
Best clubs in Pensacola/Fort Walton Beach?

Hey all, I’m about to be new dancer and I’m looking to dance in Pensacola/FWB. Which clubs are the best to work at in this area? And how are the auditions? (What should I wear, bring, do I have to audition on stage or do they just look at me?) Thanks for the help! :)


  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Maybe others can chime in with something more useful. But FWB *definitely* has a better reputation than Pensacola, where making money is too difficult. I’ve heard good things about Red Rose, but I’ve never been there personally so take that for what it is.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    Red rose is kinda ghetto lol but they let you keep more of ur money than Sammy's or club 10.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    Ditto on fuck pensacola
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    I lived and worked in Pensacola. I'll be honest with you - it is extremely redneck. It's lower Alabama basically. Girls at the busiest and biggest club there thought $200was a good night shift. The ordinance is strict, too. Babes just renovated the entire club, but they do have a reputation for being dingy. It's also hard to get on night shifts at Sammy's, Cheetah, and Babes. That leaves you with Arety's and Eden. Eden is non smoking. Tip out is cheap at most. DJ is $10 or $15 depending on the club. I never paid more than like $70 for house. Base is around $15 I think, but they take money out of dance after you've done two or three. They also have times VIPs and the club's take portions of those sales, too. If customers buy you a drink, they are $20 and the club gives you $10 back per drink bought for you.
    If you have any specific questions, feel free to message me.
    FWB is so much cleaner and higher class all around. Red Rose is where it's at in FWB.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    Also, if you do a search for Pensacola, you'll find more discussion posts by me that I wrote.
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