
TUSCL on StripperWeb

Now that Stripperweb is done, I was curious I know some of you guys were on there. azdd, rickdugan, minnow, chili palmer, I think Subraman too. (And some people got banned I saw that thread on here about Yoda banning Papi and Papi flipped out) How was that experience for you guys? You meet anyone off there? Any big time beefs? The girls on there seemed to hate "the blues" as men are called. I think the men were only allowed to post in one section if I understand it right. For those that were on there can enlighten us a little bit? I know even some of the guys on here shit on the guys that were over there. Maybe Nicespice can give us the lowdown.


  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    Kinda like asking a guy how things went down in a girl’s locker room. Totally different experience and generally the only way you’d be accepted would be to pander to their beliefs and opinions. I think it’s why Dugan was so opposed by their members.
  • azdd
    2 years ago
    The blue side of the site was for the guys, with a few dancers joining in the discussion. What I liked about the site’s structure was that threads could have a life of their own and survive for years. There was an Arizona clubs thread that collected a lot of good information. The Holy Grail thread was a treasure trove of OTC advice. Just like this site, probably 90% of the posts were by 10% or fewer of the members. There were fewer trolls for sure. I discovered the SW identifies of a few Phoenix dancers I knew, they were generally pretty cool about it. But the bottom line was that SW was at its core a site for dancers, and customers were only tolerated.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    I would read the discussions there. A lot of the advice the dancers were giving each other there seemed like bad advice. It reminded me of the advice being given out on male pickup artist blogs. It involved various forms of psychological manipulation of males. What I have always seen in strip clubs is that male customers just gravitate to the prettiest strippers and all those girls need to do is be friendly to make money.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    The guys on TUSCL who posted ove there sounded way different. This guy wallanon included.

    I didn't post much, because it got a little tiresome when there was always some militant one trying to grill me if I asked a question. Plus if I wanted to know what strippers thought about something I could just ask any of one of many strippers I talk with regularly about their take. Why deal with a bunch of posers causing problems when I didn't need to?
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    ^^^ this!
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    I first joined SW around the same time I joined TUSCL and for a while it was pretty interesting. I even met up with a couple of dancers off that site in the early years, which for me were 2010 – 2012. I also found some very good intel on a handful of clubs that were not well reviewed on TUSCL.

    But they just suffered too many self-inflicted wounds to ever remain a truly good resource for dancers. Some say it was an in-person dust up between The Other Owner (aka TOO) and a dancer that was the beginning of the end for that site, at which point a number of dancers followed the complainant to another site. But truth be told it was already well into decline leading up to that moment.

    The problem IMO is that they let a combination of a few bitter burnouts and some people who were no doubt industry participants dictate the messaging. Candid conversations about the realities of dealing with customers simply stopped happening because each time a girl said something that deviated from what they viewed was acceptable, all hell would break loose. Worse though, when the OP pushed back, they would ban her rather than her attackers.

    They were also quick to ban girls who just had bad/over-emotional moments. Seriously now, a girl who was a bit drunk and had a bad night at the club should have earned a little understanding and slack. Dancer support was what the site was supposed to be for. But instead they’d drop the ban hammer. You’d think that they could have built in a process like a 24 hour cooling period or some other temporary ban, but it was zero tolerance all the way.

    So after operating like this for a number of years, they successfully drove off almost all the active dancers on the site and doubtlessly discouraged a large number of lurkers from joining in. As the boards on Reddit make clear, there is certainly demand for a forum on which to discuss these things. As a dedicated forum with a lot of discussion history, SW was perfectly positioned to meet that demand, but they were just too stupid and inflexible to be able to make it work.
  • SanchoRG
    2 years ago
    The site was terrible. Looked like shit on the phone, laptop, didn't matter. Was some old ass vbulletin shit
  • rockie
    2 years ago
    I was on there from 2007 to 2014 fairly regularly. In SW's original format the discussion groups were not as anti customer, as the site became over time. In SW's early days they also had a forum that offered free flowing thoughts, opinion, and arguments about many topics but the dialogue was not documented for public review. There was a strong contingent of puritanical strippers that did indeed chastise and demonize any conversation on extras and did not play nice amongst themselves. Mate: RD has always put forth strong opinions, but was never banned until the SW was closing down. That site banned many over the years (including moderators).
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    ^Agree with Sancho's take. I logged onto it a couple of times, but it just hurt to look at it.
  • 59
    2 years ago
    I didn't find it very useful due to the anticustomer attitude. Did meet one of the girls at her club, initially it felt a little odd like a blind date. Gave her info on a couple other clubs over the years and have seen her at 3 other clubs. She got a big girl job and only moonlights about once a month. Has some regulars who compensate her well to make it worth her while. Minimal contact girl, I do enjoy our conversations.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I’ve had an account since about 2002, and I’ve lurked most of that time. They strongly discourage men/customers from any honest comments.

    If you want to get banned quickly for having a penis, this is your site.

    The blue side - or customer side - was interesting but it was still not as informative as TUSCL.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I think most of the websites have a tendency to become less informative over time, it usually starts with a clique taking over the site and mandating the views that are acceptable. It’s happening here as well, and the number of regular posters seems to be declining, I attribute that to the three or four as holes that incessantly attack and try to make each thread all about themselves.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    20fag describing himself and the geriatric trick clique on here 🤡🤡🤡
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    "taking over the site and mandating the views that are acceptable"

    Right, like demanding who should be banned? Labelling people who disagree with you? Running to the moderators whenever your feelings get hurt? Making up lies and false accusations against people who demonstrate how and when you are wrong or ill-informed? Having a temper tantrum when you don't get your way?

    Yes, those people are toxic to any site.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Right on cue two of the dancing monkeys jump in to make my point for me.
    Thank You
  • mickey48066
    2 years ago
    Didn't that dumb fuck 25 threaten to leave the site? Guess the need to keep trolling was too strong. What a loser.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^Who’s sock poppet is this reject
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    20fag you described yourself
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    I have a Reddit account for adult activities and a separate account for everything else. The everything-else account is more useful.

    Strip club, SA, etc., is very local, and Reddit isn't always great at local information (not just for adult stuff).
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    ^ Dammit. This was meant for the Reddit thread. I'll show myself to the door, thanks.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    I’ve seen quite a few dancers from stripperweb and recognized them somewhere else on social media before. Or I’ll recognize some when a dancer has ventured on this site. The titty bar discussion world is a tiny one.

    I liked stripperweb and I still miss it. As far as man hating goes, I remember when most of the worst rhetoric was on tumblr. People on here trashed stripperweb, but it was nothing compared to over there. Heck, I remember even blahblahblah23 made a comment once about how much hateful rhetoric there was. BUT the tumblr strippers were also the first to start jabbing at the “dinosaur” strippers who claimed all they do is air dances and paved the way for it to be okay to talk about doing high mileage and extras. (Especially when Bodak Yellow from Cardi B was released in 2017). And that sentiment moved over to other social media sites and even towards the end, the dinosaur stripperweb community tolerated more posts like that (within reason.) And with both of those things combined…
    Congrats! Your blowjob atf might be posting online how much she hates you. (While you, of course, are posting to other people on here what car she drives, etc)
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    Well if you ever see my ATF posting online about how much she hates me then let me know. That way I can fire her. I don't mind her resenting me, but would like the bad feelings to stay between us lol.
  • minnow
    2 years ago
    Thanks for the heads up Muddy, which shows how little I've been on SW lately. I've met ~ 10 pinkies over the years (mostly 2008 - 2012 timeframe. most of them cool, a few not so much). I just lost interest when stripperweb became more like camgirl web, with the later group having far more posts than actual club dancers.

    I have virtually no interest in paying to watch women cam, so there it is.
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