Saint tyre

avatar for mickey48066
I'm glad no one else was hurt by his reckless driving that led to the traffic stop. When are these case studies going to understand that they are not in harm's way until escalating the situation by resisting, running, grabbing for or taking an officer's weapon? Blue does a lot of dirty work and I appreciate them disposing of the trash.


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avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
This is going to be a touchy subject here that's going to inflame a lot of people. I watched the full video that was released, around 40 minutes. I also watched multiple short vids from the major news sources. As they're prone to do while pushing their agenda the major news sources have him as a totally innocent victim and the cops are already convicted.
Actually even the leaders of Memphis and the Memphis pd already has them convicted but I think some of that is controlled by their attempts to prevent further loss of life, the city burning down, and their bowing down to the woke agenda.

1. True he did resist and run.

2. Also true IMO some of the cops definitely went overboard and did beat him after he was caught and under control but not as badly as the media is making it out to be. Their actions were just as criminal and out of line as anything he did before or after he was caught. Sure they were pissed but they did abuse their power and control over him.
Just like there are good and bad civilians there are also good and bad cops. Some of those guys were bad cops.

3. I know guys and I've seen guys that took a worse beating from cops with billy clubs and survived with no permanent injuries but those incidents were before tasers and pepper spray which aren't always as non lethal as claimed.

4. We all now face a future of having this incident and the ensuing trials shoved down our throats and many people that aren't already will be brainwashed by the major media/fake news to believe everything they say, right or wrong, probably mostly wrong.

Anyway that's how I see it and I'm going to try staying out of any future discussions on this subject unless more relevant information comes out.

Resisting or not cooperating with the police should not lead to extrajudicial punishment. The police have no right to kill you or beat you because you're an asshole.

Stop justifying police abuse of power
Can a cop kill you for solicitation? During. Club raid?
Compliance is clinically proven to prevent excessive force arrests in 99.995% of cases. Tyre fled, eluded, and resisted with force. He may or may not have gone for someone's weapon. He did everything humanly possible to ensure that cops would use maximum level of physical violence when they finally got him. He caused the use of force, pepper spray, and tasers to take him down. Period.

The cops killed him, and they all need to be indicted and tried. Not just the five directly involved, but the seven or more that showed up afterward and did nothing. The kicks to the head, the baton beating, standing him up and pounding his face. That wasn't even a roust or street justice, that was a gangland beatdown. A gangland beatdown issued by black cops. What are the optics on that? This had nothing at all to do with white supremacy, institutional racism, or any of that made up bullshit. This was a failure of leadership from the top down to instill accountability, anger management, and de-escalation techniques.

I'd also like to point out that most of the protesters were holding signs labeled with communist and anarchist emblems. That is who is backing BLM, Defund, ANTIFA, and the democrat party.

When someone is hurt while he is resisting and not yet under the cops' control then it is what it is. I will always side with a cop who is in a potentially dangerous situation and is acting accordingly.

But when they beat the shit out of a guy once they have him cuffed and on the ground then all bets are off. In the video I watched they were kicking him in the head with what were no doubt tactical combat boots and beating him with a baton. That is just outrageously unacceptable. There can never be an excuse for that.

The power we give police is part of a social contract. In return for the rights to pull us over, detain us and, where necessary, use force to subdue a perp or to protect themselves, they are expected to use those powers judiciously and to never misuse them. They beat this man to death just for being a bit of a dickhead. Than cannot be tolerated because the next time it could be one of our loved ones getting hurt or even killed.
So you believe a cop can kill you for solicitation a traffic stop a club raid. And it is what it is. Or does your logic only apply to minority men who you see as a threat because of your racist tendencies?

Normal people are disgusted by extrajudicial killings
I’m with Rick and Gamma on this. Mostly anyway. If you resist, you’re going to get rougher treatment but that is in no way endorsing street justice. Cops are there to protect and serve. I read that Tyre had Krohn’s disease which had him at 6’3” or 6’4” but only 145 lbs. Five cops should be able to take him down with non lethal force. We can wait for the trials to play out but early facts look like they are guilty of murder or manslaughter.
My favorite part is where he's calling for his mother. "Mom...Mom...Mom".

That has become standard operating procedure for every hood-rat piece of garbage after they resist arrest and provoke the cops into roughing them up. It makes for good TV publicity. You might have noticed that every single channel (INCLUDING FOX NEWS) showed that part of the video repeatedly, and went out of their way to comment on the fact that he called out for his mother.

Cameras are so prevalent today that every encounter has the potential to end up on TV, and crying "Mama mama" creates immediate sympathy among the news media, and subsequently the viewing audience. Some fucking thug might have just murdered a dude and raped the guy's wife, and if the cops get rough he'll be crying for his Mommy.

Well I'm not buying it. I think it's just a strategy they teach at dirtbag school.
It's wrong what they did, but Tyre was an idiot. Who in America doesn't know that cops will beat the shit out of you and possibly kill you for running, refusing to comply, or resisting? Typically, cops who do this might get fired, and maybe maybe prosecuted. The civvie ends up on the losing end of this standoff every time.
@Mister: They beat him to death when he was cuffed and defenseless. Let's see who you call for when they're caving in your face and your ribs and you're helpless to stop it. There was no excuse for it and nobody should ever expect or condone that type of behavior from the police. All the kid did was try to run. The cops involved were the most outrageous criminals in this whole saga.
FFS they had his car and his address, which btw was just a few blocks from the pullover. Apparently they pulled him over not because he was suspected of being a drug dealer or other hardened criminal, but for supposed reckless driving - basically they thought he was intoxicated. Seriously now, how the bloody fuck did it ever get to the point that they had to beat him to death? He wasn't armed and he wasn't an especially big guy.
"All the kid did was try to run."

Let's not sugarcoat the guy's behavior. He was belligerent and argumentative when he should have just said "Yes sir" or "No sir". And when they pulled him from the car he was immediately kicking and fighting them when he should have laid down on the ground and allowed them to cuff him. When he got free he obviously wasn't hurt much because he ran like a fucking Olympian.

The guy probably didn't expect them to react as harshly as they did, but there's no question he provoked them. You don't behave that way with police and then expect to be gently escorted downtown. Yes, the cops took it much too far, and now they will face the consequences.
First, the kicking and baton beating... put'em in jail!! No justification whatsoever. They they did not render aid when it was obvious they had fucked him up really bad.

It was hard to tell from the video just at what point he was actually cuffed. They had his arms and were struggling to actually get the cuffs on him and he was resisting like crazy. They mentioned they though he was high on something. Interesting to see what the tox report says.

At some point the cops mentioned that he was trying to reach a gun. If he is trying to get a gun to use it against the cops, I give them a pass on physicality trying to stop him from getting a gun. So what happens if they are LESS physical out of fear of getting in trouble and he gets the gun and starts shooting cops. Then what?

He 100% did not deserve to die, but he put himself in the situation. Would not comply at the traffic stop (would not get out of the car). Resisted, punched the cop and ran. Once they caught him again, continued to resist, tried to grab a gun tried to escape, etc. etc. etc.

Cooperate at the traffic stop and he gets a ticket or maybe gets arrested for reckless driving. He would be home right now.
One point I forgot to mention. At some time in the video back at the traffic stop, it comes over the radio they had spotted him. One of the cops said something to the effect of "they need to beat his ass!"
@Mister: No, under no circumstances should ANYONE expect a beating once they're in cuffs. Never.
Being stupid or resisting shouldn't be a justification for extrajudicial executions
These cops know exactly what they're doing and the force they're exerting
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
There are rumors that 3 of the 5 officers in the Memphis PD beating of Tyre Nichols were members of the Vice Lords gang and under their direction.

Other gang directed beatings were reportedly found on their phones.

Recordings as proof of carrying out the beating.
“ My favorite part is where he's calling for his mother. "Mom...Mom...Mom". ”

He was yelling for his mom because he was 60 yards from his mothers house.
On another message board, I saw a cop say the beating was "completely uncalled for" and "worse than Rodney King."

I don't mind if a runner gets tackled, but there's no way to justify beating a guy who's down and cuffed.
"There are rumors that 3 of the 5 officers in the Memphis PD beating of Tyre Nichols were members of the Vice Lords gang and under their direction."

Are you allergic to attribution?
@icey: "Being stupid or resisting shouldn't be a justification for extrajudicial executions"

I'm glad you mentioned this, because I wanted to expand a bit more on this subject. I totally agree with you: stupid, resisting, etc. is by no means a justification for extrajudicial murder. It's totally fucked up, and really a bad implication about our society and its relationship with violence. Cops should not be executioners, but it seems that is what we have at times, more so if you are black.

My point was that this guy was an idiot for not understanding this. I could probably add that these cops seem like idiots as well for not understanding what they were signing themselves up for doing this on camera in the current climate.

To me this is more outrageous than the George Floyd murder - by a mile. Floyd was a serious piece of shit and his passing was a net boon to the world. The reason the cops were called in the first place was because he was harassing a shopkeeper just trying to do his job and otherwise acting out of his mind. He had a rap sheet as long as my arm which include assault with a deadly weapon and domestic violence. He hurt people and would doubtless have hurt others if he was still on this earth. But even THEN I didn't condone what the police did.

But this guy was just trying to get home at 8:30 at night. Sure he panicked and used some poor judgment, but he only ran after they pepper sprayed him while he was already on the ground. I'm just struggling to wrap my arms around how it went from a difficult traffic stop to beating a helpless man to death. It's a fucking tragedy.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
You got to love some of these media outlets trying to perform mental gymnastics to turn into a race thing. Their heads are spinning right now trying piece this all together.
^^ Exactly. This is the kind of story the media would love to ignore like it didn't even happen, but it's too big, so they're forced to report it. It goes against their usual narrative of white racist cops, so they're in a jam. It must be very frustrating and awkward for them to report the truth for a change.
avatar for dha
South Florida
2 years ago
A little respect goes a long way with police.

How stupid do you have to be not to get this?

It's not a badge of courage to be rude and belligerent with police. It's stupid arrogance.

And, nothing justifies killing someone like that.

Everyone should respect police and these incidences will become less prevalent.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
At least two out of of five Memphis police officers charged with murder in the fatal beatdown of Tyre Nichols joined the force after the department relaxed its hiring requirements.Tadarrius Bean and Demetrius Haley both joined the Memphis Police Department in Aug. 2020, NBC News reported, more than two years after the department dramatically loosened the education qualifications to become an officer.

The lower standards eliminated the education requirement that recruits have some college credit as well as allowed people with felony records to join the force.
Not only should the cops never act in such a heinous fashion, police officers themselves know that actions of this nature make the job of policing even more dangerous than it needs to be. Incidents like this add to the general paranoia that minority communities feel upon encountering a police officer and create artificial barriers to legitimate police interactions.
I haven’t watched the videos. I find that stuff disturbing. An article in the Times this morning describes that Nichol’s car was blocked in by two police vehicles when a third officer pulls up and immediately draws his gun and points it at him. The article then says the cops gave him 71 commands in 13 minutes before reporting that they had him in custody. The commands were conflicting and in some cases impossible to comply with. When he didn’t comply, they beat him, tased him and kicked him. They were wearing body cams and there are street cameras. Who knows wtf the cops were thinking but this wasn’t a case where he would’ve been fine if he just followed orders.…
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
From the NY Post

The chief of police in Memphis in charge of the five officers who fatally beat and tasered motorist Tyre Nichols was fired from a previous law enforcement job after a botched probe.

Cerelyn “CJ” Davis became the first female police chief in Memphis’ history in 2021 and is currently in the international spotlight after five cops brutally beat Tyre Nichols.

She was fired from the Atlanta police department in 2008 for her alleged involvement in a sex crimes investigation into the husband of an Atlanta police sergeant, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Two detectives accused Davis of telling them not to investigate Terrill Marion Crane, who was married to sergeant Tonya Crane after the police department obtained photos of him with underage girls.

A federal grand jury later indicted Terrill Crane on child pornography. He pleaded guilty to one count of child pornography in 2009, the newspaper reported.

The indictment was issued after Atlanta police took no action in the case and a subsequent investigation by the city pointed to Davis as the reason. Davis was demoted from major to lieutenant before being fired from the force that she had joined in 2008
The video starts from the perspective of the third officer because they asked for additional units. Tyre was refusing to get out of the car. My understanding is that turned it into a felony stop. When you refuse to follow simple commands like get out of the car the cops start wondering why. They wonder if maybe you have a gun and are waiting for them to approach.

If the guy simply got out of the car as ordered, none of this happens.
Any discussion of the police officers' behavior has to include Tyre's refusal to cooperate. The two are inextricably linked. Neither excuses the other, but there is an immutable cause and effect relationship.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
AntiFa and BLM want us to believe all cops are evil. They aren’t, but there will always be a small number of bad cops out there.

It appears that Memphis PD, through mismanagement, has more than a small number of bad cops. They’ve hired felons, possibly including gang members. That puts everyone at risk, even those who follow the rules.
avatar for dha
South Florida
2 years ago
Maybe we should be teaching children in schools to respect police like they did when I was a kid. And, parents should respect and support police and teach their children the same, like mine did.

It's not about police reform, It's about people reform. Teach people how to respond to police. Yes Sir. No Sir. I apologize for doing that. Thank you for doing what you do.

We are all required to follow the same laws. There cannot be a different set of laws for different groups of people.

Be stupid. Break the law. Suffer the consequences.

It is regretable that young man lost his life and experienced that brutality.

Stupidity has no boundaries. I feel for his parents and the families of the aggressors. Now, they have to suffer for the bad choices made that night. And so do the rest of us.

avatar for mark94
2 years ago
They beat him to death after he was handcuffed. I agree we should comply with police but it is also clear these cops were out of control.
I searched on "fuck the police guidelines"

I found lots of articles on how not to cooperate with police (within the law) and EVERY one says if they ask you to get out of your car, absolutely do it without argument, or the situation will escalate and you will receive charges.

Also learned (which makes sense) that name, address, and other identifying questions are NOT subject the right to remain silent. Refuse to show your license or give your name, you goin' to jail, bro.
I cared a lot about this situation right up until the time I started reading how "systemic racism" caused the 5 black officers to beat a black motorist to death for stupidity.
I tried to watch the full video, but I stopped as it was too disturbing.

My observations are below.
- Tyre seemed to think something was up. Even as they first pulled him from the car, he seemed highly agitated.
- Running from the scene was a bad decision. Maybe there is a statistic on how many guys actually run away and actually escape? I’m guessing that number is about 1% and those guys likely just got lucky.
- Tyre never appeared to comply, that definitely escalated the situation.
- The cops had a very difficult time getting Tyre in cuffs. I am very surprised as there were 5 cops and each appeared to be larger than Tyre.
- The punching and kicking once Tyre was in cuffs seems very inappropriate and brutal. It was awful to watch.
- Calling for his mom was because he was close to her house - and that was early in the encounter - so I don’t think it was similar to George Floyd.
- Was Tyre on drugs? He seemed to want to get away immediately, and that makes me wonder if he was trying to buy time to get drugs or booze out of his system.
- Even with body cams they were no deterrent to these cops. I’m surprised the cops did something so brutal knowing it was being recorded.
- The indifference to life displayed by the cops even after the beating was shocking. That may have been the most disturbing aspect of the whole video.
avatar for dha
South Florida
2 years ago
Mark 94, I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks those cops were justified in their actions to beat a handcuffed man or to beat him while he was down.

They will suffer the consequences. They know, as we do, they were wrong.

Simple lesson --- comply with police.
The cops seemed unqualified to be hired as police officers, unless something else, other than competence and ability was used to hire them and that is ........................................
^^ Sounds like a certain Vice President I heard something about.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Hey, geniuses, here's a thought, if it's somebody's job to enforce the law, maybe they should follow the law themselves?

The law says the police may use reasonable force to capture and restrain someone resisting/fleeing arrest, and in defense of themselves or others. That's not consistent with saying that people should expect to be killed or beaten simply for not obeying police commands. Only takes a couple of brain cells to understand this.

America is awash with guns. If all the cops need to say is "they could have been reaching for a gun", that gives them license to just mow us all down with belt-fed machine guns. That's why good cops in the US deserve special admiration. Our gun rights make their job much more dangerous.
Will this be the event that moderate liberals wake up and finally say the race baiting tactics of Jemele Hill, Shaun King, Whoopi Goldberg, Al Sharpton and Don Lemon are shamefully disgusting

To interject white supremacy and institutional racism under these circumstances only to further push their narrative is over the top even for these ass clowns
Liberals want race baiting tactics. Its part of their plan and is based on Charles Manson's Helter Skelter theory.
avatar for SanchoRG
2 years ago
Elites want race baiting tactics. It's an easy way to divide us while they loot us. But by all means, pick a side if you need that illusion of choice
Saw two things on the news from some pastor in Memphis.

1. Why was the white cop (who was only at the traffic stop) not fired?

2. This is racism because the black cops are pawns of the White Supremacist Police Complex.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
There were many, many black officers in the security forces of the Apartheid government in South Africa. Hiring black officers, by itself, doesn't mean the system isn't racist.
Motörhead - it’s offensive to Ass Clowns to lump them in with that group!

I think folks might not remember how Al Sharpton rose to fame. It was because of Tawana Brawley and her fake claims - trying to incite race based uprisings.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Meanwhile, in London, diversity goals are causing the hiring of police officers who can’t read English.…

At least they have the right skin colour.
You also need to factor in that blacks being pulled over 2, 3 or even 4 times a week “just because” gets really old and when you do get out of the car get cracked on the head for a smart assed remark or kicked in the groin cause you don’t answer quick enough might make you less quick to comply with dick headed cops.

One of the things that has come to light in the last 24 hours is that the dash cams of the first officers cannot substantiate the claim that Tyre was driving recklessly. That might have been a bullshit story cooked up after the fact to justify what happened.

We might also contemplate on the impact of progressives demanding that police officers look more like the community and the resulting severe lowering of standards that brought us at least 2 of these cops. Progressives demand that black cops be hired to police the black comm unity and then when things go bad, cry racism.
===> "Simple lesson --- comply with police."

Wrong. This is NOT the lesson. There is no universe where what this moron did should have resulted in a savage beating once he was caught and defenseless. None. Fucking period.

For all they knew this guy might have had mental health issues which led to his panic. All of that would normally be sorted out after he was caught and charged with resisting and whatever else applied. The onus was on the cops to behave like professionals. There were no aggravating factors to kick them into high defensive gear. The guy wasn't armed and there were no warrants out on him. Heck he had no criminal record at all. They had his damned car and knew he lived a few blocks away. This was just a simple traffic stop that went horribly wrong.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Along with rumors that 2 of the 5 are associated with the Vice Lords gang, there were claims that radio traffic indicated they were looking for Tyre before the traffic incident. I have no idea whether any of that is true. Hopefully, we find out.
Whenever something bad happens to a black person, it's the fault of the racist system. Time to stop listening. These cops were bad guys, like Derek Chauvin. Liberal politics gave them badges and power. Not racism at all. Just bad guys, drunk with power.
^^ more ritarded statements from SkiDumb. His comments always has to center around something political or racial. Can’t
Just take something for what it is, a human mistake centered around something he knows too much about, stupidity and ignorance.
In many cases, I'm going to support the notion that if one just complies with LEO, one won't have a problem. Except that notion has been proven wrong time and time again. And if the reports claiming that somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 command in 13 minutes from 5 different cops is true, I don't see how he had a chance in hell of complying.

I did notice that the Blue Lives Matter crowd has been pretty silent on this one, though, as was the union. And you know that if there was any doubt about their misconduct, the union would be all over it.

Hell, most of the time, even if misconduct is *clear*, the union is all over it.
Blue Lives Matter has nothing to do with this case. This guy did not present a clear and present danger to law enforcement (unlike the Ferguson, MO shooting). Just as institutional racism and the Easter bunny have nothing to do with it. These five cops, and many who showed up later, were completely and indefensibly wrong in what they did. For the Union to jump to their defense would be an insult to the hundreds of uniformed blue professionals who they also represent. The guy resisted, the guy ran, the guy refused to comply, but for fuck's sake there were five of them. Had they not been so eager to tase and pepper spray him, they could have easily held him down and cuffed and tossed him in the back of a cruiser. Plenty of seasoned and senior LEO have said that was a complete and total breach of policy, protoco, and chain of command. Tyre Nichols tried to fight back like a thug, the cops acted like thugs (and probably were), and now everybody's life is lost and fucked up. Well done. There is nothing to protest. The BLM community needs to absorb lessons on the importance of not resisting and fleeing. The LEO community needs to learn and implement lessons on anger management, de-escalation, and use of force.
I am so sorry you got stuck being you MATE. Cry like a little bitch some more fake rich guy. Lol, what a schmuck.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Sir Maejor, an ethnically black actor and model tweeted Monday that “I am being told that Tyre Nichols was in a relationship with and worked at a Memphis @FedEx with #MemphisPolice Demetrius Halys’s ex-girlfriend & baby mama.” Not only that, but “After the beating Officer Halys took a pictures of #TyreNichols face and sent it to his babymama.”
@gammanu95: "Blue Lives Matter has nothing to do with this case."

Exactly my point. If these were white cops, and the horrible criminal had fled in the same manner, Blue Lives Matter would have been all over it.

They're a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
The Memphis police department released documents where they are petitioning to have the cops decertified so that they cannot be employed in TN law enforcement in the future. There are some facts that reinforce what a shitty situation this was.

- the cops did not tell Nichols why they pulled him over before ordering him out of the car (looks like the reckless driving was BS after the fact excuse)

- they either never turned on their body cams, or if they did, they took them off their bodies and left them running in a place where they couldn’t capture the beating

- one cop took cell phone pics of a beaten Nichols and shared it to other cops and a ‘female acquaintance’

- cops were laughing and bragging about the beating and then misled investigators

- the police dept description of Nichols is ‘a nonviolent, unarmed subject who posed no significant threat to the officers.’

- officers’ accounts of the incident were inaccurate or inconsistent

- an officer is heard on video saying ‘let my gun go’ but video evidence shows this was not what was happening

These guys are shitbags. They should be put to death by beating.…

^ Memphis changed the standards required to hire officers for a racially motivated reason. It backfired. George is only 100% wrong. Blue lives matter is a response to progressives and another community's view that the life of a police officer is valueless compared to the life of a thug. Has nothing to do with this case at all. Nothing, except for, well, except for nothing.
@gmd: In think we got Blue Lives Matter and black lies matter mixed up, but no matter. I think we know what we mean we're both right.
My mistake, i mixed you up with a different fat, creepy, pervert. You are wrong. You are 100% in error. Blue lives matter is not involved because what the cops did was indefensible. It would be juat as indefensible if they were all white or trans or a mix of all ethnic groups. I an sorry that your liberal rage blinds you to obvious truths.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Floyds killing wasnt proven to be the cops fault, and it wasnt an intentional killing even then, he was being restrained. steve crowder has reenacted the same restraint for longer time with more weight on him and he didnt die. He had an easy life and got off easy for his crimes, cops if they knew of his record had the right to get violent with him.

And this case could be the fault of the cops, and it could easily be a personal issue one or some of the cops had with the guy. It still doesnt reflect on cops in general
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