
Comments by wiffle shwaffle (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    It seems like Covid times have chased away a lot of members on here
    I have to be careful with escorting though because I'm going to be doing porn soon. My fear is having negative reviews online impacting my potential porn career. the porn thing is for certain and I shoot my first scene in about 2 weeks. I have an agent and everything. As for the escort things though, I'm not sure if it would be a good move or not considering the direction I would like to head in. Hopefully that makes sense.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Strippers Are Upset About Netflix’s Pole Dance Documentary
    Also to add, it basically disregarded strippers in general. And these pole dance community members who are speaking up realize and are trying to bring attention to the fact that if it weren't for strippers, they wouldn't be able to even practice pole dance and have competitions or studios where they can teach this art to others. Sometime ago there was a huge controversy over the two hashtags #YesAStripper and #NotAStripper. You can still find those hashtags on Instagram. I pole dancer posting a routine or choreography with the hashtag #NotAStripper is just an atrocity and being absolutely disgusting towards strippers. For more clarity, look up TheNadia33 on instagram. She is extremely outspoken and explains this so much better than I ever could in some of the videos she has posted. She is not an OG or pioneer of the pole dance community, but she is a big deal and one of the bigger names in the community today. Unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure to meet her in person but I would absolutely love to.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Strippers Are Upset About Netflix’s Pole Dance Documentary
    So, as a member of the pole dance community (and a stripper), I see both sides of the story. I've met a lot of those in the documentary in person at competitons and expos and some of them are just absolutely horrid in person. The few of you who follow me on Instagram and look at my stories may have saw that I posted some information as well as some video links to important people in the pole dance community. They are speaking out on behalf of strippers being appropriated by others in the pole dance community. The current argument is for those in the PD community to STOP using the word "exotic" to describe or name their studio classes as it appropriates strippers. Basically, if you weren't a stripper, then you are not qualified to teach anything "exotic" or "stripper style". And yes, stripper style is a form of pole dance.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Recorded Gang Rape Of Stripper
    Omg. This is awful. 🥺☹️
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    It seems like Covid times have chased away a lot of members on here
    Needless to say, I guess I'm back now and I really have missed posting here and interacting with you guys.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    It seems like Covid times have chased away a lot of members on here
    The politics was a LOT. I stopped posting and visiting for a minute because I ended up working full time somewhere (recommended to me by PrimeTimeS). Then I started dating someone who fucked me over really bad. I stopped in to lurk here and there, but didn't make my presence known (obviously). Now, I'm working full time elsewhere and fucking hate it because it's a strict 9am-7pm M-F. I worked at Landing Strip once in September or October (I forget which) and I couldn't bring myself go to VIP. There were several new girls and they were all selling for $100 or less. I don't have gps, but from a logical standpoint, they're risking catching Covid-19 for $100 or less not knowing what the virus could do to them if they caught it (death, amputations, any long hauler stuff). But it was also the quality of the customers. If you don't look like you can maintain basic hygiene before going to a club, then why tf would I even consider sucking your dick not knowing if it was even washed that day. So, my one night return to LS was a bust. Worked at Legends almost every Saturday Aug-Nov. It was decent. No vip, bit we still did dances on the vip bench that's just below the vip level there. We weren't allowed to go topless though and could charge whatever we wanted without paying the house fee for those dances. I worked there on Super Bowl Sunday and those dances are no longer allowed. Now it's literally just table dances or partying in booths. So I'm looking into other forms of sex work in the meantime (porn, escorting) while working this asshole full time job I cannot stand.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    So in your opinion, who on this site has the smallest dick?
    They either have pencil thin dicks no longer than 4 inches erect or no dick and they just peg each other with strap ons based off of the amount of bitching and whiney they do over getting their wee were played with.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    I would rather cuddle then have sex ... love grammer
    its the Vu
    The loophole is they're not "cabaret". They don't serve food. So not a cabaret and not a restaurant.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    My math says that was more then 25%
    I'm considering returned to LS. I worked at Legends once (Superbowl) since reopening and it sucked (without any physical sucking).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Best cities to dance in Florida right now??
    Tampa, Miami, and WPB. Avoid the Panhandle like it's a blackhole.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Great atmosphere, boring from the side table
    I worked there that night. We were raided a few weeks ago and vice gave some bullshit tickets for things that are not in the ordinance. So, because vice is making up their own offenses now, management is lax about us removing our tops. God forbid vice or MDHHS come in deciding taking tops off in the middle of a global pandemic at a potential super spreader environment is illegal. Get over it, dude. There are far more worse things to bitch and whine about. You want to see topless girls? Go watch some porn.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Michigan Clubbers
    It's actually MDHHS shutting things down this time - not Whitmer. She's just the messenger this time.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    who decides whats essential?
    I believe they choose whether or not it's needed for survival. Being serious, clubs aren't essential because they aren't needed for basic human survival. But yes, my club is shut down, too. It sucks, but we'll get through. We did it before and we'll do it again.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Hot young Girls with GFE and a Hidden Goldmine !
    You description of my coworkers here are extremely broad and biased to your catering only. For example, "young white girl with college student look" could literally be any causasian female in the club. I work here and can immediately name like 12 girls with that description. Just pointing that out for your future reviews. VIP has ALWAYS been free. Even before the pandemic. It's a great club and there are a lot of non-extras girls here.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    A lot of nothing, a legit super-hottie, and a ROB
    They can't fire the "robs" for how they work. We are our own business. And if a girl wants to lie about the amount of songs y'all did, that's between you and the dancer. The bouncer can only say how many songs you were in back for, and he was correct period he has no idea what the arrangement was. 🤷‍♀️ You guys forget that we pay the club to work there and our payment/tipout is basically ike renting the space to make money. We are independent contractors, NOT employees. Please keep that in mind next time you have a disagreement with a girl and go to the manager. I do agree that social distancing here is atrocious. I work here on and off and I haven't been back since we went back to topless. But I am sorry you had a bad time with your visits. There are a lot of great girls there who won't rip you off. The general price we all try to float around is $300. Or so two of my friends there told me that when I was there last.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Not worth the risk
    *Babe's renovated. Wtf spell check. 🙄
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Not worth the risk
    I miss Babe's, but I'm glad I'm not there now. Nobody there cares about the pandemic or spreading the virus. The owners are Republican pricks who bash the girls who pay them tip out behind their backs. There's a private chat for the staff and dancers and they make fun of customers (and each other without names given). It's a small wannabe strip club that's also like a dysfunctional dramatic family. If you're not accepted into the family, don't expect to last there. I also hailed from Detroit where touching and actually grinding on customers' laps (or even more) is accepted. Working at Babe's was a HUGE culture shock coming from Detroit. Girls hated the way I dances for customers because I let them low-key touch. At Eden's, I was watched closely and the bouncer (Ford, I think he's back at Babes now), loved to interrupt my dances if I even dared to put a customer's hand on my boob(s) or chest. God forbid I'm consenting to it and making the customer do it basically (because I know that's what most want - to touch). Barbara renovated the entire club, locker room, and women's restroom during the shut down. They might be the best and most "lenient" in Pensacola, but they will always suck compared to real strip clubs.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Sometimes you just wanna be filthy
    Flight Club sets the bar
    Out of curiosity and mostly rhetorical, what do you define as a "porn star body"? Given women of all shapes and sizes are in porn and there are thicker women who are IMDB and legit porn stars, "porn star body" is a weird way to describe someone. Your idea of a porn star body might be different than someone else's. 🤷‍♀️
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    We had fun!
    It's not a fake review. I recommended the place to her and we messaged throughout the evening about her night out. Nina and I know each other in real life. Sorry you're looking for ways to disapprove of and negatively critique a review written by a dancer. 🙄
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Three's A Crowd . . . Or Is It?
    "So is there a cut off as to how late the girls can come in to work? These rules sound more flexible compared to what the FC girls were telling me. (If I ignore the pasties thing anyway. Pasties are a club pet peeve of mine.)" Not that I recall ever being told. LS and FC are direct competitors albeit LS is slightly lower scale. Girls who don't cut it at FC end up at LS honestly. And I think LS is so lenient and cool with their tip out fees and fines because they know us dancers eat that up more than a club being up our asses figuratively with strict rules. FC is VERY strict. They know they are the #1 club with extras available. Legends (my home club) was #1, but then had to stop extras from going on. Flight has a LOT of pimped girls working there. They aren't your traditional beaten-by-pimps girls, but the brainwashed kind where the pimp is their "boyfriend/mentor". Which is fine if they want one. (I had one (a mentor/handler) when I first started in 2013.) One of the girls in your FC review you mentioned going to VIP with is a pimped girl. I follow most of them and their pimps on Instagram because I respect their hustle and, at least, these pimps aren't drugging their girls or forcing them into sex work. I wrote discussion reviews of both clubs explaining everything related to tip outs and fines. You can easily spot the differences of strictness vs leniency. Here is my write up about Landing Strip: https://tuscl.net/discussion/70520/ And Flight Club: https://tuscl.net/discussion/70079/ I explain more in the comments if the commenters needed clarification. If you're in Detroit again, let me know!!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "What he did was despicable, but she did consent to have sex, so he should not be charged with rape. Fraud? Product tampering? Assault with a friendly weapon?" Are you even educated? Clearly not. Yes, he should. It *is* rape. She consented to sex with a condom and this piece of shit wasn't clearly thinking of any repercussions to his actions. Last Spring I wrote about a girl at Landing Strip who was stealthed in VIP by a customer. If you want to argue with her about how premeditated removing or tampering with condom is not rape, I can arrange that. Because that customer had his ass beat next time he came in and tried it with another dancer.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Downriver Michigan
    Great if you have the money
    ^ goes to shit hole dive clubs and compares the parking situation to the most upscale club in the area. 😂 You're getting what you pay for, duh. You sound exactly like the type of pretentious broke customer they aim to keep out. Thank God you don't go. 😂
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    The Good, The Great, The Bad, And The Great Again.
    I commented on your review of Landing Strip already, but I work here, too. I remember hearing they experimented with nudity a little a few years ago, but that is no longer a thing. And the same rules apply here - we have to keep tops and masks on while on stage. It is also a much more expensive club to work at as a dancer. Flight and Landing are the only clubs I have worked at where you have to go on stage unless you pay a skip fee while in VIP.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Worth It If You Are Realistic About The State Of The SC Scene during COVID
    BudWeedGuy - I was there last night. Were you the couple sitting at the corner of the bar along the back side? And the VIP attendant told me last night was definitely an off Saturday in comparison to how it has been recently. Last night was pretty dead.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Three's A Crowd . . . Or Is It?
    "If there’s a VIP where you buy an amount of time as opposed to dances per song, I wasn’t made aware of one." There is. There's a large room with a couch in it that's very well lit. You can buy that room for chunks of time. We do stage review every hour on the hour. We are not allowed to remove our tops or masks on stage. If our tops are see-through, we have to wear pasties. I worked last night and can confirm those are the going rates for the majority of girls. A lot of the cheaper girls have left, thankfully, because prices were a lot less in the Spring. Our late fees are $10/hour, and we don't have a tip out unless we go to vip, so a lot of girls will come in throughout the night and just go on stage.