
Hints for first time visitors to a club.

Lately I have seen far too many people visiting clubs and not having a good time. The major issue seems to be that a lot of guys haven't done enough research on the club. First and foremost you have to have a budget, stick to it, and choose the appropriate club for your budget.
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A good time can be had, no matter the budget whether it's $50, $500 or far more. Bring enough money for the cover charge, drinks, and tipping for as long as you are plan on being there. On a typical first visit I bring enough for 6 to 8 dances, and two hours of time in the club which gives me time to try a few dancers before settling on the final dancer.
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This is were research comes in. Know what you want, and then do some research and be flexible. Do you want to see hot naked ladies dancing on stage, but don't care for contact? Are you looking for good contact from decent looking girl next door type naked chicks, with super hot chicks being a bonus? What about extras? Pick the appropriate club for what you want, and once you visit be a gentleman, and be yourself. Dancers see hundreds of rude, obnoxious customers, and dozens of phoney guys. This doesn't mean being a pushover, but some class even at dives can go a long way.
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TUSCL is a good place to start for research, but isn't the only place. I browse local entertainment websites, and free independent newspapers. The free newpapers are especially useful, because they are usually not anti-strip club biased like commercial newspapers.
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As a rule of thumb, expensive high-end clubs are the worst clubs to visit. Sure they may have a lot of hot dancers, but most are tourist traps. How you are treated at the entrance also is important. Unless the majority of reviews of the club are excellent, If I am required to check my coat, or the club has a metal detector, or am frisked before I enter, or any other similar thing occurs, I avoid the club.
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Once you are in choose a seat. Some people will say that the best seat is near the stage, or near the back or near the VIP. There is really no best place to sit that works for all clubs. It depends on the club, so check out reviews if they mention this. Most reviews don't mention this, but where they do, it has helped. If you don't find any information on this, then just go to where you normally like to go.
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Once you are there then it's time to look for dancers and ask for a few dances. For some reason, many guys have trouble asking dancers for a dance. I have seen many enter a club and wait for a specic dancer to stop by. If you see a dancer you like just ask her.
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I usually wait until a dancer is on before asking her for a dance, then ask her to stop by when I tip her at the stage. This gives me a better idea on how she looks undressed, and also how she acts. However if she isn't going to be on stage for a while, such as in large clubs with dozons of dancers working, then I approach her to ask for a dance.
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One thing that most customers don't seem to know is that dancers who are sitting with a group of guys are usually bored and available, they either don't know when to give up on a group that isn't spending money or the club tells them to stay with the group. So if a dancer you want is tied up with a group, tell a waitress or bouncer you want to see her when she is available. This gives her an incentive to ask the group if they want a dance, and 9 times out of ten they don't so she'll leave to see you.
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Finding good dancers isn't that hard, if you pay attention. Generally I do not accept dances from any dancer who stops by during the first half hour my first few visits. I use this time to scope out which dancers are giving long dances, and also because the good dancers will most likely not be the first to approach you. The exception is if the dancer is very well known for giving good dances, which is why I always ask for a dancer's name whenever she approaches, that way I see if I recognize them from reviews.
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I could go on but want others to chime in.


  • boatmonkey
    14 years ago
    All very good advice! I especially second the point that a guy needs to approach a dancer if he wants her to come by and see him. I know several dancers who have days when even they can't stand the rejection they often receive when they ask a guy they don't know if he wants a dance, so do them and yourself a favor and be a man, baby, and ask for wht you want.

    I will add that once you become a regular at a club, be careful about becoming a regular of just one dancer. You will actually be treated better by all the dancers, including your favorite girl, if you keep more than one girl in your mix. A little competition keeps them on their toes and they will be more flirtatious and sexy if they know they may lose you to another girl if they don't turn you on.

  • Rod8432
    14 years ago
    Great tip about dancers sitting with a group. I've seen that a bunch of times and you're right, the dancer often looks bored - just sitting there smoking and kind of looking around. I've had waitresses ask me if they could fetch somebody for me, but I never took them on it. Going forward, I'm going to ask them if I see a sweet young thing trapped by a bunch of m'fugly PLs that I'd like to liberate.
  • nengneng
    14 years ago
    "Generally I do not accept dances from any dancer who stops by during the first half hour my first few visits."

    Good point! There was only one time when the girl I found most attractive in that club came to me first since she thought I was also the nicest. Other occasions, I just found those who approached me not attractive at all.
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    Good advice boatmonkey on being careful about being a regular of just one dancer. I tend to keep three or four favorites at a club. The only time it becomes tricky is if all my favorites are working on the same day. Most of the time this isn't a problem, since the clubs I visit try to balance the dancers between fridays and saturdays, and they are currently split pretty evenly between friday and saturday.
  • Irish1072
    14 years ago
    I somewhat agree, as for what kind of clubs to start with, there are clubs with reputation for a less desirable element. I'm a business man who would prefer to be around a better class of clientele. For the Phoenix area that is Christie's, I prefer Tempe but Phoenix is good as well. Usually a good selection accept on the rare days when there are only the younger dancers. I prefer the more mature woman. I never feel uncomfortable in this environment and that is the point isn't it.
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    Irish, I may not have been explicit enough when I said avoid expensive high end clubs. I wasn't talking about visiting dives. The so called high class glitzy clubs are tourist traps. Right below them, are the more down to earth clubs, that locals visit, and the best times with hot gals can be had. The dancers are usually around the same quality as the glitter and glitz clubs. Since there less pressure in on the dancers to make lots of money to pay for all the glitz, the dancers aren't going to be as competitive with each other, and less pushy for dances.
  • skibum609
    14 years ago
    2 points -- Say no to the first dancer who approaches you no matter what she says, no matter how she looks, etc. You'll be glad you did 95% of the time. Lastly, if you want a dancer, go get her. Even if she's sucking face with someone else you might as well ask and let her know you want her. The answer to every question you never ask is no, so whats the harm in asking??
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Excellent article. Really good advice.
  • JeffJefferson
    2 years ago
    Bumping this post up.

    The OP provides some great general wisdom, especially for the newbies who either just found us on this website, or who recently decided they want to the delights (and frustrations) out there in Strip Club World.

    Key points I find especially helpful:
    1. Set your budget (for the night/week/month) up front, and do NOT carry more than that into the club. Even if you hide the "just in case" extra $150 in a different pocket or different slot in your billfold, that bonus money IS within the amount you must be comfortable spending that night, if you bring it into the building. P.S...Never ever buy more than your budget by paying with a credit card or withdrawing from an in-house ATM. The exorbitant Club services charges will eat up money that you could have spent for an extra half-hour dancing in the back with that sultry brunette next time, if you dont succumb to urgent urge tonight after your cash is gone.

    2. Dont go to LaLaLand with the first dancer who comes over, certainly not in the first 15 minutes or so. (30 minutes might be too long of an em Argo at some clubs some nights) Get a feel for the place and the crew, decide on some potential favorites, and give a little time for the hottest/best ladies to come out of the privates they were doing when you arrived. (There may be good reason they are already back in the back??)

    3. Practice that boldness or flirtiness or extroversion when you are interested in someone (or someones). These clubs are good places to turn on the charm, even if that isnt your usual pattern elsewhere. The OP and commenters explain why, but this is an occasion to ask for what you might want, find out if it's possible, and be glad you took the Initiative, no matter what ends up happening. (Try this with everybody else too, the valet guy, cover charge woman, wait staff, managers, bouncers, maybe even the DJ.... good practice and confidence builder for you, and maybe the networking helps you out, this visit or maybe next time there.)

    I will add one of my own ideas too: 4. Even though you dont jump to the back with the first girl who approaches you, dont wait 1.5 or 2 hours to make your first purchase, be that tips or less-costly lap dances. Other than an entertainer who just arrives, the dancers notice who is spending money and who isnt. Sometimes, they will talk about this in the dressing rooms. Build a bit of a reputation that you are willing to spend some money, and you will draw more attention from the people whose attention you want to attract.

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