I had a crown come off while eating lunch today and called my dentist's office. They said to come in at 8AM tomorrow and call them when I am in the parking lot. They will come out to get me and do the paper work. I don't see how I can wear a mask once the dentist is ready to do her thing. What to expect?
OK. I went this morning at 8am. They came out to my car . then took my temperature and had my give written answers to virus questions. I was then taken directed to the dentist chair. The staff all wore masks except the dentist. She wore a Hazmet suit and complained about hot hot it was to wear. In and out in 30 minutes. they had to unlock the door to let me out. I saw 8 or 10 cars parked in the employee area but mine was the only one in the patient parking area.
Talk about a profession that is inherently risky! High speed drills and water-based scalers (for cleaning teeth) seem to generate a cloud of aerosol droplets. Hope the procedure worked out OK.
I went for a root canal Monday and except for the temperature taking w/ covid questions and complete lack of any other patients it was a very normal visit for Nevada.
If you pass the screening, they’ll take care of you. They’ll wear more protective gear than normal.