
Trump walks away from bad deal

slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Trump doesn't accept anything less than full NoKo disarmament. That's what winning looks like.


  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    Well, what a different interpretation from what I've been seeing on news sites and Facebook. Because he walked away he obviously is a fool in incapable of being president. Lol
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    In any negotiation, you have to be willing to walk away to get what you want. Cudos to Trump. North Korea has a heck of a lot to gain if they reach an agreement, so the pressure is on them.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I don't get it. I thought good leadership was setting conditions and then backing down when the conditions are not met.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    My comments when it relates to reporting on the current president and his actions have been as follows---Trump=Bad....anyone else doing the same thing or accomplishing 50% of what he did/does = Good.

    This information brought to you by MSNBC and the Rachael Madcow society of liberal bias.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    I guess this is the Red thread? How is this a victory? We’re supposed to be happy that we are neither at war with a nuclear power and that we didn’t sign a bad deal? How the fuck does that count as a win? Isn’t that where we’ve been the last 20 years?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    ^^^ He's not wrong.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "This information brought to you by MSNBC and the Rachael Madcow society of liberal bias."
    Yes, @Warrenboy -- and Paul Krugman won a Nobel Peace Prize, as worthless as toilet paper. If only we could all be so objective.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    RM--you really do have a problem with reading and comprehension.

    And if you read Krugman's work I ask you the same thing I did prior....please provide me your credit card and I will spend you out of debt.........among other lunacy that was in his composition.

    Going forward I stand corrected this information is brought to you by MSNBC and the Rachael Madcow society of liberal bias; charter member Random Member accounted for.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @Warrenboy- You got facts wrong about Krugman and even Fox News wouldn't make such an idiotic error. It shows your utter lack of objectivity and makes me wonder where you get your information. It's a pattern with you, so stop lecturing us about our objectivity.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    there's no deal to make. The North Koreans have a right to do whatever they want, its none of our business what system they choose.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I don't see it as a "win" but it is certainly not a "loss".

    Obama never would have imposed sanctions in the first place. In this situation, he would have been fine with them continuing limited testing and would have eased if not cancelled the sactions outright.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Even Fox news.......let's put that one down as an example of RM's objectivity.......still waiting on your credit card so I can spend your way out of debt.

    And if you haven't read Krugman's work or haven't heard him attempt to defend it against other economist over the last decade as he's had his ass kicked from this continent to the British Isles and now in Europe I suggest you read it and do some research before trying to debate with someone who has.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I'm pointing out that you made a mistake on Krugman's academic credentials based on your own bias. Do you understand English?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    If Trump would just keep his mouth shut it wouldn’t be a big deal, we haven’t been able to make a deal with the DPRK for over 50 years, it changes very little noI matter what administration is in the White House if he wasn’t such a braggart it wouldn’t be seen as a failure.
    I still want to see his school transcripts and his real medical report 235 pounds maybe if they only weighed his hair.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I thought they said something around 250 or 260.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^I’ll bet he’s at least 290-300 easy
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I just googled it.

    At 6'3" he is remarkably svelte.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    I do...do you.....You want to deflect by picking nits.......now and I say this with 8 years of history that is an Obama tactic used to the 100th degree....problem is I'm not an MSNBC/CNN employee.

    Inserting the word" Peace" seems to be the only thing you can hang your hat on at the moment.....

    Next comment?
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "You want to deflect by picking nits"
    Last comment.

    Imagine that you won the Nobel Prize in Economics (a field that requires hardcore analytical skills) and someone online states, instead, that your Nobel was a Peace Prize and worth less than toilet paper. You might be offended -- but most likely you would laugh at another right-wing nut who can't get their facts straight. And even worse, imagine the author is lecturing you about objectivity.

    You consider this nit-picking, and I don't. As I said, it's a pattern with you.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    So he's failing to make a deal the same way every President since Carter has.

    Wait, I thought he had a breakthrough months ago? Oops.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    To give Trump a little credit, Kim did say he was willing to denuclearize. Who knows what the conditions are, but that’s a huge move.

    To take away some credit for Trump (and I’m not usually one to clutch my pearls), saying that he believed Kim on the Otto Warmbier murder was despicable. I feel really badly Warmbier’s parents had to hear that.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Imagine that you won the Nobel Prize in Economics (a field that requires hardcore analytical skills) AND YET NONE AND I MEAN NONE OF HIS CONCLUSIONS STAND UP TO ANALYTICAL SKILL SCRUTINY and someone online states, instead, that your Nobel was a Peace Prize and worth less than toilet paper You might be offended -- but most likely you would laugh at another right-wing nut who can't get their facts straight. And even worse, imagine the author is lecturing you about objectivity.

    You consider this nit-picking, and I don't. As I said, it's a pattern with you.

    My last comment on this is very simple if you can move past the typical rhetoric and looking to duck and dive the meat of the discussion great. If not from here on out I'll let you be the professional upside down period and how low or high a "t" is crossed expert. Oddly this is what I have seen time and again with the far left. It must be the manual they pass out to you guys. Rule # ( pick a number) when you realize the person you are debating has facts and knowledge on their side grab on to a grammar or some miniscule error--and even if he acknowledges it --never let it go.

    When I was a political board moderator I only moderated--never participated, but certain trends were obvious.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    When the full story of the Trump presidency is written it will show that its remarkable for the amount of chaos and disasters, just the events of this week alone would be mind boggling for a year and it’s only one week out of two plus years that this guy has been president.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    +1 twentyfive............it's not that I am in love with Trump or much of what he says, tweets. or does........i just prefer him to what was the alternative as well as what I see coming out of Congress at the moment.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Can’t disagree about the alternatives but this amount of chaos is just terrible for our country. I wonder what it’s going to take for us to get back to normal, I sincerely hope it’s not going to be another event on the magnitude of 9/11, which I place blame for squarely on the Congress which was so preoccupied with Bill Clinton getting a blow job, that they neglected their obligations to protect us from that horror, the signs were all around and they ignored them, my fear is that the same thing is happening again, and true to form they are involved in this soap opera saga of The Presidential Apprentice.
  • AZFourTwenty
    6 years ago
    I would still like to give him the benefit of the doubt here. No one on this board knows exactly what was discussed.

    Kim Haircut has a taste for western civilization. Unlike his father, he was schooled and exposed to western culture in a much different environment than his father.

    He wants to be recognized as a great man and treated globally as an equal. IME he seriously wants to improve the lot of his people and be accepted.
    Trump is buttering him up, inflating his ego. Kim Haircut even answered reporters questions. Something he has never done in the past. He thought he could play the same games as his father over concessions. I am sure that he thought he had it in the bag, Trump was praising him. Then Trump comes in and says no. That has never happened to him before. How does he save face?

    The next meeting will be the telling one. I think Kim Haircut wants this more than Trump.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    But is it Trump or the butt-hurt Dems and libtard press digging into BS issues that are responsible for the chaos?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ You really want the truth, if you can't recognize Trump's part in all of this, I don't think you really care about the truth, I think you just want to continue your own narrative.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Oh, he is part of the problem too. Just within his administration.

    But open your eyes. There is a lot of drama over trivial nonsense brought about by the other side that is causing a lot of damage too.

    As soon as he was elected, before the inauguration they were calling for impeachment. How about the Mueller witch hunt.
  • AZFourTwenty
    6 years ago
    Trump has accomplished what others only talked about.
    1. NATO countries have contributed over $100 billion more for their defense than in the past.
    2. Mexico is finally stemming the flow of illegals into their country for their continued journey to the US.
    3. N Korea stopped testing nuclear warheads.
    The list goes on.

    The media just focuses on their own agenda with their distortions. Trump gets things done. The media and politicians like chaos. It takes the focus away from the fact they don't accomplish anything.

    Trump now needs to get on the soapbox and push for term limits and the line item veto.

    Trump's outbursts have to do with playing to his base, and his frustration over politicians not getting things done and placing party before country. I particularly liked it when he brought the media to his meeting with Schumer and Pelosi over shutting down the govt over the wall. It was very clear they didn't want to discuss their position in front of the media, as it would expose their bullshit.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    “I sincerely hope it’s not going to be another event on the magnitude of 9/11, which I place blame for squarely on the Congress which was so preoccupied with Bill Clinton getting a blow job, that they neglected their obligations to protect us from that horror,”

    Wait, what ? Time after time during the Clinton administration, the CIA and military failed to do anything about Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. The 9/11 commission documented all these missed opportunities. You think this is Congress’ fault ? You understand that the military and CIA is part of the executive branch, don’t you ?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I can't believe I agree with this Loser Leaf smoking loser.
  • AZFourTwenty
    6 years ago
    Very articulate Flag. Now you just need to sound less uneducated.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    The structure and institutions of the world were established following WW II. Other than the fall of the Soviet Union ( but continuance of Russian aggression ), little has changed.

    The UN. NATO. The World Trade Organization. The World Bank and IMF. These were all established to work in a world that no longer exists. After 75 years, they are sclerotic, ineffective bureaucracies.

    Past Presidents were content to ignore this mess. Trump is taking it on directly. Trade agreements that benefit the US. An attempt to end the Korean War. A refusal to give Europe a free ride on NATO. Sanctions on China in response to their aggression. A realignment in the Middle East with Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan as counterbalance to Iran. A realignment in Asia with India, Japan, South Korea, as counterbalance to China.

    Any one of these efforts could define a Presidency. Trump is trying to accomplish them all simultaneously.

    When his critics criticize him for chaos, what they really mean is he is addressing problems that have been ignored for decades.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    I'm going to pull in another topic and bring in the name of what consider the biggest failure as a president in the last 100 plus years--Carter.

    Carter did realign the Middle East--he basically cut the funding for the Shah of Iran and by doing so changed the face of terrorism, war, our involvement and not only in human life but money over the last 40 years.

    He basically allowed the playbook to be rewritten for how to deal with the US and larger countries overall for regimes.

    People gloss over his actions-they think he was a harmless peanut farmer dumbass that got attacked by a killer rabbit in a canoe and confessed to sin in his heart....but in reality he probably negatively impacted this country in ways most people never consider. So I disagree mark94--a lot changed.

    And I haven't touched on some of his other brilliant moves--and there are a few more--this one alone has been a disaster that keeps on giving year after year, decade after decade.

    The comment I always make about when someone judges Trump is are you looking at him differently because he is who he is....are you letting a biased media color your assessment? Because if you are --if you really can't see how we have arrived where we are today by using common sense instead of believing the costal liberal spin centers you pretty much need rethink your thought process.

    As for Trump--he's not a politician. Understood but he needs to understand he went into the hornets nest and while being a counterpuncher might be a good way to handle yourself outside the beltway it doesn't work as well, especially if you realize no matter what you say or do is going to be broadcast on the news through someone else's eyes.....stay the hell of social media.

    Build bridges, at least a minimum amount with the understanding people with common goals and common enemies make good partners in government.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Build bridges?

    Sounds good in theory, but you need willing participants. There is so much hatred and jealousy that successfully building a bridge would be nearly impossible whatever tactic he tries.

    The other side has to much invested in just wanting him to fail, even if it hurts their own agenda.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    Sometimes I am close to adding you to my extensive "Ignore List", then you come up with some brilliance like this...

    "I don't get it. I thought good leadership was setting conditions and then backing down when the conditions are not met."
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ so we agree that leadership comes from the top, if you’ll actually read what I wrote you’ll see it was an indictment of both parties. I hate to think that your heads are so far up your collective asses that you believe there isn’t blame to go around.
    @ Mark isn’t it the responsibility of congress to have oversight over the CIA and the Justice Department (FBI) like it or not that oversight was severely lacking which was a major contributing factor in the 9/11 attacks.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @ Warrenboy Carter was a disaster, but the events surrounding Iran are mistakes attributed to Henry Kissinger.
    Most historians agree that the seminal event that caused the realignment of the Middle East was ending the ongoing war between Iran and Iraq, Israel begged them to allow them to keep killing one another, but that was truly the seminal event that led to the current round of problems that still plague us today.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ ending the war between Iran and Iraq
    Got cut off somehow
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    May 23, 1979: Carter Issues Executive Order Allowing Warrantless Wiretapping of Foreign SourcesEdit event

    President Jimmy Carter issues Executive Order 12129, “Exercise of Certain Authority Respecting Electronic Surveillance,” which implements the executive branch details of the recently enacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) (see 1978). [JIMMY CARTER, 5/23/1979] The order is issued in response to the Iranian hostage crisis (see November 4, 1979-January 20, 1981). [HAWAII FREE PRESS, 12/28/2005] While many conservatives will later misconstrue the order as allowing warrantless wiretapping of US citizens in light of the December 2005 revelation of George W. Bush’s secret wiretapping authorization (see Early 2002), [THINK PROGRESS, 12/20/2005] the order does not do this. Section 1-101 of the order reads, “Pursuant to Section 102(a)(1) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1802(a)), the Attorney General is authorized to approve electronic surveillance to acquire foreign intelligence information without a court order, but only if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by that Section.” The Attorney General must certify under the law that any such warrantless surveillance must not contain “the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party.” The order does not authorize any warrantless wiretapping of a US citizen without a court warrant. [JIMMY CARTER, 5/23/1979; 50 U.S.C. 1802(A); THINK PROGRESS, 12/20/2005] The order authorizes the Attorney General to approve warrantless electronic surveillance to obtain foreign intelligence, if the Attorney General certifies that, according to FISA, the communications are exclusively between or among foreign powers, or the objective is to collect technical intelligence from property or premises under what is called the “open and exclusive” control of a foreign power. There must not be a “substantial likelihood” that such surveillance will obtain the contents of any communications involving a US citizen or business entity. [FEDERAL REGISTER, 2/4/2006]

    Entity Tags: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, George W. Bush, James Earl “Jimmy” Carter, Jr.

    Timeline Tags: Civil Liberties

    November 4, 1979-January 20, 1981: 52 American Hostages Captured in Tehran, Held for 444 DaysEdit event
    About 500 Iranian students take over the American Embassy in Tehran and hold 52 Americans hostage for 444 days. The Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) is one of the groups that supports the take-over. [US DEPARTMENT OF STATE, 4/30/2003; PBS, 1/15/2006]

    Entity Tags: People’s Mujahedin of Iran

    Timeline Tags: US confrontation with Iran, Iran-Contra Affair
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    There have been a lot of missteps when it comes to the Middle East and American politics......but you can direct line what Carter did to weaken the Shah and thus allow what would be the forefather to terrorism in Iran to gain power through prestige.

    The fact Carter was stunned and to this day still tries to deflect his part in this fiasco should surprise no one who was paying attention.

    Were there other players yes, but if you read enough and can add 2+2 ( if you believe in Krugman economic policies you get a pass on lacking knowledge and math skills-not directed at you twentyfive) it becomes obvious who the turned a bad situation into a complete cluster.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ I’m trying to understand your point, my point was much clearer, I’m not disputing your facts, I’m saying that the ability of Iran to create mischief was the result of the cessation of hostilities with Iraq, giving the Revolutionary Guard the means and ability to get the Ayatollah out of France and the money and manpower to overthrow the Shah.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ this happened a few years before Carter and the so called students were the building blocks of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago

    @WarrenBoy: "when you realize the person you are debating has facts and knowledge on their side grab on to a grammar or some miniscule error...blah,blah,blah"

    I skipped the discussion of Jimmy Carter since I would have been about 10-yrs-old when he took office.

    I would defend a conservative economist at U Chicago in the same way I've been defending Krugman. In Krugman's case he won the most important medal for a young researcher called the Bates Prize earlier in his career. Nobel prizes are awarded later for researchers who have demonstrated decades of important research and publications in peer-reviewed journals (reviewed by peers of all political stripes). Stating that Krugman "won the NPP, as worthless as toilet paper" is a smear -- not a grammar error -- and it makes you look petty and ridiculous. Stating that "none of his conclusions stand up to analytical skill scrutiny" makes you look like a crank. Nobody gets into the MIT economics department without hard-core analytical skills, much less a Nobel Prize winner.

    As far as liberals focusing on grammar errors instead of seeing what's important and seeing the big picture, I'll remind you that I choose the Krugman gaffe because it's obviously false. You read all sorts of goofy things on a site like this, for example,

    (1) Google intentionally modified their search engine to make Trump look like an idiot. (@Warrenboy)
    (2) Obama was born in Kenya (@SkiBum)
    (3) Obama is a Muslim (@Cashman)

    (4) Climate change is a hoax. (@Skibum)
    (5) Government lending to the poor caused a global financial meltdown (@WarrenBoy)
    (6) The banking crisis and the recession are unrelated ( @Warrior )

    Note that (1),(2),(3) are goofy and inconsequential whereas (4),(5),(6) are worth getting passionate about. Do you understand? Dismissing all my posts as grammar-nits is ridiculous. In our discussion of (5) you simply disappeared from the discussion.

    As far as big-picture issue what comes to mind is that the GOP doesn't really have anything to offer to poor, white, rural slobs who voted for Trump. The (mostly) imaginary threat of brown people coming across the border is what got Trump elected. So that's the "deflection" you should concentrate on.

    Discussing politics on a stripper site really is a waste of time. No?

    BTW, you spelled "minuscule" incorrectly.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Neither one nor five is accurate with what I said.

    If you don't know that more the pity--but I have a feeling you do.

    I realize this might be hard to believe but life does take precedent over this board and the time I spend here. Sometimes other contributions do a very good job of stating the correct answer. Do I need to write "ditto" for you to realize I read it a day or two later?
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