
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 35)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Food at the SC....
    I eat at the clubs I frequent but I tend to stay away from the dives.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    twentyfive---I think it is going to come down to the first quarter. Either Boston has been getting off to great starts or Cleveland is sleep walking in Q1 but if the Cavs are even after Q1 they have more than a fighting chance. Game 7 is where experience plays the largest role during the playoffs. I don't know how the game appeared on TV but you could see the frustration mounting with the Celtic coaching staff ( actually we could hear it) but you could also see the Cavs were getting winded about halfway through the fourth quarter. And the officiating was awful--everyone, including a few Celtic fans that were near us, could not believe what they were getting away with on holding, and pushing off.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    10s When and Where’s The Last Time You Saw One?
    One man's 10 is another guys 8......too many variables from the color of their eyes, hair, height, and quite frankly if you are a leg and ass man or a guy who likes 38ddds. The last place I saw women that were attractive enough to stand out in a room full of attractive women was a few weeks back in Las Vegas and more specifically at the Encore Hotel pool which is also a topless or Euro style pool.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    I went to the game last night and had very good seats......the Celtics got way past the point of physical and for whatever the reason fouls were not being called. You see a lot that I never noticed even on TV when you are right on the court. I think the strategy is Boston knows they are the younger and deeper team and the constant beating wears down an older team. Truthfully had I been JR or Kyle last night I probably would have gotten myself thrown out of the game by slugging someone in retaliation.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do Club Owners/Managers read their club reviews?
    The members of this board probably do not total 5% of the population of people who frequent strip clubs. Additionally we are not the target market by any sense of the imagination. (especially of the dancers) Nor are we the typical client. With Founder ( and Vegas if he really is there) it's even worse as overall the clubs target the out of town guys coming to spend whatever money they can that is burning a hole in their pockets before they go back home to a regular day to day life. Those clubs could and do care less than even the rest of the USA which probably doesn't care what we think in the slightest. Probably the only reason they care ( if they do at all) is if and when someone puts to print something illegal is going on in the club.....then and only then you might have a club owners attention.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why do dancers come to a club to just sit
    There are guys that pay for the girls to sit with them......I've seen it in clubs from NJ to IN and the oddity more times than not it isn't the better looking women that do it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    strip club drinks...
    Warm weather Tanq and Tonic Cold weather Scotch on the rocks, preferably Oban.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    My atf/sugar baby
    "A lowlife BF will usually bring additional drama to a dancer's life which can likely negatively-affect one's "relationship" w/ her" ...but only if she is a water sign with Venus rising.........and other such stripper wisdom tips that are offered when they try to explain their bad decisions to you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do Club Owners/Managers read their club reviews?
    I had a conversation with the manager of a club last night. Down to earth guy ( which is rare) and I know the dancers and waitress staff both have caused him to age a decade in the last couple of years. For the most part you have adults in body and years on this planet but are still somewhere acting and using rational 10-12 year olds use. I'll repeat what I have posted before if you really want to know what goes on in a club sit at the bar, talk to the bartender if he is a male and you'll hear more than you need or want to know.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    Houston is better than what they get credit for. I still feel whomever wins the West is going to win the championship. Doesn't stop me from rooting for the Cavs and they already went further than I thought they could this year. I have tickets to the game Friday in Cleveland.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Austin, TX
    out of topic: where do you guys find escort
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Uh oh, not another dating strippers thread!
    Bj99 will tell you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WZLgBJ_1ss :-)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Why I love SA... but why it's nonetheless probably not good for me
    In BH's defense sometimes the more in need a girl is on SA the more they want to believe they have found a white knight.......so their hope translates to text messages and signals they want you to be a source of income, comfort, and father figure all rolled into one. There are also women on SA that are very subtle manipulators just as there are in the civilian world. Sometimes you can pick up on it in the ad/profile by the wording, often if not it comes across on the first or second meeting and then you have a decision to make. I am very up front and have been from day one when I started using SA. I start with a per meeting arrangement and if I feel comfortable enough it moves to a monthly amount or I let them know they can call me if something does come up ( depending on the women it will) This is my own level of comfort but if I am seeing someone for 3 months and everything is going as I hope and we seem to have a good understanding I start to relax a bit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Why I love SA... but why it's nonetheless probably not good for me
    "hear" (damn auto correct)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Why I love SA... but why it's nonetheless probably not good for me
    If you here almost every time you are not like the guys I meet on here chances are you are acting the right way and you are going to benefit from being legit. The only thing I would say in regards to your recent spree is the same thing I have cautioned guys regardless if they are using escorts, strippers, or SA girls--only use money you don't need and can afford to give away without impacting your lifestyle. I lived by that rule my entire life with one notable exception and it was a reminder and lesson well learned. The reason I repeat with my one SB is she's that good and very low maintenance, and attractive. I haven't been to a club in her area for months now---and she has never said anything but she did close her account. I still see other women when I am in DC or Philadelphia for work but I am upfront with all of them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Strippers vs escorts
    For me it is much simpler or at least through the years it has been--with escorts it is a planned meeting. I've had a lot of fun with some very attractive women that were escorts and more than a handful of them started as strippers before they moved into escorting as their source of income. With going to a strip club it is normally a same day or even spur of the moment event for me. SA has replaced seeing escorts over the past three-four years but again unless you have someone you are seeing as on a regular basis and you live in the same area it isn't as spontaneous as going to a club.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How is SA after SESTA / FOSTA
    It depends what you are looking for (and what she is as well). Most of the time it is for an evening and I cut it short around 11:30 PM till Midnight. If someone is quoting you prices on the site and they are per hour you have a pro on your hands (and not a very smart one at that) First meetings I should add you shouldn't expect physical contact--it happens but don't expect it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    If more civilian women gave you attention, would SCing still be a hobby?
    Okay as an example about last night...... I attended a charity function and went alone mostly because if it was boring I wanted to be able to leave early. Because I was there alone I had people introducing me to what seemed to be every single woman in attendance. Their ages ranged from mid-30's to what I am guessing early 50's. All of them were married, divorced, kids........one or two were attractive physically but that is where it stopped. Very little in common in terms of interest, life experiences, or future goals. ( actually I think one's entire future goal was to meet a guy at the event) Time is to me the most important asset I have in life (more so than money by far) and I can't see myself settling and investing my time with any of them. If it sounds unfair or egotistical then I am both.....but I know what keeps me happy and what it takes for me not to become bored and I didn't see it in the female civilian population last night.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How is SA after SESTA / FOSTA
    If your area is Northern Virginia 300-500 and I would keep any talks about compensation off the site. It actually was good policy to do so even before Sesta............
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Looking for a girlfriend in the strip club
    What could possibly go wrong > it will last more than a week..........:--)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Looking for a girlfriend in the strip club
    strippers perspective.....not the rappers......and it feeds the beast of social media beast. Most strippers follow these four. On a different note being a musician these days isn't the same as it was even 20 years ago......soundcloud, computerized music, the Internet it you can stand, move your hand and "be bad/mad/sad/" at the same time........someone somewhere is going to buy your "brand" on line.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Looking for a girlfriend in the strip club
    try this again...@ larryfisherman you just hit on the 1/10th of the 1/10th of the 1%. and I'll point a few things out.... It doesn't mean the rappers look at the relationship the same way......most of the press( if you want to call it that) comes from the st
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Looking for a girlfriend in the strip club
    try this again...@ larryfisherman you just hit on the 1/10th of the 1/10th of the 1%. and I'll point a few things out.... It doesn't mean the rappers look at the relationship the same way......most of the press( if you want to call it that) comes from the st
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Looking for a girlfriend in the strip club
    larryfisherman @Warrenboy- not exclusively, but a lot of rappers date strippers. Blac Chyna, Amber Rose, Cardi B, Cyn Santana come to mind. larry you just hit th
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    She called me her bf!
    Max if she starts buying dances for you from the other girls than you know you went into BF territory....... At the end of the day enjoy the situation for what it is and when the air gets a little thin and it gets harder to breath take a step back and assess.