Joe Biden the union buster

Who would have thought a corporate capitalist that has been in DC for decades would side with billionaires over workers. Just shocked! What do you all think about that bullshit? Political chess? Incompetence? Tongue fucking his rich donors? Is he doing the right thing?
Just pathetic.
Right there is why we need to protect our borders. Say less. Realizing that having people here who actually would vote for less government is such a rare thing and the rest of the world is FUCKING STUPID!!!!!!!
As far as Biden - he is left of center. If you look at his legislative record there is a ton of stuff that helps average Americans, and many bills including the recent IRA that raise taxes on the wealthy and large corporations. Portraying him as favoring the rich over average workers is nonsense. The government is stepping in as a last resort to avert a rail strike by enforcing a deal that a majority of the unions already voted to approve.
The country can’t have a freight strike now - would really fuck up the supply chain and economy. He burned some political capital going against the rail unions who he usually panders to.
That is a serious question to all those saying Biden is a thug. By the way, they also call him a pussy, so which is it?
Why not both? Exhibit a: Putin