
Comments by wiffle shwaffle (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Anybody know how busy the clubs will be on Thanksgiving?
    I'll be home working a double like last year. Thanksgiving is also an annual Lions home game in Detroit.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fair warning metro Detroit area
    That whole entire shopping center is grounds of illegal activities. That AMP has been shut down before.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Slow everywhere?
    I was one of 63 girls working on Friday and didn't even make $100. My club doesn't have a day shift, so there is no going in early. When it's slow and consistently crappy like this, I start panicking.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    Arety’s Angels now Staxxx Cabaret.
    I know a lot of the girls from Babes work here as well. They are all complaining all over social media about Staxxx not getting good customers and it being more of a "Cheers" neighborhood bar. I'm in the Facebook Messenger groups for both Babes and Staxxx and the managers are always needing more or have no girls at Staxxx.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    2 shot, 1 killed outside strip club
    Ooooh. I forgot Venus had reopened. That whole stretch of Mich Ave leading up to the old Crazy Horse (I forget the new name of it) is just questionable territory.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Best comment on "make it rain" behavior
    I haven't read these comments in full yet. However, I'm presuming this is regarding smaller or mid-tier clubs and not stage rain clubs? Legends Detroit and E11ven Miami are known for stage rain and less for dances. I'm interested in everyone's thoughts regarding stage rain clubs?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Came across some unusual ITC bathroom action today...
    Penis on penis HR complaint: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k5qeEKZXwTg
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    Also, I would and can get away with such disrespect face to face. As can any of us. What is it going to do? Write a post on here whining about what a sad, little, pathetic lonely, piece of shit it is? Oops. There I go talking shit again. Also, nobody is ever truly on ignore from this psycho. Was there even a divorce or did he murder his ex-wife? Because, I could picture him murdering a female who would dare defy his pathetic, pointless musings. Perhaps he murdered her and then had a garbage front room make out session to celebrate. Oooh. Perhaps he caught his ex-wife making out in the front room of a SC, then got off to it and finished his night murdering her for defying him. He's just a pathetic little shit stain on society. Hey, baby, let's Skype. I will talk like this to you face to face and I will get away with it. Promise. *Smooches* 😘 Oh, my club is still expecting that email, hunny. Teehee. ^_^
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    "You know what really strikes fear into the hearts of men?" It isn't a real man and doesn't understand how to be one. It would never comprehend that question nor have the capability to have it's therapist explain it in a way it would understand. SJG is the "it" here, of course.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Came across some unusual ITC bathroom action today...
    "Gay sex!" - Sterling Archer
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Essentially, AMA
    Papi, you're questions are literally what I was hoping to be asked. I want more like those for sure. I'm also not going to direct anybody on how to find and ask for extras. That would be promoting prostitution and I can't do that and not get into legal trouble. But a talk about extras and what they are will be their own little discussion that won't be monetized.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Essentially, AMA
    Stating "a large majority" is very, very generalizing. I doubt you've fucked "a large majority", but perhaps have done so with a good enough amount of them to which you can base a confident generalization off of. Which then, it is still a generalization.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Essentially, AMA
    I was stuck in rush hour in a Lyft waiting to go pick up my car and peeked at the questions. I want to answer them ALL now! But I've been awake for 23 hrs and I'm still coughing from my flu. My friend and I rescheduled so I'm not going to be a coughing mess and better rested. But I love the questions and they're all great. Please, please, please give us a few more over the weekend. I'm considering opening this up in the front room, but feel it may become a shit show and completely off topic. Also, I'm not releasing the channel details until I have at least three or four videos uploaded. The entire channel won't be SC related, but there will be a series for it in my future playlists. Also, tie-dye feathers. πŸ˜‰
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Things strippers say: "I need to go make money"
    Just be honest and say you're waiting on someone.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Essentially, AMA
    Yep. 2.5 degrees lol. I began massage therapy school and dropped out for personal reasons. I don't think I'll finish that one. 🀷 And thank you. :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Essentially, AMA
    I have GIMP on here. I didn't even think to look for open source video editing software (derp). One of college degrees is in CIS. I'll be using a desktop I bought from a friend that was originally built for gaming. I don't know what motherboard I have in this thing, but I know that I have 16 gigs of RAM and am using an MSI RX 480 graphics card (just installed last night and love ittt). I have a Logitech C922 Pro HD stream w/ tripod for YouTube and MyFreeCams. Future purchases will be a ring light, stand alone mic, and wireless keyboard/mouse. Eventually, I'd like to stream Diablo III on Twitch, too.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Pretty Red Chick With A Badass Demeanor
    New Dancer
    I would definitely say to gain experience as a dancer before you decide to travel. If your local area has more than one or two clubs, audition at as many as possible so you can gain that audition experience. This will help you when you travel and it can potentially help you to network as a dancer with other dancers who currently travel. StripperWeb is (unfortunately) much more active and popular than this discussion forum is. There is a huge array of invaluable information about traveling as a dancer there. if you're on Facebook, and you know somebody who is in the Shenanigans private Facebook group, it's a really great resource to gain immediate and up to date answers. That group has over 4,000 dancers Nationwide in it. And I think there are several who are also and other countries as well.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Essentially, AMA
    I just found a monthly pay site to work on my thumbnails for now. A photographer friend is supposed to upload copies of Photoshop and Premiere Pro to a shared drive for me to have, but I've been waiting for a week now for those. What do you use to edit? I know most Macs comes with editing software, but I don't own one and I am a Windows person by choice. Finding an affordable or temporary 30-day editing software is what is going to most likely hold me back right now. Also, I am going to do a segment on doing research on clubs and go over varying public ways, sites, forums, etc. to find out that info. Unfortunately, there are two resources I personally use that I can't talk about because they are private Facebook groups for dancers and I'll get kicked out of them. They're like Fight Club. Can't talk about them.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Essentially, AMA
    I watched four of my favorite Youtubers last night bitch about it. One is a lawyer who does a livestream giving out legal advice and assistance. He is the one who said the latter part about ad revenue and monetization priorities. I perhaps heard wrong while multitasking. Should I mention TUSCL in the video? I was just going to call it a "review website for customers and dancers" basically and other descriptors.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Essentially, AMA
    I haven't read any of the above yet (intentionally). I think my friend and I are filming tonight though. I ended up with the flu and my vehicle's 3 month old alternator died (thanks Pensacola dealership for the aftermarket part πŸ™„), so I've been busy with all of that. <rant> I'm still going to do this YouTube stuff, but it may not be as profitable as I had originally hoped. Content creators may not be eligible for monetization unless their content is child-friendly. YouTube was sued by the government for its creators marking content as safe for children when it was not. The law is called COPAA. If I were to create a video and mark it safe for children (children being 13 and under per COPAA), and YouTube's algorithm catches that it is not child-friendly, I could be fined $40,000 per video that is mismarked. Unfortunately, monetization and AD revenue will be given priority to content creators who are child-friendly in the coming New Year. 😭 </rant>
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Things strippers say: "I need to go make money"
    "Ya, you don't pay strippers more than once per visit." You do every few songs if you want her to stay with you, else she's seriously just wasting her time sitting with you.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    "I think he's creepy as fuck." Seconded.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    By asking on StripperWeb.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What Do You Wish You'd Known As a Baby Stripper?
    Whoops, meant to post this in the dressing room forum, but they can all still see this. 🀷
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Feeling guilty about spreading cold at the club
    OP, you're a fucking asshole for doing that. You put the health of independent contractors at risk for your own personal satisfaction. Some of those girls may not have health insurance and have dependents to care for. Bacteria evolves, idiot. Allergy infections can turn into colds easily. Fuck you for being selfish, OP.