The Deal Breaker

avatar for Cristobal
Recently, I met the dancer who checked all the boxes for me but as we were getting to know each other her phone rang and I could clearly see her lock screen had a picture of her and her significant other cuddling, so I tipped her and left.

I'm not naive to believe that dancers don't have significant others but I don't want to hear or see them, it's one of my deal breakers.

Do you have any deal breakers? Feel free to discuss my and your deal breakers.


last comment
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
That’s a funny scenario, and you lived it out!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
- shitty attitude

- low-mileage/GPS

avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
They smoke. That just really turns me off. If they do, they need to make sure I don't see them.
avatar for Lovelyeast
6 years ago
I think you're spot on it kills the fantasy
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
+1 to Papi’s list.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

Yeah, it is funny in hindsight but not in the moment as I was all revved up and ready to go and to see that was completely deflating.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

Exactly, it kills the fantasy.

How would she like it that instead of paying for our drinks with $100s and $20s, we used coupons and spare change, I'm sure her fantasy would be ruined.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
For me, the lockscreen with her boyfriend would not be a deal killer. I'd wonder about her judgement, although balancing that off, strippers who make poor choices sometimes work out very well for me :) But definitely not a deal killer

Among the things that are deal killers for me:

Ghetto attitude or affects

Some piercings: eyebrow, face, and septum are examples of instant deal-killers for me

Some tattoos: many neck or face tattoos, and sometimes full sleeves

Fake ass

Doesn't drink alcohol
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Deal breakers
1. Flat chested
2. Poor blowjob skills
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

I don't think poor bj skills can be a deal breaker, since to give you a bj the deal must be consummated.

A deal breaker is something you see, smell, hear or touch before you get intimate.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

Smoking used be a deal breaker but then I was so attracted to a dancer who I saw smoked that I overlooked it and she rocked my world.
avatar for abqspencer
6 years ago
the "wanna dance" girls who just walk up with no stripper game and ask that. At least keep the illusion alive, sit for a minute or three, and chat me up first.
avatar for nofuglies
6 years ago
- droopy/saggy tits
- fake ass
- stomach pooch (even a little)
- nose rings
- dreadlocks
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Hate the boyfriend thing
Fake asses should be illegal
ROB should really go without saying
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Not 100% deal-breaker but enough of a turnoff to often pass:

- approaching me puffing on a cigarette

- fake tits

The rest of her better be too-good to pass up in order for the above to not disqualify her
avatar for xpando
6 years ago
Calls me "Honey" or Hun
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Girls that don’t swallow major deal breaker
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Me somehow becoming aware of a dancer's S.O. (pic, talking about him, etc) would affect me early-on when I was a greener-PL - and her mentioning she was into girls was also a turnoff for me.personally.

But these days I don't expect much beyond her entertaining me well and giving me fair value for my investment - I personally feel I should not expect more than that - IMO most dancers are already selling their dignity per se to satisfy my monger-appetite and I don't feel they owe me anything beyond that nor do I think I should expect it.

And I assume most of them will have an S.O. by virtue of being young and hot and perhaps promiscuous or a party-girl that comes into contact with a lot of guys her age - and yes I know all this doesn't apply to every dancer but probably many if not most.

For me it's futile and/or counterproductive to let that bother me and perhaps pass up on some great dancers.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
She has a penis - and to add insult to injury it's way bigger than mine
avatar for dancewdcpa
6 years ago
Lol Papi...

Agree dealbreakers are fake ass or real dick...
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Papi's initial list is sort of universal in my opinion, but still good. I can't imagine that there's a PL who is neutral regarding ROBs.

For me:

- Body odor (including reeking of cigarettes)
- Bad breath

Seeing the phone wallpaper of her boyfriend...? Meh. That's not great, but also not a deal breaker.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
My deal breakers:

Flat chested. She could have the prettiest face in the world and the greatest looking ass but if I don't see some nice big boobs I can't do it. Which brings me to.....

A flat ass. She could have the greatest tits in the world, but if her ass is like a pancake then I still can't do it. At least have a little something back there. Not even a lot, but something, anything.

Body odor or reeks of cigarette smoke. I don't mind her smelling like weed though lol.

Asks for a tip before the dance even begins. I'm cool, I'll find someone else. Too many bad experiences with those types.

Too many tattoos. I actually don't mind a moderate amount. But when they start looking like MS-13 members where you can't even tell what color their flesh is, then no thanks.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
--Cosmetic surgery of any kind, especially breast enhancement and lip enhancement.

--Tried really hard to look at septum rings as some sort of expression of individuality. But simply can't stand them, as always.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Dancers that ask for pre-payment in non pre-pay clubs - the few times I did it it did not turn out well, they were either ROBs or just bad-dancers -good/experienced dancers usually don't resort to this
avatar for bbbgoodtimes
6 years ago
Nofuglies is pretty close to mine...

Saggy tits
Fake ass
Stomach pooch

A year ago I wouldn’t have liked too many piercings on tattoos- but I’ve given them a chance and been pleasantly surprised more often than not. Same thing with girls that tell me they have kids. Generally I think my deal breaker list is shrinking- yet I don’t think I’m lowering my standards.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Dancers than make you wait till at least song #2, or more, b/f they take off anything or let you touch - one & done - if I'm paying full-price for a dance I expect a full dance
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
These would have been so much easier to list if I'd just stuck with ITC like I used to. Writing a list with OTC factored in is like like doing a self-intervention.
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
And seeing some other dude on a stripper's phone is no biggie. Seeing myself on a stripper's phone would be more problematic.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

I don't really care if she has a significant other or not but at the club when she is working I don't want to see or hear about him.

Over the past few months I've gotten pass some of my former deal breakers (tattoos, braces, smoking, kids) more interested in my jollies than my hangups.

Perhaps, this too shall pass but as of now seeing or hearing about a significant other is one of my deal breakers.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Cigarettes; bad breath; too much perfume; always selling; tells me how great she is; sits down uninvited; "do you like chocolate" as an opening line; starts telling me she's more into girls than guys.
avatar for George123789
6 years ago
Mine are attitude and poor hygiene. Awhile back I had a 22yo blond with a perfect body ready to agree to otc on a regular schedule at her apt w/o a lot of messing around. My little head told me to investigate with a private dance. Damn her bikini region stunk of piss, feces and stale pussy - quickly got out of that!
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
In addition to smoking, bad hygiene, and too much perfume, I would also add glitter.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Glitter is horrible, even if you don't have a wife / girlfriend to worry about.
avatar for crosscheck
6 years ago
Have to agree with the immediate "wannadance?" That's a great way to turn me off immediately.

Also agreed about the glitter. That shit's like radiation, once it gets in, you cannot get it out. At least not for a long damn while.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

I had a similar experience at a new club, the dancer was a hot, latina spinner but I decided to go for the test drive and her pussy smelled rotten, I could not wait for the dance to end.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
The "wannadance" is not alaways a deal breaker for me because sometimes you were eyeballing a certain dancer but she is busy, so when they do the roll call she comes over and does the "wanna dance" and I try to use it at as my opportunity to invite her to sit down and see what fun we can have.
avatar for aham5
6 years ago
You guys are too picky.

Half of you just described my first 2 wives!

Deal breakers for me are fuggly or stinky.
avatar for IRman
6 years ago
Definitely agree with stinky and flat chested and additionally the following:. Bad teeth, bad breath, and dancers who feel the need to place a scarf or hankerchief down each time they sit anywhere in the club. Usually a sign to me that you're not gonna get anywhere with them mileage-wise !
avatar for loper
6 years ago
What's wrong with a stripper calling you "Honey?"
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Bad attitude.
Fake tits/ass.
Too fat.
Hygiene issues,
Obvious opiate use.
SO in the club.
Wearing glitter or heavy perfume.

Too many tats.
WOC (no offense, but I am not attracted to most of them).
Flat/skinny ass.
Stop by 4 other guys before coming to me.
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
This doesn’t happen often but occasionally there is a political stripper that wants to talk politics. Regardless whether I agree or not, that’s the last thing I want to do in a club. If she starts that early, it’s easy to move on, not waste time and not spend money.

But it happened once to me in VIP last fall. I’m polite to a fault but I stopped her and reminded her that unless she wanted to pay me her rates to listen to her rant, we needed to correct course in VIP. It turned out ok but only ok.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

That's hilarious, a VIP room political discussion
avatar for 3LeggedMan
6 years ago
Evil-smelling pussy
Meth-addict teeth
Very short hair
Un-tamed bush region
Nipple, tongue, and/or facial piercings

Any woman with 3 or more of the above should be deported, IMHO.
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
A. Gets upset with me because something I said reminded her of something another guy said that made her angry. Tries to start an argument about it.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
A dancer with braces was a deal breaker, it conjured up images of underage girls and reminded me of my awkward experiences with my first HS GF.

However, after a few visits to TJ I noticed many of the dancers had braces and I realized that I'm denying myself a lot of great experiences because of braces.

So on my next visit I found the first cute brace face and she helped me cross braces off my deal breaker list.

I've been able to also get past tattoos and smoking via similar method.
avatar for GoVikings
6 years ago
smoking and a bad attitude:

smoking is self explanatory. the reason a bad attitude is a deal breaker no matter how hot the girl because i'm at the club to have a good time and the last thing i want is a dancer with a bad attitude. in my experience, most dancers have what i would call a "neutral" attitude. meaning, they aren't thrilled to be there, but they also don't have an attitude that turns me off. a bad attitude is not something you see too often, IMO. i think they have enough common sense to know that its counter-productive.

what's really awesome is when you run into a dancer who has a good attitude. in my experience, this is unusual, but these are the girls who are good at GFE and genuinely seem like they're really into you. i know they aren't, but they make it seem that way. i guess they're just good at their job. there are 2 girls i've interacted with at my fav local club who are like this and i notice i always have a really good time with them, despite there being a couple of other girls in the club that i find hotter
avatar for gammanu95
6 years ago
Apart from the typical deal breakers like too fat, ugly, bo, breath etc., my quirk deal-breaker is accents - particularly a New England accent. From Maine to Maryland they all sound like nails on a chalkboard to me. For whatever reason, the Metairie and Chalmette accents sound similar enough to be unacceptable (if you're from there, you know).

When I was at Spearmint Rhino in WPB, I met a stripper with a porn star body - big fake titties (but supple and well-done), with a ballerina-tight waist and hips. She was a bit older than I take them, but a damned near perfect body. I just could not get past that New York accent.
avatar for chessmaster
6 years ago
Flat ass is a deal breaker.

Cheap outfits are almost a deal breaker unless they're a 9(which doesn't happen so...)

Most face tats and septum piercings are deal breakers.
avatar for playfulsteve
6 years ago
Pussy stank, bad breath (I don't include I'm a smoker), and air dances...... the rest is par for the course in one form or another.....
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

I didn't think voice/accent was a deal breaker for me but I recently met two dancers that their voice/accent was almost a deal breaker.

The first was a fit/bikini model type with a feminine muscular build whose voice was just a little deeper than I used to, so much I was wondering if she/he had a bigger junior than me.

After some flirtatious conversation I was willing to find out and to my delight she was just a very fit woman.

The second dancer had a strange accent which I found annoying everytime she spoke so much that despite her body being a solid 9 and her face a borderline 8, I was ready to go because of her annoying accent.

I convinced myself I was there for the extras and not the conversation and she was a 10 on the extras, I'm glad I got past that annoying accent.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
huge deal breaker... if she’s older than me.
(or even halfway close.)
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

I would say, if she looks older than me
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