
Comments by TFP (page 89)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Gynecology student
    Preferred means of messaging
    I know I can just Google it but I'm lazy. What's Signal? Never heard of it.
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    6 years ago
    Gynecology student
    Preferred means of messaging
    I'm curious as well. Looking forward to see answers from folks with experience. From browsing threads on here in the past I saw snapchat, and text with a different number from an app like textnow was popular. Our favorite busty blonde on here prefers Kik. Down in Mexico the girls prefer to use whatsapp. Doesn't seem to be any Amazon type choice for messaging though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I never realized how much crap was in the old forum
    Also agree. When I jump to this side of the forum the posts are on topic and informative. Even if any posts are off topic, it's off topic regarding good stuff. Not someone breaking the discussion to flame another user. Or to enter just to post some deragotory line he copy pastes in every thread regarding a subject. Looking forward to having calmer and .......what's that word that Papi said couldn't be achieved on TUSCL.....civil conversations on here.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT Walmart
    Must be different in Florida. Here in CA everyone leaving gets checked, doesn't matter who you are.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    I agree that this change sounds like it sucks for the girls. I know my CF, who had been dancing for almost a decade at the same SF club, up and left for Reno right around the time they made the switch. I haven't been to the club since then but I am very curious to how the vibe will feel now vs before this switch. If the best looking girls do leave my favorite clubs then I guess I'll just be back to doing my SCing only on out of town trips to good SC areas.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT Walmart
    Ordering from Amazon, someone will just steal the package from your porch unless you have a pretty secure place. Headaches with all methods of shopping these days.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    The Deal Breaker
    My deal breakers: Flat chested. She could have the prettiest face in the world and the greatest looking ass but if I don't see some nice big boobs I can't do it. Which brings me to..... A flat ass. She could have the greatest tits in the world, but if her ass is like a pancake then I still can't do it. At least have a little something back there. Not even a lot, but something, anything. Body odor or reeks of cigarette smoke. I don't mind her smelling like weed though lol. Asks for a tip before the dance even begins. I'm cool, I'll find someone else. Too many bad experiences with those types. Too many tattoos. I actually don't mind a moderate amount. But when they start looking like MS-13 members where you can't even tell what color their flesh is, then no thanks.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    This Ass(es) is for you
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Entry to the Dancer Lounge
    Haha I don't doubt that there'd be trolls willing to go through all that shit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Discsussion Rooms
    Ah, my mistake. Trapbaby is an unverified dancer. Could have sworn it said verified earlier.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Discsussion Rooms
    As long as Founder is able to keep the troll accounts out of the dancer section then that would be cool. I noticed that Trapbaby is listed as a verified dancer when myself and others have long suspected that is just Iceyloco under an alias. If Founder somehow verified that she is indeed a dancer and not just a dude faking as a dancer then that's cool. Otherwise if trolls are able to weasel into that section then it might be all for naught.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Welcome to the VIP
    Haha SJG doesn't want to be freed. He's had all these years to just write one review, still won't do it. And when you try to get him to leave the confines of his mom's basement and get out to TJ or Vegas he starts screaming about his privacy walls and dead squirrels. So I think he's content to keep talking to himself in the front room. At least Icey has shown interest in writing a review, when before all he used to say was he didn't want to since LE was watching the board. Seems to have changed his tune with the addition of this VIP section.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Welcome to the VIP
    ^^^well said. Liwet that's how it's always been in terms of access to the review section. Contribute or pay to gain access. This section is now just like that. All I know is, I enjoy a section without Nicole, Icey, or SJG spamming the shit up. Only issue now is there's less content in here to read. But it's brand new at this point so I'll see how it turns out.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    More new Features
    That is funny, but makes sense. In the past I'd have someone on ignore and they'd respond to stuff I posted. Then someone else would respond to their post that I couldn't see. Curiosity would get the best of me and I'd log out to see what they posted. I guess this will prevent that type of situation from happening.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Welcome to the VIP
    Like everyone else said, I hope this works as intended. My main hope is that this doesn't give some of these trolls that look like they spend all their time on this site the incentive to write a review.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What goes around comes around
    When perfume is the taboo
    A host at Centerfolds in SF would keep a collection of hot towels soaked in rubbing alcohol. He offered it to me after a VIP one time and said it was 'to remove the evidence'. That shit worked like a charm! Rubbed my hands, wrists, and face with it. No scent of perfume after that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Blonde bombshell speaks my mind so many times.... We have such a similar sex dri
    I know the line and which movie, but you said it wrong. It's "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??!!"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Los Angeles
    I got played (full story)
    Oh ok, my mistake. Well shit, I feel the same way as Cristobal then. I'd rather fuck and feel dirty afterwards then just suck on some tits and get strung along and stood up for a date.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Los Angeles
    I got played (full story)
    Guys, I think when he said that strippers usually fuck him and he feels dirty afterwards, he means that they usually screw him over by having him pay a bunch of money and then giving no kind of mileage so he feels dirty and used. But this girl actually let him suck on her tits so she didnt fuck him over. Still, the girl giving you her number is the oldest trick in the stripper book. It's 99% because she wants to text you to come back to the club and blow more money on her. I mean damn, how many more stripper phone number threads does Flagooner have to make for guys to get the point? Just find another girl, that's the beauty of the club. You just met her that day so you couldn't have fallen that much for her already, right?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    DC so you really believe Trapbaby isn't Iceyloco? That one instance of him 'defending' you from 'her' just looked like an attempt to trick people. Seems it only worked on you. Or who knows, maybe CMI is right and Icey/Trapbaby are the same person and a girl, not a boy. Whatever. Shit's all entertainment at this point.