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Traveling Troubadour

Comments by JeffJefferson

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2 years ago
Let's say that the IRS only hires 27,000 new agents to go after the huge, rich, tax-stealing megamillionaires and super-giant corporate conglomerates.

How many cases are there for that kind of extremely rich businesses and individuals to be investigated?

There is not enough work to go around, for all these new agents to only focus there.

Besides, if you are an IRS manager, you do not send a rookie IRS investigator to go audit Bill Gates or General Electric or Warren Buffett. In their first years, the huge majority of these new agents will get to learn their craft and get their feet wet by looking into all the illegalities of Fred's Barber Shop, and Grandma Lucille's Family Farm, and Joe and Rita's Country Corner Diner. And there are plenty of training opportunities by auditing average Americans reporting 53 to 72 thousand dollar AGIs.

Oh, and by the way, if you are a Trainee Rookie IRS Hopeful, you get Zero bonus points by coming back to your supervisor saying that you found no problems and no illegalities in the tax forms of middle-class households and small- to midsized-businesses. You MUST find problems and underpayments if you want to advance in your new career.

This really should have been test-marketed with 4,000 new agents, just to see if adding agents assures better enforcement of actual tax laws. If that works, then add 27,000 more next year, and bring it to 87,000 total after the Proof Of Concept proves true. Otherwise, it become intimidation, or fears of intimidation, or suspicions of intimidation.

(I will probably be audited for Tax Years 2021 and 2022, just for posting these comments. Oooops.)
3 years ago
Bumping this post up.

The OP provides some great general wisdom, especially for the newbies who either just found us on this website, or who recently decided they want to the delights (and frustrations) out there in Strip Club World.

Key points I find especially helpful:
1. Set your budget (for the night/week/month) up front, and do NOT carry more than that into the club. Even if you hide the "just in case" extra $150 in a different pocket or different slot in your billfold, that bonus money IS within the amount you must be comfortable spending that night, if you bring it into the building. P.S...Never ever buy more than your budget by paying with a credit card or withdrawing from an in-house ATM. The exorbitant Club services charges will eat up money that you could have spent for an extra half-hour dancing in the back with that sultry brunette next time, if you dont succumb to urgent urge tonight after your cash is gone.

2. Dont go to LaLaLand with the first dancer who comes over, certainly not in the first 15 minutes or so. (30 minutes might be too long of an em Argo at some clubs some nights) Get a feel for the place and the crew, decide on some potential favorites, and give a little time for the hottest/best ladies to come out of the privates they were doing when you arrived. (There may be good reason they are already back in the back??)

3. Practice that boldness or flirtiness or extroversion when you are interested in someone (or someones). These clubs are good places to turn on the charm, even if that isnt your usual pattern elsewhere. The OP and commenters explain why, but this is an occasion to ask for what you might want, find out if it's possible, and be glad you took the Initiative, no matter what ends up happening. (Try this with everybody else too, the valet guy, cover charge woman, wait staff, managers, bouncers, maybe even the DJ.... good practice and confidence builder for you, and maybe the networking helps you out, this visit or maybe next time there.)

I will add one of my own ideas too: 4. Even though you dont jump to the back with the first girl who approaches you, dont wait 1.5 or 2 hours to make your first purchase, be that tips or less-costly lap dances. Other than an entertainer who just arrives, the dancers notice who is spending money and who isnt. Sometimes, they will talk about this in the dressing rooms. Build a bit of a reputation that you are willing to spend some money, and you will draw more attention from the people whose attention you want to attract.

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Escort in my 'hood...
3 years ago
Most of us who show up on TUSCL -- guys and the ladies -- are on the lookout for anything that qualifies as "More Than I Was Expecting". Sounds like this is one of those.

If at all possible, move things to your turf or a different neutral site. She must initiate all conversation about giving and getting; you stay the perfect gentlemen until then, and for a little while beyond.
The possibilities of scam, con, blackmail, law enforcement, and other "negativities" is very real, so ultra-caution is advised. Enjoy the PG-Rated interactions for what they are, and advance beyond that once you are really really sure it is safe, proper and affordable.
This was the recap of MY visit. As they say on here... YMMV.
I could have researched it and there wasn't one that week, but they add add one eight months later when somebody is inspired by my review... or I went back later and there was one then, but latersome new manager decides they don't want cheapo patrons who won't spend $10 or $15 up front to come in and take up the time haggling with my exotic dancers.
When the reader goes to that town, they can look it up, and the coupon will be on their phone or not, not mine.
3 years ago
I'm pretty sure, based on your description of the building, that you visited the Bedford CH, not the one at Brook Park. They are co-owned, but the Brook Park Crazy Horse IS by the airport.

The one you described -- by layout and by vibe -- is the Bedford one southeast of the metro.
>> If someone were to do this do you 10 times would you say it's no big deal? <<

It hadn't, not yet anyway.

If the other connections you and she have had are worthwhile, consider yourself fortunate! That one missed event needs to be ignored, and should not cloud your internal attitude.

If she no-shows 4x or 6x, then you can decide if you are going to keep at it long enough to see if you what to "risk" getting to #8, let alone "10 times".
As for me, I appreciate the less-detailed, matter-of-fact reviews that essentially say This Place Is Not Worth The Drive To Get There.

If you are a real reviewer who goes in, looks around, and decides not to stick around to fully interview the staff on the cost of every type of drink, the full menu of prices for 1/2/3/5/8 songs and 5/10/15/20/22/28/45/75/90 minutes, I'm OK with that.

If your visit -- at least on that day or evening -- was "I'm not spending any money or any more time just to meet a Tuscl review quota, I appreciate hearing that. Even if you don't list the prices, the women's names, or the odds of likely fun in the back, then you have provided very practical intel.

A review like that gives me what I need to know personally. This place was NOT worth the visit, so I will head somewhere else until I see its other reviews that are better. If that club was that iffy, I doubt I would go, even if it turned out that dances were 5 for $20.
Yeah right.
Get my legal advice on Google!!

You know what they say: the client who has Google for their lawyer is a fool.
(Then again, a person who has Google for their websearch site is probably a fool too!)

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Pulling back the curtain
3 years ago
I certainly understand why an entertainer would not want to publicize her relationship status (or her home address) (or the last 4 of her SSN). Part of me would LOVE to hear that she's single and available for me to sweep her off of her feet. On the other hand, it would not surprise me that someone this beautiful and confident and sexually playful actually was in a fabulous relationship.... with a _really_ lucky guy.
(Of whom I would be jealous.)

I don't tell them whether or not _I_ am married, so if all things in clubs were fair, I wouldn't need to know if she's married to her high school sweetheart, or dating the guy who was sitting in my very same chair three months ago today, or in a torrid lesbian love affair with the House Mom/manager of the club.

I recently (after talking about many other things with a dancer) essentially asked her (roundabout, in not so many words) how her significant other handled having her doing wild stuff with random men at the club where we were. She quickly and firmly shut down that conversation, saying that she keeps her life in the club completely separate from whatever her life outside the club was.
I understood that --- and btw did NOT negotiate with her about OTC for me!

Another place, someone else was TOO wordy about her real life beyond the club. It was too much, ruined the mood, and lost her a small stack of currency that instead stayed in my pocket that day.

As with most things in life = it depends. But most often, live in the moment, stay light and playful and flirty, play up the fantasy (without going overboard), and recognize the wonders and the limitations of the context both of you have chosen to share today/tonight.
4 years ago
I'm sure that it varies from club to club and region to region, but one aspect that hasn't been discussed yet: how Many dancers work dayshift vs nights, and who and how many are there early in the week or midweek vs the weekends.

I typically don't care to be one of multi-dozens and multi-dozens of citizens going out for Friday or Saturday night, even if there are more women also working those nights. An unfavorable great-dancer--to--paying-customers ratio means I have less likelihood of spending more and better time with the desirable dancers.

Many places, I've seen that going too early in the week, or too early in the evening, means fewer of the hottest women will be there. Sure, there are some really amazing women who go in 6x a week, so take your pick on the calendar.
But I want to be there with enough of a crowd to enhance the atmosphere (even 95% of a hottie's attention in a nearly-dead club isn't usually the best) but without 67% capacity or wall-to-wall patrons like the weekends and some late nights have.

Depending on the club and the local culture, give me a Wednesday or Thursday evening ... if I don't have localized exceptions because I have a prior texting connection with a dancer, or quality intel from Tuscl about this one place's most likely time slots, calendar columns, or days until rent payment defaults.
That "insightful" "provocative" "archived" review which you cut and pasted literally took the words right out of my mouth.

I've been to Portland, but never sampled the Monger LifeStyle there.

(I can't vouch for/against the marxist tendencies of the Oregon government officials either, but your take sounds about right...)

I ...CAN... vouch for my multiple trips to Tampa area, and (although I hope the post-covid realities align with what I remember from pre-covid tours there)there is a range of many affordable and decadent options to be had in that part of Florida.

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Mission Accomplished
4 years ago
News this week is of the myocardia problems in young men, a side effect that is happening more than random chance, this country and elsewhere. It makes me fearful for mandates that college students Must get the vax before they can be allowed on campus for Fall 2021.
It would be nice to have more long longitudinal research before a mass mandate like this becomes locked in.

Especially for all those college students who got a positive covid test during all this: remember all the in-person classes closed down? remember all the football games and basketball and all sports with games canceled or postponed? It's fairly easy to predict that someone who caught this coronavirus in 2020 or 2021 probably is already immune, naturally.
Somebody -- probably us -- will have to pay some day, if the younger gen's deaths due to side effects are more numerous than the deaths due to the virus would have been. But, more than the costs and lawsuits, the real tragedy will be the unnecessary loss of life!

(Easy new rule: If their own doctor gives them a pass, then the university should too.)
As I said.... not private. :Well,semiprivate".
No door, others able to watch for free some of what I was paying for. It definitely limits how much Fun the guy and the girl have, depending on how Friendly the dancer is willing to be.

I had a good visit. Would I have liked more? Yeah, usually