
Best comment on "make it rain" behavior

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
From an outside thread: "Yes, the 'make it rain' assholes piss me off. If I had I that kind of cash, I'd be up there copping feels all night long, one dollar at time."

That made me lol


  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “If I had I that kind of cash, I'd be up there copping feels all night long, one dollar at time."

    Those are the guys that really irritate me—the ones that monopolize the stage by spreading a few bucks worth of tips out over a song while standing at the stage.
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    What kind of tiny-ass stage strip clubs is doctorevil going to? Like a pole with two lawn chairs in front of it?
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “What kind of tiny-ass stage strip clubs is doctorevil going to? Like a pole with two lawn chairs in front of it?”

    What does the size of the club have to do with it? I’m talking about when some douche goes to the stage and doles our a dollar or two at a time (usually one at a time) trying to take up all of her time. Fun Loving Fella gets it it. But it doesn’t matter if it’s a a fave or not. Just tip and then sit the fuck down.
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    The douchebags described above, along with the ones that act like they're doing the girls a favor by giving them a dollar, are the ones make my life in a club easier.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "The douchebags described above, along with the ones that act like they're doing the girls a favor by giving them a dollar, are the ones make my life in a club easier."

    Bingo. I had this same thought when I first read this last night, but got diverted before I got around to posting it. Those weird fucks who stand there for 5-10 minutes, slowly teasing out one dollar at a time, are not the ones who I'm competing against for barside attention or after hours fun. They seem to creep most girls out with that behavior.
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    In the clubs I usually frequent (i.e.: Not ATL clubs, where I understand that PL's there seem to routinely trip over themselves to shower the stage with 1's as a pseudo "my dick is bigger than yours" battle) dancers typically hate going on stage, considering it a waste of time and a blocker to working PL's for dances.

    When some PL does go to the rail, they usually fall into three categories:

    1. Minimal tips but expecting maximum mileage. These are the guys who expect to get bare pussy close ups or even pussies slammed into their face. Or they try to shove the tip money into cleavage, ass cheeks, or worse with the "bonus" of putting hands all over the dancer's most exclusive parts. They make dancers (and bouncers) very nervous and ultimately are trying to get HM for half the cost of a LD.

    2. "Make it Rain" PL's who think by throwing $100 in 1's all over the stage they are Ballers who deserve props (read "free bjs') from the dancer in the VIP. But most dancers I've heard from on this think these guys are also annoying: they have to spend time chasing bills all over the stage and then feel pressured to go sit with a PL they think is an asshole.

    3. Tippers who SIT at the rail, make eye contact more then staring at pussies, and leave some bills in the stage in front of them. More than once I've heard a dancer tell me they are much more impressed, and will react much more favorably if a guy places one or more bills in a neat stack on stage in front of their position at the rail and makes some friendly eye contact. A dancer will know if the bill you dropped is a $1, $5, $10 or $20+ denomination. It's like stripper brail. They can smell the difference between a $1 and $20 from across the stage.

    I think on some level, these examples demonstrate the difference between tipping to show your appreciation and interest (#3), and tipping to treat a dancer like a purchasable commodity (#1 and #2).

    Finally, many dancers tell me that they may only make 5-10% of their daily funds from stage time, or even less in a LDF club.

    For me, I rarely tip at the rail. I prefer to spend time chatting a dancer trying to decide if I want a dance. The few exceptions are when I want to get the attention of a dancer who hasn't already spoken to me (and then I will tip bigger than the average - up to a limit) and when I'm sitting with a dancer and we are both watching and favorably discussing another dancer on stage. When that happens, I will usually give the dancer sitting with me a few dollars and ask her to bring it to the rail.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    In my view - if a guy makes it rain then I assume he’s the biggest asshole (and most likely the smallest cock) in the club. It is more about (the customer) getting noticed than about showing appreciation for the dancer.

    There are dudes who have very limited funds - and who have minimal interaction with women - who try and get more from a dollar than they should. They can be harmless, as they get attention from the dancer and return to their seat (hopefully before splooging in their pants).

    The dudes who are most annoying are the ones who think they own the dancer because they tip a dollar. They expect front room FS for that dollar - and they expect the dancer to worship them as though they are a king. There was a term for this - but I forget what those types were called.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    I haven't read these comments in full yet. However, I'm presuming this is regarding smaller or mid-tier clubs and not stage rain clubs? Legends Detroit and E11ven Miami are known for stage rain and less for dances.

    I'm interested in everyone's thoughts regarding stage rain clubs?
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Stage rain = one of the single stupidest things I have seen in a long life that I will never understand. I'd rather give the mponey to the homeless and stay home.
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    Never been to a "stage rain club," if that's a thing.
    Never seen an NFL player level rainstorm but have seen PLs making it rain a handful of times, each time was in the $100 to $200 range of $1s, and each time it was a hey look at me thing. So dumb.

    Question for dancers: occasionally I'll see one dancer throw 25+ $1s during another dancer's stage show. Does that tend to be a friendly altruistic thing done by the money throwing dancer for her stage dancing friend, or does has the stage dancer likely given the money throwing dancer that money in advance to throw on stage as a marketing thing?
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Well, I think this thread got jumbled when gammanu countered the "make it rain" concept with his own "tease the dollars out" preference.

    I actually find guys who stand there forever teasing out every freaking dollar to be bigger assholes than the guys who make it rain. At least I don't have a human door standing there for 15 minutes blocking my view, pathetically entranced like he's never seen a tit or pussy before. The make it rain guy does his thing and drops the proverbial mic. leaving her free to keep working the crowd.

    People who club mostly in smaller markets generally don't see true make it rain tips very often - if at all. But in big city markets like NYC and L.A. it's much more common. In many of the bigger clubs in Queens it is a rare night where you won't see some guy throw a Benji or more in ones on a girl onstage. The economics are just different in places like this.

    Like I always say, I'll never criticize how another grown man spends his money. Also, as we all should know by now, the law of the jungle is preeminent doctrine in strip clubs - the biggest spenders eat first and the smaller animals have to be content with the leftovers. If a guy wants to throw hundreds at a girl onstage just to capture her attention and I don't, then he wins.
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    The Deja Vu in North Hollywood (in the east part of the San Fernando Valley) used to have a "rain" machine next to the stage.

    A guy could stand at the machine and feed it 20's or 100's then press a button.

    A stream of $1's would then be shot out of a dispenser over the stage, making it "rain" on the dancer.

    I rarely saw it used, and eventually it was removed. Probably stopped working from extended non-use. Also, I doubt the club made any money from this, as I believe it was a 1 for 1 deal - 20 in and 20 out. So all the funds went to the dancer, yet the club had to buy the machine, resupply the 1's, and service the device at their expense.
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    ^ LOL

  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    Makin' it drip.......
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    Nicespice - I’d appreciate you removing the link to my Instagram! Although, my mustache was epic back then!

    Nothing gets dancers moist like an offer of a mustache ride and a stack of shingles!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    "Making it rain" is something guys do to impress other guys as much (or moreso) than impressing dancers. Although, I'm sure that the average dancer doesn't mind Captain Showboat tossing his cash away.

    If I sit at the stage, I'll wait for her to approach and give her either a $10 or $20 bill (sometimes more; never less) and ask if she wants to sit with me after her set, chat a bit, and talk about more dances. Unless she already has another guy on deck, she'll come straight to me 90% of the time. After that talk, I get up and leave the stage.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    well thrown ‘rain’ looks sexy in my opinion. most girls like the rain. I’ve had a few girls that I was going to tip like $50 or $100 and one girl in particular that I tipped $200 for extras. I asked each of them how they would like to have the money... straight into their hand or make it rain with singles. some like the rain effect... I also learned it takes talent or luck to make it rain well instead of coming down in a clump of money.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    at usa stripclubs i rarely stand up at the tip rail for more than a few seconds. i toss the dollars and then sit down at the rail.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    I have asked quite a few what they would prefer, rain or the same amount in a single bill slipped into the garter. Most said they don't care as long as they get the money. A few have said they would prefer rain because of the attention it attracts. I still haven't ever done it and probably never will. It still seems more about the guy saying "hey everyone look at me," versus showing appreciation for the dancer. Plus, as Jascoi has said, it must be done right. I have seen a few try it where the money lands in big clump on the stage. Not a good look.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    doctor evil wrote from an outside thread “If I had I that kind of cash, I'd be up there copping feels all night long, one dollar at time."
    this technique is what i do in hk. i never have made it rain there.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    To be clear, that is not what I wrote. It was a quote of someone else's quote. What I actually said was:

    "Those are the guys that really irritate me—the ones that monopolize the stage by spreading a few bucks worth of tips out over a song while standing at the stage."

    and: "Just tip and then sit the fuck down."

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