Married stripper tells you need use condoms.

You met her when she was engaged to Steve (her 3rd husband and HS sweetheart when she was cheerleader in HS in Idaho). He even proposed to her on a mountain then. You never had a gf in HS let alone a CL.
You been doing her otc and itc pay4play. Approaching 100 sessions. She says “you need to use condoms because you don’t look like Steve”. You have always used condoms with her. What wb your thoughts on this?
last commentShe's a hooker you're her customer.... You've been going along with it that long already.
But it just seems like a no win situation being jn a p4p relationship with a married woman that long
I'm not sure that Steve would like you using his name on a stripper forum. Lloyd doesn't mind though.
I don’t use real names here especially a man who is an unknowing cuck bf or husband.
deal breaker.
She’s making a joke that you didn’t find that funny? Jokes really on “Steve” maybe. She sounds like quite the cut up.
Tell her to remind Steve of all the (insert your ethnicity here) on her father’s side he has never met
===> "You never had a gf in HS let alone a CL."
Not sure what the point of this insert was, but I will say that I'm sorry that your HS experience sucked so much.
===> "She says “you need to use condoms because you don’t look like Steve”. You have always used condoms with her. What wb your thoughts on this?"
She's trying to get pregnant with Steve and doesn't want to have your kid instead. I'm guessing that it feels a bit like an extension of your HS rejections and in one sense maybe it is. Only you can decide how you process that.
But in another sense you should probably be grateful. Anyone who marries and then impregnates a headcase stripper who has already been divorced twice and has been fucking for $ is getting the shitty end of the life stick. He just doesn't know it yet.
Maybe she doesn’t want to bring an std home to Steve.
“But in another sense you should probably be grateful. Anyone who marries and then impregnates a headcase stripper who has already been divorced twice and has been fucking for $ is getting the shitty end of the life stick. He just doesn't know it yet.”
Another wise statement by Rick D. Unfortunately I’m guessing she’s probably good looking so the hubby thinks he has won the jackpot and is willing (for now) to put up with the BS that he actually knows about. Contributing with the assumption that she’s hit the OP is willing to put up with her BS as well.
I used no condom last week with a married stripper. Worth it
From a pregnancy standpoint married strippers are the safest. In most states in the kid is legally presumed to be the husband's, regardless of biological paternity. 👍
^Can our resident attorney Skibum verify the above?
It makes sense. Which is why I'm skeptical :)
@Oliver: Per Rick D., Just google “Presumption of paternity”
My first thought would be "I'm glad I've been using condoms, cause she's obviously raw dogging 'Steve' and anyone who looks like him." After that, it all depends on the scenario. If she came out of the blue with it, I might ask her if she wants to call it quits. That sort of thing is an indication that it's weighing on her or that drama is brewing. Or depending on my mood, relationship with her and familiarity with her propensity to say shit like that, I guess I could agree without putting much more thought into it or I could ask for some kind of consideration in return. You know, some kind of oral agreement, wink wink.
As far as the fatherhood thing in Florida, I'm pretty sure Rick's correct. However, presumption is a key word. There are a number of avenues for the husband to prove he was not the father, for the mother to prove someone else was, and even some for the actual father to prove he was. It's not like you can knock up a married woman and and have zero chance of being responsible for the child or that your 100% responsible to support someone else's child. The presumption just determines where the burden of proof lies. Kinda like you're presumed innocent but can still be proven guilty.
Yeah right.
Get my legal advice on Google!!
You know what they say: the client who has Google for their lawyer is a fool.
(Then again, a person who has Google for their websearch site is probably a fool too!)
Why doesn't matter what it means? If you want to bang her and she consents, just bang her and put on a rubber. Respect her boundaries.
One of my ATFs was a gorgeous married 10 who wore her big diamond engagement ring. I loved it when she’d jack me off with that ring on her hand and I’d cum all over it. She didn’t mind and said a lot of guys commented on her ring and were turned on by it.
Guy’s love getting OPP.
Idaho cheerleader?
I’ll take UCLA for $1000, Alex
No Motörhead- USC not UCLA - this what the Taliban will never understand why America is so fucking great!
===> "As far as the fatherhood thing in Florida, I'm pretty sure Rick's correct. However, presumption is a key word. There are a number of avenues for the husband to prove he was not the father, for the mother to prove someone else was, and even some for the actual father to prove he was."
From my understanding, in many places the presumption is only rebuttable if there is another man ready to step in and claim responsibility for the child and the mother is onboard. Otherwise the courts are generally disinclined to let the husband off the hook for the kid's welfare, regardless of biological paternity.
Well my point is if I have always used condoms with her who is she talking about? Is another customer getting her bareback lol?
Also she would do nude lappers w me nude on couch then w her back turned lower her butt so her pussy almost touching my hard cock. All I had to do would be shove it in, fuk hell outta her fill her w cum. But the dance would stop then would expertly put rubber on me fuk me sitting in my lap on couch fuking me. I Would literally explode few minutes later, the joy of housewife pussy. She so good at fuking.
Yes jokes on Steve he’s basically an unknowing cuck sharing his wife. I would c their fb page where they dining out or in date. Just would tell steve if he ever had called me sharing is caring lol.
===> "Well my point is if I have always used condoms with her who is she talking about? Is another customer getting her bareback lol?"
Probably. If I had to guess, she was probably saying the same thing to all her Johns. At some point in her p4p career I'm guessing that, when faced with the prospect of losing the money of a guy who balked at a condom, she decided to let him just stick it in.
Or perhaps she went off birth control and wants to get pregnant. But she suspects hubby is shooting blanks. So she wants to get knocked up by some guy who looks like her husband.
I would then fuck her on all fours - with a photo of Steve on the wall in front of her - without a condom.
Other customers have been nutting in her bareback. Since she doesn't care who you too guys beyond money she can't keep it straight and is now making every guy wear protection.
She also may have a std.
Stupid is as stupid does. BBFS with p4p is stupid.