Porn is shot during business hours (M-F 9-5) and I was told sometimes more than one scene could be shot in a day. So let's say I go to LA for a week, like I'm planning to do next month. My agent gets me one scene per day at a minimum of $1,000 per shoot. That's a $5,000 pay check I'm taking home. I can work as much as I want also. If I only want to do a few a year, then fine. So a decent living can happen quite easily if the performer wants to work like that. 3.) I have no idea. I've always had an interest in it and now that I'm in, I want to make up for lost time in a way. 4.) They aren't a thing really. The male talent I shot with was his own fluffer lol. However, we took breaks in between positions and he managed to stay hard even during breaks. Fluffers might be a thing in skeezy low budget porn though. I don't know.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    "5. Would you be willing down the road to get into super freaky/kinky kind of porn shoots? Did you get any offers to do that kind of stuff yet?" I WANT TO SHOOT FOR THE GANGBANG CREAMPIE SERIES FOR AZIANI STUDIOS!!!!!!! But my PR told me I should hold off on the gangbangs right now until I get more scenes out. My agent suggested interracial porn to me. I've never done anal, but told him I'm willing to try it if it will get me more opportunities. Same with eating pussy. I don't really want to do it, but I will if I have to. (I have no fucking idea how though.) Light bdsm is fine, but not hardcore torture bdsm. I told the male talent I was with that I'm a switch, but more of a submissive and it just kinda became that while shooting. It wasn't planning, but he basically became a dom during the shoot.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    "top end of porn is 2000-2500 per shoot for a female average makes around 800-1000 per shoot low-end people in miami pay around 500 per shoot slightly more for doing specialities such as ANAL expenses are paid for most. (such as make-up artist etc...)" Yes. That's mostly on point. However, flights, food, and hotel stays are not paid for. Mine were in Phoenix, but that's because that studio caters to helping launch porn careers and they recognize the difficulty in getting started. When I go to LA next month, I will have to pay for my flight and living situation on my own. Many agents have "model houses" for traveling talent to rent, which is what I plan to do. My PR told me 90% of shoots will have a makeup artist though (which is great because I can't do makeup for shit).
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    "if the person is smart and going to move ahead.. they will begin DEVELOPING CONTENT and not shooting for other people. DEVELOPMENT of CONTENT (that you own the IP/copyright on) is much better than getting paid.. with the advent of low price cameras, cheap lighting.. anyone can be a content developer.. then simply adding a paywall between the masturbater and the person, can provide income of $10k - $100k per month for shooting as few as 4 scenes a month people want what they cannot easily get, additionally a good IP attorney kept on the payroll will keep your content private.. hopefully this is what her agent is telling her.. but i doubt it" I'm sure he was joking. And my PR covered most of that. My problem is finding the time to shoot my own stuff. I work a day job (9-6) and finding the free time and energy to put on whore makeup and spend hours getting the perfect shots is difficult for me to do. This is why I don't update my Only Fans often. I simply just do not have the time or energy for it with a day job. My ideal outcome is: keep my day job for the moment for the guaranteed income aspect, go to LA/Vegas for a week and shoot and network as much as I can, get a fat ass pay check to hold me over for at least two months with whatever I do in LA, quit my day job, then start creating customs and putting my own stuff out there. Right now, nobody knows who I am except that I'm somehow affiliated with all of these porn people on Twitter and Instagram. I have nothing to show anybody right now, but if I get more scenes filmed, I'll have even more of a reason to quit my day job and would have the energy and time to put into creating content. The idea of being a porn companion came up as well. If I can do that and go to one of the three cities for a week every two or three months, I'm certain I would be okay. But the pandemic and economic uncertainty it's bringing has me holding onto this day job in the meantime. I have to be realistic and know that the success I'm craving won't happen overnight.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    @Wiffle Waffle You wrote and I quote: “I WANT TO SHOOT FOR THE GANGBANG CREAMPIE SERIES FOR AZIANI STUDIOS!!!!!!!” May ask you why?
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    I appreciate your concern, but I trust the advice of the people in the industry who are currently guiding me. And I will only do content with people who are in the adult entertainment industry and can show me negative TTS results because I am not risking catching anything.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    "May ask you why?" We all have our kinks. 😏
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    @Wiffle Waffle Thank you for your response; “We all have our kinks. 😏” I believe we all “learn” to like/want some things we are exposed to and it is mature and nurture what shapes us. Just wanted to let you know; I googled your stage name and there is another performer that shoot three movies in 2015 with Ra similar name, just different spelling. [view link] I think you should be aware of it. Thank you again for sharing your experiences and thoughts.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    “Nature, not mature” and “with a similar” not “Ra” Autocorrect is bonkers or I am too old for this.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    I changed my stage name as it is a trademarked phrase. My PR's lawyer looked into it and advised I should change it, but didn't necessarily have to since it it's in a separate industry. If that performer were still active, it would have come up by now as well.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    "for you own good" please nobody tell me what the fuck to do unless I ask for advice. I created this thread to educate and share my experience. Nowhere in this did I ask for help or advice. I explained my plan and am sticking to it. I trust people who have worked in the porn industry for 10+ years more than I trust strip club patrons (no offense). Thank you.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    Jesus fucking christ. Do you talk down to all of the women and tell them what to do? Please fuck off. I already said I have no desire to hear any advice from anybody who does not work in the porn industry. 🙄
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    I do not have the energy to reply to or give a fuck about what you have to say.
  • clubdude
    3 years ago
    I thought there there was a growing porn industry in Michigan (Detroit area). Are you interested in going with them, or stay with the ones that have been established (such as in Florida, California, Las Vegas)?
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    If there is a "growing porn industry" in Michigan, it is definitely not an industry affiliated with professional porn. My agent and my PR person (who also resides in Metro Detroit) would both know about it and have told me about it. If there is such a thing in michigan, it is most likely low budget and extremely amateur. The high quality porn everybody loves to watch (Brazzers, Naughty America, etc) is shot in one of the three metropolitan cities I spoke of earlier. Any porn that comes from Michigan is going to be sketchy as fuck and definitely shit quality.
  • DannyOcean
    3 years ago
    Congratulations on your new venture! Best wishes for your success.
  • dancewdcpa
    3 years ago
    Fantastic WW, so cool you are a rising star! My only question was already answered, sad to hear the male talent has to self fluff. All the best on your new path to fame and hopefully fortune!
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    Thanks guys. Unfortunately, I went back to Legends for a night last Saturday and now I am bed ridden with maybe covid. I just started a new day job and was sent home from it on Tuesday because I started coughing uncontrollably. I literally only started the job about 5 days prior to that so I might lose it now because I'm not welcome back until a doctor can clear me. On Saturday, a porter grabbed my mask and shoved it into a bucket with a bunch of singles. I'm sure it was an accident, but there was no way I was going to be wearing that after it was buried in all of those singles. And the club was sold out of masks at the door. There were numerous dancers who did not even have a mask on them and were never wearing one to begin with throughout the entire night. What if I waitress friends sat in a booth and briefly caught up with me. She was also not wearing a mask. 2 days ago she told me she had lost her senses of taste and smell and that she was also extremely ill. Shortly after that, Legends posted something in their stories on Instagram saying that they were going to be closed from Tuesday up until tomorrow, Friday, "due to a small amount of employees testing positive for covid." I took a covid test and it came back negative, but the doctor I had to tell a health appointment with today asked me to take a second one in case it was a false negative. I feel like complete and total shit and I have numerous symptoms. However, I have not yet had a fever and I can still taste and smell. But I might lose my new day job because of this bullshit and the whole porn thing is obviously on hold in the meantim, which just disappoints me. Please wear your masks when you're in public.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    *one of my waitress friends. Sorry. I have double vision and a sore throat, so voice to text is actually kind of difficult for me right now
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    Ugh. Hope you feel better soon, WW. Take care of yourself.
  • tin man
    3 years ago
    I agree with what someone else said, the mainstream porn space is saturated unless you have some unique niche about you. Amateur content is definitely more popular if you can build an audience. Definitely move to miami or Vegas, those two cities have a lower cost of living than california. All the best and don't forget to share some scenes when they come out
  • DrStab
    3 years ago
    Love hearing your perspective on the various sex trades. I am available if you’re looking for someone for a “Daddy” episode.
  • RockAllNight
    3 years ago
    This discussion proves to be an interesting read. Even the unwanted advice can be good for the reader. Good luck!
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    Thank you! The advice would be fine if I were asking for it though. But I wasn't and I don't appreciate some of the commenters trying to mansplain something they have no experience with (other than being an observer). Hopefully that makes sense. I'm not trying to be a bitch here.
  • goldmongerATL
    3 years ago
    So how are you feeling? Over it yet?
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    Covid? No. I need a chest x-ray this week.
  • bang69
    3 years ago
    Congrats on your new adventure. Get well soon
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