
Comments by SanchoRG (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Is LDK sexual assault
    I've done my share of LDKing, but the day I gotta go to the club wearing a twist tie around my ding dong is the day I hang up my hat
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    a year ago
    Pant recommendations
    Per ChatGPT The perfect pants with cargo pockets for when someone sits on your lap should be comfortable and functional. Here are some features to consider: Comfortable fabric: Look for pants made from soft and stretchy material that allows you to move comfortably. A blend of cotton and spandex or a similar stretchy material could be a good choice. Cargo pockets: Choose pants with cargo pockets that are positioned towards the sides of your legs rather than the front. This will allow the person sitting on your lap to sit comfortably without being impeded by the pockets. Flaps or zippers: Cargo pockets with flaps or zippers will keep your items secure and prevent them from falling out when someone sits on your lap. Make sure the flaps or zippers are easy to open and close. Reinforced seams: Reinforced seams on the pockets will ensure that they do not tear or rip when you sit with someone on your lap. Dark color: Choosing a dark color for your pants can help to hide any potential stains or marks that may occur when someone sits on your lap. Overall, the perfect pants with cargo pockets for when someone sits on your lap should be comfortable, functional, and able to withstand the pressure and movement that may come with having someone sit on your lap.
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    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    WW3 Coming Soon!
    I guess they do have a lot of old 152mm shells that are compatible with what Russia is using right now. They would be stupid to send those, but lets see if they try
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    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    WW3 Coming Soon!
    China doesn't have the balls. They try to be risk-averse to the max. They won't send planes. They might try to send obsolete tanks to clear out their old shit, but they have a lot to lose if they get caught. Where they will be a royal pain in the ass is sending DJI Mavic drones. This is the new chicken shit way poor countries will fight that is cheap and highly lethal and effective.
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    a year ago
    Anyone from Ohio ?
    Oops meant to write last half century
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    a year ago
    Anyone from Ohio ?
    Thank you Trump for all those railroad regulation rollbacks. Thank you 'Union Joe' Biden for your role in busting the railroad strike. Our leaders have hung us out to dry for the last half decade at least.
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    a year ago
    Crazy thing is, it's not just looking up some generic shit from Google search. It's creating this on the fly. I can click the regenerate button to get a slightly different answer. This thing cranks out content almost indistinguishable from modern content 'creators'. If we aren't already living the Dead Internet Theory we sure as fuck will be soon
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    A: "Convincing a customer to change their mind and say "yes" after they've said "no" requires effective communication and a deep understanding of their needs and concerns. Here are some steps you can take: Listen carefully to their reasons: Try to understand their perspective and the reasons behind their decision. Address their concerns: Provide information and answers to any questions or concerns they have. Show them how your product or service can meet their needs and address their issues. Offer alternatives: If their reason for saying "no" is a specific concern, consider offering alternative solutions that may be more appealing to them. Build rapport and establish trust: Building a positive relationship and establishing trust with the customer can go a long way in convincing them to change their mind. Be genuine, friendly, and empathetic in your interactions with them. Highlight the benefits: Emphasize the benefits and value that your product or service can bring to the customer. Show urgency: If appropriate, creating a sense of urgency can encourage the customer to make a decision more quickly. Follow up: After the initial conversation, follow up with the customer to see if their position has changed. Be respectful of their decision and continue to build a positive relationship with them. Remember, not every customer will say "yes," but by using these techniques, you can increase your chances of turning a "no" into a "yes.""
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Guide to 13 Phoenix strip clubs.
    Lots of words in that article that don't mean a god damn thing. ChatGPT could have probably written that generic shit and also scraped the dirty sites to add a LDK rating. Love him or hate him, Scrub has a finger on the pulse of Phoenix area clubs 100%
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Are you on Reddit ?
    I am on Reddit for sheer necessity. If I need to search something on Google, I append my search with 'reddit' so I can get perspective from an actual human that talks like a human. Not a 4 page Quora-esque article that has a paragraph of useful info, but it has good Google search engine optimization. Search engines are so shit these days
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    a year ago
    TUSCL on StripperWeb
    The site was terrible. Looked like shit on the phone, laptop, didn't matter. Was some old ass vbulletin shit
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    a year ago
    WTF? Adult young daughters lives are a trainwreck?
    "Sancho, Socrates never said that." Learned something new today! Looks like this quote was actually from Kenneth John Freeman in 1907. Those kids came out OK I think
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    WTF? Adult young daughters lives are a trainwreck?
    "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households." - Socrates Life goes on. Old people been bitching about the younger generation since Adam.
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    a year ago
    WTF? Adult young daughters lives are a trainwreck?
    The internet gives us all 'main character syndrome'. Some more than others lol. Young peoples' heads probably filled with so many fake instagram statuses that they feel like they are missing out on life. They are too young to realize that people only put their good side forward on social media, and most heavy social media users are depressed as fuck with the constant comparison to others. I only hope they learn one day to not compare themselves to others, but to their previous selves.
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    a year ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    No man on earth is truly free, All are slaves of money or necessity. Public opin
    Is anything in the universe free? Even stars need fuel
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    a year ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Saint tyre
    Elites want race baiting tactics. It's an easy way to divide us while they loot us. But by all means, pick a side if you need that illusion of choice
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    In 5-10 years, the only survivors will be Carls Jr, Starbucks and Fuddruckers as was foretold
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    USA should "Ukraine" China
    Yeah but think of the shareholders
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    a year ago
    FUCK IT!
    Lisa Marie Presley dies at 54
    Her family has an extensive history of early deaths due to heart problems. Add the drugs on top of that and while it may be tragic, it's not really surprising
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Onlyfans to hookup with pornstars/influencers
    OF girls hook up with fans sometimes, sure. Never thru the Onlyfans platform though. If OF even gets a whiff of potential prostitution, even in private messages, they will ban the model and it is not worth ruining that cash cow to pick up clients. That's why it's like Seeking where you gotta move the convo off of OF ASAP
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Kanye 2024 or 2028?
    I'm gonna go with Kanye 2024. We talking about when he's going to kill himself right?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Do you like BBC?
    Dr Who is some decent sci-fi but after hearing British accents for about 59 minutes I'm ready to shoot myself
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    2 years ago
    Joe Biden the union buster
    "That is a serious question to all those saying Biden is a thug. By the way, they also call him a pussy, so which is it?" Why not both? Exhibit a: Putin
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    2 years ago
    Joe Biden the union buster
    Put Joe Biden anywhere else on the planet and he is right wing. He has spent over 40 years fucking the American people and enriching his donors so this is 100% on brand for him.
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    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's going to happen
    Lots of fundraising and campaigning. Maybe a few power grabs with their dem accomplices like Patriot Act or Citizens United. American middle class continues to decline. They're building the pods and cooking up the bug bars as we speak