
Comments by wiffle shwaffle (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Take care of me, so I can take care of you.
    "I guess I’ve been lucky and had a low rip off rate from customers, but it has happened. I’m a pretty trusting personality in general tho." - Nicespice Dude, same! I have only ever had a customer walk out on me once. it happened so long ago that I don't even remember exactly how much money it was, but I know it was less than $100. I was still a baby stripper and the customer told me he had to go get the money from his friend who was in the crowd and he would bring it back to me. I was naive and believed him. I couldn't follow him because I was still getting dressed. It had only been about 5 minutes until I showed up at their booth, but he and his friend had walked out the door. So now I stand in front of the customer when I'm done and start a conversation while I get dressed. I don't let them leave until they pay. I follow them if they have to get money from a friend, even if I'm still getting dressed along the way. There have been a few times I've thrown customers up against a wall and I have hit a couple of customers who were being straight up assholes about paying. But since that one time, way back in 2013, when the customer walked out on me after a Thursday night home Red Wings game, I have always made sure I'm paid after the dances. I remember exactly what he looks like, too, because it pissed me off so much. That one fucker walking out on me ruined me trusting customers who are trying to rush out of the room. #Detroit #PLs
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Take care of me, so I can take care of you.
    From my own experience working in Detroit clubs: we are instructed to get our money up front from bouncers and managers. I have never had a bouncer or manager suggest getting paid after the dances. Normal "clean" dances are one thing because they are usually timed per song by a bouncer. If there were an instance where the dancer was trying to rob you or your questionable about the amount of songs spent in VIP, it could easily be refuted by going to the bouncer who is marking dances. I have personally found during my time doing FS in Detroit, guys will often try to underpay the girls for their services. Common sense leads me to believe they may assume she's intoxicated or on some drugs and not completely coherent or herself. Or the customer is just a plain asshole trying to get a freebie. Bouncers and managers will always deny that they know extras are happening for legality. Bouncers can only determine the amount you owe per song. For example, you and your dancer agree to $300 for FS, but you try to rip her off and give her $100 and you were in VIP for three songs, the bouncer will say you owe for those three songs and not whatever the determined price was. This is why, especially when extras are involved, we ask for money up front. I'm only explaining the most common thing that I have seen happen with other girls. Please don't do that though - even if the service wasn't up to your standards or met your expectations. An agreement is an agreement. I hope that makes sense though. There are far too many customers who try to pull this shit on us in Detroit, so please understand that. We don't care if you say you're not like that or you're not going to do that. We hear that so many times every night from people who are constantly trying to pull this shit on us that it basically goes out the other ear. If you're uncomfortable with paying upfront, let your dancer know that and at least show her that you have the money on you. In my own experience, I usually ask to see it before dances begin because I do see from a customer service aspect of how it can be perceived as rude to ask for the money up front and lead to negative reviews. For what it's worth, all the clubs I worked at in Florida had the same rules about collecting up front. I noticed not many girls demanded money up front like they do in Detroit. I hope this makes sense and you have a better understanding of why we usually ask for money up front. In no way am I claiming all customers are like this, but the majority is.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Pretty disappointing Saturday
    Kinda mad I'm returning and someone stole my stage name. 🤬 (Kitana)
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    First time to the Landing Strip
    Yeah the curtained rooms really suck (for sucking). The ones in the back closer to the couch room are more lit up due to being near the couch room. I'm thinking about coming back this weekend. The girls with higher prices might be "pimped girls" who have to charge that amount. Last Spring, prices averaged (from what I heard customers tell me they paid others) were slightly less than $300 for FS.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Worth It If You Are Realistic About The State Of The SC Scene during COVID
    I'm thinking about coming back to LS this weekend. One of the girls told me it's easily the busiest club right now. I don't know if that's true or not. Any insight?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shootout outside of Detroit strip club leaves 6 people shot.
    It was at Sting on Mich Ave. No wonder.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    FC Rookie Post Covid Visit
    Dude, I'm so sorry you got scammed at Flight. :(
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    First Post Covid SC Visit
    Dancer drinks are so expensive because clubs give the girls $ per drink bought for them.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Are Detroit clubs still skirting the law?
    "clubs are open, based on personal visits or trusted reports: Landing Strip Flight Club BT's Silver Cricket Bogarts" Though not a n your list, I'd like to add Players and Legends are also both open. Deja Vu Flint, I'm hearing, is having the best turn out regarding customers and earnings. The city of Ypsilanti is stopping that Deja Vu from re-opening right now.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    BT's in Dearborn is open
    The three clubs open my Detroit dancer friends are talking about on Facebook: FC, Trumpp's, and BT's. Trumpps either is already open or doing so soon. Functioning as restaurants and bikini bars.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Feo, Fuerte y Formal
    Have You Ever Been in a Raid?
    Yep! And got ticketed, too. Charges dropped w/ $250 fine.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Officials Confirm 13 COVID-19 Cases Linked to Romulus Club, Restaurant
    Wowwwww. 🤦 You don't deserve my time to read all of that. Sorry you wasted your time in attempting to educate me. If you had simply re-read the second sentence in your first statement in this thread that says "Shut down the state", I was correcting YOU in stating which clubs were shut down. It's okay though, hunny. I understand that you have to condescend and be rude to women when they educate you because you have to pay for sex and you hate that. Shrimp like you deserve no more of my time. Toodles.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Officials Confirm 13 COVID-19 Cases Linked to Romulus Club, Restaurant
    And with all of the nights I worked at Landing Strip, I never even knew there was a Checkers in Romulus. 🤷‍♀️
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Officials Confirm 13 COVID-19 Cases Linked to Romulus Club, Restaurant
    "^ sick of idiots like you. Take a math class." Meursault, it's statements like that that give away those of you who choose to pay for sex and those who have to in order to get laid. Clearly, with your lack of research and me correcting you, it's obvious you fall under the latter of the two. 😂
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Officials Confirm 13 COVID-19 Cases Linked to Romulus Club, Restaurant
    ^it's not you idiot. Only south lower peninsula of Michigan. 😂
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Metro Detroit Clubs
    They are. A simple search would have pulled up a thread from a few days ago.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Looks like Detroit Proper might be cracking down on SC
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Served me a hot bottle of water for $7.
    You sound like a crybaby whining over petty issues.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Come Fly With Me
    Finally, someone who can write a solid review while not being insulting or offensive to the ladies in the review.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Spring Break Dancers Club # 2
    "bad girl button". Are you fucking 14 and immature? 🙄
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    "I had hoped for more."
    "Turned out she wasn't who I had thought, but gave her $5 and returned to my barstool." 😂😂😂😂😂 You weren't the only one disappointed. $5 is insulting. 😂
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Best clubs in Pensacola/Fort Walton Beach?
    Also, if you do a search for Pensacola, you'll find more discussion posts by me that I wrote.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Best clubs in Pensacola/Fort Walton Beach?
    I lived and worked in Pensacola. I'll be honest with you - it is extremely redneck. It's lower Alabama basically. Girls at the busiest and biggest club there thought $200was a good night shift. The ordinance is strict, too. Babes just renovated the entire club, but they do have a reputation for being dingy. It's also hard to get on night shifts at Sammy's, Cheetah, and Babes. That leaves you with Arety's and Eden. Eden is non smoking. Tip out is cheap at most. DJ is $10 or $15 depending on the club. I never paid more than like $70 for house. Base is around $15 I think, but they take money out of dance after you've done two or three. They also have times VIPs and the club's take portions of those sales, too. If customers buy you a drink, they are $20 and the club gives you $10 back per drink bought for you. If you have any specific questions, feel free to message me. FWB is so much cleaner and higher class all around. Red Rose is where it's at in FWB.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    South FL clubs open?
    ^if you read the comments, she explained why she suspects they were able to open.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anybody been to a dentist lately?
    Yes. They took my temp inside and then did what I needed them to do. 🤷‍♀️