
Feeding on Nidan thread about extras and non-extras clubb

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Thursday, March 7, 2019 5:08 AM
I don’t want to tell anyone that they are having fun wrong so please indulge my curiosity, do you ever hit a club thinking you know what you want out of a particular visit, or even a specific dancer, and after you get there see a different dancer and change it up, or dismiss a girl that you’d usually hang with for a different girl that just piques your interest.


  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Lol. Absolutely! I received my first Extras (BJ that lead to FS) from a hot AA gal who is a 9/10. We swapped numbers. Got extras 3 times now from her. She has texted for OTC and SC visit times. She always has an excuse of “my car is broke down; I need $300 to fix it so I can come to Club” or any number of excuses. That being said, this site informed me of the “SS” that PLs frequently get sucked into. I almost sprung for those repairs, but this site saved me. Now, if she is not at the SC when she texts me stating that she will be there, I waste no time finding another. Happened 2 weeks ago. Found a hot little white gal who actually hopped all over me with the same level of extras. I have learned to remove the emotional attachment from these interactions. My emotional attachment is equal to their emotional attachment... fantasy and fake while in the moment so that I can have fun in the moment.
  • George123789
    5 years ago
    Oh you are so right. This hobby is all about the fantasy and nothing else. Girls who are most fun and successful are great at creating as well as maintaining the fantasy over time. When you forget this hobby is that fantasy you will mess up your financials or real life relationships in a blink. I believe everyone looks for favorites when they go into a club because of the Fantasy - that’s fine. I have been going to the Geisha House in Madison whenever I am in the area this Winter and I had this exact thing happen. I visited recently and the only girl available was Tiffany (I had seen her previously and enjoyed myself a lot) for the next half hour or so. She came out and visited me, claimed to remember me and said I should wait for another girl named A..... because she would be a lot of fun, enjoys being serviced orally a lot and so on. Well, I was ok with going with Tiffany but thanked her and sat around waiting for A.... I am so glad I did, she is about 5’4” maybe #115, tight abs, an ass to die for, is sort of submissive and she melts into a hug.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I just show up when I get the urge. never go to see anyone specific. I run my life that way in all areas. We're skiing colorado in 3 weeks and we have no idea where. Have plane reservations and car. The day we leave I will begin to look and see where the snow is best and where I feel like going.
  • JohnTitor
    5 years ago
    Yes, will switch it up. I'm willing to swerve wherever my boner tells me to go.
  • Warrenboy75
    5 years ago
    For the most part I go with no set agenda with the exception of a budget I want to spend. Very rare in the last few years for me to make an appointment with a dancer before I show up to the club. Part of it might be because I use SA as well and the clubs fill in the open spaces I have with travel. I'm not one to sit in a hotel room and watch TV at night and if I don't have something else lined up a club is one place I can end up.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    What are these "non-extras clubs" of which you speak?
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    ^^^lol Jack @25 All the time. It’s what keeps me coming back and interested
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    extra whipped cream on my fruit cup please.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ that’s Flagooner’s call. ;)
  • joesmama69
    5 years ago
    No whip creme for flagoonee. He has been a bad boy
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I usually visit extras clubs to get extras and when I'm not getting extras I'm gathering Intel on who offers what and for how much.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ I very rarely partake in extras in the club, I’m more about OTC, but my judgement can sometimes be clouded by alcohol;) This thread came about because the other night I was sitting in a club with a girl that I have been regular with, and another girl that I had never seen before was there at the same time, that turned me on more than the one I was sitting with, I tipped the one I was with originally and sent her off and grabbed the new one and spent the rest of my evening with the second one, she was hotter than the first one and the first one was an 8 easy.
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    Not often, but sometimes. A good chunk of my SC visits are basically appointments. One way or another, she and I have agreed to be at the club at the same time & do our thing together. We usually only commit a couple hours in advance, so cancellations are rare. Likewise, we both know what were likely yo do/not do so there isn't much changing of what's gonna happen. I've never ditched on a girl I've made an appointment to go see. I've never had a situation where there was a girl who was much hotter than her there either. If that did happen, I may be tempted to change my plans Other visits aren't appointments and are more spur of the moment and without any sort of appointment, but maybe still some idea in my head of what that visit will entail. It's pretty often that the idea of what I was going to do doesn't match what I actually do who or I thought I would do it with.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    The excitement of finding the next one was main my motivation and then I found a CF but I still find it exciting to find a new one (just not always looking for a new one).
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I go to clubs to get away from real life. Last night I drank with one dancer at desires, but even though we do rooms, I wasn't super hyped for one, so when one of her really good customers showed up I encouraged her to go earn, finished my beer and went to Rhode Island Dolls. Non-extra laps with a 21 yr old redhead spinner put me on track to work the next 14 days in a row so we can go skiing.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @Dolfan I’ll tell you something a girl who was a bartender told me a few years back, she said to me strip clubs are where guys are supposed to go to be guys, but I think most guys are pussies and easily intimidated by girls in their underwear. BTW you know the girl I’m talking about if you’re curious pm me I’ll tell you who.
  • Assmanjoe
    5 years ago
    @25 i like that quote and im sure I would have liked that bartender! with respect to original post - sometimes i have a girl in mind but i mostly just follow my dick. SCing is more of an art than a science so to micromanage it really takes the fun away, i think. went last weekend hoping to see a girl who i got great dances from maybe two months ago and to up the ante with her. i had a general game plan and she was there but she never came to sit with me or chat even though she clearly remembered me and i tipped her. out walks a new natural fat booty brazilian and i immediately switched the plan of attack to the new chick - great decision. My game plan was out the window within 30 minutes, i went way over budget (had to sketch off to an ATM) but had a much better time with the new girl, learned some portuguese and am working on otc with her. also original girl was all salty when she saw me outside with the new one - "congratulations...you played yourself"
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    There are guys from whom their fave walks on water and they pretty-much don't have eyes for anyone else. Other than that I would assume it's not rare to be engaged with a dancer one likes and then see another dancer one wants more - I'm not a fave type PL thus will rarely go to a club for a specific dancer (although it happens occasionally), nor do I go to a club looking for the one dancer to spend the bulk of my time with - but have def been many times I've been engaged with a dancer and then seen another dancer I much prefer to be with - since I don't look to stick with any one dancer on a visit, I will usually just finish the dances with the dancer I'm with and try to get with the other dancer I want more.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ what does that have to do with this discussion, you want to make a smartass quip or snarky remark have at it, don’t post a wall of off topic nonsense.
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