
Comments by wiffle shwaffle (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    All in favor of two-way blocking comment here
    I would really love for people I have blocked to not be able to see what I'm saying. Honestly, I don't even want to comment in the Front Room anymore just because SJG has the ability to still see what I'm commenting. It's all just absolutely annoying at this point. I now see why he has made people stop posting in the past. I'm still not going to stop but I might stop in the Front Room. 🙄
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    He actually said that? 😂😂😂 How pathetic.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    Replying to him is only rewarding him for being a nuisance. Let him spout and spew whatever garbage he wants to, but just carry on your conversations as though he's not even trying to get involved.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Tell you what, if SJG can find his way to South Florida this week, I will personally pay for his Uber or Lyft ride from the airport to wherever he wants to go so I can meet him face-to-face. Next week I'll be with my SD, and he isn't into dudes (sorry SJG). He really is all talk and no action. That much is obvious based off of his history on this board. He is nothing but a little bitch. He is a nobody and nothing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Serious discussion about the state of the TUSCL community...
    The winky face with him is probably the equivalent of a guy licking his lips at you during a lap dance? At least, that's my takeaway from this. Honestly, I've never actually noticed the winky face, but will watch for it now.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Who will get verified first? rickthelion or san_jose_guy?
    Wasn't there an ordeal with SJG and a user names Vince, too?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Who will get verified first? rickthelion or san_jose_guy?
    SJG can come see me in person in any of the three clubs I work at in any of the two states I work in. I will happily march him up to any of the managers on duty introduce them in person. In fact, I will even carry his Highness up to the manager in my Pleaser stilettos. (It's already proven I'm much more physically and emotionally stronger than he is.) I've stated on here that I'm hiding from a narcissistic ex-boyfriend who is physically looking for me. I'm not publicly stating where I work for my own safety - not because I'm afraid of SJG, but because I actually really am frightened of my ex. We all know SJG won't do shit, even if he did know the names of the club's I work at. For the record, I'm not "employed" by any club. I'm an independent contractor. I pay house fees (aka tip out) to work in the clubs I work in. I can disrespect and talk to customers however I want to. That doesn't mean I do though. SJG, unfortunately, doesn't understand the difference between employee and independent contractor. And anybody can pass this on to him if they see fit to do so. He should probably spend less time on this forum arguing with people who don't give a fuck him or about what he has to say and perhaps open up a law book and educate himself on the difference between employees and independent contractors. Fun fact: I once poured a customer's beer on him because he took a photo of me. He tried to tattle on me to the manager. The manager bought him a new beer and I stayed working at the club. (The photo turned out blurry thankfully and his phone was wet as hell 🤷.) Another time, I poured a customer's water on him because he reached over the stage and grabbed the pole and spun it while I was climbing. I asked for his full legal name so I knew who my lawyer was going to contact should I have been injured. He laughed and only then did I retaliate. ...I don't disrespect customers unless they disrespect me first. And I don't do shit that will get me fired. I know the legal limits and boundaries. SJG can suck my imaginary dick and shut the fuck up.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Who will get verified first? rickthelion or san_jose_guy?
    Ooooh. I remember Motorhead. I lurked this forum since late 2012, but I was more of a TwoSheds user/poster due to region. I began posting here because of TwoSheds's demise. RIP. I've put customers in their place numerous times in person. I've also asked customers to back up claims they make or state their references when speaking in person. I don't let customers treat me as a lower being and I know SJG would do exactly that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Serious discussion about the state of the TUSCL community...
    Wait, why do we not like Rick? What's the tea with this now? ☕
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Feminist Dancers.
    Examples I've seen first hand: a girl let a guy slap her ass cheek as he tipped her. Later in her set, a guy tipped her and slapped her ass. With the second guy, she didn't invite him to slap her ass. she was offended by it and ask the manager for him to be thrown out (they said no). A girl had her ass grabbed walking down a hallway while a customer was walking behind her. She went to the locker room and cried about feeling physically violated and left early for the night. Another girl doesn't like to be touched at all by customers and had her ass slapped on a satellite stage. She went to the locker room after her set and balled her eyes out because she had her ass slapped and that customers friends laughed after he did it. I've seen girls double their couch dance price from the advertised price if customers want to touch them during dances. Otherwise they tell the customers it's an air dance. I've also seen girls just tell customers they don't do dances unless they pay double whatever the advertised dance price is. I've listened to girls trash talk customers and talk about how much better they are than customers (of both genders). The way I see it, it is not a strip club without strippers. But we don't learn anything without customers who are interested in spending money on us. It goes both ways.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Who will get verified first? rickthelion or san_jose_guy?
    I actually didn't read all of his comments. What was his actual threat? Basically, from what I was able to piece together with the little bit I did see, he challenged that I wouldn't speak to him like this in a face to face scenario. Which, I told him I would (and I'm not lying). But others said he threatened me. Also, I didn't create that new user or that post regarding me. I don't want that kind of attention and I was joking about "haters make me famous". It's ironic that popped up right after I wrote that.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Motor City
    FC still the best
    Dancer fees/tip out will never decrease anywhere. That is, unless the dancer is owed by the club (ex - dancer does promo or gets injured on property as offered lower fees as promise not to sue).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    First of all, I am not this poster, guys. Founder can probably verify that by checking IPs. Second, I believe in your message and believe he would most likely become physically violent in person. He reminds me a lot of my narcissistic exboyfriend. Third, it is true that I have zero respect for SJG. Fourth, I didn't ask for this attention or post. Fifth, if SJG is here to stay and you don't like him then stop feeding him the attention he, a narcissist, craves. Stop addressing him. Stop responding to him. I'm for banning him, but that's not up to me. I have him on ignore and am using it as it's intended. Sixth, this is The Ultimate STRIP CLUB List. Not TMZ.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Who will get verified first? rickthelion or san_jose_guy?
    Did that motherfucker really just create a thread about me and threaten physical violence against me in another thread?! 😂😂😂 I'm not replying to any of his posts or threads though. What a fucking psychopath. 😭 "Haters make me famous."
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    @CC99 I see you're not verified. There was a discussion in there regarding members becoming verified. A few days before that thread popped up, SJG private messaged me out of the blue with some BS. He was on ignore for that very reason for a previous time, but his message still slipped through. I had to take him off ignore in order to tell him to not message me ever again. Then I put him back on ignore. In that thread, I became aware that I'm not the only one he does that to - press his opinion on others. I have zero respect for people who spew and force their opinions down the throats of other people. He's unable to stay on topic and very few of his posts are relevant to what this forum is supposed to truly be about. I have absolutely no respect for him and he offers very little to TUSCL. If you knew the exact itinerary of how/when things occurred, then you would know that I did not actually start any of this. This includes the breakdown of PMs from him and others about him, including warnings about him. I believe in "staying in your lane", which is what I am doing from now on regarding that "thing". I hate children in real life and I also hate them on message boards. This is going to be the very last time I talk about him or respond on this thread. Unlike that "thing", I actually do have "it" on ignore and I am using that feature. Thank you.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Why webcamming is stupid (as is porn)
    It definitely helps pay my bills though. I also don't have to worry about security or being manhandled. I don't have to worry about driving anywhere (I actually don't have to even leave my apartment). I also don't have to worry about getting sick or catching something from customers. Literally, all I have to worry about is people recording my scenes and performances. But it's a fear that any webcammer has to overcome if they want to do it. Plus, whichever site the cammer streams on owns the content streamed. Or at least MFC.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Baby dancer
    Good luck! Become a verified dancer once you're hired and then you can read reviews on other potential clubs!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    Intimidating my ass. He's a little bitch trying to overcompensate for things lacking in his real life.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    As an independent contractor, I would be allowed to talk to anybody in my club as I see fit. If the club were to try to regulate how I speak to people, then they would be dealing with a lawsuit. I am my own business and the club cannot tell me how to run my business. So yes, I would still speak to you like that face to face. it's also why it's hilarious when I read reviews about guys bitching to managers about girls they did things with in VIP. We are independent contractors and we basically do what we want. 🤷
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    Is that child still carrying on? He threatened me? I have no idea what happened because, unlike him, I truly do have him on ignore. I would indeed talk to him like this face to face. I believe in standing up for myself. SJG is my new #1 fan and stalker. Yay. 🙂 And watch, he replies to this thinking I give a fuck. 🙄
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First time in a Detroit area club
    ^No. PM him for it, idiot. I'm glad he didn't share her name. Protect dancers' privacy for their safety.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    VR porn
    I got to play with one last week. Those things are bad ass!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Who will get verified first? rickthelion or san_jose_guy?
    SJG sounds exactly like my narcissistic ex-boyfriend. Only he doesn't have the ability to get in my face and scream and shout at me, spit on me, or threaten to hit me. Thank God. Narcissistic dancers are also pretty horrible. I know one and I have seen her go through so many "best friends" in the last three years. She is a person I stay far the fuck away from when I'm home. She also snitches on girls at my home Club if they're caught doing extras or any dick petting over the pants. the club she and I work at together does not tolerate extras and she's gotten girls fired. 🙄 I fucking hate narcissists.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Who will get verified first? rickthelion or san_jose_guy?
    The ex bf from Pensacola I'm hiding from is a narcissist (partially why I'm hiding!). I see the signs with SJG by how he forces his opinion on others and a few other things. I chose to stop engaging with him in the other thread to prove a point. I believe I proved it. And while it looks like I did start that childish argument, I didn't. I can't stand when people force their opinions on others. And narcissists ruined my life. So, fuck him... And my ex.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    He is on ignore. Also, he started this dumb shit when he unnecessarily shoved his unsolicited opinion in my face in my private messages (Accidentally posted that in the Verified forum.)